New England Exit Renumbering Central

Exit Renumbering Projects in New England (Updated 3/19/25)

Massachusetts announced on November 18, 2019 that it would start converting its exits to a milepost-based system in the late summer of 2020, later moved to the fall.  A project that was to have started in 2016 but was postponed. Work started on October 18, 2020 and was finished when the last two routes to be renumbered, I-395 and I-290, were completed on August 20, 2021. Meanwhile, progress in other New England states has varied. Rhode Island completed the renumbering of all its highways, with the completion of I-95, in early November 2022. Connecticut has a plan to slowly convert by 2030, renumbering exits only during sign replacement projects. In northern New England, Maine converted way back in 2004. Vermont has gone partially milepost based, with the establishment of 'Milepoint' signs on its exits, a full conversion probably won't happen until the 2030s. New Hampshire will probably not see any change in exit numbers as long as its current governor holds office. This site aims to summarize information, by state, of progress made, or planned in exit renumbering. Links to Connecticut Routes:

Jump to CT 15 News, (9/6/24)

Go to CT 2 Photos, (NEW PAGE 2/6/25)

Go to CT 8 Photos, courtesy of Jay Hogan (10/20/24)

Jump to CT 25 Photos (10/15/24)

Jump to I-291 Sign Plans, (2/23/24)

Jump to CT 3 Photos (10/15/24)

Jump to I-384/US 6 Photos (10/15/24)

Jump to Photos for CT I-691/CT 66, (11/7/23)

Jump to CT 9 Photos (8/25/24)

Jump to CT 72 Photos (5/14/23)

In Connecticut the move to milepost based exits will be gradual, possible taking more than a decade. Exit numbers will be changed only after new exit signs are up along an entire stretch of roadway (with recent exceptions, see below). So far, as of January 2025, projects related to I-395, I-384, I-691, US 6, CT 2, 2A, 9, 17, 25, 66 and 72 have have been completed, CT 2 being the last with the exit numbers changed in February 2025, after most of the signs were updated. More typical have been projects advertised earlier, such as for CT 9. The first sign replacement project was advertised on August 7, 2019 to update signs north of Middletown, but since signs along the rest of CT 9 still had yet to be replaced, that route's exit numbers did not change during that project. Number changes would have to wait for the second CT 9 contract from Middletown to Old Saybrook which was advertised on August 12, 2020 (see below). Work on upgrading signage and exit renumbering started on CT 9 (as well as CT 72) late in 2020 but the project was not completed until early 2023. Here's the latest news article about the state's plans published on May 21, 2023. I-291 and CT 15 are the latest major routes scheduled to have their exits renumbered by the end of 2025. I-95 is to be the last route in the exit renumbering project, work now to start in 2028. 

Latest Exit Renumbering News (Updated 3/19/25)

CTDOT on March 17, 2025 announced exit renumbering on I-291 will start on March 30. Meanwhile, exit renumbering on CT 2 between Hartford and Norwich, along with any remaining exit changes of CT 3, 11 and 17, that started on around January 7, 2025, was completed. The CTDOT Exit Renumbering FAQ indicating exit renumbering on CT 15 will take place later in 2025, see details below.

On May 8, 2024 CTDOT advertised the Fall 2024 sign replacement project on the Wilbur Cross Parkway, CT 15. Exit renumbering would be a part of this project on that highway and also along the Merritt Parkway to the New York state line. The release included sign plans and a revised list of proposed new milepost exit numbers in the north and southbound directions. Some of the most interesting information from the list is that the last exit southbound, whose two ramps are split between CT and NY and have had different numbers, will now have a NY based number, 19B. The numbers for the former US 7/Main Avenue exits in Norwalk that are currently 40 A/B in both directions are proposed to be 17B and C heading north but 17A and B going south. The CT 25 exit is proposed to be 32 heading north but 32A southbound. The CT 8 exit will be 34. The last Merritt exit, for the To I-95/Milford Parkway will be 37. On the Wilbur Cross, the CT 10 exit is proposed to be 50, US 5 Exit 61 and I-91 64A headed north but Exits 64B/65 headed south. The exits that currently have numbers north of the Berlin Turnpike were not on the list. Check out the full list of original new exit numbers in the Press Release. Though work is scheduled started on September 9, exit number changes probably won't appear until 2025 or 2026, see the sign plans posted below.

Back in June 2022, CTDOT launched a webpage on its traffic engineering site for Exit Renumbering. The site contains a map showing the new exit numbers for projects underway, or soon to be underway at that time: CT 8, CT 9, CT 17, CT 72 and CT 571. The page also has a link to a FAQ document which lists a new completion year schedule for exit renumbering, this one including CT 15. The site was updated in March 2023 to include new exit numbers for CT 25. The latest version was updated in December 2024, several of the projects have been moved up, most notably I-84 by 2 years and I-95 by 1, however the dates, despite being listed as for completion, are more likely for the start of construction:

- CT-9: Completed 2023 [Renumbering was complete as of 8/31/23]

- I-691: Completed 2023 [Exit renumbering was completed on April 24, 2023. The list of new exit numbers is available above. Unlike the other contracts, signs still needed to be replaced. Most of the signs had been placed by late October. See photos above and Jay Hogan's Flickr page for latest sign images. Renumbering of exit numbers for CT 66 portion east of I-91 was also completed as part of this work.]

- CT-2: Completed 2025 Work to renumber exits started on January 7, 2025 and was completed in early February.

- CT-8: 2024 Completed 2024 [Exit renumbering began on September 8 and concluded by the end of the month, except for exit tabs for new numbered exits for I-95 (SB) and CT 25 (northbound). The project also included exit renumbering on CT 25, which was completed around the same time, see photos below.]

- I-291: (Currently in Construction -- State Project 0171-0481) [Contract advertised 12/20/23. New numbers are to be CT 218 Exit 1B, I-91 Exits 1 A/C, CT 159-Exit 1D, US 5-Exit 2, Tolland Parkway-Exit 5C, I-84 Exits 5 A/B. Work to start March 30, 2025 [See Sign plans below]

- CT 15: (Currently in Construction -- State Project 0083-0271) CTDOT announced in March 2024 that the exit renumbering portion of the project will either start in December 2024 or January 2025 and take 2 weeks to complete, However a newspaper article published just prior to the start of the project in September 2024 indicated work would not be completed until July 2026, the late 2024 date may be for only exit renumbering of the existing signs. CTDOT FAQ page was revised in December 2024 to indicate project would be completed in 2025.]

- CT 25: Completed. [Exit renumbering took place as part of the CT 8 exit renumbering, starting on September 8, 2024 and ending 2 weeks later.]

- I-384: Completed. Work started on September 22, 2024 (Contract advertised 8/23/23) CTDOT announced on September 6, 2024 that sign replacement on I-384 and US 6 would begin on September 22. Work would include exit renumbering. The project scheduled completion date is October 6, 2025. However, exit renumbering was mostly completed in October prior to any sign work, see photos below. US 6 would receive milepost exit numbers (89 for the CT 32 exit and 91 for the CT 195 exit) as part of the contract. The I-384 proposed exits are: 1 Spencer St (1A for I-84, 1B for Spenser Street/ Silver Lane WB), 3 Keeny Street, 4 CT 83, 5 Highland Street and 7 CT 85 (EB).

- I-84: 2026 [Project to be advertised in January 2026]

- I-91: 2027

- I-95: 2028

The FAQ site also goes into details on how the new numbers will be determined:

Exit numbers will be determined based on the mileage contained in the CTDOT Linear Referencing System. Mileage typically runs from south to north and west to east.
- No Exit 0
- Mileage 0.00 – 1.49 = Exit 1
- Mileage 1.50 – 2.99 = Exit 2
- Mileage 3.00 – 3.99 and beyond.
+ Round down to the nearest whole mile
- In some cases, the CTDOT may round up or down to the next nearest whole mile to reduce
suffix letters or utilize the existing exit number.
- Splits on off-ramps will not be designated as separate numbers/suffix letters.


CT 15 shield by Wikimedia

In May 2024 CTDOT released plans for the sign replacement project on CT 15 along the Wilbur Cross Parkway. The sign plans had new milepost based numbers. The plans also include exit renumbering of the Merritt Parkway, but the only plans were for the general set up of the new exit numbers and the old exit number signs.  For the Merritt, the old exit numbers will be listed on green signs matching the style of the exit signs, as shown in these plans for ground mounted and overhead signage:

Image of signing plan for CT 15 ground mounted sign exit renumbering on the Merritt Parkway, CTDOT May 2024  Image of signing plan for overhead signage for exit renumbering on the CT 15 Merritt Parkway, CTDOT May 2024

For the Wilbur Cross, the Old Exit signs will be yellow, matching those put up on other routes in the state (signs are from I-384):

Image of signing plan for exit renumbering of ground mounted signs on CT 15/Cross Parkway, CTDOT May 2024  Image of signing plan for overhead signage for exit renumbering of overhead signs on Cross Parkway, CTDOT May 2024

The plans also included a Feb. 23 revised list of new exit numbers. Checking this against the original list from last fall though, it doesn't appear any of the exit numbers were changed:

Image of List of upcoming milepost based exit numbers for CT 15, CTDOT May 2024

The project is to start on September 9, 2024. Work is to be completed by July 2026. It is not known whether the exit renumbering will wait until all the signs are replaced on the Wilbur Cross Parkway, or whether exits will be renumbered at least on the Merritt Parkway before  then. Here are examples of the sign plans for the Wilbur Cross Parkway segment of CT 15, heading north. New exit numbers run from 37 for the To I-95/US 1 Milford Parkway to Exit 62 for the CTDOT Maintenance facility in Meriden (apparently the signs at the end of the parkway for the I-91/CT 15 exits (64 A/B) are not being replaced, but receiving only new exit number overlays):

sign plan image for Exits 37 and 38 overhead signs at the start of the Wilbur Cross Parkway, CTDOT May 2024  Sign plan imaged for overhead sign for Exits 38A and B on CT 15 Wilbur Cross Parkway, CTDOT, May 2024

Plan image of new Exit 41 sign on CT 15 North in Orange, CTDOT May 2024     Sign plab image of overhead advance signs for CT 34 exits with new milepost based numbers on CT 15 South in Derby, CTDOT May 2024

Sign plan image of 1 Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for CT 69/63 exit on CT 15 North, CTDOT May 2024          Sign plan image of new 1 mile advance sign with new milepost exit number for CT 1 exit on CT 15 North in Hamden, CTDOT May 2024

Sign plan image of new 1 Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number on CT 15 North in Hamden, CTDOT May 2024    Sign plan image of new 1 Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for Dixwell Avenue exit on CT 15 North in Hamden, CTDOT May 2024

Sign plan image for new 1 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for CT 22 exit on CT 15 South in North Haven, CTDOT May 2024   Sign plan image of new overhead advance signs with new milepost based exit numbers for Wallingford and CT 150 exits on CT 15 South, CTDOT May 2024

Sign plan image of new 1 1/4 Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for US 5 exit on CT 15 North in Meriden, CTDOT May 2024       Sign plan image for new exit sign with new milepost based exit number for CTDOT Maintenance Facility exit on CT 15 North in Meriden, CTDOT May 2024
I-291 shield image from Wikimedia

In February 2024 CTDOT advertised the upcoming sign replacement project for I-291 north of Hartford. This will involve renumbering the exits as well.

Here are some of the sign plans for I-291, showing new exit numbers, going from west to east along the 5 mile route:

Sign plan image of new milepost based exit number advance overhead signs for I-91 and CT 159 exits on I-291 West, CTDOT, February 2024 Sign plan image for milepost exit number overhead signage for I-91 and CT 218 exits on I-291 West, CTDOT, February 2024
Plan image of new milepost based exit number overhead ramp signage for I-91 South and CT 218 exits at end of I-291 West, CTDOT, February 2024 Plan image of new milepost exit number 1 mile advance sign for US 5 exit on I-291 East, CTDOT, February 2024

Plan image of new milepost based exit number overhead ramp sign for US 5 exit on I-291 East, CTDOT, February 2024   Plan image of new milepost based exit number overhead ramp sign for Tolland Turnpike exit on I-291 East, CTDOT, February 2024

Sign plan image for new milepost based exit number 2 miles advance sign for I-84 exits on I-291 East, CTDOT, February 2024   Plan image for new milepost based exit number overhead ramp signs for I-84 exits at end of I-291 East, CTDOT, February 2024


CT 2 shield image from Wikimedia

On August 21, 2020 CTDOT issued a press release regarding its next round of sign replacements and exit renumbering that would start in 2022 involving CT 2, CT 3, CT 11 and CT 17. The new exit number lists provided in the press release indicated that CT 11 would be renumbered based on completion of that highway to I-95, a project that has been proposed and fought for years, with no sign of eventual construction. In August 2021 ConnDOT posted an advertisement for a contract let on September 8 and released files which contained sign plans showing the new numbers, sign plans posted for each route below any photos. Work began on the project in 2021 with new signs seen on all the routes by 2023. The new signs will have their future exit numbers covered up until all signs are put up for that route.

New exit numbers still hidden throughout 2024. CT announced in January 2025 that would take place over the next month to unveil the new exit numbers on CT 2 and CT 11 and complete the exit number installation on CT 3 and 17. 

For the latest new exit number photos, check out The CT 2 Photo Gallery

CT 3 shield image from Wikimedia

New signs were reported placed northbound along this route in 2022 with the new exit numbers (the original signs had no numbers) covered over on the new sign's exit tabs. The new numbers were later revealed during the summer of 2024 along CT 3 North. The southbound signs in Wethersfield were not replaced until November 2024. Here are a few photos taken on CT 3 North on October 12 and CT 3 South on November 8, 2024 by Jay Hogan. The full set can be found on his CT 3 Flickr Gallery:

CT 3 South

Image of recently placed 1/4 Mile overhead sign for Glastonbury exit with new milepost 
	   based exit number on CT 3 South in Glastonbury, by Jay Hogan, November 2024

The 1/4 Mile advance sign with Exit 11 tab.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for I-91 South exit with new milepost 
	   based exit number on CT 3 South in Glastonbury, by Jay Hogan, November 2024

The new overhead exit sign with Exit 11A tab.

CT 3 North

Image of recently placed 3/4 Mile overhead sign for I-91 exit with new milepost based exit number 
      on CT 3 North in Wethersfield, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1/4 Mile advance sign now with uncovered Exit 11 tab.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for I-91 exit with new milepost based exit number 
          on CT 3 North in Wethersfield, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1/4 Mile advance sign now with uncovered Exit 11 tab.

CT 2 / Main Street exits

Image of recently placed overhead advance signs for CT 2/Glastonbury exits with new milepost based 
      exit numbers on CT 3 North in Glastonbury, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The advance signs approaching the northern end of CT 3 now all have Exit 13 and letter tabs. The Main Street exit is now just Glastonbury.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp signs for CT 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on 
      CT 3 North in Wethersfield, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The overhead ramp signs at the split for CT 2 West or East.

SIGN PLANS [For all placed as of November 2024.]

Image of ConnDOT sign plan for 1 1/4 Miles advance sign for I-91 South on CT 3 South to be placed in 2022   Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1 mile advance for I-91 South on CT 3 South for placement in 2022

Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1 mile advance for Glastonbury on CT 3 North for placement in 2022   Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1 mile advance for CT 2 West on CT 3 North to be placed in 2022

Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1 mile advance for CT 2 East on CT 3 North to be placed in 2022   Image of ConnDOT sign plan for CT 3 South ramp sign to be placed in 2022

Connecticut 11 shield image from Wikimedia

New signs appeared in the spring of 2023, according to a poster to the AARoads Forum on May 12, 2023. The new signs though had the future exit numbers covered up. The new numbers were not uncovered until January 2025. Here are some photos taken by Jay Hogan on January 19 and 26:

Old EXIT 6

Image of recently placed ground mounted ramp sign for CT 85/CT 354 exit with new 
	milepost based exit number on CT 11 South in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The renumbered exit sign for CT 85/354 on CT 11 South.

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance sign for CT 2 East exit, different route, with new 
	milepost based exit number on CT 11 North in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The 1 Mile advance for CT 2 East, which gets the new exit number, different route though than heading south, and a simpler pull through sign for CT 2 West on CT 11 North.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for CT 2 East exit with new 
	milepost based exit number at end of CT 11 North in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The renumbered exit sign for CT 2 East, at the end of CT 11 North.

Old EXIT 5

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance sign for Witch Meadow Road exit with new 
	milepost based exit number on CT 11 South in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The 1 Mile advance for Witch Meadow Road on CT 11 South.

Image of recently placed gore sign for Witch Meadow Road exit with new 
	milepost based exit number and Old Exit 5 sign below on CT 11 South in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The gore sign for Witch Meadow Road on CT 11 South with Old Exit 5 with Old Exit 5 sign below.

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance sign for Witch Meadow Road exit with new 
	milepost based exit number on CT 11 South in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The 1 Mile advance for Witch Meadow Road on CT 11 North with Old Exit 5 sign beyond.

Image of recently placed ramp sign for Witch Meadow Road exit with new 
	milepost based exit number on CT 11 North in Colchester, by Jay Hogan, January 2025

The 1 exit sign for Witch Meadow Road.

Old EXIT 4

Coming Soon


Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1 mile advance for Witch Meadow Road on CT 11 North to be placed in 2022   Image of ConnDOT sign plan of exit sign for To East CT 2 on CT 11 North to be 
		  placed in 2022

Connecticut 17 shield image from Wikimedia

As with CT 3 and CT 11, new signs with covered up exit tabs were placed along the short expressway portion of the route south of CT in 2023. Signs on CT 17 South in Glastonbury have since had their numbers uncovered, photos by Jay Hogan, October 20, 2024:

Image of new 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for Glastonbury Center exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 17 South, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The Glastonbury Center exit is now Exit 35. The New London Turnpike exit has no number, though was supposed to be Exit 36, see sign plans below.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Hubbard Street exit with new milepost based exit number
        at ramp for Glastonbury exit on CT 17 South, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The overhead signs at the Glastonbury Center exit, the Hubbard Street exit now Exit 34.

Here are some earlier images from December 2023 on CT 17 North taken from screen grabs from Google Maps Street View. A video taken in late September 2024 showed that the exit tabs in this direction were still covered over:

Image of gore sign for the Hubbard Street exit with new milepost based exit number uncovered
      on CT 17 North in Glastonbury, Google Maps Street View, December 2023

As mentioned with CT 3 above, the new exit number gore signs here are not covered up, here heading north in Glastonbury.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Hubbard Street exit with new milepost based exit number 
      covered over on CT 17 South in Glastonbury, Google Maps Street View, December 2023

The new exit number is covered up on the sign heading south.

Image of new gore sign with new milepost based exit number for Hubbard Street exit not covered over
      on CT 17 South in Glastonbury, Google Maps Street View, December 2023

However, like northbound the new exit number is not covered up on the gore sign.

Image of 1 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number covered up on CT 17 South in 
      Glastonbury, Google Maps Street View, December 2023

The new 3/4 Mile advance sign for Glastonbury Center with the future exit number (35) covered.


Image of ConnDOT plan of 1/2 mile advance for Hubbard Street on CT 17 South to be placed in 2022   Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 3/4 mile advance sign for Glastonbury Center on CT 17 North to be placed in 2022

Image of ConnDOT sign plan of 1/4 mile advance for New London Turnpike on CT 17 South for placement in 2022

CT 8 shield from Wikimedia

UPDATE 10/15/24 CTDOT issued a press release indicating the renumbering of all exits on CT 8 and CT 25 would start on Sunday night, September 8. The work would take 2 weeks to complete. As of September 30, however, no announcement has been made that work has concluded. A post in AARoads Forum on October 11 indicated all the exit numbers had been changed, only the tabs for exits previously unnumbered, I-95 southbound and CT 25 northbound, had not been completed. In 2021 CTDOT issued a press released indicating work on the remaining sign replacements along CT 8 and exit renumbering will occur at the end of 2022. The release also had a list of tentative exit numbers, which included Exit 3 NB for the CT 25 split in New Haven, Exit 6 for the Merritt Parkway SB and 30A and B for the I-84 Mixmaster interchange. The sign plans were made available when the contract was advertised on July 20, 2022 with the project to start on November 2022. Work was to take 2 years with the exit renumbering, presumably taking place after the remaining sign updates. In June 2024 CTDOT issued a press release that exit renumbering would start on July 8 as part of the final sign replacement contract for CT 8 from Ansonia to Winchester. However, there has been no progress as of August 2024, at least from Waterbury northward. The 2022 plans did not have, as was expected, additional exit renumbering plans for CT 25 (see below).

Photos of the new exit numbers can be found HERE and on the CT 8 Flickr Gallery of Jay Hogan.

Here's a sampling of some of the plans, heading north from I-95, which, unlike at present, will have exit numbers:

CTDOT plan images for exit numbers for I-95 and South End exits on CT 8 South in Bridgeport, July 2022    CTDOT sign plan image of new signage and exit number for CT 25 exit on CT 8 north in Bridgeport, July 2022

The plan for the northbound CT 25 exit also includes an exit number, 3, currently there is none. This led to speculation that CT 25 was to be truncated to this exit instead of its currently running concurrently with CT 8 to I-95. This turned out not to be true based on the publishing in April 2023 of the future exit numbers for CT 25 (see below). Heading further north to Waterbury...

CTDOT plan image of exit renumbering on CT 8 in Bridge;port for new Exits 2 A and B,  July 2022

CTDOT sign plan images of exit renumbering of Exits 2 to 5 on CT 8 South in Bridgeport, July 2022

CTDOT plan images for exit renumbering on CT 8 North for new exits 5 and 6, July 2022CTDOT plan images for exit renumbering on signs along CT 8 North for new exits 7 to 9, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan image for Bridgeport Ave/Constitution Blvd exit on CT 8 North, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering of CT 110 and CT 34 exits on CT 8 South in Bridgeport, July 2022CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering of Division Street, Seymour Avenue and Pershing Drive exits on CT 8 South in Ansonia, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering of CT 334 and Division Street exits in Derby, July 2022 CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering for CT 67 and CT 42 exits on CT 8 North in Oxford, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering of To CT 42 exit on CT 8 South in Oxford, July 2022   CTDOT sign plan image for exit renumbering of CT 67 exit on CT 8 South in Seymour, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan image of exit renumbering for CT 63 and Cross Street exits on CT 8 North in Naugatuck, July 2022  CTDOT sign plan images for renumbered To Union City and South Main Street exits in Naugatuck, July  2022

Entering Waterbury and the I-84 "Mixmaster" interchange under construction, here's what CTDOT plans heading north:

CTDOT sign plan images for I-84 exit on CT 8 North in Waterbury, July 2022

The I-84 ramps are split up between the Downtown Waterbury exit. Here's the plan for CT 8 South:

CTDOT sign plan images for I-84 exit on CT 8 South in Waterbury, July 2022 CTDOT sign plan images for I-84 exit guide sign on CT 8 South in Waterbury, July 2022

Apparently CTDOT thinks the interchange numbering will be confusing to some, so they are adding this explanatory sign in both direction, this one headed south.

Waterbury and Beyond

CTDOT sign plan images for CT 73 exit on CT 8 North in Waterbury, July 2022 CTDOT sign plan images for Huntingdon Avenue exit on CT 8 North in Waterbury, July 2022

CTDOT sign plan images for US 6 exits that will not be renumbered on CT 8 South in Thomaston, July 2022     CTDOT sign plan images for US 6 and CT 222 exits on CT 8 South that will not be renumbered in Thomaston, July 2022

Exits 38 to 40 will not be changing exit numbers, the remaining exit numbers will be higher than the current ones.

CTDOT sign plan images for the renumbering of the Northfield/Campville exit on CT 8 North in Waterbury, July 2022CTDOT sign plan images for renumbering of CT 118 exit on CT 8 North in Litchfield, July 2022  CTDOT sign plan images for renumbering of Harwinton Avenue and US 202/CT 4 exits on CT 8 North in Torrington, July 2022    CTDOT sign plan images for renumbering of Winstead Road/Kennedy Drive exits on CT 8 North in Torrington, July 2022                                     I-84 exit on CT 8 North in Torrington, July 2022 CTDOT sign plan images for renumbering of Pinewoods Road exit on CT 8 North in Winsted, July 2022   CTDOT sign plan images for the last exit on CT 8 North in Winsted, July 2022

The last exit is to have its blank exit tab removed, and US 44 will be used on the blue services signs instead of an exit number.

Image of CT 25 route shield by Wikimedia

As mentioned above, the CT 8 sign plans did not include any for CT 25. The state's Exit Renumbering Project website though did include new exit numbers for the route with the added information that work was to be completed the same year as CT 8. It therefore appeared that exit renumbering would be done in coordination with the CT 8 work. CTDOT's press release of September 5, 2024 confirmed that suspicion. Work was to start along CT 8 on September 9 and work was completed by the end of the month. Here are a sample of the new exit number signs along both CT 25 North and South taken by Jay Hogan on October 12, 2024. The complete set can be found on his CT 25 Flickr Gallery.

Old EXIT 6

Image of overhead ramp sign for To CT 127 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 25 South in Bridgeport, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The exit sign for the Old Town Road on CT 25 South, now Exit 4 just before the merge with CT 8.


Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 A-B sign attached to support post on CT 25 North in Bridgeport, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 3/4 Mile advance for the combined CT 127/CT 15 Merritt Parkway South exit, no longer split into A and B ramps.

Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number on CT 25 North in Bridgeport, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The renumbered CT 127/CT 15 Merritt Parkway South exit sign and gore sign beyond.


Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for CT 15 exit on CT 25 South in Trumbull, 
     by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The renumbered CT 15 / Merritt Parkway exit sign and gore sign beyond on CT 25 South, now with no A/B.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 sign attached to support post on CT 25 North in Bridgeport, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for Daniels Farm Road heading north.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Daniels Farm Road exit with new milepost based exit number 
       and yellow Old Exit 8 sign attached to support post on CT 25 South in Trumbull, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The advance signs for the CT 15 Merritt Parkway and Daniels Farm Road exits, heading south.

The sign plan with the new exit numbers I created using SignMaker software, for the CT 25 exit off of CT 8, still with no exit number as of mid-October 2024:

Sign Maker image of signs at split of CT 25 and CT 8 North in Bridgeport with new milepost based exit number

 I-384 shield image from Wikimedia US 6 shield image by Wikimedia

On September 20, 2023 CTDOT posted sign plans for the upcoming sign replacement project for I-384 and US 6 in Willimantic. This will also involve renumbering the exits. Work to renumber the exits apparently started before new signs were placed.

Photos taken along I-384 East by Jay Hogan on October 12, 2024. His complete set of photos can be found on his I-384 Flickr Gallery.

Old Exit 2

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Keeney Street exit with new milepost based exit number 
      and yellow Old Exit 2 sign on support post, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1 Mile advance sign for Keeney Street, now Exit 3. Also a new Old Exit 2 sign.

Old Exit 3

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 83 exit with new milepost based exit number 
      and yellow Old Exit 3 sign on support post, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for CT 83, now Exit 3, along with an Old Exit 3 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 83 exit with new milepost based ext number, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for CT 83.

Old Exit 4

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Highland Street exit with new milepost based ext number 
      and yellow Old Exit 4 sign on support post, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1 Mile advance sign for Highland Street, now Exit 5. With and Old Exit 4 sign.

Old Exit 5

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 85 exit with new milepost based ext number and yellow 
      Old Exit 5 sign on support post, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The 1 Mile advance sign for CT 85, now Exit 7, the Old Exit 5 sign attached.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 85 exit with new milepost based ext number, by Jay Hogan, October 2024

The renumbered CT 85 exit sign, and gore sign in distance.

Here's a few more photos showing the new exit numbers from the CT Insider article on September 24, 2024:

Image of gore sign for Keeney Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 sign attached below, from CTInfo article, September 2024

The renumbered gore sign for the Keeney Street (to be signed Keeney Street/Hartford Road) exit on I-384 East, with Old Exit 2 sign below, in the distance is the renumbered old 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 83 exit.

Image of gore sign for CT 83 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign attached below, from CTInfo article, September 2024

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 83 exit on I-384 East, with Old Exit 3 sign below, in the distance here is the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Highland Street exit.

The rest of the photos from the news article are available here.

Here are some of the sign plans for I-384, showing new exit numbers, except for the Exit 1 headed east along the 8 mile interstate route:

CTDOT sign plan image for I-384 Exit 1 for Spencer Street, September 2023  CTDOT plans for new exitsigns for East I-84 and Silver Lane exits on I-384 West with new milepost exit numbers, September 2023

CTDOT sign plan image for ramp sign for Keeney Street exit on I-384 East, September 2023        CTDOT sign plan image for new 1 mile advance sign for CT 83 exit on I-384 West, September 2023 CTDOT sign plan image for 1 mile advance for Highland Street exit on I-384 East, September 2023CTDOT sign plan image for 1 Mile advance sign for CT 85 exit with Exit Only banner on I-384 East, September 2023CTDOT sign plan image for new 1/4 Mile advance sign for US 6/US 44 West exit with new milepost based exit number at start of I-384 West, September 2023

This sign actually precedes the start of I-384 West.

Here are plans for the new signs on the US 6 Willimantic Bypass that will receive new milepost based exit numbers:

CTDOT sign plan image for 1 Mile advance sign for CT 32 exit in Willimantic, September 2023      CTDOT sign plan image for ground mounted ramp sign for To CT 195 exit on US 6 in Willimantic with new milepost based exit number, September 2023

CTDOT indicates the sign replacement of I-384 and US 6 will not be complete until October 2025.

I-691 shield image from Wikimedia

Exits on I-691 was quickly renumbered the weekend of April 21-23, 2023. Unlike other projects exit numbers were changed prior to most of the signage being replaced. New signs started showing up during the summer.

Photos taken of the new exit signs were replaced driving westbound on October 20:

Image of new overhead signs approaching the I-91/CT 15 exits at the beginning of I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

New overhead signs for the first 3 exits, now Exits 1 A-C at the start of I-691 West in Meriden.

Image of new overhead signs with new milepost based exit number for the I-91/CT 15 exits at the 
        beginning of I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

New overhead signs approaching the I-91 exit ramp, the only reference to the old exit numbers are on the gore signs.

Image of new overhead signs for the US 5 and CT 15 South exits with new milepost based exit numbers 
         on I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

New overhead signs for US 5 and CT 15 South at CT 15 exit ramp, notice the exit sign in the distance has not been replaced. Rain drops seen in the photo became heavier preventing taking pictures of the next few new signs.

Image of new overhead signs for the CT 71 and Downtown Meriden exits with new milepost based exit numbers 
         on I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

New overhead 1 mile advance sign for CT 71 and auxiliary sign for Meriden exit after US 5 on-ramp.

Image of new overhead ramp sign for the Meriden exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

The new overhead sign for the Meriden exit, which follows the US 5 exit to Downtown Meriden.

Image of new overhead ramp sign for the CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Meriden, October 2023

The new overhead exit sign for CT 71 is paired with a left lane ends advisory sign. The former sign did not refer to Chamberlain highway, only the eastbound exit signs did.

Image of new ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for the CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Southington, October 2023

The new ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for the CT 322 exit, the rain picking up again here preventing photos until the CT 10 exit.

Image of new overhead signs for the I-84 and CT 10 exits with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Cheshire, October 2023

The new overhead advance signs for the I-84 and CT 10 exits. For some reason the I-84 sign has no exit tab.

Image of new auxiliary sign for the CT 10 exit with new mile marker with 3 digit number in front
         on I-691 West in Cheshire, October 2023

A new auxiliary sign for the CT 10 exit, behind a three digit mile marker at mile 5.8.

Image of new advance sign for the CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Cheshire, October 2023

A new 1/2 mile advance sign for the CT 10 exit, with new exit number 7.

Image of new overhead signs at the CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Cheshire, October 2023

Three overhead signs with new numbers at the CT 10 exit.

Image of new overhead signs for the I-84 exits with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in Cheshire, October 2023

The new 1/2 mile exits for the I-84 exits along I-691 West.

Image of new overhead signs at the CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number 
         on I-691 West in cheshire, October 2023

The last new I-84 overhead signs at the end of I-691 West.

Photos taken of the new exit signs driving I-691 East on October 22, 2023:

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for CT 10 exit with milepost based exit number on I-691 East in Cheshire, October 2023

The first new sign is the 1 Mile advance for CT 10, with a MA 10 style sign.

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for CT 10 exit with milepost based exit number on I-691 East in Cheshire, 
          October 2023

The CT 10 exit sign with the new milepost exit number.

Image of new gore sign for CT 10 exit with new milepost exit number and Old Exit 3 sign below on I-691 East in Cheshire, October 2023

The new gore sign for the CT 10 exit with the Old Exit 3 sign below.

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost exit number on I-691 East in Southington, October 2023

The 1 Mile advance for the CT 322 exit, with new milepost based exit number.

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost exit number on I-691 East in Southington, October 2023

The new CT 322 exit sign.

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost exit number on I-691 East in Southington, October 2023

The new gore sign for the CT 322 exit, with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 4 sign.

Image of new I-691 East mile marker after CT 322 exit, October 2023

One of the new 3 digit mile markers just beyond the CT 322 exit.

Image of new East I-691 reassurance marker after the CT 322 exit, October 2023

One of the new East I-691 reassurance markers after the CT 322 exit.

Image of new one mile advance sign for the NC 71 exit with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

The new 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 71 or Chamberlain Highway exit.

Image of new one mile advance sign for the Merdien exit with exit sign for NC 71 with the new milepost 
      based exit numbers, October 2023

The new 1 Mile advance sign for the now Meriden exit (formerly Downtown Meriden) shares a gantry with the exit sign for the NC 71 exit.

Image of new gore sign for the NC 71 exit with the new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 5 sign below
          , October 2023

The new gore sign for the CT 71 or Chamberlain Highway exit with Old Exit 5 sign below.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 5 exit with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

The new 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 5 and now Downtown Meriden exit.

Image of new exit sign for the US 5 exit with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

The new overhead exit sign for US 5 exit, now Exit 2B.

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for the I-91/CT 15 South exit and exit sign for US 5 with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

The new advance signs for the I-91/CT 15 South exit and exit sign for US 5 after leaving downtown Meriden.

Image of new gore sign for the US 5 exit with the new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 8 sign below,
        October 2023

The new gore sign for the US 5 exit with Old Exit 8 sign below.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for the I-91/CT 15 exits with the new milepost based exit numbers, October 2023

The new overhead advance signs for the I-91 and CT 15 exits, just prior to the new Mile 1 marker.

Image of new overhead signs at the I-91 South exit with the new milepost based exit numbers, October 2023

The new overhead advance signs for the I-91 North and I-95 South and CT 15 exits on I-691 and East Main Street on CT 66, with new gore sign with Old Exit 10 sign below for I-91 South.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for the I-91 North exit with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

A rainbow stands at the end of I-691 with new auxiliary sign for the I-91 North exit.

Image of new overhead exit sign for the I-91 North exit with the new milepost based exit number, October 2023

The final new sign for the I-91 North exit, and 1/2 mile for East Main Street. Signs indicating the end of I-691 and the start of CT 66 East were removed when the new signs were put up. Also the final gore sign with Old Exit 11 sign below.

Photos taken before the exit signs were replaced driving CT 66 and I-691 westbound on May 5, 2023:

Old Exit 13 (CT 66 West):

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for East Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 66 West in Meriden, May 2023

The 1 advance sign for the East Main Street exit now numbered 1 (as is the CT 66 exit in the other direction).

Image of overhead ramp sign for East Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 66 West in Meriden, May 2023

The exit sign for the East Main Street exit.

Image of gore sign for East Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 13 sign below on CT 66 West in Meriden, May 2023

The gore sign for the East Main Street exit with Old Exit 13 sign below.

Old Exits 10 and 11:

Image of overhead advance signs for I-91 exits with new milepost based exit numbers at beginning of I-691 in Meriden CT, May 2023

The first overhead signs for the I-91 and CT 15 South exits, now Exits 1A and B.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-91 North exit with new milepost based exit number at beginning of I-691 in Meriden CT, May 2023

The exit signs for the I-91 North exit.

Image of gore sign for I-91 North exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 10 sign below at beginning of I-691 in Meriden CT, May 2023

The gore sign for the I-91 North exit, couldn't they have replaced the sign at the same time adding Old Exit 11 below?

Image of overhead advance signs for I-91/CT 15 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The bridge mounted signs for the I-91 and CT 15 South exit, now Exit 1B.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-91/CT 15 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The exit sign for the I-91 and CT 15 South exits, gore sign with Old Exit 10 sign in the distance.

Old Exit 9 (WB):

Image of overhead signage at ramp for CT 15 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The 1/4 Mile advance, exit only sign for the CT 15 North exit, now exit 1C, paired with the 1 Mile advance for what is now Exit 2A.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for CT 15 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The exit only sign for the CT 15 North exit, gore sign with Old Exit 9 sign beyond.

Old Exit 8:

Image of bridge mounted yellow advisory sign for US 5 exit ramp with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The yellow truck advisory sign for the US 5 exit, with its new number.

Image of overhead ramp signage for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The US 5 exit sign paired with the 3/4 Mile advance for Downtown Meriden which is now Exit 2B.

Image of gore sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The Exit 2A gore sign, again why not put in a new sign while you're there, and, behind, a renumbered auxiliary sign for the Meriden train station.

Old Exit 7:

Image of overhead ramp sign for Downtown Meriden exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The renumbered last advance sign for the Downtown Meriden exit.

Image of gore sign for Downtown Meriden exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The new Downtown Meriden exit sign is paired with the 3/4 Mile advance for the Lewis Avenue exit, now Exit 3.

Old Exit 6 (EB):

Image of overhead ramp sign for Lewis Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The not so new exit sign for Lewis Avenue.

Image of gore sign for Lewis Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 6 sign to the left on I-691 West in Meriden CT, May 2023

The gore sign for the Lewis Avenue exit, with a very temporary looking Old Exit 6 sign.

Old Exit 5 (WB):

Sign Maker image of CT 71 exit sign on I-691 East in Meriden CT      

Here's a Sign Maker image of what the exit signs now look like for new Exit 3 heading east, since I did not get a photo in that direction.

Old Exit 4:

Image of 1 1/4 miles advance sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Southington, May 2023

The 1 1/4 'Mile' advance sign for the CT 322 exit, now Exit 5.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Southington, May 2023

A renumbered brown attractions sign for the CT 322 exit, heading uphill through a rock cut.

Image of ramp sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Southington, May 2023

The overhead sign for the CT 322 exit, the pull through on the left having an interesting number font for I-691.

Image of gore sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 4 sign below on I-691 
                                      West in Southington, May 2023

The gore sign for the CT 322 exit, with more permanent looking Old Exit 4 sign below.

Old Exit 3:

Image of 1 mile advance sign for CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Cheshire, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 10 exit, now Exit 7.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Cheshire, May 2023

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the CT 10 exit.

Image of gore sign for CT 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Cheshire, May 2023

The exit sign for the CT 10 exit.

Old Exits 1 and 2 (WB):

Image of 1/4 mile advance signs for I-84 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-691 West in Cheshire, May 2023

The bridge mounted 1/4 mile advance signs for the I-84 exits, now Exits 8 A-B.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-84 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-691 West in Cheshire, May 2023

The newly renumbered overhead signs at the I-84 East exit ramp, the last exit signs before the end of I-691 West.

CT  Route 9 shield image from Wikimedia [Completed 2023]

The contract to replace the remaining signs on CT 9 was advertised on August 12, 2020. This contract includes exit renumbering along the entire length of CT 9 (along with new signs on parts of CT 17 and a new number for the CT 17 exit at CT 9, and CT 82). The contract was let in November with work starting on December 7, 2020, the majority of the work stated to take place in 2021, however work was slow. While new signs started to go up as of May 2021 exit signs with new numbers did not show up until December. On December 7, 2020 a news article stated the sign replacement work with exit renumbering was beginning that day on CT 9, along with CT 17 and CT 82. The new exit number lists in the article had some changes from the numbers in the original plans seen below. In the new list both I-95 and I-84 received exit numbers. The CT 9 South signs for the I-95 exits will be numbered 1A and 1B with the CT 154 South exit now to be renumbered 1C. The I-84 exits now numbered 31 and 32 will be renumbered 40A and 40B. The exit number for CT 175/Ella Grasso Blvd. was changed from 37 to 38. Work on the contract was supposed to be completed by 2022, however work stalled for several months on the contract replacing signs on southern end of the roadway, that needed to be completed before the start of exit renumbering. As of early April only a few ground mounted signs with old and new exit numbers had appeared between Middletown and I-84, most of the signs were up by August, however the new exit numbers remained covered up through the end of the year.1

CTDOT finally announced on January 18, 2023 that the renumbering of the exits would start the night of January 22. Two work crews would change exit numbers along the route. This required putting new numbers on some old signs that have not been replaced, but south of Middletown this mainly involved removing the tape covering up the new numbers on the signs installed in 2022 (in photos below). Most of the signage had been changed by April.

Here are photos taken of new signs and exit numbers on CT 9 North between CT 17 and CT 72, taken on August 16, 2024:

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for CT 99 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 18 
      sign in front on CT 9 North in Middletown, August 2024

The 3/4 Mile advance for CT 99 with separate Old Exit 18 sign in front.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for CT 99 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 North in Middletown, August 2024

The CT 99 exit sign with new number confirming mile marker in distance.

Old EXIT 19

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 19 
      sign in front on CT 9 North in Cromwell, August 2024

The 1 Mile advance for CT 372 with separate Old Exit 19 sign in front.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 North in 
    Cromwell, August 2024

The CT 372 exit sign with another new number confirming mile marker in distance.

Image of gore sign for CT 372 South exit with new milepost based exit number on 
        CT 9 North in Cromwell, August 2024

The CT 372 exit gore sign with new number and Old Exit 19 sign attached below.

Old EXITS 20 S/N

Image of 1 1/4 and 1 Mile advance overhead signs for I-91 exits with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Cromwell, August 2024

The 1 1/4 and 1 Mile advance overhead signs for the I-91 exits with two sets of New and Old Exit signs in front.

Image of overhead signs for I-91 exits with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Cromwell, August 2024

The overhead signs approaching the I-91 North exit ramp with another with two sets of New and Old Exit signs.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for I-91 South exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit sign in front on CT 9 North in Cromwell, August 2024

The 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for the I-91 South exit with a set of New and Old Exit signs in front.

Old EXIT 21

Image of 1 mile advance sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate Old Exit 21 sign in front on CT 9 North in East Berlin, August 2024

The 1 Mile advance overhead signs for the CT 372 East Berlin exit with Old Exit 21 sign in front.

Image of advance signs for US 5/CT 15 South exit and exit sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit 
      number and  separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in East Berlin, August 2024

The 1 Mile advance overhead signs for the US 5/CT 15 South exit and exit sign for CT 372 with New Exit 31/Old Exit 21 sign in front.

Old EXIT 22

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for US 5/CT 15 South exit with new milepost based exit number  
       on CT 9 North in East Berlin, August 2024

The exit sign for the US 5/CT 15 South exit with new exit number, partially hidden by trees, why no overhead here?

Image of gore sign for US 5/CT 15 South exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Berlin, August 2024

The gore sign for the US 5/CT 15 South exit with Old Exit 22 attached.

Old EXIT 24

Image of 1 mile advance sign for US 5/CT 15 South exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Berlin, August 2024

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the CT 71/372 exit with Old Exit 24 sign below.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Ellis Road exit and exit sign for CT 71/372 exit with new milepost based
      exit numbers and separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Berlin, August 2024

Overhead signs for the CT 71/372 exit and Ellis Street exits with New Exit 34 and 35/Old Exit 24 and 25 signs below, sorry for the bumpy road when taking this.

Old EXIT 25

Image of 1 mile advance sign for CT 71 South exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in Berlin, August 2024

Overhead gantry with new exit number signs for Ellis Street and Downtown New Britain exits on the right but with New and Old Exit signs below on both sides of the road.

Image of overhead advance signs for CT 72 West and Downtown New Britain exits at ramp for Ellis Street 
      exit with new milepost based exit number and three sets of separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in New Britain, August 2024

Another blurry shot due to a bumpy road, but with 3 exits signed and 3 sets of New and Old Exit signs below on both sides of the road, with the addition of the 1 mile advance for West CT 72.

Old EXIT 26

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhed sign for CT 72 West exit at ramp for Downtown New Britain exit with new 
      milepost based exit numbers and separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in New Britain, August 2024

Overhead gantry with new exit number signs for CT 72 and Downtown New Britain exits with New and Old Exit signs below on both sides of the road.

Old EXIT 28

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for CT 72 West exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate New and Old Exit signs in front on CT 9 North in New Britain, August 2024

Overhead 1/4 Mile Arrow-per-Lane sign for West CT 72 exit with Old Exit 28 sign below on the left.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 72 West exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      gore and Old Exit sign below on CT 9 North in New Britain, August 2024

Overhead signage at the West CT 72 exit with gore sign and Old Exit 28 sign below it to the left.

Old EXIT 29

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 175 exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate Old Exit sign in front, but hidden by vegetation on CT 9 North in Newington, August 2024

Overhead 1 Mile advance sign for West CT 175 exit with Old Exit 29 sign below hidden by vegetation.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 North in 
      Newington, August 2024

Overhead exit sign for West CT 175 exit.

Old EXIT 30

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 175 exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate Old Exit sign in front, but hidden by vegetation on CT 9 North in Newington, August 2024

Ground mounted exit sign for West CT 71 exit, no Old Exit sign at this location.

Image of gore sign for CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate Old Exit sign attached on CT 9 North in Newington, August 2024

The gore sign for CT 71 exit with Old Exit 30 sign below and mile marker confirming the number right behind.

EXIT 40 (No old number)

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead signs for I-84 ramps with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 9 
      North in Farmington, August 2024

Overhead 1/4 mile advance signs for I-84 ramps with another mile marker confirming the numbers behind.

Image of advance overhead signs for I-84 ramps with new milepost based exit number and 
      separate Old Exit sign in front on CT 9 North in Farmington, August 2024

Overhead I-84 ramp signs with new exit numbers at the end of CT 9 North.

Here are older photos taken of the new signs and exit numbers on CT 9 South between CT 72 and I-95, taken on May 7, 2023:

Old EXIT 25

Image of ground mounted 1/2 Mile advance sign for To CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in New Britain, May 2023

The 3/4 Mile advance sign for the To CT 71 exit, now Exit 35.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for To CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate New Exit/Old Exit number sign on CT 9 South in New Britain, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance sign behind a now seemingly redundant New Exit 35 and Old Exit 25 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in New Britain, May 2023

The overhead exit sign for new Exit 35 at mile marker 35.2. Exits put up here use state shields with small numbers.

Old EXIT 23

Image of ground mounted 1 Mile advance sign for Christian Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 23 
      sign attached below on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Christian Lane exit, now Exit 33, with old exit sign below.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Christian Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and New Exit/Old Exit 23 
      sign ground mounted in front on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

A new South CT 9 reassurance marker before the 1/2 Mile advance sign, with new exit/old exit sign in front.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Christian Lane exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The Christian Lane exit sign with left lane ending in the distance.

Image of ground mounted 1 Mile advance sign for Christian Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 23 
      sign attached below on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the Christian Lane exit, with Old Exit 23 sign below. Advance signs for the next two exits in the distance.

Old EXIT 22

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign US 5/CT 15 and 1/2 mile advance sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based 
        exit numbers to the left and right on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 5/CT 15 exit, now Exit 31, shares a gantry with the CT 372 exit, now Exit 32. With a pair of New Exit/Old Exit signs.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based 
        exit number and Old Exit 22 sign below on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The ground mounted exit sign for the renumbered CT 372 exit.

Image of gore sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 22 sign below on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The CT 372 gore sign with Old Exit 22 sign below.

Old EXIT 21

Image of overhead ramp sign US 5/CT 15 exit with new milepost based 
        exit number on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The exit sign for the US 5/CT 15 exit, with another example of the too small numbers for the CT shield.

Image of gore sign US 5/CT 15 exit with new milepost based 
        exit numbers and Old Exit 21sign below on CT 9 South in Berlin, May 2023

The gore sign for the US 5/CT 15 exit, with Old Exit 21 sign below.

Old EXITS 20 N/S

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for I-91 South exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 20S sign on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

The 1 mile advance sign for I-91 South exit has some graffiti, as well as a new exit number, 30.

Image of overhead advance signage for I-91 exits with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 20S sign on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

Overhead advance signs for I-91 exits, with flanking New Exit/Old Exit signs.

Image of overhead signage at ram for I-91 South exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 20S sign on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

Similar signage situation at the exit ramp to I-91 South.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for I-91 North exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 20S sign on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for I-91 North, now Exit 29.

Image of gore sign for I-91 South exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 20N sign below on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for I-91 North exit, Old Exit 20N sign below. These two exits were originally going to be 29 A/B according to the original sign plans, these for CT 9 North:

ConnDOT sign plan with new exit number tabs for I-91 exit on CT 9

Old Exit 19

Image of 3/4 mile advance overhead sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate 
                                     Old Exit 19 sign in front on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

The 3/4 Mile advance sign for another CT 372 exit, this time in Cromwell, with its new number, 27.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate 
                                     Old Exit 19 sign in front on CT 9 South in Cromwell, May 2023

The CT 372 exit sign and another Old Exit sign in front, renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 16

Image of overhead guide sign listing new milepost based exit numbers for Middletown exits on CT 9 South, May 2023

Overhead guide sign listing Middletown exits now with the new milepost based exit numbers.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 Mile advance sign for East CT 66/North CT 17 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 17 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Middletown

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the first of two traffic signal 'exits' CT 66 East/CT 17 North with new exit number, 24, and Old Exit 16 sign.

Image of overhead advance signage for East CT 66/North CT 17 and CT 66 West exits with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 17 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Middletown

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for the CT 66 East/CT 17 North 'exit' sharing gantry with the renumbered 1/2 mile advance for CT 66 West, now Exit 23C.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for East CT 66/North CT 17 'exit' with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 17 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Middletown

The 'exit' sign for the renumbered CT 66 East/CT 17 North intersection, gore sign in distance. Note the improvement in the rendering of the CT state shields on the signs, this style remains until I-95.

Image of gore sign for CT 66 East/CT 17 North signalized exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 16 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for CT 66 East/CT 17 North in Middletown. Advance signs for the next 2 exits seen in the distance.

Old EXIT 15

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for CT 66 West exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered 'Exit' sign for CT 66 West. Given the sign below, should this say 'Exit Only?'

Old EXIT 14

Image of overhead advance signs for CT 17 South and deKoven Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered advance signs for the deKoven Drive and CT 17 South exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for deKoven Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 14 sign below on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered exit signs at the ramp for deKoven Drive, no Old Exit signs here.

Old EXIT 13

Image of overhead signs at exit ramp for CT 17 South with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for CT 17 South, sharing a gantry with the 1/2 Mile exit for Silver Street.

Old EXIT 12

Image of overhead signs at exit ramp for Silver Street with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for Silver Street, now Exit 22.

Image of gore sign for Silver Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers and Old Exit 12 sign below on CT 9 South in Middletown, May 2023

The gore sign for Silver Street, with Old Exit 12 sign below. Here's what the signage heading north looks like:

ConnDOT plan for 1-mile advance sign for Bow Lane exit with new number on CT 9 in Middletown

Old EXIT 11

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 155 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 11 sign in front on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the CT 155 to CT 17 exit, now Exit 21, with Old Exit 11 sign in front.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for CT 155 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 11 sign in front on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign, again with Old Exit 11 sign in front.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 155 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 11 sign below on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The overhead exit sign for the CT 155 to CT 17 exit.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 10 sign below on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the CT 154 South exit, now Exit 19, with Old Exit 10 sign below.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 10 sign in front on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the CT 154 South exit, with Old Exit 10 sign in front.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The CT 154 exit sign, gore sign with Old Exit 10 sign below in the distance.

Image of gore sign for CT 154 South exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 9 sign below on CT 9 South in Durham, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 154 exit, with Old Exit 10 sign below.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 81 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 9 sign below on CT 9 South in Killingworth, May 2023

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the CT 81 South exit, now Exit 15, with Old Exit 9 sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 81 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Killingworth, May 2023

The overhead exit sign for CT 81 South.

Image of gore sign for CT 81 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 9 sign below on CT 9 South in Killingworth, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 81 South exit, with Old Exit 9 sign below.

Old EXIT 8

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Beaver Meadow Road exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 8 sign in front on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Beaver Meadow Road exit, now Exit 13, with Old Exit 8 sign in front.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Beaver Meadow Road exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The renumbered Beaver Meadow Road exit sign.

Image of gore sign for Beaver Meadow Road exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 8 sign below on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the Beaver Meadow Road exit, with Old Exit 8 sign below.

Old EXIT 7

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for CT 82 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 7 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 82 exit with new exit number, 10 along with Old Exit 7 sign attached below.

Image of ground mounted blue Attractions services sign for the CT 82 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the CT 82 exit.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for CT 82 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The renumbered CT 82 exit sign, the last 2 digit exit number heading south.

Image of gore sign for CT 82 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 7 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Haddam, May 2023

The CT 82 exit gore sign and Old Exit sign below, at mile marker 10.6.

Old EXIT 6

Image of ground mounted 1 Mile advance sign for CT 148 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 6 sign in front on CT 9 South in Chester, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 148 exit, now Exit 8, with separate Old Exit 6 sign in front.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for CT 148 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Chester, May 2023

A renumbered auxiliary sign to airplane and ferry users for the CT 148 exit.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for CT 148 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Chester, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for CT 148 in Chester with new Exit 8 gore sign with Old Exit 6 below in the distance.

Old EXIT 5

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for CT 80 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 5 sign in front on CT 9 South in Deep River, May 2023

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 80 exit, now Exit 7 with Old Exit 5 sign below.

Image of ground mounted exit sign for CT 80 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Deep River, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for CT 80.

Image of gore sign for CT 80 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 5 sign attached below on CT 9 South in Deep River, May 2023

The gore sign for the CT 80 exit with Old Exit 5 sign below in front of Milepost 7.4 which confirms the correct new number for the exit.

Old EXIT 4

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 4 in front on CT 9 South in Essex, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance for the CT 154 exit with new exit number, 5, and separate Old Exit 4 sign behind.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 9 South in Essex, May 2023

The renumbered CT 154 exit sign. 

Image of gore sign for CT 154 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 4 attached below on CT 9 South in Essex, May 2023

The gore sign for the CT 154 exit with Old Exit 4 sign below. This is the last renumbered exit, in the distance is the 1 mile advance for still Exit 3 for CT 154/153.


Image of exit sign for CT 154/153 with unchanged exit number on CT 9 South in Essex, August 2022

The new CT 154/153 exit sign replacing the bridge mounted version which was still up in late August 2022.


Image of 1 advance sign exit sign for CT 154 with unchanged exit number on CT 9 South in Essex, August 2022

The new 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 154, put up in August 2022, exit with unchanged exit number.


Image of recently placed dual 1 mile advance signs for I-95/US 1 North and South exits on CT 9 South in Old Saybrook, May 2023

Dual 1 Mile advance signs for the I-95/US 1 North and South exits.

Image of recently placed dual ramp signs for I-95/US 1 North and South exits on CT 9 South in Old Saybrook, May 2023

The last new overhead signs for the I-95/US 1 North and South exits at the end of CT 9 South in Old Saybrook.

The initial exit number plan for CT 9 had the I-95/US 1 exits with no number and the CT 154 exit to be Exit 1:

ConnDOT sign plan for new 1-mile advance sign for CT 154 on CT 9 South in Old Saybrook

Here are some of the plans for CT 9 exits I did not get photos of. For the first contract only the exit number tabs will be replaced with the new numbers on new signs already installed:

ConnDOT plan for new exit number tab for CT 99 exit sign on CT 9 in Rocky Hill  ConnDOT plan images of new exit number tabs for existing signs for CT 71 and CT 372 exits

ConnDOT sign plan for new exit tabs for CT 72 and New Britain exits

ConnDOT plan for 1-mile advance sign for To CT 175 exit on CT 9 in Newington

ConnDOT sign plan for new exit number tab for existing 3/4 mile advance sign for CT 71 exit on CT 9 in Corbin's Corner

According to the original plans, the I-84 exits would also not have received an exit number.

Examples of old and new exit number signs at the I-91 interchange, April 2022

Image of recently placed New and Old Exit number ground mounted signs put up for I-91 exit on CT 9 North in Middletown, April 2022

Exit numbers on signs themselves have not started but several ground mounted signs with old and new numbers have appeared at the northern end of CT 9. Note the current number is the same but the future I-91 ramps will have two different numbers.

Image of recently placed New and Old Exit number ground mounted signs put up for I-91 exit on CT 9 North in Middletown, April 2022

The same numbers, with the addition of an Old Exit 20S sign for I-91 South, in front of new overhead signs, notice the squeezing of the sequential number onto the sign for I-91 North.  

Image of recently placed gore sign with New and Old Exit number sign below for I-91 South exit on CT 9 North in Middletown, April 2022

The gore sign for the I-91 exit already has the new number up, even though it doesn't appear on any of the overhead signs.

For additional sign photos check out this Flickr site by Jay Hogan.

CT 72 shield from Wikimedia [Completed 2023]

CT 72 exit numbers were changed increasing east to west from New Britain (opposite of current sequential numbering). The first two exits are only on CT 72 West, photos taken May 7, 2023:

Old EXIT 1:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for CT 177 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the CT 177 exit on CT 72 West.

Image of Old Exit 1 sign for CT 177 exit not attached to advance sign on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The Old Exit 1 sign for the CT 177 exit is not attached to the advance signs but on its own 1/4 mile further on CT 72 West.

Image of auxiliary sign for CT 177 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered airport auxiliary sign for the CT 177 exit, the mile marker in the distance is 4.8.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for CT 177 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the CT 177 exit with the Old Exit 1 sign attached.

Image of newly placed Mile 5 milepost on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The recently placed Mile 5 marker on CT 72 West prior to the last exit in this direction.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 177 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for the CT 177 exit beyond Mile Marker 5.6.

Image of gore sign for CT 177 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 1 sign attached below on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 177 exit with Old Exit 1 sign below, this should be up for at least 2 years.

Old EXIT 2:

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023 

The exit sign for CT 372, now Exit 4 on CT 72 West.

Image of overhead ramp sign for CT 322 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 West in Bristol, May 2023

The gore sign for the CT 372, Old Exit 2 sign below on CT 72 West.

Image of West CT 72 to I-84 guide sign at start of freeway in Bristol, May 2023

Small numbered CT 72 shield on guide sign at start of freeway heading east in Bristol, the small numbers continue along the freeway.

Image of recently placed Mile 5 marker on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The first mile marker seen heading east on CT 72, this is the closest one to the CT 177 exit (see sign plans below).

Old EXITS 3-4

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for I-84 West/Woodford Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 3-4 sign below on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the I-84 West/Woodford Avenue 'exit,' now Exits 3A and 3B, with Old Exit 3-4 sign in front.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-84 West/Woodford Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 3-4 sign below on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for the I-84 West/Woodford Avenue, Old Exit 3-4 now behind the sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for I-84 West/Woodford Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 3-4 sign below on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1/4 Mile advance sign features a line separating I-84 West and Woodford Avenue exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-84 West/Woodford Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 3-4 sign below on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

Exit signage approaching the I-84 West/Woodford Avenue ramps.

Image of overhead signage from CT 72 East on ramp to I-84 West/Woodford Avenue in Bristol, May 2023

A closer look at the signage on the ramp the I-84 West/Woodford Avenue exits.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for CT 72 East exit on I-84 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the CT 72 East exit on I-84 East, these exit numbers are not planned to be changed for several more years.

Old Exit 7

Image of ground mounted 1 Mile advance sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 7 sign on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1 Mile advance sign for the renumbered CT 372 exit is partially hidden behind the Old Exit 7 sign and that by the new Mile 3 marker.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate Old Exit 7 sign on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for the CT 372 exit, another Old Exit 7 sign in front.

Image of ramp sign for CT 372 exit with new milepost based exit number and attached Old Exit 7 sign on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered exit sign for CT 372 share a gantry with with 1 Mile advance for the Downtown New Britain exit, now Exit 1D.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 Mile advance sign for downtown New Britain exit with new milepost based exit number and attached Old Exit 5 sign on CT 72 East in Bristol, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 372 exit with Old Exit 7 sign below.

Old EXIT 8

Image of overhead advance signage for CT 71 and Downtown New Britain exits with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 72 East, May 2023

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Downtown New Britain exit shares a gantry with the renumbered CT 71 exit, now Exit 1C. No Old Exit signs present.

Image of 3/4 Mile advance for CT 71 exit and Downtown New Britain overhead exit signs with new milepost based exit numbers on CT 72 East, May 2023

The Downtown New Britain exit sign shares a gantry with the 3/4 Mile advance for the CT 71 exit.

Image of gore sign for Downtown New Britain exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 8 sign below on CT 72 East, May 2023

Gore sign for the Downtown New Britain exit, Old Exit 8 sign below.

Old Exit 9

Image of 1/4 Mile advance for CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number on CT 72 East in New Britain, May 2023

The NC 71 exit sign with Old Exit 9 sign behind it.

Image of gore sign for CT 71 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 9 sign below on CT 72 East, May 2023

The renumbered gore sign for the CT 71 exit, Old Exit 9 sign below.

CT 9 Exit (No Old Number)

Image of 1 Mile advance for CT 9 exits with no exit numbers on CT 72 East in New Britain, May 2023

The first (1 1/4 Miles) advance sign for the CT 9 exits have no exit numbers.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance for CT 9 exits with no exit numbers on CT 72 East in New Britain, May 2023

The overhead signs approaching the end of CT 72 East at the CT 9 ramps with new exit numbers, no gore signs though.

Here are a couple original sign plans for the eastern (southern) end, notice originally CT 177 was to be Exit 6, which better matches the mile marker seen above:

Image of ConnDOT sign plan for CT 177 exit on CT 72 West in Bristol 


MassDOT let 3 contracts for Exit Renumbering in July and August 2020. The contracts were for Districts 1-3 (610646) along with I-495 and MA 2, therefore most of western and central Mass., Districts 4-6 (610699), the rest of the routes in eastern and southeastern sections, and a separate one for the Massachusetts Turnpike (610700). The winning bids were announced June 23 (second), July 7 (first), and July 21 (third). MassDOT announced on September 10, 2020 that the project would start on the second contract routes in mid-October after a virtual public meeting on September 24. The first highway to be renumbered was MA Route 140 starting on October 18, then I-195 on October 25 and then, after a two-week hiatus, MA Route 25 on November 24, then MA 3 on the morning of December 14, with US 6 on the Cape to start the evening of December 14 (see photos below). Work to renumber exits on I-295 took place on January 4-5, while the next night work started on MA 24. When that work was completed on January 19, contractors moved on to US 3, MA Route 128 was renumbered next starting on February 11, I-95 started the week of February 25 and was planned to take 10 weeks, work was completed early, on April 22. The last route under the contract, I-93, started on May 2. Work was completed on the night of May 20. MassDOT announced a second public meeting to discuss the first and Mass Pike contracts on December 1 where they stated work on the third (Mass Pike) contract would begin on December 13. The work started at Weston and moved westward to the NY border before turning around eastward. Work was completed back to the Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit and for the I-93 exit as of January 9. Work also was completed heading west back to I-95 in Weston. Work remained to renumber the Prudential Center, South Boston and Logan Airport exits eastbound which was completed the week of January 10. Interestingly, when the new 1/2 mile advance sign on I-90 East for the US 20 exit was put up in the spring of 2021, it had the old number 2, this has not been changed as of June 2022 (see photo below). Work on the first contract started last, after the work on the Mass Pike is completed, probably because the same contractor is responsible for both. I-84 was the first route to be renumbered starting on February 28, I-91 was next on March 3. Work on I-91 was completed on March 18, work then moved to MA Route 146 on March 21, followed by I-190 on March 23 and Route 2 on March 25. Work on Route 2 was completed the morning of April 13. I-495 was the next route, starting on May 16, was done in 4 sections in a south to north direction. Work was completed on the first section, from Route 28 to I-95, on the night of May 20 and northbound to I-93 on June 4. MassDOT announced the renumbering was complete on June 12, but a several, mostly gore signs, with old numbers still remained, mostly on I-495 South between Haverhill and Bolton, as of late June. A MassDOT email on June 30 again indicated work on I-495 was complete, though there were still signs with the old numbers reported in July. Work on the final 2 routes, I-395 and I-290, started on August 8, (postponed from August 1) after sign replacement work on I-290 is complete (the signs have been put up with the old numbers). Work was completed on August 20 on both routes. In early September, the MassDOT exit renumbering site stated work on the project had been completed. However, in 2022 there were new development. The dual mileposts put up along I-290 in the Worcester area were apparently too confusing and were removed with the I-290 mile markers simply continuing I-395's mileage (photos hopefully soon). Also it as reported that some new exit numbers along I-290 had been changed again. For a full description of MassDOT's project, go to my Mass. Interstates Exit List website.

New Hampshire (Updated 6/16/24)

A November 20, 2019 report by WMUR indicated the NH Department of Transportation has endorsed revising the state's exit numbers to a mile based system. The project would be part of the state's next 10-year transportation plan which could be considered by the state's Executive council in late November. If endorsed there, the plan would go to the state legislature where it could take up to a year to work its way to approval. A week later, New Hampshire Governor Sununu expressed opposition to the proposal stating "Exit numbers are a point of pride for some of us in NH - and we shouldn't let Washington bureaucrats threaten to take that away!”3 However, a later news report indicated that despite the governor's insistence, the state's Executive Council, which actually has control over the state's highway plan, has included a renumbering project in its new Draft 10-year Highway plan. According to the document, preliminary engineering would have taken place in 2022 and the project started in 2023. However in the spring of 2020, the draft of the Highway Plan came up for review by the governor. He approved all the projects in August 2020, except one, you guessed it, the one for exit renumbering. The rejection was accompanied by the following comment:

"Exit numbers are a point of pride for many of us in New Hampshire, and exits we use say something about us and our communities. Changing exit numbers is unnecessarily burdensome for business owners and citizens, and the State already uses mile markers along the highways for reference by travelers. Accordingly, I have removed this project (Statewide 40915) from my version of the 10-Year Plan."4

In each of the following two years, 2021 to 2023, again NHDOT released its draft new 10 year plans in the fall. Each time there was a contract for exit renumbering.5 And each time the draft plan was returned by the governor's office in early December, with the only project turned down being the one for exit renumbering. Meanwhile, in September 2023, NHDOT released its draft new 10 year plan for 2025 to 2034. Again there was a contract for exit renumbering (40915) with preliminary engineering to take place in 2027 and the project to start in 2029 at a total cost of $1,309,881. Again the governor objected and when the new plan was submitted to the governor from the Governor's Council on November 29, 2023 the cover letter specifically mentioned that the exit renumbering project was removed.7 This was carried forwarded into the draft plan released in March 2024. In the summer of 2023 Governor Sununu announced he would not run for reelection in 2024. Perhaps there will be another attempt to start the project after a new governor takes office in 2025.

Rhode Island - COMPLETED (Updated 6/16/24)

Go to I-95 in RI Exit Renumbering Photos

RIDOT announced in the Fall of 2017 that the state planned to change all it's highway exit numbers to a mile-based system by 2020. Financial issues caused the project to be delayed by two years At the end of November 2022 the final contract to renumber the exits on I-95 was completed. Interstate 95 was to have its exits renumbered starting in December 2020, by the lowest bidder for the renumbering contract, Liddell Bros., Inc., news announced on June 19, 2020. However, the project never started and there was no public announcement of why by RIDOT. In a response to a question submitted to the agency by a poster at the AARoads Forum in March 2021, financial issues were cited as a reason for its delay. In September 2021 the contract was re-advertised and on October 22, 2021 the project was, guess what, awarded to Liddell Bros. again, this time at a cost of $925,504.8 Based on information in RIDOT's Quarterly report for September 2021, the work was to have started on December 15, but there was no public announcement as of the end of the year. The RIDOT project page was finally updated in early February 2022 to state that exit renumbering on I-95 was tentatively set for 2022 (it had said late 2020 for nearly 2 years). On July 12, 2022 RIDOT announced exit renumbering on I-95 would start on July 31, this was later postponed until August 7 and then finally to August 28, when the first 3 exits on I-95 South were renumbered. A press release indicates that the exit renumbering will contractor will change 2-3 exits a night, doing both directions for the same set of exits before moving on. New exit numbers include 7 instead of 3 for RI 138, 24B replacing 9 for RI 4, 28B instead of 11 for I-295, 36A replacing 19 (NB) or 20 (SB) for I-195, and the highest exit number being 43 instead of 30 for Roosevelt Avenue. As of November 2, 2022 all Exits 2-30 had had their numbers changed, but there were still some auxiliary signs, however that had not been updated along with missing Old Exit signs at some locations, these were supposedly fixed by the end of the month. The complete set of new numbers can be found on the RIDOT Mile-marker Exit Number Project Site.

Earlier, on August 16, 2019, the third, and supposed final renumbering project was awarded, for I-95 and the rest of the routes to be numbered: I-195, RI 24, RI 37.9 The original contract called for work to be completed between December 20, 2019 and February 28, 2020, but the winning bidder, Liddell Bros. complained this was too short a period for construction, because the contract included manufacturing and putting up 6 new cantilever supports and 1 cross highway overhead support, so the contract was amended to extend the deadline and apparently split the work so that the major piece of renumbering, I-95 would occur later. On November 27, 2019, RIDOT announced the first three routes of the final round of exit renumbering would be I-195, RI 10 and RI 37. Work on I-195 was to start on December 2 but snowy weather forced postponement first for a week, then to January 28, 2020. Most of the work was completed by February 9. The exits on RI 10 and RI 37 were renumbered during February (see photos below). The next route to have its exit renumbered was RI 24, work started on that project, which included new exit signs, in March and was completed in June 2020.

The first route to have its exit numbers changed was I-295 in late November/early December 2017, an exit number (1) were also put up on RI 99, whose exit previously had no number. RIDOT advertised a second contract for exit renumbering let on September 11, 2018 that was again awarded to Liddell Bros. of Massachusetts for $697,000. On December 4, RI posted what the new numbers will be on RI 4 and RI 78 (and added numbers for RI 403) on their website as part of this second round. The new signs went up by the end of December (RIDOT posted a travelers advisory saying there would be lane closures for sign work along RI 4, 78 and 403 during the day from December 10-14 and 17-21). From the website, here's an example of how the new exit gore sign for the Gano Street/India Street exit on I-195 East will look like (will plan to post photos of actual signs later in December):

RIDOT image of new exit gore sign to be placed at Gano Street exit on I-195 West in Providence due to exit renumbering in Dec. 2019

Photos from the pre-2022 exit renumbering projects are below.


The Vermont Department of Transportation (VTrans) has approved an amendment to their 2020 TIP to add supplemental tabs to the bottom of existing sequential exit signs listing the "milepoint" exit number for each exit. The FHWA considers this only as an interim measure before full compliance with the mile-based exit requirement. The actual conversion to mileage based exits may not happen until sometime between 2030 and 2035. The current project will take place during the summer of 2020 and be completed by August. In April 2020, a new Vermont Exit Numbers website was set up to explain the new signs to the public. The signs started going up in early June. Here's a photo of one of the new Milepoint Exit signs taken by project engineer Steve Goodwin on I-89:

Image of new Vermont MilePoint Number tab sign at bottom of VT 132 exit sign on I-89 in Sharon, taken by Steve Goodwin, June 2020

And the promotional photo posted by VTrans on their Exit Numbers website:

VDOT image of proposed milepoint exit number tab on existing Exit 24 sign on I-91 in Lyndonville created in Nov. 2019

For more photos of the Milepoint Exit signs, visit Jay Hogan's Flickr pages for I-89, I-91, I-93 or US 7.

Massachusetts Exit Renumbering Photos, October 2020 to June 2022

Jump to: (* New 7/26/22)

I-84 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Taken 4/7/21                                 US 3 shield image by Wikimedia  Photos taken 2/28/21

I-90 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Latest Taken 6/21*                              US 6 shield image from Wikimedia  Photos Taken 12/26/20

I-91 shield image from WikimediaSouth of Mass Pike-Taken 7/23/21     

I-91 shield image from WikimediaNorth of Mass Pike-November 2021-New  MA 2 shield image from Wikimedia  Cambridge to I-495 -Photos Latest Taken 11/21*

I-93 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Taken 12/12 and 5/30/21                          West of I-495 - Photos Taken 4/11 and 5/7/21

I-95 shield from wikimedia                                                                        MA 3 shield image from Wikimedia   Photos Taken 12/28/20

RI border to I-495 - Photos Taken 4/18/21, new 4/2/23(Old Exit 60)     MA 24 shield image from Wikimedia  Photos Taken 1/8 and 1/17/21

'Route 128' portion - Latest photos taken 12/12/21   MA 25 shield image from Wikimedia  Photos Taken 11/27/20

North of Route 128 - Photos taken 3/14/21   MA 128 shield image from Wikimedia  Photos Taken 2/28/21

I-190 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Taken 4/8/21                             MA 140 shield image from Wikimedia   Photos taken 10/19 and 10/25/20

I-195 shield image from Wikimedia Photos Taken 10/1/21 (New)            MA 146 shield image from Wikimedia  Photos Taken 4/8/21

I-290 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Taken 9/7 and 9/19/21

I-295 shield image from Wikimedia Photos Taken 1/24/21

I-395 shield image from WikimediaPhotos Taken 8/30/21

I-495 shield image from Wikimedia

I-195 to Mass Pike, Taken 5/23/21

Route 9 to Chelmsford, Taken 6/11/21

Chelmsford to Amesbury, Taken 6/11/21

I-395 shield image from Wikimedia(Taken 9/2/21)

Exit signs were renumbered between August 8 and 20. Photographs taken of both directions, starting at the Connecticut border.

EXIT 1 (Not renumbered)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 193 exit with no change in exit number after exit renumbering project, on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021

The 1 Mile advance southbound for the only exit not to receive a new number on I-395.

Old EXIT 2

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 advisory sign on support on I-395 North in Webster, August 2021 with

Heading north, the 1 mile advance for the first renumbered exit, Route 16, with Old Exit 2 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Webster, August 2021 with

The 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Webster, August 2021 with

The Route 16 exit sign heading north. Turning around...

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021 with

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 16 exit.

Image of brown ground mounted auxiliary sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021 with

The renumbered brown attractions sign for the Route 16 exit.

Old EXIT 3

Image of 1 mile advance sign for St exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 advisory sign on support on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021

The renumbered southbound 1 Mile advance sign for the Cudworth Road exit with Old Exit 3 sign.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for St exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 advisory sign on support on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign. Heading back north...

Image of 1 mile advance sign for St exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 advisory sign on support on I-395 South in Webster, August 2021

The northbound 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of gore sign for  Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign attached below on I-395 North in Webster, August 2021

The renumbered gore sign.


Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Sutton Avenue exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 4 A/B sign on support on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance heading northbound for the Sutton Avenue exits in Oxford, Old Exits sign on support.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Sutton Avenue exits on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

Gantry with the renumbered 3/4 and 1/2 Mile advance signs for the Sutton Avenue exits.

Image of overhead exit sign for Sutton Avenue West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The overhead exit sign for the second Sutton Avenue exit.

Image of 1 gore sign for second Sutton Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the second Sutton Avenue exit, with Old Exit 4B sign. Turning around...

Image of overhead advance signage for Sutton Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number I-395 South in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the ramp for the first Sutton Avenue exit southbound.

Image of overhead exit sign for second Sutton Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number I-395 South in Oxford, August 2021

The overhead exit sign for the now second Sutton Avenue exit southbound.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 advisory sign on support on I-395 South in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance headed south for the Oxford Road exit with Old Exit 5 sign.

Image of overhead exit sign for Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 South in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered Oxford Road exit sign. Turning around and heading north...

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Depot Road exit heading north.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Depot Road exit, with Old Exit 5 sign below.


Image of 2 miles advance sign for US 20 to MA 146 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the US 20 to Route 146 exit heading north.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for US 20 to MA 146 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 6 A-B advisory sign on support on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign has the Old Exits 6 A-B sign.

Image of blue Attractions sign for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the US 20 West exit.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on support on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

Renumbered overhead advance signage for both exits.

Image of overhead advance signage at US 20 West to MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the ramp for the US 20 East to Route 146 exit, partially obscured by a truck.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

The bridge mounted US 20 West exit sign. Now head south...

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 South in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered combination East US 20 to Route 146 guide/gore sign. Notice there is no Old Exit sign installed.

Old EXIT 7 (NB)*

Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-395 North in Oxford, August 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the I-90 Mass Pike and Route 12 exit. The new number could have been better centered on the exit tab.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike and MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on right support on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 7 sign, plus a pull through with the first mention of I-290.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike and MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on right support on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the I-90 and Route 12 exit.

Image of End I-395/Begin I-290 advisory signs on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

Before the exit, I-395 officially ends and I-290 begins.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike and MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on right support on I-395 North in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered I-90 and Route 12 exit sign.

*Since I-290 officially begins south of the I-90/Mass Pike and Route 12 exit (see first dual milepost photo below, taken before the I-90 bridge), MassDOT considers this an I-290 exit on its exit listings, however I will place it here to match up with my I-395 Exit List.

I-290 shield image from Wikimedia(*NEW from Google Maps Street View, July and August 2022)

I-290's exits were renumbered between September 8 and 20, 2021. The work had to wait until (most) of new exit signs being put up along I-290 in Worcester were installed. The new I-290 exits use mileage carried over from I-395. To help alert motorists, NCDOT placed dual mile markers (really posting new I-395 markers next to the existing I-290 ones) showing I-290's and the continued I-395 mileage. Unfortunately, they decided to use I-395 shields on the mile markers, potentially confusing drivers or at least making some think I-395 now runs continuous with I-290 (MassDOT has stated they may consider replacing I-290 with an extended I-395 if this causes driver confusion). A better idea, in my view, would have been to have mile markers that replace the I-395 shield with text such as 'Exit Mile.' However, apparently MassDOT got enough feedback from drivers that some time during the late summer of 2022 they removed the dual markers replacing them along I-290 with I-290 sign markers with the total (I-395) mileage listed, photos of these coming soon, here's the latest image I could find showing the dual markers from August 2022, taken from Google Maps Street View:

Image of dual mile markers installed along bridge wall on I-290 West in Worcester, Google Maps Street View image, August 2022

Former Dual Mile Markers

Examples from I-290 East:

Image of tenth dual mile markers for I-290 East and I-395 North recently placed near the I-90/Mass Pike bridge in Auburn, August 2021

Set up for the 2/10 mile version, the first is for I-290 East, the second the mileage continued from the CT border along I-395 North.

Image of first set of newly installed dual mile markers along I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

The first set of dual mile markers on I-290 East. Did they have to include the I-395 shield? Seems this would cause some driver confusion.

Image of lone I-395 North mile marker put up where I-290 East marker was missing in Shrewsbury, August 2021

In a few cases there was a missing I 290 milepost, but the I-395 milepost was added anyway. More confusion for drivers?

*Some additional mileposts taken on I-290 West, with similar issues:

Image of dual I-290 and I-395 mile markers on I-290 West in Northborough, September 2021

A set of the dual markers headed west in the Northborough area, are drivers heading west to be more confused by the appearance of an I-395 shield?

Image of lone I-395 mile marker on I-290 West in Boylston, September 2021

Another lone I-395 marker without a corresponding I-290 milepost.

Image of lone I-395 2/10 mile marker on I-290 West in Northborough, September 2021

Also the Northborough area, there was at least 1 2/10 mile marker with I-395 mileage not paired with an I-290 version.

Exit Signage

Old EXIT 7 (WB)

Image of newly placed 2 miles advance overhead sign for To I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The Renumbered newly placed 2 Miles advance sign for the now To I-90/Mass Pike exit approaching the end of I-290 West.

Image of newly placed left side 1 mile advance overhead sign for To I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The new, and rare left-side cantilever 1 Mile advance sign for the To I-90/Mass Pike exit with Old Exit 7 sign.

Image of pair of older ground mounted 1/2 mile advance signs for To I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

A pair of renumbered ground mounted 1/2 Mile advance signs. Since these were replaced by the sign in the distance that was put up before the Exit Renumbering project started, would it have made more sense to remove them than change their exit numbers?

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for To I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The renumbered official 1/2 Mile Advance sign for the Pike exit, along with an extended Exit Only tab that explains in great detail (for CT drivers?) where the right lane ends (given that this sign was supposedly designed with milepost exit numbers in mind, why is the bottom line not centered?).

Image of overhead ramp sign for To I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The gantry at the I-90/Mass Pike exit had yet to have been replaced, therefore the new exit number was squeezed onto the existing exit tab, the renumbered gore sign in the distance, with its Old Exit 7 sign, is new.

Old EXIT 8 (WB)

Image of newly placed 1 mile advance overhead sign for To MA 12 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on support on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The new renumbered 1 Mile advance for the now To Route 12 South exit, with an added letter and the Old Exit 8 sign on the right.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for To MA 12 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The new renumbered 1/2 Mile advance shares a gantry with the first I-395 exit and includes an Old Exit # sign for the US 20 exit.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for To MA 12 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The new renumbered To Route 12 South exit sign share the gantry with 2 older advance signs for US 20 on I-395 South.

Image of newly placed gore sign for To MA 12 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 sign attached below on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The To Route 12 South gore sign and the Old Exit 8 sign, partially hidden by a former detour sign post, below.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Swanson Road exit with new I-395 milepost exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Swanson Road exit on I-290 East which is before the I-90/Mass Pike and Route 12 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Swanson Road exit with new I-395 milepost exit number on I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance which shares a gantry with a VMS.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Swanson Road exit with new I-395 milepost exit number on I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered Swanson Road exit sign (and exit behind the Oversize Load vehicles). Now heading westbound...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Auburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The renumbered newly placed 1 Mile advance sign for the Auburn Street exit westbound.

Image of blue Lodging Services sign for Auburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Auburn Street exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Auburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The new 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Auburn Street exit, another set of dual mile markers can be seen beyond the sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Auburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The renumbered Auburn Street exit sign, surprisingly in Auburn.

Image of gore sign for Auburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 sign attached below on I-290 West in Auburn, September 2021

The newly placed gore sign with Old Exit 9 sign below.

Old EXIT 10 (WB)

Image of new 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 12 North eixt with new milepost based exit number and (duplicate) yellow Old Exit 10 advisory sign on support on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered new 1/2 Mile advance with the second Old Exit 10 sign on the support (see first under Old Exit 11).

Image of new overhead ramp sign for MA 12 North eixt with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The new Route 12 North exit sign with its newer number.

Old EXIT 11

Image of Next Exit sign with new I-395 milepost number placed in it on I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

They apparently decided to keep the Next Exit sign and renumber it, not usually needed anymore with milepost exits, to notify drivers that Exit 14 for Route 12 South is for westbound drivers only.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Southbridge Street exit with new I-395 milepost and yellow Old Exit 11 advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Auburn, August 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for new Exit 15, College Square/Southbridge Street along with the Old Exit 11 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Southbridge Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

A renumbered combination of green auxiliary sign for the College Square exit and brown cultural attractions sign for downtown Worcester exits a few miles ahead.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Southbridge Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

A fuzzy image of the renumbered exit sign with new number gore sign in the distance.  Turning around and heading westbound...

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 12 North and College Square exit with new milepost based exit numbersand yellow Old Exit 11 and 10 advisory signs on right support on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for College Square/Southbridge Street shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the Route 12/Hope Avenue exit, with Old Exit # Signs for both exits on the right.

Image of overhead ramp sign for College Square exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The College Square/Southbridge Street exit sign, with Exit 15 gore sign behind, but not Old Exit # Sign attached.

Old EXIT 12 (WB)

Image of advance signage for Southbridge Street and MA 146 South exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance for the Route 146 South exit is accompanied by a 1 1/4 Miles advance sign for the Southbridge Street/College Square exit.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for MA 146 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The new and renumbered 1/4 mile advance for the Route 146 South exit is accompanied by a West I-290, etc. pull through sign. Again a lopsided exit tab.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 146 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The Route 146 South exit sign is accompanied by an older and simpler West I-290 to South I-395 pull through sign.

Old EXIT 13

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 122A / Kelley Square exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 122A / Kelley Square exit headed east.

Image of recently placed 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for MA 122A / Kelley Square exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

For the Route 122A exit there is an additional new 1/4 mile advance sign, paired with a permanent VMS.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for MA 122A / Kelley Square exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The Route 122A / Kelley Square exit sign after the left dual mile marker confirms that 17 is the correct exit number.

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 122A / Kelley Square exit with newI-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 122A exit. Turning around westbound...

Image of gore sign for MA 122A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 13 sign attached below on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 122A/Kelley Square exit. A new two sign cantilever assembly for the College Square and South Route 146 exits in the distance.*

Old EXIT 14

Image of recently placed overhead signage at ramp for MA 122 exit with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered new exit sign for Route 122 is paired with the 1/2 mile advance for the MLK Jr. Blvd. exit, two exits away, with a lopsided exit tab, won't be the last. Heading west...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

A stand alone new renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 122 exit, pardon the blurry image while the sign is new the bridge deck is quite old and bumpy.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The new Route 122 exit sign shares a gantry with the correctly numbered Route 122A 1/2 mile advance sign, again, the exit tab numbers are not centered correctly.

Old EXIT 15 (EB)

Image of gore and ramp sign for Shrewsbury STreet exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

Renumbered gore sign for the Shrewsbury Street exit on I-290 East in Worcester. A new North I-395 mile marker lays beside the road, awaiting to be split in 2 like the I-290 marker? The street sign on top of the gore sign is temporary, awaiting a permanent overhead sign.

Old EXIT 16*

Image of combination green auxiliary and blue hospital sign for MLK Blvd exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

Renumbered combination of green guide and blue services sign for the MLK Jr. Blvd. exit on I-290 East in Worcester.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MLK Blvd exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

Renumbered MLK Jr. Blvd. exit sign share gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for the Route 9 exit which now features local street and square names instead of towns, see old sign in photos below.  Turning around and heading west...

Image of recently placed new 1/2 Mile advance sign for MLK Jr Blvd along with 1 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for South MA 146 exit, both with new milepost based exit numbers, on I-290 West in Worcester, Google Maps Street View, August 2022

Google Maps Street View image of new 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign sharing gantry with 2 Miles advance renumbered exit sign for South Route 146.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MLK Jr. Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The previous version of the solo 1/2 mile advance sign after it was renumbered in September 2021.

Image of newly placed overhead advance signage for MA 122 and MLK Jr. Blvd. exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

New versions of the 1 Mile advance for Route 122 and 1/4 mile advance sign for MLK Jr. Blvd., both with non-centered exit numbers.Note the exit sign for Route 122A has the wrong number (should be 17).

Image of recently placed overhead signage at ramp for MLK Jr. Blvd with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, Google Maps Street View, August 2022

The replaced overhead signage at the MLK Jr. Blvd exit, Google Maps Street View image taken in August 2022. This version includes a shared gantry with the 1 1/2 mile advance for the Route 146 exit.

 Image of overhead ramp sign for MLK Jr. Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The previous version of the renumbered signs at the MLK Jr. Blvd. shared a gantry with a 3/4 mile advance for the Route 122 exit.

Old EXIT 17 (EB)*

Image of recently placed 1/4 mile advance sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, Google Maps Street View, July 2022

The new version of the 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Route 9 exit, with lopsided number and Exit Only banner. Image by Google Maps Street View in July 2022.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The previous version after the sign was renumbered in September 2021, plus a new Airport guide sign.

Image of blue Attractions services sign for MA 9 exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Route 9 exit, unlike the one on the Mass Pike, this actually lists places.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, Google Maps Street View, July 2022

The new versions of overhead signage at the ramp for the Route 9 exit, which include a 1 mile advance for the upcoming I-190/To Route 70 exits and also includes separate Old Exit 19 and 20 signs. Google Maps Street View image from July 2022.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The previous Route 9 exit sign, with installed new gore sign in distance. Notice the right dual mile marker (left one removed in September 2022) does not match up against the exit number.

Old EXIT 18 (WB)

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 70 to MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on support on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The new renumbered 1 Mile advance for the westbound Route 70 exit, with Old Exit 18 sign prior to merge from I-190 South.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for MA 70 to MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered Route 70 exit sign, with gore sign in distance, the exit number a little too far to the left here as well.

Old EXITS 19-20 (EB)

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance signs for I-190 North and To MA 70 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, Google Maps Street View image, July 2022

Google Maps Street View image of new 1/2 Mile advance signage for the I-190 North/To Route 70 exits taken in July 2022. Note the orange gantry placement tag is still present behind the sign.

Image of old 1/2 mile advance signs for North I-190/MA 70 exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The previous version of the sign after it was renumbered in August 2021.

Image of old 1/4 mile advance sign for North I-190/MA 70 exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

This renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign for the I-190 North and Burncoat Street (To Route 70) exit was not removed and not replaced in the spring of 2022. The new auxiliary sign behind is because the new signage does not include a Route 12 shield (see photo below).

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for the North I-190/MA 70 exit with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The new and renumbered I-190 North and Burncoat Street exit sign also includes a small East I-290 pull through.

Image of overhead signs for split of ramps to North I-190 and MA 70 exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

Seen from I-290 East, the renumbered overheads at the split of ramps for I-190 North and Burncoat Street.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for split of I-190 North and Burncoat Street exits on ramp from I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

This newly placed overhead sign on the right at the split of ramps to I-290 East and Burncoat Street does not have an exit number.

Old EXIT 19 (WB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-190 North exit with new milepost based exit number in I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered recently placed 1/2 Mile advance sign for the I-190 North exit, the original signs included a Route 12 shield.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-190 North exit with new milepost based exit number in I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The I-190 North exit sign with a seemingly redundant North I-190 trailblazer in front. Again, notice the off-center number on the exit tab.

Old Exit 20 (WB)

Image of overhead advance signs for I-190 North and MA 70 with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 20 and 19 advisory signs on right support on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

The ramps for the I-190 North and Route 70 exits are separate on I-290 West, however, the first renumbered advance signs share the same gantry. Notice the Old Exit 19 and 20 signs are posted here, not waiting for the 1 mile advance signs. They also seemed to have problems with centering the exit number for the I-190 exit, see additional photos below.

Image of overhead advance signage for I-190 North and MA 70 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The next set of renumbered advance signs also share the same gantry and another set of Old Exit 19 and 20 signs, and lopsided exit tab for the I-190 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 70 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Worcester, September 2021

The renumbered Route 70 exit sign, not accompanying I-190 sign here.

Old EXIT 21 (EB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Plantation Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 21 advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the Plantation Street exit, notice the new number doesn't match that of the dual milepost, though the old number (21) does.

Image of blue hospital auxiliary sign for Plantation Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

A renumbered blue Hospital Services sign for the Plantation Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Plantation Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered Plantation Street exit sign with the hills of Shrewsbury in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Main Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The gore sign for the Plantation Street exit with Old Exit 21 sign attached.

Old EXIT 22

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Main Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Worcester, August 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Main Street exit, old Exit 22 sign attached. This is actually prior to the Plantation Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Main Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Shrewsbury, August 2021

The Main Street exit sign with renumbered gore sign in the distance.  Now driving on I-290 West...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Main Street exit, construction signs refer to upcoming repaving project after the exit.*

Old EXITS 23 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 23 A-B advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Shrewsbury, August 2021

The 1 mile advance for the Route 140 exits with Old Exits 23 A-B sign attached to the support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 140 North exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Shrewsbury, August 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 140 North exit.

Image of gore sign at ramp for MA 140 South exit with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 East in Shrewsbury, August 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 140 North exit.  Turning around and heading west on I-290:

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 140 North exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

*The renumbered signage at the exit ramp for the Route 140 North.*

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

The slightly damaged exit sign for the Route 140 South in Shrewsbury.

Image of gore sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26A sign attached below on I-290 West in Shrewsbury, September 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 140 South exit.

Old EXIT 24

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Church Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 24 advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Shrewsbury, August 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Church Street exit and its Old Exit 24 sign.

Image of blue attractions sign for Church Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Church Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Church Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Church Street exit. Here the new exit number fits with the dual milepost prior to the ramp.

Image of gore sign for Church Street exit with new I-395 milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

The gore sign for the Church Street exit.  Meanwhile, on I-290 West...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number for Church Street exit on I-290 West in Northborough, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Church Street exit.

Old EXITS 25 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 25 A-B advisory sign on support on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exits with the Old Exits 25 A-B sign attached.

Image of ground mounted I-290 Ends sign prior to Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

Prior to the exit there are a pair of advisory signs that I-290 Ends in 3 miles, shows you the length of backups expected at I-495.

Image of auxiliary sign for second Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Solomon Pond Mall Road exit. Based on later exit signs (below), this would appear to be redundant.

Image of blue Food/Attractions sign for both Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

A renumbered Food and Lodging services sign for both Hudson Street and Solomon Pond Mall Road exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Hudson Street/Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

Renumbered overhead signs at the Hudson Street ramp. The dual mileposts prior confirm the correctness of the new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

The exit sign for Solomon Pond Road shares a gantry with the 2 Miles advance for the last exit, I-495.

Gore sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 25 B sign attached below on I-290 East in Boylston, August 2021

Renumbered gore sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road. Turning around and heading westbound:

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road with new exit number on I-290 West in Boylston, September 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road just across the Assabet River.

Image of gore sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road with new exit number and yellow Old Exit 25B sign attached below on I-290 West in Boylston, September 2021

The renumbered gore sign for Solomon Pond Mall Road and Old Exit 25B sign.

Old EXITS 26 A/B

Image of 1 1/4 mile advance diagrammatic sign and 1 Mile advance sign for I-495 exits 
                                        with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on I-290 in Marlborough, August 2021

Renumbered 1 1/4 and 1 Mile advance signs for the I-495 exits with Old Exits 26 A-B sign on right support. 

Image of 3/4 and 1/2 mile advance signage for I-495 and Hudson Connector exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on 
                                        I-290 in Marlborough, August 2021

The next set of renumbered advance signs, the To Route 85 is for the Hudson Connector, a two lane continuation of the highway after the I-495 exit which uses the right of way for what was originally supposed to be a continuation of I-290 further east.

Image of overhead ramp signage for I-495 and Hudson Connector exits with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on 
                                        I-290 in Marlborough, August 2021

The renumbered I-495 exit signs with a To Route 85 pull through in the middle prior to the I-495 exit ramp.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new I-395 milepost based exit numbers on 
                                        I-290 in Marlborough, August 2021

The I-495 South exit gore sign with new number and Old Exit 26A sign below. The last set of dual mile markers with route shields can be seen behind.

Taken along I-290 West...

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number at the beginning of I-290 West in Marlboro, September 2021

The exit sign for the I-495 South exit at the beginning of I-290 West in Marlboro.

I-405 shield image from WikimediaJump to Chelmsford and Further North Photos (New 7/7/21)

Work to renumber I-495 exits was done in four sections from south to north, due to coordination with ongoing sign replacement contracts between Bolton and Lowell. Work on the first section, from Route 28 to I-95 in Mansfield started on May 16. Work was supposed to take 5 weeks for the entire route. MassDOT announced that work had been completed only after 4 weeks, but several exits still had old number signs, as of July 22 they still haven't listed the route as complete on their Exit Renumbering website.

Exits 1 and 2 - No Renumbering

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 58 North exit with no change in exit number on I-495 South in Wareham, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 58 North exit, the first sign heading south without a change in exit number. (The sign is misleading in that Route 58, according to signage on the route itself, continues south from I-495 South and ends at Route 28.

Old EXIT 3

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 
                                       advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Route 28, with Old Exit 3 sign, just after a South I-495 Mile 9 marker.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance heading north.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Middleboro, May 2021

The exit sign for Route 28 and gore sign with new number and Old Exit 3 sign below.

Image of gore sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign attached below on I-495 North in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign with Old Exit 3 sign below, the VMS in the distance still announcing exit renumbering happening soon.

Old EXIT 4

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 105 exit does not have the Old Exit 4 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 advisory sign hidden by trees on support on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 4 sign, but it is mostly blocked by leaves, unlike the support for the 1 mile advance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign, with the new number gore sign in distance, without and Old Exit sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Middleboro, May 2021

A renumbered commuter rail sign for the Route 105 exit heading north on I-495.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 18 East US 44 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the combined Route 18 and US 44 East exit northbound.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered brown attractions sign for Massasoit State Park on I-495 southbound.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered separate Route 18 exit sign southbound.

Image of gore sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 sign attached below on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 18 exit southbound.

Old EXIT 6

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 18 and US 44 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the US 44 exit on I-495 South shares the gantry with the 1 1/4 Miles advance for Route 18.

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 18 and US 44 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The next set of signs features the renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for US 44 and the 3/4 Mile advance for Route 18.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 44 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 6 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Middleboro, May 2021

The exit sign the US 44 exit is the one that features the Old Exit 6 sign, this couldn't be put on one post of one of the previous gantries?


Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for MA 24 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

The 2 Miles advance sign for the Route 24 exit on I-495 South, inconsistencies with placement of Old Exit signs sometimes on 2 Miles, some times on 1 Mile advance signs continues.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 24 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 24 exits.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 24 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 7 B-A advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

There is no 1 Mile advance for Route 24 in this direction, so the renumbered 3/4 Mile advance gets the Old Exits 7 B-A sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 24 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

The exit sign for the Route 24 South exit on I-495 South is 1/2 mile from the Route 24 North exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 24 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

The Route 24 North exit sign which the mile marker confirms has the correct new number.

Image of gore sign for MA 24 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 A sign attached below on I-495 South in Raynham, May 2021

The renumbered Route 24 North exit gore sign and Old Exit 7A sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 24 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Raynham, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Route 24 South exit on I-495 North, with new number gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 8

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 138 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 138 exit with Old Exit 8 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 138 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Stonehill College.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 138 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered Route 138 exit sign with new number gore sign in distance with attached Old Exit 8 sign.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Bay Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Bay Street exit on I-495 South in Taunton, with Old Exit 9 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Bay Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Industrial Park Road, number now a little off center.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Bay Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Taunton, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Bay Street on I-495 South, with new number gore sign in distance with the Old Exit 9 sign. Heading north..

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Bay Street exit with new milepost based exut number on I-495 North in Taunton, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Bay Street exit.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Norton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 123 exit with Old Exit 10 sign on I-495 South.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Norton, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Wheaton College.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Norton, May 2021

The renumbered Route 123 exit sign with new number gore sign in distance with its Old Exit 10 sign. Turning around...

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 123 to MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Norton, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign northbound, in this direction it also serves as an exit for Route 140 South.

Old EXITS 12 and 11 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 12-11 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the two separate Route 140 exits, along with the Old Exits 12-11 sign on I-495 South. MassDOT apparently decided to keep the two exit numbers, but since they are connected by a C/D ramp, they could have given them one number and A and B ramps, this would have made it consistent with the one number for MA 140 heading north.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for MA 140 exits with old sequential exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

An example of one of the ground mounted auxiliary signs on I-495 South not having been renumbered, the other one was for commuter rail at the Route 105 exit.

Image of overhead C/D ramp sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered Route 140 C/D ramp exit sign on I-495 South. 

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 12-11 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered signs at the split for the two separate Route 140 exits, room on the exit tabs that could have held Exits 30 A and B.

Image of overhead C/D ramp sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered C/D ramp sign for the Route 140 South exit.

Image of overhead C/D ramp sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The signage at the Route 140 South exit, it appears the overhead are orphaned sign, not replaced during the last sign project. The renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 12 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

There is only one exit for Route 140 (North) heading northbound, here's the 1 Mile advance, but no Old Exit 12 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 140 North exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance, again no Old Exit 12 sign, the new number is correct, despite the preceding mile marker, due to the length of the exit ramp.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

The signage at the Route 140 exit heading north. The Mile 30 marker on the exit 31 post.

Old EXITS 13 A/B

Image of 2 miles advance overhead signs for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North and C/D ramp from MA 140 North exit in Mansfield, June 2021

A pair of renumbered 2 Miles advance signs for the I-95 exit, one over the ramp from the Route 140 North exit.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 13 A-B advisory signs on support on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the I-95 exits, this one having the Old Exits 13 A-B sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign on I-495 North.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered overheads approaching the I-95 North exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Mansfield, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for I-95 South.  Now heading south on I-495...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for I-95 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance for I-95 South.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-95 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, June 2021

The overhead signs at the exit for I-95 South.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered I-95 North exit sign, and new number gore sign in the distance.

Old EXITS 14 A/B

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for US 1 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The very reflective 2 Miles advance for the US 1 exits. An extra sign up for this exit since it serves Gillette Stadium.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 14 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the US 1 exits. Like I-95, this has the Old Exits sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the US 1 North exits. There is an auxiliary directing traffic to Gillette Stadium, would Foxboro(ugh) be a better control city?

Image of overhead signs at ramp for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered signs at the US 1 North ramp, new number gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The very reflective US 1 South exit sign and renumbered gore sign beyond. Turning around onto I-495 North...

Image of auxiliary sign for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Gillette Stadium.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Wrentham, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for US 1 South in Wrentham.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the exit for US 1 South.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 1A exit in Wrentham with Old Exit 15 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for a cleverly named street at the Route 1A exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Wrentham, June 2021

The Route 1A exit sign with gore (and Outlet Mall) sign in the distance. Driving on I-495 South later in June...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Wrentham, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for Route 1A.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Wrentham, June 2021

The Route 1A exit sign shares a gantry with the 2 Miles advance for the US 1 exit, renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 16

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for King Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 16 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for King Street which apparently goes all the way to Rhode Island (actually just over 5 miles away).

Image of auxiliary sign for King Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the King Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for King Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

The King Street exit sign and new number gore sign, partially hidden, in the distance. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for King Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Franklin, June 2020

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance for King Street, also with a Rhode Island control city.

Image of gore sign for King Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 16 sign attached below on I-495 South in Franklin, June 2020

The gore sign for King Street with Old Exit 16 sign.

Old EXIT 17

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for MA 140 Franklin exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

Prior to exit signs announcing the return of Route 140, there's this renumbered auxiliary sharing a gantry with a VMS panel.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 Franklin exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 17 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Route 140, with the Old Exit 17 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 140 Franklin exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary for the commuter rail line.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 140 Franklin exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Franklin, June 2021

The renumbered Route 140 exit sign. Now heading south on I-495...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Franklin, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Route 140 Franklin exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 17 sign attached below on I-495 South in Franklin, June 2021

The gore sign for the Route 140 Franklin exit and Old Exit 17 sign.

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 126 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Bellingham, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 126 exit with the accompanying Old Exit 18 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 126 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Bellingham, June 2021

A renumbered Hospital services sign, with the mile marker indicating the proper exit number is being used.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 126 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Bellingham, June 2021

A Route 126 exit sign, with renumbered gore sign in distance. Turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 126 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Bellingham, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign, beyond a small Next Exit sign for the local airport, not needing a new number.

Image of gore sign for MA 126 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 sign attached below on I-495 South in Bellingham, June 2021

The gore sign for the Route 126 exit and Old Exit 18 sign below, headed south.

Old EXIT 19

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 109 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 19 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 109 exit with its Old Exit 19 sign attached on the support.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for MA 109 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

A renumbered brown attractions sign for the Route 109 exit as seen between trucks.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 109 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

The Route 109 exit sign with new number gore sign and Old Exit 19 sign below in the distance. Now headed south on June 27:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 109 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Milford, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Route 109, new number confirmed by mile marker.

Image of gore sign for MA 109 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 19 sign attached below on I-495 South in Milford, June 2021

The Route 109 exit gore sign, with Old Exit 19 sign below.

Old EXIT 20

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Route 85 exit comes with a significant number, 50, along with a Deer Crossing sign to accompany its Old Exit 20 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

A renumbered blue Lodging Services sign for the Route 85 exit, in front of a pair of North I-495 reassurance markers.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Milford, June 2021

The Route 85 exit sign and new number gore sign in the distance.  Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Milford, by Rick Handfield, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Route 85 exit on I-495 South, courtesy of Rick Handfield.

Image of gore sign for MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 sign attached below, June 2021

The gore sign for the new Exit 50, with the Old Exit 20 sign below.

Old EXITS 21 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for West Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 20 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the two West Main Street exits in Hopkinton, along with the Old Exits 20 A-B sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for West Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign the two West Main Street exits.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for West Main Street east exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The  renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the first West Main Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for West Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The overhead signs at the West Main Street Hopkinton exit, with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for West Main Street west exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The exit sign for the West Main Street Upton exits, with its renumbered gore sign, and Old Exit 21B sign attached below. Heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for West Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Hopkinton, by Rick Handfield, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the West Main Street exits on I-495 South, no Old Exit 21 B-A sign present, photo by Rick Handfield.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for West Main Street North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hopkinton, by Rick Handfield, May 2021

The renumbered exit signs for West Main Street, gore sign for the Upton exit in the distance, also by Rick Handfield.

Image of overhead ramp sign for West Main Street, Hopkinton exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hopkinton, June 2021

A closeup of the second southbound West Main Street exit sign with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 22

Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

A renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the I-90/Mass Pike exit.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance has the Old Exit 22 sign, seems funny that the previous exit had 2 ramps, but the Pike has one, the upcoming reconfiguration of the exit ramp may change that.

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered overhead auxiliary sign for destinations reached heading onto the I-90/Mass Pike West.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The I-90/Mass Pike exit sign just before the Turnpike bridge.

Image of gore sign for I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 sign attached below on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

A closeup of the I-90/Mass Pike exit gore sign new number above and old number below.  A quick trip along South I-495:

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile advance sign in Hopkinton.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign ahead of the I-90/Mass Pike ramp.

Old EXITS 23 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 23 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 9 exits, and the Old Exits 23 A-B sign. The mile marker confirming the correctness of the number.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 9 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

Prior to the 1 Mile advance sign, this renumbered auxiliary for the Route 9 exits.

Image of portable VMS sign about exit renumbering prior to MA 9 exits on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

Also prior, this VMS indicating the ongoing Exit Renumbering project, which MassDOT had said was to be completed on May 12.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 9 East exit.

Image of  overhead signs at ramp for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the Route 9 East exits, with the new number gore sign and Old Exits 23 A sign below in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hopkinton, June 2021

The Route 9 West exit sign and renumbered gore sign in distance. Turning around again and heading south....

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Southborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Route 9 West exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 9 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Westborough, June 2021

The overhead signs at the Route 9 West exit, just over the Westborough line.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Westborough, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 9 East shares a gantry with a 1 3/4 Miles advance sign for I-90.

Old EXIT 23C

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Simarano Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39C advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Southborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the former letter-suffixed Simarano Drive exit, with Old Exit 39C sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Simarano Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Southborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the former letter-suffixed Simarano Drive exit, with Old Exit 39C sign below.

Image of gore sign for Simarano Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39C sign attached below on I-495 North in Southborough, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign, the patch not completely covering the C of the old exit number listed underneath. Heading south a little problem...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Simarano Drive exit with new milepost based exit number but leftover sequential exit letter on I-495 South in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Simarano Drive exit where, just like the 1 Mile advance southbound, the C from the previous sequential number was not removed.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Simarano Drive exit with new milepost based exit number but leftover sequential exit letter on I-495 South in Marlborough, June 2021

Same problem for the exit sign, at least the gore sign in the distance is letter free.

Old EXIT 24 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 24 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the pair of US 20 exits in Marlboro(ugh) along with the Old Exits 24 A-B sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 20 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

A renumbered Lodging blue Services sign for both US 20 exits, would you be smarter to go to the first one?

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 20 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for US 20 East, along with a (drunk?) deer crossing sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The signage at the US 20 East exit with the renumbered gore sign in the distance. Going the other direction...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the US 20 West exit in Marlborough.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Marlborough, June 2021

The signs at the US 20 West exit, with new number gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 20 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered US 20 East exit with gore sign in the distance.

Old EXITS 25 A-B

Image of 1 3/4 Miles advance sign for To MA 85/I-290 West exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered first advance sign for the To Route 85 and I-290 West exits at the ramp for US 20 East, that sign hidden behind a truck.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for To MA 85/I-290 West exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign has the Old Exits 25 A-B sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for To MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the To Route 85 Hudson Connector exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for To MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered signage at the To Route 85 Hudson Connector exit ramp, with new number gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-290 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The I-290 West exit sign prior to the interstate bridges.

Image of gore sign for I-290 West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 25B sign attached below on I-495 North in Marlborough, June 2021

The renumbered I-290 West gore sign. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-290/To MA 85 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 25 B-A advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Marlboro, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the I-290/To Route 85 exit with the Old Exits 25 B-A sign, traffic jam caused by backup on the I-290 West ramp.

Image of overhead ramp signage at ramp for I-290 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Marlboro, June 2021

The overhead signs at the I-290 East exit with renumbered gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 85 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Marlboro, June 2021

The renumbered To Route 85 exit sign with new number gore sign on other side of bridge.

Old EXIT 26

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hudson, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 62 exit, the Old Exit 26 sign hidden by another truck.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hudson, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Hudson, June 2021

The Route 62 exit sign with preceding mile marker establishing it has the correct new number. Heading the other direction...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hudson, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 62 exit in Hudson.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hudson, June 2021

A renumbered Attractions sign for the Route 62 exit, which includes a Mega Maze.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Hudson, June 2021

The new Exit 67 gore sign, with the Old Exit 26 sign below.

Old EXIT 27

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 27 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Bolton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 117 exit in Bolton, along with its Old Exit 27 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Bolton, June 2021

This renumbered blue Attractions Services sign was before the 1 Mile advance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Bolton, June 2021

The Route 117 exit sign and new number gore sign in distance with its Old Exit 27 sign attached below. A mile 70 marker is before the ramp. Now turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Bolton, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 117 exit which has the Old Exit 27 sign instead of the similar 1 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Bolton, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 117 exit which has the Old Exit 27 sign instead of the similar 1 Mile advance sign.

Old EXIT 28*(*=Signs are currently being replaced, to view new signage visit the I-495 in Mass. Sign Gallery)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 111 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 28 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Harvard, June 2021

Truck barely getting under the renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 111 exit in Harvard with its Old Exit 28 sign. Below is an orange contractor tag for the future site of the new 1 Mile advance sign. The new signs had the old exit number placed over the new one assuming they would go up before the exits were renumbered. Looks like there's been a delay with the sign replacement (being done by the same contractor as the exit renumbering, you would think they could have coordinated this better).

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 111 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Harvard, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 111 with gore sign beyond, the truck made it under this sign as well. Heading south...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 111 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Harvard, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Route 111, awaiting replacement with a newer version.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 111 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Harvard, June 2021

The gore sign for Route 111, and Old Exit 28 sign below.

A bonus photo, courtesy of MassDOT of the exit sign on I-495 South:
MassDOT traffic camera image for bridge mounted ramp sign for MA 111 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Harvard, June 2021

Old EXITS 29 A/B*

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 29 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 2 exits accompanied by the Old Exits 29 A-B sign.

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for MA 2 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 2 West exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered, newer, replaced during the last Route 2 sign replacement contract, exit sign.

Image of gore sign MA 2 exits still without new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The gore sign for the Route 2 exits had not been renumbered by the 11th. It was however, finally changed later in June:

Image of gore sign for MA 2 exits C/D lane with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Littleton, December 2021 Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2 West exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D ramp from I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered Route 2 West exit sign on the C/D ramp with the new number gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 30*

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2A/110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 30 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Routes 2A/110 exit with its Old Exit 30 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2A/110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

A renumbered blue Gas Services sign for the Routes 2A/110 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2A/110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The Routes 2A/110 exit sign with new Exit 79 gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 31*

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 119 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for Route 119, the Old Exit 31 sign hidden by a log truck.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 119 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The bridge mounted Route 119 exit sign in Littleton.

Image of gore sign for MA 119 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 31 sign attached below on I-495 North in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign for Route 119, the Old Exit 31 sign not hidden this time.

Old EXIT 32*

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Boston Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Westford, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Boston Road exit with attached Old Exit 32 and Deer Crossing sign at the beginning of a traffic jam on I-495 North in Westford.

Image of newly placed auxilary sign for Boston Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Westford, June 2021

A newly placed auxiliary sign for the Boston Road exit with a new exit number. The mile marker supports the number choice.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Boston Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Westford, June 2021

The renumbered Boston Road exit sign, a closeup at 4 mph.

Photos of the next three exits on I-495 North in Chelmsford mostly taken by Paul Schlichtman on May 31, 2021:

Old EXIT 33*

Image of temporary 1 mile advance sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The temporary renumbered ground mounted 1 Mile advance for the Route 4 exit, the number is almost as large as the sign.

Image of advance signs for MA 110 and MA 4 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign on left support on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the Route 110 exit and its Old Exit 34 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Chelmsford, June 2021

The Route 4 exit sign had been properly renumbered when I drove through on June 11, not the case as photographed by Paul Schlichtman at the end of May:

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 exit without new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

Someone forgot something after they placed the Old Exit 33 sign on the Route 4 exit sign.

Old EXIT 34*

Image of blue services sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

An 'Old Fashioned' services sign for the Route 110 exit with its new exit number.

Image of blue Hospital services sign for MA 110 Chelmsford exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North, June 2021

A renumbered small blue sign for Lowell General Hospital (own photo).

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The Route 110 exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1/2 mile advance for the upcoming US 3 and Lowell Connector interchange, new numbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXITS 35 A-C*

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 3/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers with separate Old Exits 35 A-C sign below on I-495 North in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for US 3 and the Lowell Connector, the Old Exit sign is on separate posts below, added a week after the exit was renumbered (own photo).

Image of auxiliary sign for Lowell Connector exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the Intermodal Center for the Lowell Connector exit, placed prior to the 1 Mile advance.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 3 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Manchester-Boston Regional Airport using US 3 North, behind a mile marker that confirms the number for the upcoming exit for Route 110.

Image of overhead C-D ramp sign for US 3/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered signage at the start of the C/D ramp for the US 3 and Lowell Connector exits.

Image of overhead ramp signs for US 3 South and US 3 North/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The signage at the US 3 South ramp, US 3 North and the Lowell Connector combined on the other sign.

Image of overhead ramp signs for US 3 North and Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered signage at the ramp to US 3 North/Lowell Connector.

Image of gore sign for US 3 North/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

Closeup of the gore sign for US 3 and the Lowell Connector exits.

Image of overhead signs for US 3 North and Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered overheads at the split of the US 3 North and the Lowell Connector exits, the sign on the left was a later in-kind replacement for the damaged original sign but does not have the proper left side exit tab.

Image of stacked gore signs for US 3 North and Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered stacked gore signs for US 3 North and the Lowell Connector. It appears they forgot to add the old exit signs to this exit. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 3/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance taken on I-495 South with its Old Exits 35 C-B-A sign, the only 3 lettered exit on I-495, photo by Vinh Lam.

Image of blue Attractions Services sign for Lowell Connector exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Lowell Connector exit on I-495 South.

The following photos taken by Paul Schlichtman on June 6:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 3/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance heading south in Chelmsford.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 3/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The signage at the beginning of the C/D ramp.

Image of overhead sign at ramp for Lowell Connector exit with new milepost based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered signs on the C/D ramp at the Lowell Connector exit, with new number on gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 3 North exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D ramp from I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The ground mounted exit sign for the US 3 North exit along the C/D ramp, with gore sign in distance.

Image of  overhead sign for US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D ramp from I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered US 3 South exit sign sharing a gantry with I-495 South pull through and 1 Mile advance sign for Routes 4 and 110 exit.

Image of gore sign for US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 35A sign attached below on I-495 South in Chelmsford, June 2021

Closeup of the renumbered gore sign for US 3 South on I-495 South.

Signs from Chelmsford to I-95: I-495 North were taken by Bob Malme on June 11, South were taken by Vinh Lam on June 26:

Old EXIT 37*

Image of 1 mile advance bridge mounted sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Woburn Street exit, still in Chelmsford.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Chelmsford, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance this one with the Old Exit 37 sign (There was no Exit 36).

Image of overhead ramp sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Chelmsford, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign with new number Exit 91 gore sign in distance.  Heading now south on I-495...

Image of blue combination Gas and Food services sign for Woburn Street exit with old sequential exit number on I-495 South in Tewksbury, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The combination Gas/Food blue Services sign is between the 1 and 1/2 Mile advance signs for Woburn Street, and is lacking the new exit number for both. Guess there's no decent place in Lowell to get food and get gas.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance bridge mounted sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lowell, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The next advance sign, for 1/4 mile does have the new number and is mounted on the Boylston Street bridge in Lowell.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lowell, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered soon to be replaced overhead exit sign on I-495 South.

Image of gore sign for Woburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 sign attached below on I-495 South in Lowell, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered new gore sign on I-495 South.

Old EXIT 38*

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 38 sign on support on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 38 exit, no longer matching the route number, as indicated by the Old Exit 38 sign on the support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Route 38 exit, apparently bowling as well as golf is an attraction in Tewksbury.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

The Route 38 exit sign and new numbered, and no longer matching, Exit 92 gore sign in distance. Turning around...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number, but no old exit sign, on I-495 South in Tewksbury, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for Route 38 heading south, with no Old Exit 38 sign to match the route number.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Tewksbury, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance shares a gantry with an inactivate VMS.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Tewksbury, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Route 38 exit sign shares its gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Woburn Street, and its Old Exit 37 sign. Notice also the two different fonts for the exit tabs.

Image of gore sign for MA 38 exit with old sequential exit number, and matching Old Exit 38 sign below, on I-495 South in Tewksbury, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Route 38 gore sign still matches the route number, but an Old Exit 38 sign is attached anyway.

Old EXIT 39

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39 sign on support on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Route 133 exit, Old Exit 39 sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

The renumbered Route 133 exit sign, with new Exit 94 gore sign in distance. Now heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 133 exit with its Old Exit 39 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Route 133 exit features a new number and a different font on the route shield.

Image of gore sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39 sign attached below on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 133 gore sign prior to entering Tewksbury.

Old EXITS 40 A/B

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Tewksbury, June 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the I-93 exits as I-495 North is about to enter Andover.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 40 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign, however no Old Exit sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for both I-93 exits.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-93 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the I-93 South exit, in between trucks.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-93 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The I-93 exit signs at the southbound ramp, with new number gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The renumbered I-93 North exit sign with its gore sign behind. Time now to turn and head in the other direction...

Image of 2 Miles advance sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 2 Miles advance heading south, if you don't believe it, there's the reassurance marker in the distance.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 40 B-A advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance has the Old Exits 40 B-A sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the I-93 North exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

Renumbered overhead signage at the I-93 North exit.

Image of gore sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 40B sign attached below on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The new exit number for the I-93 North gore sign, Old Exit 40B sign partially hidden.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-93 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

Renumbered exit signage for I-93 South, but another problem in the distance.

Image of gore sign for I-93 South exit with old sequential exit number and yellow Old Exit 40A sign attached below on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The I-93 South gore sign still has its old number and an Old Exit 40A sign below.

Old EXITS 41 A/B (NB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 41 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the two Route 28 exits, with Old Exits 41 A-B sign, and in front a mile marker confirming the appropriateness of the number.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 28 North exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 28 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The signage at the Route 28 South exit ramp, with new number gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The renumbered Route 28 North exit shares a gantry with a new triple digit exit for Route 114 East, gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 41 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the combined Route 28 exit on I-495 South.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the combined Route 28 exit on I-495 South.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for Commuter Rail at the Route 28 exit. Does the T logo look a little thin?

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 28 exit sign on I-495 South.

Image of gore sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 sign attached below on I-495 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The first 2-digit gore sign on I-495 South, with the old 2-digit number listed below.

Old EXITS 42 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 114 exits with new first triple digit milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 42 A-B advisory sign on right support on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The 1 and 1/4 Miles advance sign for the first triple digit exit on I-495 North, Route 114, and Old Exits 42 A-B sign below among the tree branches.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 114 East exit with new milepost based exit number, but unchanged gore sign, on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the Route 114 East exit ramp but unchanged gore sign in the distance, with Old Exit sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 114 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The Route 114 West exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Mass. Ave exit in Lawrence. The triple digit plus letter gore sign,in the distance, has been installed here.  Now heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 114 exits with new milepost exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 42B-A advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Lawrence, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1 1/4 Miles advance for Route 114 with the Old Exits 42 B-A sign attached.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 114 exits with new milepost exit numbers on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for Route 114 West.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 114 West exit with new milepost exit numbers on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 114 exit signs, can you spot the error further on?

Image of gore sign for MA 114 West exit with old sequential exit number but also yellow Old Exit 42B sign attached below on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Route 114 gore sign with the old number and the the Old Exit 42 B sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 114 East exit with new milepost exit number on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 114 East.

Image of gore sign for MA 114 East exit with new milepost exit number and yellow Old Exit 42A sign attached below on I-495 South in North Andover, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The gore sign with the correct (and last 3-digit) number for Route 114 East.

Old EXIT 43

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Massachusetts Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Massachusetts Avenue exit, prior to the Route 114 exit and Mile Marker 99.8. Notice the lack of an Old Exit sign, this becomes more prevalent the further north you go.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Massachusetts Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Andover, June 2021

The Massachusetts Avenue exit sign, with a large new number, shares a gantry with the 1/4 mile advance for the next two exits, 3 digit gore sign in distance.

Old EXITS 44-43 (SB)

Image of overhead ramp signs for Merrimack Street and Mass. Avenue exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 44-43 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Lawrence, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The exit sign for the combined Merrimack Street and Mass. Avenue ramp in Lawrence, here's where the Old Exit 44-43 sign is, is this a little too long to wait?

Image of gore sign for Merrimack Street and Mass. Avenue exits with old sequential exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44-43 sign below on I-495 South in Lawrence, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The gore sign still with its old numbers, currently repeated below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Merrimack Street exit with new milepost based exit number as seen from I-495 South in Lawrence, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Merrimack Street exit sign with new number as seen from I-495 South.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Mass. Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number as seen from I-495 South in Lawrence, by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Mass. Avenue exit sign also seen from I-495 South.

Old EXITS 44-45 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Marston Street, Merrimack Street and Commonwealth Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44-45 advisory sign on right support on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The first advance sign for the Marston/Merrimack Streets and Commonwealth Drive exits is the 1/2 Mile advance which receives the Old Exits 44-45 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Marston Street, Merrimack Street and Commonwealth Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The exit sign for Marston/Merrimack Streets and Commonwealth Drive exits with its new exit numbers.

Image of gore sign for Marston Street, Merrimack Street and Commonwealth Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44-45 sign attached below on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The extra wide Exits 102-103 gore sign. The exit numbers on the ramp overhead signs had not been changed by June 11.

Old EXIT 44 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Marston Street exit with new milepost based exit number on 
                                             I-495 South in Methuen, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered bridge-mounted 1 Mile advance for the Martson Street exit. Hard to put an Old Exit 44 sign here.

Image of advance overhead signs for /Mass Ave, and Marston Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on 
                                             I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for Marston Street shares a gantry with the separate 1/2 mile advance for the Merrimack Street/Mass. Avenue exit.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for Marston Street exit with new milepost based exit number on 
                                             I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered brown auxiliary sign for the Martson Street exits, but which one, A or B?

Image of overhead ramp sign for Marston Street exits with new milepost based exit number on 
                                             I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Martson Street exit sign shares a gantry with the 1/4 Mile advance for the Merrimack Street/Mass. Avenue exit.

Image of gore sign for Marston Street exits with new milepost based exit number, but no Old Exit sign, on 
                                             I-495 South in Methuen, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Martson Street exit gore sign, lacking the needed Old Exit sign, but also an A and B.

Image of overhead ramp signs for Merrimack Street and Mass. Avenue exits with new milepost based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered individual A and B exit signs for Marston Street along the C/D ramp.

Old EXIT 46

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on 
                                              I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the Route 110 Lawrence exit, without an Old Exit sign.

Image of blue auxiliary sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in 
                                          Lawrence, June 2021

A renumbered blue Hospital sign for the Route 110 exit, your Batman TV show joke here.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The Route 110 Lawrence exit sign, without newly renumbered gore sign in distance, which does have an Old Exit 46 sign below, now turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 46 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign which has the Old Exit 46 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for North Andover exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered guide sign for upcoming North Andover exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered exit sign for Route 110, just beyond the 103.2 mile marker.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 46 sign below on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The gore sign for the Route 110 exit, old exit sign hidden behind ramp gore reflector sign.

Old EXIT 47

Image of overhead advance signage for MA 213 and MA 110 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 213 exit shares a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for the previous Route 110 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance signage for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance, neither advance had an Old Exit 47 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The Route 213 exit sign with new Exit 105 gore sign in the distance.  Now going in the southbound direction...

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 47 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the Route 213 to North I-93 exit with Old Exit 47 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign in case you wanted to know how to get to I-93 South (and with milepost exit number you can figure out how many more miles it is, 9).

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The overhead signs at the ramp for Route 213, which include the renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the next Route 110 exit.

Old EXIT 48

Image of combination green and blue auxiliary sign for  exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The renumbered green and blue auxiliary sign for the Route 125 exit, behind a rather small North I-495 reassurance marker, precedes the 1 mile advance sign.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 125 exit, again no yellow Old Exit sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for MA 125 exit and 1 mile advance for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for the Route 125 exit shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the Route 110 (again)/113 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

The exit sign the Route 125 exit, with newly number 106 gore sign in distance. Turning around and heading south over the Merrimack River...

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

This renumbered auxiliary sign is prior to the Merrimack River bridge currently under construction.

Image of 3/4 Mile advance temporary sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered temporary 3/4 mile advance sign for Route 125 just after the Merrimack River bridge, future lanes to the right.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance temporary sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The temporary 1/4 mile advance sign, notice neither has and Old Exit 48 sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 48 sign below on I-495 South in Lawrence, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign for Route 125 exit, the old exit number can be found here.

Old EXIT 49 (NB)

Image of blue Lodging Services sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

A renumbered Lodging and Food Services sign for the Routes 110/113 exit just beyond the Route 125 off-ramp.

Image of 1/2 mile temporary sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Lawrence, June 2021

A renumbered temporary 1/2 mile advance sign for the Routes 110/113 exit, due to ongoing construction of new bridges over the Merrimack River.

Image of temporary exit sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

Another temporary sign at the Routes 110/113 exit just across the river.

Image of gore sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

A closeup of the new renumbered gore sign for the Routes 110/113 exit, and Old Exit 49 sign, with a temporary 1/4 mile advance for the Route 97 exit across the highway.

Old EXIT 50 (NB)

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 97, gore sign in distance with 3 digit number but no Old Exit sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D ramp from I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign on the C/D ramp, along with wide gore sign with new 108 number, also no Old Exit sign.

Old EXITS 50-49 (SB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 97 and MA 110/113 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 50-49 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Route 97 and Routes 110/113 exits are combined on I-495 South. Here is the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign and the added Old Exits 50-49 sign on the support.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 97 and MA 110/113 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign prior to the Hilldale Avenue bridge in Haverhill.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A brown auxiliary sign bearing the new number for the Route 97 exit. Wish my historical society had their own freeway sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for C/D lanes for MA 97 and MA 110/113 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign ahead of the C/D lanes.

Image of gore sign at start of C/D lanes for MA 97 and MA 110/113 exits with unchanged sequential exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 50-49 sign below as seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The thin two exit gore sign at the start of the C/D lanes for Route 97 and Routes 110/113, not changed yet, with a standard size (currently repetitious) Old Exit 50-49 sign below.

Image of overhead signage on C/D lanes at MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit numbers as seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the Route 97 exit, notice the 107.4 mile marker.

Image of gore sign on C/D lanes for MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 50 sign below as seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The correct new number gore sign for Route 97 exit with an Old Exit 50 sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign on C/D lanes for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number as seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The overhead exit sign for Routes 110/113 at the end of the C/D lanes.

Image of gore sign on C/D lanes for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number as seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The wide renumbered gore sign for Routes 110/113 exit with an Old Exit 49 sign below.

Old EXITS 51 A/B

Image of 1 Mile overhead sign for MA 125 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 51 A-B advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the second Route 125 exit in Haverhill, with Old Exits 51 A-B sign on support.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 125 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

A renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for Route 125 South.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 125 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The overhead signage at the Route 125 South exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 125 South exit with new milepost based exit number but no yellow Old Exit 51A sign below on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The wide gore sign for the Route 125 South, no Old Exit 51 A sign attached.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 125 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 125 South.

Image of gore sign for MA 125 North exit with new milepost based exit number but no yellow Old Exit 51B sign below on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The gore sign for Route 125 South also without an Old Exit 51 B sign. Turning around....

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 125 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 51 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for Route 125 heading south, with Old Exit 51 sign attached.

Image of overhead C/D ramp sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign at the start of the C/D lanes for the Route 125 exit.

Image of overhead signage on C/D lanes for MA 125 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The overhead signs on the C/D ramp as seen from I-495 South, the renumbered gore sign for Route 125 North in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign on C/D lanes for MA 125 South exit with new milepost based exit number seen from I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The overhead sign for the Route 125 exit, as seen from I-495 South.

Image of gore sign on C/D lanes for MA 125 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 51 sign below on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 125 South exit, note the larger numbers better filling out the wide sign, this will be changing.

Old EXIT 52

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number but no Old Exit 52 advisory sign on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The next Route 110 exit's renumbered 1 Mile advance sign in Haverhill.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

This auxiliary sign for the Route 110 exit for the Haverhill campus of Northern Essex Community College does have a new exit number behind the Plows Use Caution sign (hopefully, not many plows out in June).

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Haverhill, June 2021

The Route 110 exit sign, new numbered gore sign in distance also without Old Exit 52 sign. Now heading southbound:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 52 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance southbound for the next Route 110 exit with its Old Exit 52 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance in Haverhill.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 110 exit sign, behind the 111.2 Mile Marker.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 52 advisory sign attached below on I-495 South in Haverhill, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 110 gore sign, notice the thin numbers starting with the 1xx exits.

Old EXIT 53

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 53 advisory sign on support on I-495 North in Merrimac, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Broad Street exit, this one with an Old Exit 53 sign attached.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Merrimac, June 2021

The renumbered Broad Street exit sign with new number 115 gore sign in distance without an Old Exit 53 sign. Turning around:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 53 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for Broad Street southbound, with its Old Exit 53 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered Food Services sign for the Broad Street exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign in Merrimac.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 53 advisory sign on support on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The Broad Street exit sign headed south.

Image of gore sign for Broad Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 53 sign attached below on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo by Vinh Lam, June 2021

The gore sign for Broad Street southbound, again with small thin numbers.

Old EXIT 54

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number but no Old Exit 54 advisory sign on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the second to last exit, Route 150, no Old Exit 54 sign present.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions Services sign for the Route 150 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

The Route 150 exit sign shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the last exit, the final one for Route 110.

Image of gore sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 sign attached below on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

A closeup of the renumbered Route 150 exit gore sign with thin exit numbers, and Old Exit 54 sign below. Turning around and heading south:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 sign on support on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo bt Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for Route 150 southbound, the first exits sign on I-495 South, with its Old Exit 54 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo bt Vinh Lam, June 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions, or should we say Attraction, sign for the Route 150 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo bt Vinh Lam, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign southbound.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo bt Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered Route 150 exit sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 150 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 sign attached below on I-495 South in Amesbury, photo bt Vinh Lam, June 2021

The renumbered gore sign southbound with its Old Exit 54 sign below. Couldn't these numbers have been made larger given the wide signs?

Old EXIT 55

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sharing space with an I-95 North junction sign, no Old Exit 55 sign present on the advance sign gantries.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for Salisbury Beach.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

The Route 110 Exit sign over an exit only lane.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-495 North in Amesbury, June 2021

The final gore sign, this one having an Old Exit 55 sign below, behind a Mile 119 marker.

I-93 shield image from Wikimedia

Work to renumber exits on I-93 started in Boston the week of May 2 and moved northward. Work was to proceed in 2 sections, Exits 13 to 27 (Freeport Street to US 1 in Boston) and then Exits 28 to 48 (Somerville to Methuen). Work was completed the evening of May 20.

EXITS 1 to 12 - No Renumbering

MassDOT has explained not renumbering these exits due to their matching existing mileposts. This is not completely correct. While Exits 6 to 12 match up, Exits 1-5 do not. While not changing exits 1 and 2 is a practical solution despite being within 1 mile of I-95, Exits 3 to 5 could have been changed to better reflect the closest mile marker. If it was up to me Exit 3, Ponkapoag Road, would have become 3A, Exit 4 (Route 24), Exit 3B, and the Route 28 exits would have changed from 5 A/B to 4 A/B. For photos of these exits, visit my I-93 in Mass Photo Gallery.

Old EXIT 13 (NB)

Image of overhead advance signs for Morrissey Blvd and Freeport Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 13 and 14 advisory signs on right support on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The first renumbered exit signs heading north are for the 1 Mile advance for Morrissey Blvd. and 3/4 Mile Freeport Street exits, as shown by the yellow signs, Old Exits 13 and 14.

Image of overhead advance signs for Morrissey Blvd and Freeport Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Morrissey Blvd. and and 1/4 mile for Freeport Street, the brown JFK Library sign lists Exits 13 B and 14.

Image of overhead ramp signs for Freeport Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The  renumbered exit sign for the Freeport Street exit.

Image of gore signs for Freeport Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 13 sign attached below on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The  renumbered gore sign.

Old EXIT 14

Image of brown auxiliary sign for Morrissey Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The larger brown and green auxiliary sign has a new overlay number that contrasts with the rest of the faded color sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Morrissey Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Morrissey Blvd. exit.

Image of gore sign for Morrissey Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 14 sign attached below on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The gore sign for the Morrissey Blvd. exit and Old Exit 14 sign below.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number and hidden yellow Old Exit 15 advisory sign on support post on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for Columbia Road sits beyond another auxiliary sign for the JFK Library and surrounding destinations.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for Columbia Road shares a gantry with the 1 1/2 miles advance for the I-90/South Station exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Columbia Road also shares a gantry, this time with the 3/4 mile advance for Southampton Street. In addition to the Old Exit sign for that exit, there's a second one for Columbia Road.      

Image of thin gore sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign attached below on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered thin gore sign for Columbia Road with a normal size Old Exit sign sitting below. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 advisory sign on right support on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021 

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign which has the Old Exit 15 sign above a small sign for UMass Boston and the JFK Library.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021 

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign with three shield pull through sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in South Boston, May 2021 

This renumbered blue Attractions sign features a very small (where did they get this?) exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in South Boston, May 2021      

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign which has the Old Exit 15 sign above a small sign for UMass Boston and the JFK Library.

Image of gore sign for Columbia Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign attached below on I-93/Southeast Expressway South in South Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

Closeup view of the southbound gore sign, photo courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Old EXIT 16

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Southampton Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in South Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

A rare ground mounted 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Andrew Square exit, courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance sign for Southampton Street exits with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign, which shares a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for I-90/South Station.     

No Exit 17

The sign that marked the lack of an Exit 17, seen below, was removed as part of the Exit Renumbering project:

Image of No Exit 17 sign on I-93 North in Dorchester removed as part of exit renumbering project, May 2021

The No Exit 17 sign put up in 2014 as part of the sign replacement project.     

Old EXIT 18

Image of 3/4 Mile advance sign for Mass Ave/Frontage Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on right support on I-93 North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered 3/4 Mile advance sign for the Mass Ave/Frontage Road exit also has the Old Exit 18 sign.     

Image of overhead exit sign for Mass Ave/Frontage Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile advance sign for Mass Ave. next to the new number gore sign for Southampton Street.    

Image of overhead ramp sign for Mass Ave./Frontage Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Dorchester, May 2021

The renumbered exit  sign for the Mass. Ave/Frontage Road exit. The overheight/hazardous cargo notice gets a separate sign here. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Mass Ave exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance, next to a new development going up along Albany Street.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for Mass Ave exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile advance, sign looks small all alone on the pipe gantry.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Mass Ave exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign, also alone because the Next Exit 15 sign was removed, for good reason.

Image of gore sign for Mass Ave exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 sign attached below on I-93 South in Boston, May 2021

The new Exit 15 gore sign for the Mass Ave exit.

No EXIT 19

Another legacy of the Big Dig Project, the No Exit 19 sign after the Mass Ave. exit was also removed.

Old EXIT 20

Image of auxiliary sign for Southampton Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93/Southeast Expressway North in Dorchester, May 2021

The first renumbered sign for the I-90 exit is an auxiliary for Chinatown that is prior to Columbia Road.

Image of auxilary sign for I-90 and Southampton Street exits with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Dorchester, May 2021

The second renumbered auxiliary sign has information for the I-90 East exit and is also before Columbia Road.     

Image of 3/4 mile advance sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 advisory sign on right support on I-93 North in Dorchester, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 3/4 Mile advance sign for I-90/South Station sharing a gantry with a Tunnel advisory sign. Notice the Old Exit 20 sign is of the gore sign design, not the one for the support of advance signs, photo courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in South Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign for I-90/South Station along with the new number for the Mass. Ave exit gore sign, photo courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in South Boston, May 2021

The exit sign for I-90/South Station, since you can now see the Boston skyline ahead, the control city for I-93 North becomes Concord, NH.

Image of gore sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 sign attached below on I-93 North in South Boston, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for I-90/South Station exit, with a too small a number for this important exit. Heading south now in the O'Neill Tunnel, photos courtesy of Vinh Lam:

Image of 1/2 mile advance tunnel ceiling mounted sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the I-90 West/South Station exit, given a letter in this direction.

Image of 1/4 mile advance tunnel ceiling mounted exit only lane sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for the I-90 West/South Station exit, the latter having its own exit only lane.

Image of overhead tunnel ceiling mounted ramp sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered I-90 West/South Station exit sign, each with its on exit only lane, a South I-93 pull through on the left.

Image of gore sign for I-90/South Station exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 20 A/B sign attached below on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered Exit 16A gore sign, and an Old Exit sign below, not present with the tunnel ceiling mounted signs.

No Exits 21-22

Exit 22 was the former South Station exit removed as part of the Big Dig project.

Old Exit 23 (NB)

Image of next exits overhead auxiliary sign for Government Center and Storrow Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in South Boston, May 2021

The utility of this Next Exits sign is questionable since the numbers are now consecutive, prior to renumbering it read Exits 23 and 26, another legacy of the Big Dig project.

Image of tourist destination overhead auxiliary sign for Government Center and Storrow Drive exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in South Boston, May 2021

The next sign is still remains useful, though it might have caused temporary problems for Encore Boston casino goers, since that exit would not be renumbered until the morning of May 10.

Image of 3/4 mile advance tunnel ceiling mounted sign for Government Center exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in O'Neill Tunnel in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 3/4 Mile advance sign in the O'Neill Tunnel, photo courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image showing closeup of 1/4 mile advance sign for Government Center exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Boston, May 2021

My attempt to get the 1/4 Mile advance sign on the tunnel for the Government Center exit, this ends up being a closeup of the new number overlay.

Image of overhead advance signs for Government Center and Storrow Drive exits with new milepost based 
      exit numbers on I-93 North in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered signs for the Government Center (right) and Storrow Drive (left) exits at the latter's off-ramp, photo courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Old EXIT 23 (SB) [Photos courtesy of Vinh Lam]

Image of 1/4 mile advance tunnel ceiling mounted sign for Purchase Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile advance for the Purchase Street exit, now with a letter suffix.

Image of overhead 600 feet advance ceiling mounted sign for Purchase Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Purchase Street exit also has a 600 feet advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp tunnel ceiling mounted sign for Purchase Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign, next to it is an auxiliary sign for the I-90 West/South Station exit.

Old EXIT 24 B/A (SB) [Photos courtesy of Vinh Lam]

Image of 1 Mile advance bridge mounted sign for MA 1A/Government Center exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Charlestown, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the Route 1A/Airport and Government Center exits, along the lower deck portion of I-93 South.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 1A/Government Center exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Charlestown, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

What acts as the 1/2 mile advance for the Route 1A/Airport and Government Center exits on the Zakim/Bunker Hill bridge.

Image of 1/4 Mile tunnel ceiling mounted sign for MA 1A/Government Center exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile advance sign, now in the O'Neill Tunnel.

Image of overhead tunnel ceiling mounted ramp sign for MA 1A/Government Center exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit signs for Route 1A/Airport and Government Center.

Image of overhead tunnel ceiling mounted ramp sign for MA 1A/Government Center exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign in front of further exit signage ahead of the split of ramps for Route 1A and Government Center.

Old EXIT 26

Image of auxiliary signs for Storrow Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Boston, May 2021

The renumbered North Route 3 auxiliary sign for the Storrow Drive exit, hard to see the new number due the highly reflective overlay.

Heading back south [some photos courtesy of Vinh Lam]...

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 28/MA 3/Storrow Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Somerville, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance heading south for the Leverett Connector exit, at the ramp for the still sequentially numbered Sullivan Square exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 28/MA 3/Storrow Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 advisory sign on left support on I-93 South in Somerville, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 26 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Storrow Drive and MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Charlestown, May 2021

Despite being at mile marker 19.5 the Leverett Connector/Storrow Drive exit gets the same number as that northbound in the Tunnel.

Image of gore sign for MA 28/MA 3/Storrow Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 sign attached below on I-93 South in Somerville, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

A closeup of the renumbered gore sign and the yellow Old (Exit) 26 sign above.

Old EXIT 27

Image of advance signs for Storrow Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Boston, May 2021

The 3/4 Mile advance sign for US 1 with its new number, 8 less than the old. The renumbered exit sign for Storrow Drive can be seen in the distance.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1/Tobin Bridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Boston, May 2021

Back outside on the Zakim Bridge and the renumbered 1/2 mile advance for US 1 and (surprising since this wasn't suppose to have happened yet) 1 Mile advance for the Sullivan Square exit. 

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1/Tobin Bridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North from park overlooking
      O'Neill Tunnel entrance in Boston, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

 Same signs as above, but viewed from over the tunnel entrance, courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for US 1/Tobin Bridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Charlestown, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 mile diagrammatic advance for US 1 on the other side of the Zakim Bridge.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1/Tobin Bridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Charlestown, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The two ramp exit sign for US 1 on the way to Concord, NH, courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Old EXIT 28

Image of 1/2 mile advance and auxiliary overhead signs for To MA 99 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in 
      Charlestown, May 2021

Gantry has both the renumbered 1/2 mile advance and Encore Casino auxiliary sign for the Sullivan Square exit in Charlestown.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for To MA 99 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Charlestown, May 2021

This gantry has both the renumbered 1/4 mile advance and Malden exits auxiliary sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 99 exit with new milepost based 
          exit numbers on I-93 North in Charlestown, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Sullivan Square exit.

Image of gore sign for To MA 99 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Charlestown, May 2021

The new Exit 20 gore sign.

Old EXIT 29 (NB)

Image of 3/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 28/38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Somerville, May 2021

Gantry with both the renumbered 3/4 mile advance (still missing route shields) and auxiliary signs for the Routes 28/38 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28/38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Somerville, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Routes 28/38 exit shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 1/2 mile advance for Route 16 West, courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of gore sign for MA 28/38 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 29 sign attached below on I-93 North in Somerville, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign with Old Exit 29 sign for the Routes 28/38 exit.

Exit renumbering photos between Route 16 and Route 125, taken by Paul Schlichtman, except where noted:

Old EXIT 31

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 16 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Medford, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign has the Old Exit 31 sign attached, courtesy of Vinh Lam.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 16 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

Work continued north the week of May 9-14. Here's the renumbered exit sign for the Mystic Valley Parkway (which was the way to college when I was at Tufts).

Image of gore sign for MA 16 West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 31 sign 
                                           attached below on I-93 in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign and the Old Exit 31 sign below.

Old EXIT 32

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 sign on support on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 60 exit with its Old Exit 32 sign approaching Medford Square.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North 
                                          in Medford, December 2021

New-12/12/21. The 1/2 Mile advance overhead for the Route 60 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered Route 60 exit sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 sign attached below on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign and Old Exit 32 sign below.

Old EXIT 33

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 Fellsway exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 28 Fellsway West exit with new number and Old Exit 33 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 Fellsway exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The Fellsway West exit sign on I-93 North.

Image of gore sign for MA 28 Fellsway exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 sign attached below on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The gore sign for the Route 28 Fellsway West exit with new number and Old Exit 33 sign. Now, heading southbound...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 Fellsway West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow 
                                            Old Exit 33 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Stoneham, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance southbound just before entering Medford, with the Old Exit 33 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 Fellsway West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South 
                                            in Medford, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance across the border.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 Fellsway West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South 
                                            in Medford, May 2021

The exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 mile advance for the Route 60 Medford Square exit, along with having another Old Exit 33 sign in addition to one for Exit 32.

Image of gore sign for MA 28 Fellsway West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 
                                            sign attached below on I-93 South in Medford, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign paired with the yellow Old Exit 33 sign below.

Old EXIT 34 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Medford, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the next Route 28 exit at the top of the hill.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Stoneham, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for Winchester Hospital and the Stone Zoo just over the Stoneham line.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 Stoneham exit with new milepost based exit number on 
                                          I-93 North in Stoneham, December 2021

New-12/12/21-View of renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Stoneham, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The Route 28 North exit sign with its new number.

Image of gore sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 34 sign attached below on I-93 North in Stoneham, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The Route 28 North exit sign with its new number.

Old EXIT 35 (SB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Park Street exit with new milepost based exit number and 
                                            yellow Old Exit 35 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Park Street exit has the Old Exit 35 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Park Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in 
                                            Stoneham, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered Park Street exit sign and new Exit 26 gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 36

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Montvale Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Stoneham, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the Montvale Avenue exit.

Image of overhead advance signage for I-95 and Montvale Avenue exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Montvale Avenue exit shares a gantry with the renumbered  2 miles advance for I-95/Route 128.

Image of gore sign for Montvale Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 sign attached below on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Montvale Avenue exit. Turning around and heading south....

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Montvale Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance and Old Exit 36 sign for the Montvale Avenue exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Montvale Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign shares a gantry with the 1 mile advance for the I-93 South only Park Street exit.

Image of gore sign for Montvale Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 sign attached below on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The new Exit 27 gore sign for the Montvale Avenue exit, Old Exit 36 sign below.

Old EXITS 37 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-95 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 37 A-B advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance for the I-95, and don't forget Route 128, exits, with the Old Exits 37 A-B sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95/128 North exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                          on I-93 North in Woburn, December 2021

New-12/12/21 The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the I-95/Route 128 North exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered signage at the I-95/Route 128 North ramp.

Image of gore sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 A sign attached below on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the North 1-95/Route 128 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered I-95/Route 128 exit sign, which shares a gantry with the Commerce Way 1 mile advance sign.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-95/MA 128 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and 
                                            yellow Old Exits 37 B-A advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign heading south with Junction Route 128 trailblazer in front.

Image of brown attractions sign for I-95/MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered brown attractions sign for the Salem Maritime National Historic Site, still quite a few miles away.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95/MA 128 South exit with new milepost based exit number
         on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-95/Route 128 south.

Image of 1 overhead signs at ramp for I-95/MA 128 South exit with new milepost based exit number 
             on I-93 South in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the I-95/Route 128 South exit ramp.

Image of gore sign for I-95/MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number and 
                                            yellow Old Exits 37 A sign attached below on I-93 South in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the I-95/Route 128 South exit.

Old EXIT 37C

Image of auxiliary sign for Commerce Way exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign of what commuter services are available at the Commerce Way exit (the identical one on I-95 South had not been renumbered the day this photo was taken).

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Commerce Way exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37C advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

New-12/12/21-The renumbered 1/2 mile advance has the Old Exit 37 C sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Commerce Way exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The exit sign with new number without a letter.

Image of gore sign for Commerce Way exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 C sign attached below on I-93 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign still with a space for the former C letter. Turning around and heading south...

Image of overhead advance signage for I-95/MA 128 and Commerce Way exits with new milepost based exit 
                                            numbers on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance southbound shares a gantry with the 2 Miles advance for I-95 (Route 128).

Image of overhead ramp sign for Commerce Way exit with new milepost based exit 
                                            number on I-93 South in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Commerce Way/Atlantic Avenue.

Old EXIT 38

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow
                                           Old Exit 38 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 129 exit heading into Wilmington.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Reading, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 129 exit.

 Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The exit sign before a bridge that has seen better days.

Image of gore sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow
                                           Old Exit 38 sign attached below on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The gore sign with its rather small new number. Turning around and going south...

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 38 advisory sign on support 
                  on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign with Old Exit 38 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance for Commerce Way, which also includes another Old Exit 38 sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 38 sign attached below 
                  on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign,again with a small exit number.

Old EXIT 39

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Concord Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow
                                           Old Exit 39 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Concord Street, behind a North I-93 reassurance marker.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Concord Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered 1/2 mile advance northbound.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Concord Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The Concord Street exit sign, the mile marker confirms the number is correct.

Old EXIT 40

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow
                                           Old Exit 40 advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 62 exit, and posted Old Exit 40 sign.

Image of overhead advance signage for MA 125 and MA 62 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow
                                           Old Exit 40 and 41 advisory signs on right support on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 62 exit shares a gantry for the 1 Mile advance for Route 125, plus another Old Exit 40 sign along with one for Old Exit 41.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Wilmington, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 62 shares another gantry with the 1/2 mile advance sign for Route 125.

Southbound signs courtesy Vinh Lam:

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit numbers for MA 125 and MA 62 exits on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance southbound for Route 62 share a gantry with the Route 125 exit sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 40 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 40 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered Route 62 exit sign in Wilmington.

Image of gore sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 40 sign attached below on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance southbound for Route 62 share a gantry with the Route 125 exit sign.

Old EXIT 41

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, by Paul Schlichtman, May 2021

The renumbered Route 125 exit sign in Andover. Turning around and heading south, photos courtesy of Vinh Lam:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign with Exit 41 sign attached below.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for Park and Ride service at Route 125.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 125 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 sign attached below on I-93 South in Wilmington, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The new number gore sign for the Route 125 exit.

Photos north of Route 125 courtesy of Vinh Lam:

Old EXIT 42

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Dascomb Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 42 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance for Dascomb Road with its Old Exit 42 sign attached.

Image of ground mounted Park and Ride auxiliary sign for Dascomb Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered Park and Ride auxiliary sign for the Dascomb Road exit.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Dascomb Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance Dascomb Road exit sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Dascomb Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign.

Image of gore sign for Dascomb Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 42 sign attached below on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Dascomb Road gore sign with the Old Exit 42 sign attached below. Turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Dascomb Road exit on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Old EXIT 43

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The first advance sign for the Route 133 exits southbound is before the I-495 North exit, the gantry having Old Exit signs for both.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 133 West exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 133 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered signs at the Route 133 West exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 133 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The new number gore sign for the Route 133 West exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 133 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 133 East.

Image of gore sign for MA 133 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The gore sign for the Route 133 East exit. Turning around and heading north...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 133 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The 1/2 Mile advance sign headed north has the Old Exit 43 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 133 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Route 133 exit sign in this direction shares the gantry with the 1 Mile advance for I-495.

Old EXITS 44 A/B

Image of 2 miles advance sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44 B-A advisory sign on right support on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 2 Miles advance sign for I-495 on I-93 South shares a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for the River Road exit and has both Old Exit signs.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44 B-A advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance also has an Old Exit 44 B-A sign.

Image of brown attraction auxiliary sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered brown sign for Lawrence Heritage State Park via the I-495 North exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-495 South.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The overhead signs at the I-495 South ramp.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 44 B sign attached below on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the I-495 South exit.

Image of gore sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 44 A sign attached below on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

And the gore sign for the I-495 North exit with Old Exit 44A sign below. Heading north...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 44 B advisory sign on support on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the I-495 North exit. Notice that the Old Exit(s) sign has been modified to cover over what originally read Exits 44 A-B. This was fixed over the summer of 2021:

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number and fixed Old Exit 44A sign on support on I-93 North in Andover, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The I-495 North 1/2 Mile advance with fixed Old Exit 44 A sign.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 44 A sign attached below on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The exit sign for the I-495 South exit heading north.

Old EXIT 45

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for River Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance southbound for the River Road exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for River Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The River Road exit sign before the street's bridge in Andover.

Image of gore sign for River Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 45 sign attached below on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered River Road exit gore sign. Turning around and heading north...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for River Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance for River Road.

Image of gore sign for River Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 45 sign attached below on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Old Exit 45 sign below the River Road gore sign is only on one of the posts.

Old EXIT 46 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 45 advisory sign on support on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the 1 southbound exit for Routes 110/113, along with the Old Exit 46 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110/113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign, was the wide tab designed in anticipation of 2 exit ramps in this direction?

Old EXITS 46 A/B (NB)

Image of overhead signage at ramp for River Road exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 3/4 Mile advance sign for the Route 110/113 exits northbound share a gantry with the River Road exit sign with the Old Exits signs for both on the right support post.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 110/MA 113 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Route 110/113 East exit, a new ramp was constructed as part of an interchange reconstruction project completed in 2019.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 110/MA 113 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

Renumbered overhead signage at the Route 110/113 East exit includes that for the West exit as well as the last 2 exits northbound on I-93 in Mass.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 North/MA 113 West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 46B sign attached below on I-93 North in Andover, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The gore sign for the Route 110/113 West exit, and not so old Exit 46 B sign.

Old EXIT 47

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Pelham Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for Pelham Street southbound shares a gantry with the 1/4 Mile Advance for Route 213. The Old Exit 47 sign is partially obscured by leaves.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Pelham Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Pelham Street exit sign.

Image of gore sign for Pelham Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 47 sign attached below on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign with the Old Exit 47 sign below.  Turning around and heading north...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign Pelham Road/MA 213 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign northbound is for the C/D ramp for both Pelham Street and Route 213.

 Image of overhead ramp sign for Pelham Street exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D ramp from I-93 North in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The exit sign for Pelham Street sharing the 2 sign cantilever with Route 213 along the C/D lane paralleling I-93 North in Methuen.

Old EXIT 48

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 48 advisory sign on right support on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance southbound for Route 213 just over the New Hampshire border.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 213, but not the last of the overhead signs.

Image of gore sign for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 48 advisory sign attached below on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign and Old Exit 48 sign below.

Image of overhead signage at split of ramps for MA 213 with new milepost based exit number and I-93 with unchanging exit number on I-93 South in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

Overhead signage at split of ramps, new Exit 46 for the Route 213 exit and unchanged Exit 1 for Route 213's I-93 South exit. Heading north...

Image of overhead ramp signage at start of C/D ramp for Pelham Street and MA 213 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-93 North in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered signs at the start of the C/D ramp for both Pelham Street and Route 213 exits.

Image of overhead ramp signage for MA 213 exit with new milepost based exit number C/D ramp from I-93 North in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The Route 213 exit sign along the C/D ramp.

Image of gore sign for MA 213 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 48 sign attached below on C/D ramp from I-93 North in Methuen, by Vinh Lam, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign, the last revised sign in this direction (until NH starts renumbering their exits).

MA 2 shield image from Wikimedia

Work on Route 2 started in Arlington the night of March 29 and headed west, here's photos of renumbered exits between Arlington and Lincoln, most courtesy of Paul Schlichtman:

The first Route 2 exits getting their new numbers the night of March 29 in Arlington.

Old EXIT 60

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 60 and Lake Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 60 and 59 advisory signs on right support on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The first advance sign for Lake Street (and for Route 60) with new exit numbers and Old Exit 60 and 59 signs.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Lake Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for Lake Street also share a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance Route 60 sign. The new gore sign numbers are thin to allow 3 digits.

Image of 1/2 mile advance bridge mounted sign for Lake Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

Heading the other direction, the 1/2 mile for the Lake Street exit was renumbered the morning of April 13.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Lake Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Lake Street exit.

Image of gore sign for Lake Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

A closeup of the Lake Street gore sign, the sign to be renumbered on Route 2.

Old EXIT 59

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 60 exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 59 advisory signs below on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered 3-digit gore sign for the Route 60 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 advance heading east, renumbered on the last night of Route 2 work.

Image of gore sign for MA 60 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 59 sign attached below on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 60 exit headed east, the Boston skyline in the background.

Old EXIT 58

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Park Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 58 sign on support on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for Park Avenue with its new number and Old Exit 58 sign partially hidden by branches.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Park Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for Park Avenue which is before the Route 60 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Park Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered bridge mounted exit sign for Park Avenue with its new number and gore sign in distance.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Park Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 58 sign on support on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance headed east has the Old Exit 58 sign. After a new light post that are also going up along Route 2.

Old EXIT 57

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Dow Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

A closeup view of the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for Dow Avenue.

Image of advance overhead signage for Dow Avenue and MA 4/MA 225 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for Dow Avenue shares the gantry with the 1 Mile advance for North Route 4/West Route 225 along with the old exit signs for both.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Dow Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The Dow Avenue exit sign shares the gantry with the renumbered 1/2 mile advance for Route 4/225.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Dow Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advanced for Dow Avenue heading east.

Old EXIT 56

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 North/MA 225 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for Route 4 and 225. In my opinion, Route 225 should be truncated back to where it meets Route 4.

Image of gore sign for MA 4 North/MA 225 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Arlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The gore sign for the Route 4 and 225 exit, 3 digits squeezed onto the former 2-digit sign.

Old EXIT 55 (EB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Pleasant Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 55 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the eastbound only Pleasant Street exit has the Old Exit 55 sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Pleasant Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Winter Street, (not signed as Routes 4/225 in this direction) and has another Old Exit 55 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Pleasant Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The exit sign for Pleasant Street, with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXITS 54 B/A (WB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Waltham Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 54 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the next exit westbound, Waltham Street, after crossing into Lexington.

Image of advance overhead signs for I-95 and Waltham Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Waltham Street shares the gantry with the 2 Miles advance for I-95/Route 128, the latter does not appear on overhead signs due to a long-time agreement with the FHWA.

Image of overhead signs at Waltham Street Lexington exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the first Waltham Street exit.

Old EXIT 53 (EB)

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Spring Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 53 sign on support on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the eastbound only Spring Street exit is prior to the I-95/Route 128 exit, will there be any confusion?

Image of auxiliary sign for Spring Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Waltham Street auxiliary sign for the Spring Street exit, with new number, 128, more confusion?

Image of overhead ramp sign for Spring Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered Spring Street exit sign with gore sign in distance.

Old EXITS 52 A/B

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-95/MA 128 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 52 B-A advisory sign on left support post on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for I-95 (Route 128) has the Old Exits 52 B-A sign, this exit is closest to Mile 128, however MassDOT numbered it 127 to avoid to many lettered exits between Lexington and Arlington.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-95/MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for I-95 (Route 128) North.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-95/MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit signage at the ramp to I-95/Route 128 North, with renumbered gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95/MA 128 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 52 A advisory sign below on MA 2 West in Lexington, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign and gore sign for I-95 (Route 128) South, the end of the eastern section of Route 2 freeway.

A closer earlier photo by Paul Schlichtman, does it appear the exit number on the gore sign has been changed?:

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95/MA 128 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 52 A advisory sign below on MA 2 West in Lexington, June 2021

Headed East:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95/MA 128 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lincoln, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance heading east. This exit was renumbered the night of April 12.

Old EXIT 50

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 50 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Lincoln, June 2021

The only numbered exit between the Route 2 freeway sections is for Route 2A East. The 1 Mile advance has the Old Exit 50 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Lincoln, by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 2A East exit.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Concord, June 2021

The renumbered exit signage. Route 2A west joins Route 2 in a rare signed concurrency through Concord.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 50 advisory sign on support on MA 2/2A East in Concord, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign heading east on Route 2 and 2A, has the Old Exit 50 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2/2A East in Concord, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The many attractions sign for Concord with its new exit number, 125.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2/2A East in Concord, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered overhead approaching the Route 2A exit.

Photos between Old Exits 42 and 24 taken on April 7 and June 27, 2021:

Old Exit 43

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 111 North and MA 27 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 43 advisory sign on left support on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Westbound only Route 111 North exit precedes the start of the next section of Route 2 freeway in Acton, and shares the gantry with the 1 1/4 miles advance for Route 27 with the Old Exit 43 sign on the left.

Image of 1/2 and 3/4 Mile advance overhead signs for MA 111 North and MA 27 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 42 advisory sign on right support on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 111 North exit shares the gantry with the 3/4 mile advance for Route 27 which has the Old Exit 42 sign on the right.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 111 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

This renumbered attractions sign for the MA 111 North exit barely fits outside the shoulder prior to the last traffic light prior to the next freeway portion of Route 2.

Image of 1/4 mile diagrammatic overhead signage for MA 111 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 43 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance is a stand alone diagrammatic sign. Notice a second Old Exit 43 sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 111 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

The MA 111 North exit sign shares a gantry with the 1/4 mile advance for Route 27. The renumbered gore sign on the distance along with a mile marker confirming the correctness of the number.

Old EXIT 42

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 27 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 42 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Acton, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance heading east for the Route 27 exit, the Old Exit 42 sign below on the support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 27 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Acton, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance heading east for the Route 27 exit, the Old Exit 42 sign below on the support.

Old EXIT 41

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Newtown Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow 
                                       Old Exit 41 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Acton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Newtown Road and its Old Exit 41 sign.

 Image of overhead ramp sign for Newtown Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Acton, May 2021

The exit sign and new triple digit number gore sign in the distance. Turning around and heading west...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Newtown Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Acton, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Newtown Road exit.

Old EXIT 40

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance for the I-495 exits.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

Since the I-495 South control city is Taunton, there is a need for this renumbered auxiliary sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 40 B-A advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance with the Old Exit number sign for the I-495 exits.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered overhead at the I-495 South exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered I-495 North exit sign includes a Route 2 East pull through and Boston as the control city. Probably faster to take I-495 South to the Pike East. Turning around and heading west...

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 40 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign with Old Exit 40 B-A sign below.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered Cape Cod auxiliary sign in this direction is partly obscured by tree branches.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Littleton, June 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-495 North shares a gantry with the 3/4 mile advance for Taylor Street and has old exit numbers signs for both exits, a repeat one for I-495.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered I-495 South exit sign, along with a 1/4 Mile advance for Taylor Street, on Route 2 West as seen entering from I-495 North.

Old EXIT 39

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Taylor Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 39 advisory sign on right support on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Taylor Street that follows the 2 Miles advance sign for I-495 on Route 2 East.

Image of auxiliary sign for Taylor Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

A renumbered advisory sign for Taylor Street.

Image of overhead ramp sign for  Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance shares the gantry with the 3/4 advance sign for I-495 South. Heading west....

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Taylor Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Littleton, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Taylor Street with gore sign beyond.

Old EXITS 38 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110/111 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 38 A-B sign on support on MA 2 East in Harvard, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance eastbound for the Route 110/111 interchange with Old Exits 38 A-B sign on support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 110/111 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 38 A-B sign on support on MA 2 East in Harvard, May 2021

The renumbered brown auxiliary for the Fruitlands Museum, not faded overlay standing out.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 110 West/111 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 East in Harvard, May 2021

The renumbered signs at the exit for the Routes 110 West/111 South. Heading west...

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 110/111 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Harvard, May 2021

This renumbered auxiliary sign for the Route 110/111 exits.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 110/111 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Harvard, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance westbound, should they have made this Exit 110?

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 West/111 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 West in Harvard, May 2021

The renumbered Routes 110 West/111 West exit sign and gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 37

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Ayer, May 2021

Look familiar? The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for Jackson Road featured as an example of upcoming exit renumbering by MassDOT.

MassDOT illustration of new exit renumbering for Jackson Road exit on MA 2 East in Ayer, October 2020

Guess they didn't get the placement of the Old Exit 37 sign quite right.

Image of auxiliary sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Ayer, May 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign features a golf club.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Ayer, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Jackson Road.

Image of gore sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37 sign attached below on MA 2 East in Ayer, May 2021

Look familiar 2? The renumbered gore sign for Jackson Road featured was also a MassDOT image.

MassDOT illustration of exit renumbering project gore sign using Jackson Road exit on MA 2 East in Ayer, October 2020

Looks like both the number font and size of the Old Exit 37 sign changed. Turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Ayer, May 2021

The Jackson Road exit is one of two ramps in this direction.

Old EXIT 36

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Shirley Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East on Shirley, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Shirley Road exit with added Old Exit 36 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Shirley Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East on Shirley, May 2021

The exit sign for the Shirley Road in Lancaster.  Heading west...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Jackson Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Ayer, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign.

Old EXIT 35

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 70 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 35 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Lancaster, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 70 exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 35 sign on support, sign prior to the Mechanic Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 70 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Lancaster, May 2021

The mile marker in front of the Route 70 exit sign confirms the new number is correct. Turning around...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 70 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 35 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Lancaster, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 70 exit shares a gantry with the renumbered 2 Miles advance for I-190 South.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

While the Route 70 exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Mechanic Street exit.

Old EXIT 34

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance heading east for the Mechanic Street exit, which is also the first exit on I-190 South.

Image of auxiliary sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

And this renumbered auxiliary sign for I-190 South advises drivers to use I-190 to access Mechanic Street, why another exit on Route 2?

Old EXIT 33

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-190 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance of the I-190 South exits shares a gantry with the new Exit 100 1/4 mile advance sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for I-190 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 33 sign.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-190 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sports a Keep Right banner.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-190 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The exit sign lists Mechanic Street along with I-190 South.

Old EXIT 32

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 13 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance for now Exit 100 on Route 2 East, Route 13 in Leominster with the Old Exit 32 sign attached.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 13 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered Route 13 exit sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 13 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 advisory sign attached below on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The Exit 100 gore sign for the Route 13 exit and Old Exit 32 sign attached below.  Turning around and heading west...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 13 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 32 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

Given it's Exit 100, a bonus photo of the 1 Mile advance on Route 2 West with the Old Exit 32 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 13 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance just in front of the Mile 100 marker.

Old EXIT 31

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 31 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The 1 mile advance for the Route 12 exit, the last with 2 digits heading this direction, with an overly wide exit tab and the Old Exit 31 sign above one for commuter rail.

Image of auxililary sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered advisory sign for commuter rail.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered Route 12 exit sign with a wide gore sign in the distance. Now heading west....

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 12 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 12 North exit heading west.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 12 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Fitchburg State University, where my high school band won a state championship.

Image of gore sign for MA 12 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 31A sign attached below on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

Closeup of the renumbered Route 12 North exit gore sign, and matching mile marker.

Old EXIT 30

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Merriam Ave/South St exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 30 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Merriam Avenue/South Street exit has the Old Exit 30 sign.

Image overhead ramp sign for Merriam Ave/South St exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Leominster, May 2021

The exit sign and mile marker confirming the number should now be 98. Turning around and heading west...

Image of blue Food Services sign for Merriam Ave/South St exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

The first renumbered sign for the Merriam Avenue/South Street exit is a Food Services sign which includes both a Dunkin' Donuts and Outback Steakhouse.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Merriam Ave/South St exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Leominster, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign right before the end of the limited access portion of Route 2 through the rest of Leominster and Fitchburg.

Old EXIT 28

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 31 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Fitchburg, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 31 exit headed west.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 31 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Fitchburg, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign the Route 31 exit shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Narrows/Depot Roads. Heading east...

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 31 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Fitchburg, May 2021

The renumbered Route 31 exit sign, and gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 27

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Narrows Road/Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 27 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Fitchburg, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance headed east for the Narrows Road/Depot Road exit westbound has the Old Exit 27 sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Narrows Road/Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Fitchburg, May 2021

The exit sign Narrows Road/Depot Road exit shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 mile advance of Route 31. Heading west...

Image of overhead ramp sign for Narrows Road/Depot Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Fitchburg, May 2021

The exit sign for Narrows Road/Depot Road with renumbered gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 26 (EB)

Image of 1/4 mile advance ground mounted sign for  Road exit with new milepost base exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 advisory sign on left support on MA 2 East in Fitchburg, May 2021

The ground mounted 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Willard and Village Inn Roads exit has the Old Exit 26 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Willard Road/Village Inn Road exit with new milepost base exit number on MA 2 East in Fitchburg, May 2021

The exit sign share a gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Narrows Road/Depot Road exit.

Old EXIT 25

Image of 1 mile advance for MA 2A/South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 25 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 2A/South Route 140 exit heading west has the Old Exit 25 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2A/South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered brown auxiliary sign for Wachusett Mountain State Park.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2A/South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign and mile marker indicating it may be a mile off. Turning around and heading east...

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 2A/South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 2 East in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered Route 2A/South Route 140 exit sign shares a gantry with that of the 1/2 mile advance for Willard Road/Village Inn Road.

Old EXIT 24 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 North/West Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 24 B-A advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance westbound for the Route 140 North/West Main Street South exit with the Old Exits 24 B-A sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered brown auxiliary sign for the Mass. Veterans Memorial Cemetery.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The renumbered overheads at the Route 140 North ramp.

Image of gore sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 24 B sign attached below on MA 2 West in Westminster, May 2021

The Route 140 North gore sign with Old Exit 24 B sign attached below.

The following photos, taken by Greg Goldman, cover old Route 2 Exits 23 to 14 between Gardner and Orange:

Old EXIT 23

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Pearson Blvd with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 23 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for the Pearson Blvd. exit headed east has the Old Exit 23 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Pearson Blvd with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The To Route 2A auxiliary sign with a new number.

Old EXIT 22

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 advisory sign on support on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 68 exit in Gardner on Route 2 East has the Old Exit 22 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

One of the renumbered auxiliary signs for the Route 68 exit.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 68 exit.

Image of blue hospital sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The blue Hospital sign has been renumbered.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The exit sign for the Route 68 exit share a gantry with the 3/4 Mile advance for Pearson Blvd.

Image of gore sign for MA 68 Exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 24 advisory sign attached below on MA 2 East in Gardner, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered Route 68 gore sign.

Old EXIT 21

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2A/101 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Templeton, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Routes 2A and 101 exit in Templeton heading west on Route 2, as with all the rest of the photos.

Old EXIT 20

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Baldwinville Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Templeton, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for Baldwinville Road has the Old Exit 20 sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Baldwinville Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Templeton, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance.

Image of ramp sign for Baldwinville Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Templeton, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The exit sign in front of Mile Marker 82.2, confirming the new number's accuracy.

Old EXIT 19

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for US 202 North/MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Winchendon, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the North US 202 and Route 2A exit, along with sign warning the four lane freeway is coming to an end.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for US 202 North/MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Winchendon, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered exit signage and another warning the four lane freeway is ending.

Old EXIT 18

Image of blue Food Services sign for MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The first renumbered sign on the Super-2 freeway for the next Route 2A exit is this blue Food Services sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number with yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 2A exit with Old Exit 18 sign on the support.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of ramp sign for MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The exit sign for the Route 2A exit with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 17

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number with yellow Old Exit 17 advisory sign on support on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 32A exit with Old Exit 17 sign to the right.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance.

Image of ramp sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 32 in Athol.

Image of gore sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number with yellow Old Exit 17 advisory sign attached below on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign with Old Exit 17 sign below.

Old EXIT 16

Image of auxiliary sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The blank renumbered attractions sign for the US 202 South exit.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 16 sign on left support on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance has the Old Exit 16 sign below just before Mile Marker 71.4

Image of blue Food Services sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

Another blue Services sign for the US 202 exit, for Food, with its new exit number, 71.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign, for Amherst.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign approaching the exit which is at the start of a construction zone.

Image of ramp sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered US 202 exit sign behind a concrete barrier in the work zone.

Image of gore sign for US 202 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 16 sign attached below on MA 2 West in Athol, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The gore sign with its new exit number and Old Exit 16 sign attached below.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

An unusual distanced 1/3 Mile advance sign, renumbered to 70, still in the construction zone.

Image of advance Next Right sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The next renumbered advance sign doesn't have a distance.

Image of ramp sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign on the now barrier-less Super 2 highway.

Image of gore sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign attached below on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign at the end of the construction zone. Heading west, with Google Maps Street View images from November 2021:

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Orange, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

Auxiliary sign headed east with new milepost based number for the Route 122 exit.

Old EXIT 14

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 sign on left support on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance and the Old Exit 14 sign on the left support.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance with its new number, 67.

Image of ramp sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The exit sign for West River Street.

Image of ramp sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 sign attached below on MA 2 West in Orange, by Greg Goldman, April 2021

The gore sign with Old Exit 14 sign below, and a little off center.

Signs headed westbound, from Google Maps Street View images (New 7/26/22):

Image of 1 mile advance sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 advisory sign below on MA 2 East in Orange, Google Maps Street View, November 2021

The 1 mile advance for the first renumbered exit heading east on Route 2, with Old Exit 14 sign on left support.

Image of ramp sign for West River Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 2 East in Orange, Google Maps Street View, November 2021

The exit sign with the new number.

I-190 shield image from Wikimedia

I-190 exits were renumbered over 2 days ending on March 25. Exits 1 to 4 were not changed. Heading further north:

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 advisory sign on support on I-190 North in Princeton, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 140 exit with the Old Exit 5 sign attached to the support.

Image of brown attractions sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Princeton, April 2021

The new exit number stands out on the faded brown sign for Wachusett Mountain.

Image of 1 overhead ramp sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Princeton, April 2021

The renumbered exit with new Exit 9 gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 6

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 advisory sign on support on I-190 North in Sterling, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign and accompanying Old Exit 6 sign.

Image of blue Attractions Services sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Sterling, April 2021

The renumbered blue Attractions service sign (does MassDOT know about Clearview Farm?).

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Sterling, April 2021

The Route 12 exit sign at mile marker 13.6.

Image of gore sign for MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 advisory sign attached below on I-190 North in Sterling, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign and attached Old Exit 6 sign.

Old EXIT 7

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 sign on support on I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance and Old Exit sign for the Route 117 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The exit sign for the Route 117 exit shares the gantry with the 2 Miles advance for Route 2.

Image of gore sign for MA 117 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 sign attached below on I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign and old exit sign for the Route 117 exit.


Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 8 A-B sign on support post on I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance with highly reflective new exit numbers, and old exit number sign, for the last exit on I-190 North.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The auxiliary sign indicates that Mechanic Street, which previously had its own exit number, is now included with the exit for Route 2 East (it uses the 19 number southbound).

Image of overhead signage at split of ramps for MA 2 exit with new milepost based exit numbers I-190 North in Leominster, April 2021

The renumbered overheads at split of ramps at the end of I-190 North.

Image of overhead signage on ramp to MA 2 East with new milepost based exit number in Leominster, April 2021

The exit signs, without numbers, at the split of ramps to Mechanic Street and Route 2 East.

MA 146 shield image from Wikimedia

The exits on Route 146 between Worcester and Uxbridge were renumbered on March 21 and 22, 2021. Exits decrease heading south:

Old EXIT 13 (NB)

Image of overhead advance sign for I-290 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 13 advisory sign on right support on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The first sign is a 1/2 Mile advance for the I-290 East exit which has the Old Exit 13 sign on the right.

Image of overhead advance sign for I-290 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The exit sign (and painted To I-290) with its new number.

Image of gore sign for I-290 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 13 advisory sign below on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The gore sign for the I-290 East exit at the end of Route 146 North.

Old EXIT 12

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 122A North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 advisory sign on support on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The first exit sign is also a 1/2 Mile advance which gets the Old exit sign.

Image of auxiliary signs for MA 122A North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

There are two stacked auxiliary sign for the new Exit 20.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 122A North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The exit sign, because the gore sign has no number, the Old Exit sign was placed on this sign's support.

Old EXIT 11 (NB)

Image of auxiliary sign for Millbury Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The first renumbered sign is an auxiliary. Guess if you want to do things the Walmart Way, this is your exit.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance ground mounted sign for Millbury Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

The 1/4 Mile Advance sign gets the Old Exit 11 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Millbury Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 advisory sign on support on MA 146 North in Worcester, April 2021

Again, since the gore sign has no number, the old exit sign is placed here.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 advisory sign on support on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

The first sign for the I-90/Mass Pike exit headed north is the 1/2 Mile advance which receives the Old Exit 10 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

The last advance sign for the I-90/Mass Pike exit is for 800 Feet, just prior to the Mass Pike bridge.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1/2 Mile advance exit only overhead sign for MA 122 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Millbury, April 2021

Headed south on Route 146, the first renumbered sign for the Route 122A South exit is shortly after the Mass Pike/I-90 on-ramp.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 122 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Millbury, April 2021

The exit sign, the Old Exit 9 sign on the support replaces that for the unnumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance exit only overhead sign for MA 122A South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

Headed back north, the renumbered Route 122A South 1/4 Mile advance sign gets the Old Exit sign and shares the gantry with a VMS.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 122A South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

Again the exit sign has another Old Exit 9 sign due to the lack of a numbered gore sign.

Old EXIT 8

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for West Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 South in Millbury, April 2021

The only advance sign for the West Main Street exit headed south is this 1/4 Mile advance, with the Old Exit 8 sign below.

Image of overhead advance sign for West Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the West Main Street exit headed north has the Old Exit 8 sign and marks where the freeway begins again.

Image of overhead advance sign for West Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 North in Millbury, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the West Main Street headed north. There is a renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 7

Image of advance sign for Central Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 sign on left support on MA 146 South in Northbridge, April 2021

The one advance for the Central Turnpike headed south just says Next Right and has the Old Exit 7 sign. Route 146 South stops being a freeway for about 1/4 of a mile after the sign and then again after the exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Central Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Northbridge, April 2021

The exit for the Central Turnpike becomes a C/D lane, the gore sign now features its new lucky number.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Central Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 sign on left support on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

Now heading north, the 1 Mile advance features the old exit sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Central Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign and gore sign beyond for, what I assume, is now a toll free turnpike.

Old EXIT 6

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Purgatory Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 sign on left support on MA 146 South in Northbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Purgatory Road exit, along with the Old Exit 6 sign. The mile marker beyond is 12 meaning the new number is accurate.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Purgatory Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Northbridge, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign beyond Mile marker 11.4.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Purgatory Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 sign on left support on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign heading north, the Old Exit sign highly reflective.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Purgatory Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

The renumbered exit and gore signs for new Exit 11.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Northbridge, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance southbound just beyond Mile Marker 9.6.

Image of advance sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 sign on left support on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

The no distance advance northbound contains the old exit number sign on separate supports.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Northbridge, April 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign with gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 4

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Lackey Dam Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 South in Douglas, April 2021

The southbound 1/2 Mile advance for Lackey Dam Road has the Old Exit sign on separate supports in front.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Lackey Dam Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 North in Douglas, April 2021

Headed north the 1 Mile advance has the Old Exit sign on the left support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Lackey Dam Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Douglas, April 2021

The exit sign and gore sign beyond for new Exit 8.

Old EXIT 3

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign on left support on MA 146 North in Uxbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 16 exit northbound, with the Old Exit 3 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Uxbridge, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance headed south.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Uxbridge, April 2021

The renumbered Route 16 exit sign and gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 2

Image of 1 mile advance sign for To MA 146A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 advisory sign on left support on MA 146 North in Uxbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Chocolog Road exit with Old Exit 2 sign as seen from on-ramp from Route 146A.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for To MA 146A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 South in Uxbridge, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance headed south.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 146A exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 146 North in Uxbridge, April 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign for Chocolog Road exit with gore sign in distance.


Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 146A exit with unchanged exit number on MA 146 South in Uxbridge, April 2021

The exit number for Route 146A was not changed.

I-91 shield by Wikimedia

Exit renumbering was completed between March 3 and 18, 2021. Photos taken on I-91 South on July 15, 2021:

EXITS 1 to 4 were not renumbered.

Old EXITS 6 and 7 (SB)

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Hall of Fame Blvd exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 6 and 7 signs on right support on I-91 South in Springfield, July 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Union Street/MGM Way exit shares a gantry with the Hall of Fame Avenue exit, and its Old Exit sign.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for Hall of Fame and Union Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-91 South in Springfield, July 2021

This earlier brown auxiliary sign has the new numbers for the Hall of Fame Avenue and Union Street exits, but an unchanged number at the bottom.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Union Street, MGM Way exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Springfield, July 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Union Street/MGM Way exit shares a gantry with the Hall of Fame Avenue exit, and its Old Exit sign.

Image of gore sign at ramp for Union Street/MGM Way exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 sign attached below on I-91 South in Springfield, July 2021

The gore sign for the Union Street/MGM Way exit with an Old Exit 6 sign below. The exit signs in the distance were not renumbered.

Old EXIT 8 (SB)

Image of 1 1/2 miles advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number for I-291/US 20 East exit on I-91 South in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1 1/2 Miles advance sign for the I-291/US 20 East exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number for I-291/US 20 East exit with Old Exit 8 sign on right support on I-91 South in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Hall of Fame Avenue and has the Old Exit signs for both.

Image of brown auxiliary for Hall of Fame Blvd and Union Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-91 South in Springfield, July 2021

The 1/4 mile advance with an Exit Only tab shares a gantry with a I-91 South pull through sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for I-291/US 20 East exit on I-91 South in West Springfield, July 2021

The exit sign for the I-291/US 20 East exit shares a gantry with the Union Street and Hall of Fame exits advance signs, newly renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 11 (SB)

Image of 1 1/2 Miles advance sign for Birnie Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South
                                         in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1 1/2 Miles advance sign for the To US 20/Birnie Avenue exit shares a gantry with the 1/2 Mile advance for I-391, no Old Exit sign here.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Birnie Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South 
                                         in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 11 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Birnie Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South 
                                         in West Springfield, July 2021

The exit sign also has an Old Exit 11 sign as well as an Old Exit 8 sign for the East I-291/US 20 exit. The renumbered gore sign is in the distance.

Old EXIT 12

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-391 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in 
                                         West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the I-391 North exit.

 Image of gore sign for I-391 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 sign attached below on I-91 South in 
                                         West Springfield, July 2021

A closeup of the renumbered I-391 gore sign.

Old EXITS 13 A/B

Image of overhead advance signs for I-391 and US 5 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow 
                                         Old Exits 13 A-B and Old Exit 12 advisory sign on right and left supports on I-91 South in West                                          Springfield, July 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the US 5 Riverdale Street exits share a gantry with the 2 Miles advance for I-391 North and have Old Exit signs on each support.

Image of overhead ramp signs for US 5 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-91 South in West 
                                         Springfield, July 2021

The rather blurry renumbered US 5 North exit sign with gore sign beyond.

North of the Mass Pike. Photos taken from Google Maps Street View images from November 2021, unless otherwise indicated:

Old EXIT 14

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

Taken from the Street View camera on I-91 North (the southbound images have not been updated from prior to exit renumbering yet), here is the renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the I-90/Mass Pike exit.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Lower Westfield Road with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance headed north for the Lower Westfield Road exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Lower Westfield Road with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The Lower Westfield Road exit overhead exit sign.

Image of gore sign for Lower Westfield Road with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign attached below on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The Lower Westfield Road gore sign with Old Exit 15 sign below.

Old EXIT 16

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit advisory sign on support post on I-91 South in Holyoke, by Doug Kerr, March 2021

Courtesy of Doug Kerr, the 1 Mile advance for the US 202 exit on I-91 South in Holyoke with a Mile 17 marker behind.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the Holyoke Soldiers Home at the US 202 exit. This sign should probably be taken down. The facility was in the news most of 2020 due to a high number of reported Covid deaths and was later closed. A new facility is to be built in its place.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for AMTRAK and commuter train services on I-91 North.

Image of blue Attractions services sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the US 202 exit. Are attractions now closed or the logos faded away?

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The overhead US 202 exit sign shares a gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 141 exits.

Image of gore sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The gore sign for the US 202 exit with Old Exit 16 sign below.  Looking back southbound....

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 202 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance on I-91 South.

Old EXITS 17 A-B

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for MA 141 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance for Route 141 East.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 141 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 141 East and 1/4 Mile advance for 141 West.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 141 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Holyoke, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The Route 141 West exit and gore sign.

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 sign on support on I-91 North in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the US 5 exit, the first exit with a new number greater than the old one.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered sign for Smith College.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

An auxiliary sign for train services for the US 5 exit, only AMTRAK gets the new exit number.

Image of blue Attractions sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

Renumbered blue attractions sign for Amherst, no faded destinations here.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number and new gore sign with yellow Old Exit 18 sign attached below on I-91 North in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered exit sign for US 5, with the same number gore sign with Old Exit 18 sign below in the distance. Looking backwards...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Northampton, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 5 exit as seen from I-91 North across bridge construction zone.

Old EXIT 19 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 19 advisory sign on support on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 9 exit headed north, with Old Exit 19 sign on support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

Image of auxiliary sign for UMass Amherst on MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for UMass Amherst (of course, bigger than Smith College).

Image of blue services sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered blue Lodging sign for the Route 9 exit, in case you do not have a dorm room.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 9 (bridge construction congestion heading south?).

Image of gore sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 19 sign attached below on I-91 North in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered gore sign for Route 9 and Old Exit 19 sign below.

Old EXIT 20 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for South US 5/MA 10 to MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 advisory sign on support on I-91 South in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

View from I-91 north of renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for South US 5 / Route 10 to Route 9 southbound only exit and yellow Old Exit 20 sign on support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for South US 5/MA 10 to MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Amherst, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

View from I-91 north of renumbered South US 5 / Route 10 to Route 9 exit sign, the north lanes being higher at this location.

Old EXIT 21

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 21 advisory sign on support on I-91 North in Hatfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the first of several US 5/Route 10 exits heading northbound with Old Exit 21 sign to the right.

Image of blue State Police sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Hatfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered ground mounted State Police blue services sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Hatfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The US 5/Route 10 Hatfield exit sign.

Image of gore sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 21 sign attached below on I-91 North in Hatfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered gore sign with Old Exit 21 sign attached. Looking around from the northbound lanes...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Hatfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for US 5/Route 10 in Hatfield.

Old EXIT 22 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 advisory sign on support on I-91 North in Whately, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The next renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for a US 5/Route 10 exit is three miles up the road.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Whately, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The next renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for a US 5/Route 10 exit is three miles up the road. The number confirmed by the mile marker next to the sign support.

Image of gore sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 sign attached below on I-91 North in Whately, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The new number gore sign for a US 5/Route 10 exit with Old Exit 22 sign below.

Old EXIT 23 (SB)

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for US 5/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 23 advisory sign on support on I-91 South in Whately, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the US 5/Route 10 Whately exit southbound with Old Exit 23 sign on support post.

Old EXIT 24

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 24 advisory sign on support on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the next US 5/Route 10 exit includes a Route 116 shield, along with the Old Exit 24 sign.

Image of blue Attractions sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered blue attractions sign for the Deerfield exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance has an additional tab for mileage to the next exit.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered brown sign for Historic Deerfield.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered overhead sign for the US 5/Route 10/Route 116 exit.

Image of gore sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 24 sign attached below on I-91 North in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The temporary(?) gore sign for the Deerfield exit which includes a separate Old Exit 24 sign. Taking a look in the other direction...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 5/MA 10 to MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the southbound exit across the median.

Old EXIT 25 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 25 advisory sign on support on I-91 South in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

View from the northbound lanes at the 1 mile advance sign for the Route 116 southbound only exit with new exit number and Old Exit 25 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 116 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Deerfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance for the Route 116 exit.

Old EXIT 26

Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for West MA 2/East MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the Route 2 West and Route 2A East exit.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 West/MA 2A East exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 sign attached below, by Greenfield Record, March 2021

The 1 mile advance sign northbound for the Route 2 West/Route 2A East exit. courtesy of the Greenfield Record, April 2021.

Image of blue attractions sign for West MA 2/East MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Route 2 West and Route 2A East exit, with some empty spaces.

Image of overhead ramp sign for West MA 2/East MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered exit sign which shares a gantry with a North I-91/East Route 2 pull through.

Image of gore sign for West MA 2/East MA 2A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 sign attached below on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered gore sign with somewhat small exit numbers. Turning around and heading south (Street View has new images):

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 West/MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for West Route 2/East Route 2A with a Next Exit 9 Miles tab beneath.

Image of ground mounted rest area sign for MA 2 West/MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The rest area sign needed to be updated with a new number since it is located along Route 2.

Old EXIT 27

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the Route 2 East exit, guess there are no significant places between here and Boston.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 27 advisory sign on support on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign has the Old Exit 27 sign.

Image of blue attractions services sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered blue Attractions sign with an overlay that is slightly misplaced.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Route 2 East exit shares a gantry with a I-91 North pull through sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 27 sign attached below, by Greenfield Record, March 2021

A closeup of the gore sign for the Route 2 East exit in Greenfield, courtesy of the Greenfield Record, April 2021. Turning around...

Image of 1 Mile advance diagrammatic sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 South in Greenfield, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered southbound advance signs for the Route 2 East exit are diagrammatic ones, the Old Exit 27 sign is on the left support so not to interfere with the Deer Crossing sign.

Old EXIT 28 (28 A/B NB)

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 10 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 28 A-B sign on support on I-91 North in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Route 10 North has the Old Exits 28 A-B sign because there is no 1 mile advance overhead currently on I-91 North.

Image of blue Attractions services sign for MA 10 exits with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered blue Attractions sign is for both Route 10 North and South.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 10 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered Route 10 North exit sign share a gantry with the 1/4 mile advance for Route 10 South.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 10 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-91 North in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The exit sign for Route 10 South with the ramp starting before the bridge on I-91 North.

Image of gore sign for MA 10 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 28 A-B sign attached below on I-91 North in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The leaning gore sign for Route 10 South with its Old Exit 28 B sign below. Turning around (before crossing into Vermont)...

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 28 sign on support on I-91 South in Bernardston, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the one ramp Route 10 exit headed south.

More to come, when I have a chance to drive the road in person...

I-84 shield image from Wikimedia

Exit Renumbering took place over two days, March 1 and 2, 2021.


Image of overhead signage for US 20 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 3 B-A advisory sign on right support on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile and 1/2 mile advance signs for the two US 20 exits, with the Old Exits 3 B-A.

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

An overhead auxiliary sign for the US 20 West exit, guess Brimfield is that important.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

The overhead signs at the US 20 West exit, renumbered gore sign in the distance. Heading back on East I-84:

Image of 3/4 Mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 3 A-B advisory sign on right support on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The 3/4 mile advance sign for the US 20 exits has the Old Exits 3 B-A sign in this direction.

Image of blue services sign for US 20 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The renumbered Food Services sign for both US 20 exits.

Image of 1/4 advance overhead sign US 20 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The 1/4 mile advance shares the gantry with the first, and still unnumbered, I-90/Mass Pike exits.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for US 20 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The renumbered overhead signage at the US 20 West exit.

Image of overhead signs approaching ramp for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The 1/4 mile advance for the US 20 East exit.

Image of exit sign for US 20 West with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The renumbered ground mounted US 20 West exit sign and gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 2

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

The westbound 3/4 advance sign for the To Route 131 exit and its Old Exit 2 sign on the right.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign sharing the gantry with a Picnic Area sign. Turning around again...

Image of blue Lodgings services sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

Old Sturbridge Village is among the attractions on the renumbered blue services sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 advisory sign on support on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The first exit sign heading East is a 1 Mile advance with the Old Exit 2 sign, behind the East I-84 reassurance marker.

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

Old Sturbridge Village gets to be advertised again on this overhead auxiliary sign since it is located on a road with, conveniently, the same name, and now a new exit number.

Image of brown cultural attractions sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

Followed by another Old Sturbridge Village on a renumbered brown sign, ahead of the exit. No one can seriously say they missed the exit for lack of signage.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 131 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The exit sign for To Route 131 shares the gantry with the first renumbered advance for the US 20 exit.

Old EXIT 1

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Mashapaug Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 1 advisory sign on right support on I-84 West in Sturbridge, April 2021

Heading west, the 1 Mile advance sign for the last I-84 Massachusetts exit now has the number formerly of the first. Notice the Picnic Area is referred to as a plain old Rest Area on the gore sign. Heading back east after crossing temporarily into Connecticut...

Image of blue Food Services sign for Mashapaug Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

Makes sense that the first renumbered sign in Massachusetts is a Food Services sign featuring Dunkin (Donuts).

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Mashapaug Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 1 advisory sign on right support on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 1 sign on the support, and a confirming Mile Marker just before

Image of overhead ramp sign for Mashapaug Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-84 East in Sturbridge, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign and gore sign beyond.

Check out other Photos of I-84 West Exit Renumbering on Jay Hogan's Flickr page.

I-95 shield image from Wikimedia

Exit renumbering on I-95 began on February 25, 2021 on the first of 4 separate sections. Work started in New Hampshire since that is where the exit signs for the Route 286 (and the first advance sign for I-495) were located. Since NH is not likely to have milepost based exit numbering for awhile (see above), these will likely be the only signs of this type in the Granite State for a while. Work proceeded further south in the next couple weeks, reaching the southern end of the second section, US 20 in Waltham 3 weeks later on March 16.

Section 1-(Other side of) NH Border to Route 128

Old EXIT 60

Image of 1 mile advance for MA 286 exit with milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Seabrook NH, April 2023

The 1 mile advance for the Route 286 exit on I-95 South is on the bridge for the last exit in New Hampshire. For now this is only one of a few milepost based exit signs seen in the state (and will remain so if the current governor has anything to do about it (NEW-4/2/23).

 Image of overhead 1 mile advance sign for the MA 286 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Seabrook, NH, April 2023

The 1/4 Mile advance for Route 286 shares a gantry with the 2 Mile advance sign for the I-495 South, along with yellow Old Exit signs on both sides.

Image of overhead ramp sign for the MA 286 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in 
                                         Seabrook, NH, February 2021

The exit sign for Route 286 which shares the ramp with the Massachusetts Visitor Center.

Image of gore sign for the MA 286 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on I-95 South in Seabrook, NH, February 2021

A closeup of the gore sign for Route 286 (and the Visitors Center).

Old EXIT 59

Image of 1 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on right support post on I-95 South in Salisbury, February 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign for I-495 South, notice that another Old Exit 59 sign was placed here as well.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Salisbury, February 2021

The signage a the ramp for I-495 South, no, there's not another Old Exit 59 sign here.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on I-95 South in Salisbury, February 2021

A closeup of the gore sign for the I-495 South exit, the last exit renumbered as of the end of February 2021.

Old EXIT 58

Northbound photos taken from the William Lloyd Garrison Trail over the Whittier Bridge:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number from Garrison Trail paralleling I-95 North in Newburyport, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign prior to crossing the bridge.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number from Garrison Trail paralleling I-95 North in Amesbury, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign after crossing the Merrimack River into Amesbury, exit signs in the distance.

Old EXIT 57

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Newburyport, March 2021

Heading northbound, the 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Newburyport, March 2021

The southbound exit sign seen from the Garrison Trail parking lot on the opposite side.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Newburyport, March 2021

The southbound 1/2 mile advance seen from (climbing up rocks on the side of) the Garrison Trail on the opposite side of I-95.

Old EXIT 56

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Scotland Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 56 sign on support on I-95 South in Newbury, March 2021

The 1-Mile advance southbound with a mile marker confirming the correctness of the number in front.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Scotland Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 56 sign on support on I-95 South in Newbury, March 2021

The exit and gore sign with the new number just after mile marker 83.6.

Old EXIT 55

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Central Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 55 sign on support on I-95 South in Newbury, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance southbound for the last Newbury exit, Central Street.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Central Street exit on I-95 North in Newbury, March 2021

This is the 1/2 Mile advance heading northbound.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Central Street exit on I-95 South in Newbury, March 2021

The exit sign southbound with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 54 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Georgetown, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance heading south for the Route 133 exit, now Exit 78.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Georgetown, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 133 headed south, with the new numbered gore sign in the distance, note there's another Old Exit 54 sign on the cantilever support, instead of under the gore sign.

Old EXITS 54 B/A (NB)

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 133 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Georgetown, March 2021

There are two ramps for this exit on I-95 North in Georgetown, here for Route 133 East.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 133 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Georgetown, March 2021

And here's the one for Route 133 East.

Old EXITS 53 A/B

Image of 1 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 97 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 54 sign on support on I-95 South in Georgetown, March 2021

The first advance sign for the Route 97 exit is, probably due to the upcoming weigh station, at 1 1/4 Mile (should that be miles?) sharing the gantry with a Truck advisory sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 97 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The overhead signs at the Route 97 North exit, now 76B, gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 97 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The overhead signs at the Route 97 South exit, now 76A.

Image of gore sign for MA 97 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number advisory sign below on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The gore sign for the Route 97 North exit on I-95 North.

Old EXIT 52

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Topsfield Road with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed south for Topsfield Road, now Exit 74.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Topsfield Road with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The exit sign headed south with Exit 74 gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Topsfield Road with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Boxford, March 2021

The exit sign headed north.

Old EXIT 51

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Endicott Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 51 sign on support post on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for on I-95 South for Endicott Road, now Exit 72.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Endicott Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Boxford, March 2021

The southbound exit sign for Endicott Road, with Exit 72 gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 50

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The southbound 1-Mile advance sign for the first US 1 exit, now Exit 70, with additional routes due to lack of additional exit ramps for those routes southbound.

Image of auxiliary state police sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The exit renumbering headed south includes this small blue sign regarding the State Police.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The overhead signage at the first US 1 exit, with a pull through that has both I-95 and Route 128 shield, they only exist here to Peabody.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The  1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 1 exit headed north is much simpler with only 1 shield.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

A brown auxiliary sign for the Topsfield Fair grounds proceeds the US 1 exit on I-95 North, tacked below the main sign is a smaller one saying See You Next Year (COVID-19 dependent).

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The northbound signage at the US 1 exit with partially hidden Exit 70 gore sign in distance.

Old EXIT 49 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old Exit 49 advisory sign on support on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 62 exit only accessed on I-95 North.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old Exit 49 advisory sign on support on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The exit and gore sign for the new Exit 69, this sign is actually after the 1 Mile advance sign for US 1 seen above.

Old EXIT 48 (SB)

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Centre Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 48 advisory sign on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign for the southbound only Centre Street exit, now Exit 68.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Centre Street exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 48 advisory sign on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The exit sign for Centre Street and the Exit 68 gore sign beyond.

Old EXIT 47 A/B (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 114 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the I-95 North only Route 114 exit is just beyond the on ramp from US 1 North in Peabody.

Image of overhead sign for MA 114 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Danvers, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 114 West exit, now Exit 67B.

Old EXIT 46 (SB)

Image of 1 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The first of 3 diagrammatic signs for the second US 1 exit, now Exit 66, 1 1/2 miles ahead.

Image of 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The last of 3 diagrammatic signs, the 1/2 mile advance for the second US 1 exit, with both I-95 and Route 128 shields.

Image of diagrammatic sign approaching ramp for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Danvers, March 2021

The overhead signs at the US 1 Peabody exit.

Old EXIT 45

Image of 1/4 mile advance diagramattic sign for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Peabody, March 2021

The 1/4 Mile diagrammatic sign, second of two, for the Route 128 North exit on I-95 South, now Exit 64, should it be 65? It less than a mile from Exit 66.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Peabody, March 2021

The signage approaching the exit ramp.

Image of gore sign for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Peabody, March 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 128 North exit.

Now headed north the exit signs for Route 128 North were renumbered the night of March 25:

Image of 2 miles advance sign for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Lynnfield, March 2021

Starting with the 2 Miles advance, one of only a few state route exit signs with that distance, because its a major interchange.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit numbesr on I-95 North in Lynnfield, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance shares the gantry at the US 1 North / Route 129 East exit.

Image of 3/4 mile advance diagramattic sign for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Peabody, March 2021

The first diagrammatic sign, a 3/4 Mile advance, also has the Old Exit 45 sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Peabody, March 2021

The signage at the split of I-95 and Route 128.

Image of gore sign for MA 128 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Peabody, March 2021

The Route 128 left arrow gore sign with the yellow Old Exit 45 attached.

More to come...

Check out Additional Photos of exits renumbered on I-95 South between the NH Border and Route 128 by Jay Hogan.

Section 2-US 1 to US 20, Some photos courtesy of Paul Schlichtman:

Old EXIT 44

Image of 3/4 mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Peabody, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 3/4 mile advance sign for the US 1 exit with new number, which is actually on Route 128 prior to the merge of the I-95 South lanes in Peabody.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Peabody, March 2021

The last advance sign for the US 1 exit at the merge of I-95 and Route 128 South. The Old Exit 44 sign is here, 1/2 mile from the exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Peabody, March 2021

The overhead signage approaching the US 1 exit ramp.

Image of gore signage at ramp for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Peabody, March 2021

The gore sign at the US 1 exit ramp with the Old Exit 44 sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for US 1/MA 129 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 44 A-B advisory sign on support post on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign heading north, with the Old Exits 44 A-B sign, and mile marker which supports the new number.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 1/MA 129 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

An auxiliary sign for both US 1/Route 129 exits with new larger numbers, though not as large as will be seen later...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 1 North/MA 129 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 1 South/Route 129 West exit along with a sign for Essex County Scenic Byway with an overly large number for the US 1 North/Route 129 East exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1 South/MA 129 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 1 North/Route 129 East exit.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for US 1 South/MA 129 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for the US 1 South/Route 129 West exit is also ground mounted, but presumable will be replaced by an overhead sign at the location of the orange tag some time over the summer.

Image of gore sign for US 1 South/MA 129 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 44A advisory sign below on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The gore sign for the US 1 South/Route 129 West exit.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to US 1 North/MA 129 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered exit sign for US 1 North/Route 129 East shares the gantry with the 1 mile advance for the Route 128 exit.

Image of gore sign at ramp to US 1 North/MA 129 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 44B sign below, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The renumbered gore sign at the US 1 North/Route 129 East exit.

Old EXIT 43

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for Walnut Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 43 advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Lynnfield, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Walnut Street exit with Old Exit 43 sign on support headed south.

Image of advance overhead signage for Walnut and Salem Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Lynnfield, March 2021

Pair of advance signs for both the Walnut Street and Salem Street exits. Another Old Exit 43 sign is on right support along with an Old Exit 42 sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Lynnfield, March 2021

The signage at the exit for Walnut Street, with the new Exit 61 gore sign in distance. Turning around...

Image of overhead advance signage for US 1/MA 129 and Walnut Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit advisory signs on right support post on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north the Walnut Street 1 mile advance share a gantry with a 2 Miles advance for US 1/Route 129, the exit was renumbered the night of March 25.

Image of brown auxiliary signage for Walnut Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered brown Cultural Attractions sign for both the the Essex National Heritage Area and Saugus Iron Works.

Image of overhead ramp signage for Walnut Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered Walnut Street exit sign shares the gantry with a rare I-95 North pull through sign.

Old EXIT 42

Image of auxiliary signage for Salem Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Auxiliary sign/service sign combination for Salem Street exit with its new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Salem Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for Salem Street exit with gore sign and its new number in the distance. Turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Salem Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Wakefield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north on I-95/Route 128. The exits for Salem Street, including this 1/2 Mile advance were renumbered the night of March 24.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Salem Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Wakefield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for Salem Street, the last exit renumbered on March 24, the Walnut Street sign was renumbered the night of the 25th.

Image of gore sign at ramp for Salem Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow advisory Old Exit 42 sign below on I-95/MA 128 North in Wakefield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Salem Street exit.

Old EXIT 41

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 40 sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Wakefield, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Main Street exit in Wakefield with Old Exit 41 sign headed south.

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 129 and Main Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 41 and 40 signs on right support post on I-95 South in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The next assembly is a pair of advance signs for both the Route 129 and Main Street exits, again with another Old Exit 41 sign, and an Old Exit 40 one on right support.

Image of ground MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Wakefield, March 2021

This renumbered auxiliary sign is for both the Route 129 and Main Street exits.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Wakefield, March 2021

The exit sign for Main Street shares the gantry with the renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Route 129. Another sign that should have been replaced last week.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

On North I-95/Route 128 (if you can tell even with the faded sign), the 1/2 mile advance has the Old Exit 41 sign. Here the mile marker matches the number.

Old EXIT 40

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Wakefield, March 2021

Combination of advance sign for North Avenue exit and exit sign for the Route 129 exit headed south with newly numbered gore sign in distance.

Turning around...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The northbound exit sign for Route 129 shares its gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Main Street exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lynnfield, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The northbound exit sign for Route 129 shares its gantry with the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the Main Street exit.

Old EXIT 39

Image of overhead signs at ramp to Northern Avenue exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Wakefield, March 2021

Signage for 3 exits at the newly renumbered ramp for the Northern Avenue exit on I-95/Route 128 South.

Image of gore sign for Northern Avenue exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Reading, March 2021

The gore sign for the Central Avenue exit, the mile marker seen in the distance is Mile 57.8. Turning around...

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Reading, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed north for the North Avenue exit shares a gantry with the Route 28 North exit sign, along with a new exit number sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for North Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Reading, December 2021

New 12/12/21-The new exit number on the North Avenue exit sign matches the mile marker prior to the overhead sign, if rounding is not involved.

Image of gore sign at ramp for Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 41 gore sign below on I-95 South in Wakefield, March 2021

The renumbered gore sign southbound.

Old EXITS 38 A/B

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Reading, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 28 North exit is accompanied by a VMS, the Old Exit 38B sign can be seen to the right.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Reading, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the I-93 exit accompanies the renumbered Route 28 signs.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Reading, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 28 South exit, now Exit 56A.

Image of 1 1/4 Miles advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit (with wrong exit number in tab) with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 38 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Now heading northbound, exits signs for Route 28 were renumbered the night of March 23. This unusual advance sign exit number and Old Exit sign are technically inaccurate since there are two ramps, it should read Exits 56 A/B, apparently not worth correcting under the Exit Renumbering project.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for Route 28 South does now have the correct number, the last sign put up northbound under the last sign replacement project.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered signage at the ramp to Route 28 South.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Reading, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered exit and gore sign for the Route 28 North exit, the last sign changed on the night of March 23.

Old EXITS 37 A/B

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37B advisory sign on support post on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance for the I-93 North exit has the Old Exit 37B sign. This sign was not replaced like the rest of the I-93 signs during the last sign replacement contract.

Image of overhead signage for I-93 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

Overhead signage approaching the exit ramp for I-93 North with newly numbered gore sign ahead.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37B advisory sign on support post on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The overhead for the I-93 South exit, with congested traffic around the exit ramp, as usual.

Image of gore sign for I-93 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 37A advisory sign below on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The newly numbered gore sign for the I-93 South exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to I-93 South with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north, like Route 28 these exit signs were renumbered the night of March 23, here at the ramp to I-93 South and gore sign with Old Exit 37A sign in distance.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to I-93 North with new milepost based exit number on I-95/128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Signage ahead of the ramp to I-93 North in front of the bridge.

Old EXIT 36

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Washington Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Washington Street exit has the Old Exit sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Washington Street exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign in distance with new number and yellow Old Exit 36 sign below on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The exit sign for the Washington Street in Woburn.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Washington Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 36 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed north, also renumbered the night of March 23. The Old Exit 36 sign in its traditional place.

Image of 1/2 Mile advancie overhead sign Washington Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit signs on right support on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign paired with the renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for I-93. Another Old Exit 36 sign and another one for I-93.

Image of blue Lodging Services sign for Washington Street exit with new green milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The blue Lodging Services Sign for Washington Street apparently has a new green exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Washington Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Washington Street shares a gantry for the 1/2 mile advance for the I-93 South exit.

Old EXIT 35

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 35 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 38 exit has the Old Exit 35 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The exit sign for Route 38 and the newly renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 35 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign heading north, renumbered the night of March 23. The Old Exit 35 sign appears here.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 38 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead exit sign shares the gantry with the renumbered 2 Miles advance for I-93.

Old EXIT 34

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for the Winn Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Winn Street exit has the Old Exit 34 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for the Winn Street exit with new milepost based exit number gore sign in distance with new number and yellow Old Exit 34 advisory sign below on I-95/MA 128 South in Woburn, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for Winn Street exit and the gore sign in distance with its yellow Old Exit 34 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Winn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The northbound signs were renumbered the night of March 22. Here's the 1/2 Mile advance for the Winn Street exit (guess the renumbering contractors don't fix route signage).

Image of overhead ramp sign for Winn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Woburn, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The northbound exit sign, the last one renumbered as of March 23.

Old EXITS 33 A/B

Image of 1-Mile advance for US 3/MA 3A exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 33 B/A advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The stacked 1 Mile advance sign for Route 3A North/US 3 South exit with the Old Exits 33 B-A sign on the support.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for Route 3A North only, now Exit 51B, just beyond Mile 52.6.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The overhead signage at the Route 3A North exit.

Image of ramp signage for US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for US 3 South exit, and newly renumbered gore sign beyond.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 3 South/MA 3A North exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 33 A-B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north, the exit signs were renumbered the night of March 22. Here's the 1 Mile 'stacked' sign with the routes in the opposite order as southbound, along with the Old Exit sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for US 3 South. If it were up to me, US 3 would continue along I-95/128 to I-93 and follow I-93 South to Boston, see my proposal on my Massachusetts Route Changes Suggestions website.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Signage at the ramp for US 3 South and new number gore sign in distance (after mile marker 51.6).

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The exit sign for the Route 3A North exit and gore sign with new number in distance.

Old EXITS 32 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance diagrammatic sign for US 3 North/Middlesex Parkway exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 32 B-A advisory sign on right support post on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The diagrammatic exit sign for US 3 North/Middlesex Parkway exits, with the Old Exits 32 B-A sign on the right support.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance diagrammatic signs for US 3 North/Middlesex Parkway exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign, the same except no Old Exit sign.

Image of overhead ramp signs for US 3 North/Middlesex Parkway exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

The signage at the exits ramp featuring a very large I-95 pull through and very small exit signs.

Image of overhead C/D ramp signs for US 3 North/Middlesex Parkway exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

Seen from I-95 South, the renumbered exit signs and gore sign for Middlesex Parkway along the C/D ramp.

Image of overhead C/D ramp signs for US 3 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, March 2021

Seen from I-95 South, the renumbered exit sign for US 3 and gore sign further along the C/D ramp.

Photos from US 3 to US 20, courtesy of Paul Schlichtman, except where noted:

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 3 North/Middlesex Turnpike exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north, the exit signs were changed the night of March 22. Here's signage at the exit ramp, the US 3/Middlesex Turnpike sign is of a more normal size this direction.

Image of overhead signage on C/D lanes at ramp for US 3 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Signage at the US 3 North ramp with newly renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of overhead signage on C/D lanes at ramp for Middlesex Turnpike exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north, the exit signs were changed the night of March 22. Here's signage at the exit ramp, the US 3/Middlesex Turnpike sign is of a more normal size this direction.

Old EXITS 31 A/B

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 4 North/MA 225 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Burlington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 4 North/Route 225 West exit, no old exit sign.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 4/225 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 31 A-B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Heading north, the exits were renumbered the night of March 22. Here is the 1 Mile advance with the Old Exits sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 4 South/MA 225 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for new Exit 49A sign, just before the Mile 48 marker.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 South/MA 225 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead signage just before the first exit, with railroad bridge in between.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 North/MA 225 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead exit sign for the second exit.

Old EXITS 30 B/A

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2A exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 30 B-A sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 2A exits, with the Old Exits 30 B-A sign on the right.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The exit sign for Route 2A east also has the 1 Mile advance for the Route 2 exits, along with more Old Exits signs.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2A exits with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The northbound exits were renumbered the night of March 17. Here the 1/2 Mile advance.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2A West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham,
      by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The auxiliary sign for Hanscom Airport using Route 2A West now renumbered.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2A exits with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead sign approaching the start of the C/D ramps for the Route 2A exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2A East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The renumbered overhead signage along the C/D lanes that also include a ramp to the Lexington service plaza.

Old EXITS 29 A/B

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 2 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 2 West exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The renumbered sign for the Route 2 East exit (shouldn't Cambridge be used instead of Boston?). What's with the unusual font of the exit tab numbers, did the contractor run out of official ones and need to buy extras from Home Depot?

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 2 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old Exits 29 A-B sign on gantry on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 2 East exit heading north, renumbered the night of March 17. Here the old exit sign is on the gantry itself.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The auxiliary sign for the Route 2 exits with its new numbers, here is where Cambridge is listed for Route 2 East.

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit advisory signs on right support on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The signage at the ramp for the Route 2 East exit has the yellow old exit signs for the Route 2A exits as well.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 2 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, June 2021

The exit sign for the Route 2 West exit heading north, taken in June.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 2 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The newly renumbered gore sign for the Route 2 West exit.

Old EXIT 28 (SB)

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for the Trapelo Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 28 sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Trapelo Road exit with Old Exit 28 sign on the support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for the Trapelo Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 28 sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The exit sign for Trapelo Road shares its gantry with an 1 1/4 Miles advance for Winter Street/Totten Pond Road.

Old EXITS 28 A/B (NB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Trapelo Road exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 28 A-B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the pair of exits for Trapelo Road heading northbound, with the Old Exits 28 A-B sign, the first sign renumbered heading north in the project's second section.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Trapelo Road Belmont exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the first Trapelo Road exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Trapelo Road Belmont exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The overhead signage at the Trapelo Road exit, the exit renumbering for Route 2 would wait until the next night.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Trapelo Road Lincoln exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the second Trapelo Road exit, taken in June.

Image of gore sign for Trapelo Road Lincoln exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Lincoln, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The gore sign for the second Trapelo Road exit, with preceding mile marker indicating validity of new exit number.

Old EXITS 27 A/B

Image of overhead ramps signs at the Winter Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 27 B-A signs on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The exit sign for Winter Street shares a gantry with Totten Pond Road and the Old Exit 27 B and A signs.

Image of overhead ramps signs for the Totten Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Lexington, photo by Paul Schlictman, March 2021

The renumbered sign for Totten Pond Road/Third Street exit.

Image of overhead auxiliary sign for Totten Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

Work started back northbound the night of March 16, this overhead auxiliary for the Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road exit with its new number.

Image of 1 1/4 miles advance sign for Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The first renumbered advance sign for the Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road, notice the absence of an Old Exits 27 A-B sign.

 Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 27 A-B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The second advance sign (3/4 Mile) in this case, gets the yellow Old Exits sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The exit sign for the Third Avenue/Totten Pond Road exit, with renumbered gore sign to the right of the exit ramp.

Old EXIT 26

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the US 20 exit whose number was changed the night of March 16.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, March 2021

The US 20 exit sign next to the 2 miles advance for I-90/Mass Pike whose number will not change until after those for the northbound exits between here and Peabody.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 advisory sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The US 20 exits were renumbered northbound the night of April 12. Here's the 1 Mile advance with the Old Exit 26 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Route 117 auxiliary sign properly renumbered.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, June 2021

The overhead exit sign for new Exit 41.

Image of gore sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 advisory sign attached below on I-95/MA 128 North in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The US 20 gore sign, the last sign renumbered on section 3 of the I-95 renumbering project.

Old EXIT 25 (SB)

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Waltham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

Same sign as above but updated the night of March 30 with a new exit number for the 2 Mile advance sign for I-90/Mass Pike.

Image of advance signage for MA 30 and I-90 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Weston, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The advance signs for both the Route 30 and Mass Pike exits with their now shared number.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-90 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Weston, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Worcester auxiliary sign with its new number.

Image of advance signage for MA 30 and I-90 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 25 and 24 advisory signs on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Weston, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 3/4 and 1/2 mile advance signs for the Route 30 and I-90 exits.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-90 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Weston, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered signs at the I-90 ramp.

Old EXIT 24 (SB)

Image of advance signage at ramp for MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Weston, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Route 30 exit never gets its own gantry southbound, here the exit sign is shared with the 1 Mile advance for Route 16 West.

Old EXITS 23-24-25 (NB)

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 23-24-25 sign on right support on I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance shares a gantry with the 1/2 Mile advance for Route 16 and has the Old Exits 23-24-25 sign on the right.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The exit sign following the new renumbered gore sign for the Grove Street exit.

Image of gore sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 23-24-25 sign attached below on I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The now extra wide gore sign due to 1 number, not three.

Image of advance signage for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The gantry on the off-ramp now features only 2 exits with numbers.The Recreation Road ramp is to be closed soon due to redevelopment around the Riverside MBTA station, so they decided not to number it.

Image of advance signage for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Recreation Road exit number gore sign has been replaced with one with text due and an Old Exit 23 sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-90/Mass Pike exit with new milepost based exit numbers on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The overhead signage at the ramp to I-90/Mass Pike. MassDOT decided to keep the exit order, despite the MA 30 bridge crossing I-95 before I-90, so the numbers southbound and northbound are in 39B before 39A.

Image of gore sign for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit number on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The gore sign for the Mass Pike exit with some overly large numbers.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered Route 30 exit sign.

Image of gore sign for MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 24 sign attached below on ramp from I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered Route 30 gore and Old Exit 24 sign.

Old EXITS 22-21B (SB)

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 16 and Grove Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 22-21B and 21A advisory signs on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Newton, April 2021

The Old Exit signs for both the Grove Street/Route 16 West and Route 16 East exits are on the the 1 Mile/1/2 Mile signs gantry.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 16 West/Grove Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Newton, April 2021

The renumbered signs at the exit ramp to Grove Street/Route 16 West. Unlike other ramps, there are more exit numbered signs on this one at the ramp split, which presumably were changed as well.

Image of gore sign for Grove Street/ MA 16 West exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 22-21B advisory sign below on I-95/MA 128 South in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The already wide gore sign for the Grove Street/Route 16 West exit. In this case they could have made the numbers larger.

Old EXIT 22 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Grove Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 sign on support on I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for Grove Street has the Old Exit 22 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Grove Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The temporary ground mounted exit sign for Grove Street has not been replaced, but the exit number has, along with that of the gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 21A (SB)

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 16 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Newton, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Route 16 East exit.

Old EXIT 21 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 21 sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Wellesley, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the single Route 16 exit heading northbound with Old Exit 21 sign below.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead signs for I-90/Mass Pike and MA 30 and MA 16 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The Route 16 exit sign shares a gantry with the 1/2 Mile advance for the I-90/Mass Pike and Route 30 exits.

Image of gore sign for MA 16 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 21 sign attached below on I-95/MA 128 North in Newton, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

Closeup of the Route 16 exit gore sign and signs for the Grove Street exit 1/4 mile away.

Old EXITS 20 A/B

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exit with wrong number tab and new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 advisory sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Wellesley, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed south for the Route 9 exit has an incorrect exit tab, which should have said Exits 20 B-A and now should say Exits 36 B-A, the Old Exit sign is incorrect because of that.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Wellesley, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile and exit signs are correct, here at the ramp to Route 9 West.

Image of gore sign for MA 9 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Wellesley, by 
                                       Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The gore sign at the ramp to Route 9 West. Notice the mile marker behind it says 37. The next exit, Highland Avenue/Kendrick Street stretches between miles 35 and 36, but has been given 1 number, 35, for simplicity, pushing 36 to the Route 9 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Wellesley, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered exit only ramp sign for the Route 9 East exit. Prior to the I-95 Add-a-Lane Project this was where the southbound roadway went from 4 to 3 lanes.  Turning around and heading back north starting at Highland Avenue...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exits with new milepost based exit numbers as seen 
                                             from Highland Ave C/D lanes from I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered Route 9 exits can be seen from the C/D lanes.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20A sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 9 East (Brookline?) exit gets the Old Exit sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead right lane only exit sign for MA 9 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Wellesley, by Paul Schlichtman, April 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance for the Exit Only lane created during the Add-A-Lane project.

Old EXITS 19 A-C

The only 3 letter interchange on I-95. Work was completed southbound on April 4:

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Highland Avenue/Kendrick Street exits with new milepost based 
                                            exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 19 A-C advisory sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South in Wellesley,                                             April 2021

The 1 Mile advance is prior to the Route 9 East exit and has the Old Exits sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Highland Avenue/Kendrick Street exits with new milepost based 
                                            exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

A rather thin blue Food Services sign, to fit between the highway and the noise wall, has the new exit numbers for Highland Avenue.

Image of overhead C/D ramp sign for Highland Avenue/Kendrick Street exits with new milepost based 
                                            exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

The signage at the exit ramp, which is two lanes after the Add-A-Lane project.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Highland Avenue exits with new milepost based 
                                            exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered overheads along the C/D ramp for the Highland Avenue exits.

Image of overhhead signs for Highland Avenue East and Kendrick Street exits with new milepost based 
                                            exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered overheads at the ramp to Highland Avenue heading east.

Image of gore sign for Highland Avenue East exit with new milepost based 
                                            exit number on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign for Highland Avenue heading east.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to Kendrick Street exit with new milepost based 
                                            exit number on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 South in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered overheads at the ramp to Highland Avenue heading east. Heading north work was completed the night of April 8...

Image of 1 and 1 1/2 Mile advance signs for Kendrick Street and Highland Avenue exits with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 19 A-C advisory sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered advance overheads for Kendrick Street and Highland Avenue exits and the Old Exit sign.

Image of blank blue Food Service sign for Kendrick Street and Highland Avenue exits with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The Food Services sign remains empty, but the exit numbers have changed.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Kendrick Street exit with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The overheads at the Kendrick Street exit ramp, separated from Highland Avenue in this direction.

Image of overhead ramp exit only sign for Highland Avenue exits with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The Highland Avenue exit sign approaching the Kendrick Street bridge.

Image of gore sign for Highland Avenue exits with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Highland Avenue exits C/D ramp.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Highland Avenue East exit with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers gore sign with new number and yellow Old exit sign below on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered overheads and gore sign along the C/D ramp at the Highland Avenue East exits along with the Old Exits 19 B-C sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Highland Avenue West exit with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered overheads for the Highland Avenue West exits, while the Route 9 exit still had its sequential numbers at that time.

Image of gore sign for Highland Avenue West exit with new milepost 
                                            based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 19 C sign attached below on C/D ramp from I-95/MA 128 North in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Highland Avenue West exit heading back out onto I-95/Route 128 North.

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Great Plain Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA
                                           128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance northbound for Great Plain Avenue shares the gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for Route 135.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for Great Plain Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA
                                           128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance has the Old Exit 18 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Great Plain Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA
                                           128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered exit and gore signs for Great Plain Avenue.  Heading south...

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Great Plain Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA
                                           128 South in Needham, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign in Needham.

Old EXIT 17

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 135 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow 
                                           Old Exit 17 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 135 exit headed northbound has the Old Exit 17 sign.

Image of auxiliary blue hospital sign for MA 135 exit with new milepost based exit number in green 
                                           on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The auxiliary sign for Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital has new green numbers.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 135 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 135 and gore sign beyond. Heading back south...

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 135 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow 
                                           Old Exit 17 advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Dedham, April 2021

Here the 1/4 Mile advance for the Route 135 exit has the Old Exit 17 sign. (There were out of order Route 128 and I-95 reassurance markers to the right of the sign that have recently disappeared).

Old EXITS 16 A/B

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 109 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow 
                                         Old Exits 16 A-B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The "orphaned" 1 Mile advance for Route 109 headed north has the Old Exits 16 A-B sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 109 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for Route 109 East has an added No Commercial vehicles tab.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 109 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The signs at the ramp for the Route 109 East exit, now Exit 31A.

Image of overhead sign at ramp for MA 109 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The exit sign for Route 109 West is bridge mounted. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 109 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 South in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance for Route 109 West.

Old EXITS 15 A/B

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for US 1/MA 1A exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Canton, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the US 1 and Route 1A exits heading north (and south on US 1) shares a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for East Street/Canton Street. The distance seems a little too short for a mile, especially given the sign below:

Image of 1/4 Mile advance sign for To MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 A advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Westwood, April 2021

The distance after the East Street/Canton Street is more than 1/4 Mile to the Route 1A exit ramp, based on the renumbered 1/4 advance sign, with the Old Exit 15A sign affixed to the support.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1/MA 1A exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered overhead for the US 1 and Route 1A exits at the pre-1989 US 1 North exit ramp. The US 1 South sign, another orphaned sign, not replaced during the last sign replacement contract.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered US 1 South exit sign shares a gantry with North I-95 pull through sign.

Image of gore sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 B sign attached below on I-95/MA 128 North in Dedham, April 2021

The US 1 South gore sign and Old Exit 15B sign below, speaking of south:

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15B advisory sign on support on I-95/MA 128 South in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for US 1 South is another orphaned type, but gets the Old Exit 15 B sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Dedham, April 2021

The renumbered overhead signage for the US 1 exits is joined by a South I-95/North US 1 pull through.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for To MA 1A exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South in Dedham, April 2021

There's another South I-95/North US 1 pull through at the To Route 1A ramp, guess MassDOT thinks South 1A would be too confusing. It is joined by the 1/2 Mile advance for East Street/Canton Street exit and yellow Old Exit signs for both.

Old EXIT 14

Image of 1/2 Mile advance for Canton Street/East Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 sign on support on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Canton, April 2021

Heading north on I-95/Route 128, the 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 14 sign for East Street/Canton Street.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Canton Street/East Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Canton, April 2021

The East Street/Canton Street exit sign shares a gantry with another 1 Mile advance for US 1, in this case US 1 South. There is a second old exit sign for this exit as well as one for US 1 South.

Old EXIT 13

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead center post sign for University Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on US 1 South/MA 128 North in Canton, April 2021

The first exit sign for University Avenue sits between the lanes at the end of I-93 South and beginning of Route 128 North along with US 1 South and the ramp carrying I-95 North traffic.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for University Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Canton, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for University Avenue shares its gantry with the 1 1/4 miles advance for East Street/Canton Street.

Image of gore sign for University Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 13 sign attached below on I-95/MA 128 North, US 1 South in Canton, April 2021

The new Exit 27 gore sign for University Avenue. Turning around and heading south...

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for University Avenue exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Canton, April 2021

The renumbered 3/4 Mile advance for University Avenue along with a standalone South I-95 reassurance marker not accompanied by Route 128 or US 1 shields.

Old EXIT 12

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead diagrammatic sign for North I-93/US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Westwood, April 2021

The 2-Miles advance diagrammatic sign for the split of I-95 North and I-93/US 1 North with new number, but no Old Exit 12 sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead diagrammatic sign for North I-93/US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 advisory sign on right support on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Westwood, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance diagrammatic shares the gantry with the 1/4 mile advance for University Avenue, but still no Old Exit 12 sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for North I-93/US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Westwood, April 2021

The last advance signage for the split of I-95 North and I-93/US 1 North, still no Old Exit 12 sign.

Image of overhead sign at North I-93/US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Westwood, April 2021

The signage at the split of I-95 North and I-93/US 1 North, there's an End Route 128 sign to the right, but Old Exit 12 sign.

Image of gore sign for North I-93/US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 sign attached below on I-95/MA 128 South, US 1 North in Westwood, April 2021

The gore sign at least does have a Old Exit 12 sign.  Work was completed on this section between Weston and Canton the night of April 12. 

Heading northbound:

Image of 2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Canton, April 2021

The I-93(/US 1) North exit was the last I-95 exit to be renumbered, on the morning of April 22. Here's the 2 Miles advance sign.

Image of 1 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 advisory sign on right support on I-95 North in Canton, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign has the Old Exit 12 sign in this direction as well. Only the I-95 shield on this sign has been updated. These signs are not covered under the I-95 sign replacement contract south to Rhode Island because they are to be replaced when the interchange is reconstructed, that plan is currently on hold.

Image of 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Canton, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign does have two new interstate shields along with the new exit number.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Canton, April 2021

The last sign renumbered at the I-93 North exit ramp, and renumbered gore sign beyond.

Old EXITS 11 A/B

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for Neponset Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 11 B-A advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Canton, April 2021

Exit numbers south of Route 128 were renumbered starting on April 14. Here's the 1 mile advance for the Neponset Street exits.

Image of blue Gas Services sign for Neponset Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Canton, April 2021

The renumbered Gas Services sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Neponset Street west exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Canton, April 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign just in front of the recently placed foundation for the future version.

Image of blue Food Services sign for Neponset Street exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Canton, April 2021

The renumbered Food Services sign for both Neponset Street exits.

Image of overhead signage at Neponset Street west exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Canton, April 2021

The signage and renumbered gore sign at the first for Neponset Street exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Neponset Street east exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Norwood, April 2021

The renumbered bridge mounted sign for the second Neponset Street exit. Heading in the other direction...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Neponset Street, Norwood exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Sharon, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign with its new exit number, and revised Gas Services sign in the distance.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for Neponset Street, Canton exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Norwood, April 2021

The renumbered overhead signs at the exit for Neponset Street, Canton, with gore sign in the distance.

Image of gore sign for Neponset Street, Norwood exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11B sign attached below on I-95 North in Norwood, April 2021

The gore sign for the Neponset Street, Norwood exit with its new number, and plane heading for Norwood Airport above.

Old EXIT 10 (SB)

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for Coney Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 advisory sign on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile for the Coney Street exit with the Old Exit 10 sign.

Image of blue Food Services sign for Coney Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered blue Food Services sign. They don't seem to confident in the brands offered, adding the additional sign below "Other Food Available." What happens when you don't have a Dunkin' logo?

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Coney Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for new Exit 21.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Coney Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered exit and gore signs.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1 mile advance sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the US 1 exit with the Old Exit 9 sign above an blue Camper sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The Gillette Stadium advisory sign with its new number, simply adding a 1 to the existing 9.

Image of blue Lodging Services sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered blue Lodging Services sign for the US 1 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The new Exit 17 US 1 exit sign and an orange contractor tag marking the position of the future sign, foundation in place.

Image of gore sign for US 1 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign attached below on I-95 South in Sharon, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign, and another reminder about camping available. Turning around to view signage on I-95 North...

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for US 1 to MA 27 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on I-95 North in Walpole, April 2021

The signage includes To Route 27 in this direction, here's the 1 Mile advance with the Old Exit 9 sign.

Image of blue Food Services sign for US 1 to MA 27 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Walpole, April 2021

The renumbered Food Services sign, again apologizing for the choices given.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 to MA 27 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on support on I-95 North in Walpole, April 2021

The renumbered exit and gore signage heading north.

Old EXIT 8

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for Mechanic Street, now Exit 17.

Image of auxiliary sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for South Main Street, the exit in the northbound direction.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The  renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for Mechanic Street, there was no foundation in place for the new sign by the orange tag.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Mechanic Street exit with new milepost exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The  renumbered exit sign and gore sign in the distance for Mechanic Street in Foxboro(ugh). Heading in the other direction:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for South Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 advisory sign on support on I-95 North in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance northbound with different text, here for South Main Street in Sharon and the Old Exit 8 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for South Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Foxboro, April 2021

The auxiliary sign northbound for the southbound exit, Mechanic Street.

Image of overhead ramp sign for South Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered exit sign for South Main Street in Sharon shares its gantry with a rare non-interstate route 2 Miles advance sign for US 1.


Image of blue Food Services sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The first renumbered sign for the Route 140 exits is the blue Lodging Services sign.

Image of 1 Mile advance sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 7 B-A and 6 B-A advisory signs on right support on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered 1 mile advance sign for the Route 140 exits shares its gantry, and old exit signs with the next I-495 exits.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 140 North exit with tags marking the site of the future sign behind.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The overheads at the Route 140 North exit, with renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The more modern Route 140 South exit sign that will not be replaced under the current sign replacement project.


Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 6 B-A sign on support on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for I-495 with a duplicate Old Exit 6 B-A sign on the support and completed foundation for new overhead sign behind.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the I-495 South exit.

Image of brown attractions sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The brown attractions sign for the Xfinity Center with its new number, and no space between Exit and the number.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-495 North, the new signs will replace Worcester with Marlboro(ugh).

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The renumbered overhead signage at the I-495 North ramp. The blank space on the left use to have an I-95 South pull through sign.

Image of gore sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 6 B sign attached below on I-95 South in Foxboro, April 2021

The gore sign for I-495 North with the Old Exit 6 BA sign attached below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Mansfield, April 2021

The bridge mounted exit sign for I-495 South, the new sign will be placed before the bridge.

Image of gore sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit 6 A sign attached below on I-95 South in Mansfield, April 2021

The renumbered gore sign for I-495 South. Notice the new number does not quite line up with the mile marker. Turning around and heading north....

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The 2 Mile advance with a faded I-495 shield. The sign will soon be replaced.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 6 A-B advisor sign on support on I-95 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance has the Old Exits 6 A-B sign.

Image of overhead signage with new milepost based exit numbers at ramp for I-495 South exit on I-95 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered signs at the I-495 South ramp.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6A sign attached below on I-95 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the I-495 North exit.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Mansfield, May 2021

The renumbered ground mounted exit sign for the I-495 South exit.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for To MA 152 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 advisory sign on I-95 South in North Attleboro, May 2021

The 1 Mile advance headed south with the Old Exit 5 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for To MA 152 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in North Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered Study Memorial Hospital sign for the To Route 152 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for To MA 152 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in North Attleboro, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign with a renumbered Commuter Rail sign behind.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 152 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in North Attleboro, May 2021

The exit sign headed northbound.

Old EXIT 4

Image of 2 mile advance overhead sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 2 Mile advance sign for the I-295 exit, 1/4 mile from the To Route 152 1 mile advance.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 sign on support on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign with the old Exit 4 sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance sign, replaced during the interchange improvement project.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered sign at the 2-lane exit ramp, and gore sign in distance. Heading northbound...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 sign on support on I-95 north in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign with a extremely faded I-295 shield and Old Exit 4 sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 north in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the To Route 152 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-295 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 north in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign headed north.

Old EXIT 3 (NB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign on support on I-95 North in Attleboro, May 2021

Headed north, the renumbered 1 mile advance, the orange tag for where the future sign is to be placed later this year.

Image of blue Attractions sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered blue Attractions sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Attleboro, May 2021

The 1/2 mile advance shares a gantry with the renumbered 2 Miles advance for the I-295 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 North in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered exit sign for Route 123 with gore sign beyond.

Old EXITS 3 B/A (SB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 123 West exit with new milepost based exit number on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 123 West exit heading south on I-95.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 123 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2021

The renumbered exit signage at the ramp for the Route 123 West exit with gore sign beyond.

Exits 1 and 2 - Not renumbered

Overhead signage at ramp for MA 1A South exit with unchanged exit numbers on I-95 South in Attleboro, May 2020

The last two exits (Exit 1 southbound only) will keep their numbers.

MA Route 128 shield by Wikimedia

Exit renumbering on Route 128 began on February 11 (postponed a day due to weather) in Gloucester and was completed on February 24. Here's are photos of the new exit number signage between Peabody and Beverly taken on February 28, or courtesy of David Noseworthy, where noted on February 15 and 22:

Old EXIT 29 (SB)

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The 1 Mile advance for the last Route 128 mileage based exit southbound is paired with the 1/2 mile advance for Forest Street/Centennial Drive.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance is paired with the overhead exit sign for Forest Street/Centennial Drive.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The last Route 128 mileage based exit sign southbound for I-95 North.

Image of gore sign for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

A closeup of the gore sign for the I-95 North exit.

Old EXIT 28

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Forest Street/Centennial Drive exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit Number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The first sign for the Forest Street/Centennial Drive exit is the 1/2 Mile advance which receives the Old Exit 28 sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Centennial Drive exit with new milepost based number on MA 128 North in Peabody, by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The 1/4 mile advance sign for the Forest Street/Centennial Drive exit on Route 128 North with its new number.

Image of overhead exit sign for Forest Street/Centennial Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The overhead exit sign for Forest Street/Centennial Drive with a Route 128 pull through sign.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for Forest Street/Centennial Drive exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

Heading south, the last of the advance signs for Forest Street/Centennial Drive.

Old EXIT 26

Image of pair of 1/2 mile advance signs for Lowell Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Peabody, by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The pair of 1/2 mile advance signs, one for the mainline, the other over the ramp to 128 North from Centennial Drive/Forest Street, with the new number for the Lowell Street exit.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for Lowell Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for Lowell Street.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Lowell Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The exit sign for for Lowell Street shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for the Route 114 exit with its new milepost based number.

Image of overhead advance signs for Lowell Street and Forest Street/Centennial Drive exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 sign on right support post on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

Heading south, the 1/4 Mile advance sign gets the Old Exit 26 sign and shares the gantry with the 1 Mile advance of Forest Street/Centennial Drive. Notice the Lowell Street sign was replaced during the last sign replacement contract, but the Exit 38 sign was not.

Old EXITS 25 A/B

Image of advance signs for MA 114 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for Lowell Street.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 114 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Peabody, February 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for the Peabody Essex Museum shares space with that for Salem State University.

Image of small Essex County Scenic Byway sign with new huge milepost based exit number for the MA 114 exit on MA 128 North in Peabody, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The small brown Essex County Scenic Byway sign ahead of the exits for Route 114 headed north has been given a huge milepost based number.

Image of overhead advance signs for MA 114 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number signs on right support post on MA 128 North in Peabody, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The last set of advance signs for the Route 114 exit have both Old Exit signs on the right support post.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 114 exits without tab for new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

Heading south, the advance sign for the Route 114 exits has no exit tab, and therefore, no new numbers.

Image of ground mounted 1/4 mile advance sign for MA 114 West exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                             and yellow old exit number tab on left support post on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The exit sign for the Route 114 (West), has a center mounted exit tab with the new exit number and the Old Exit sign below.

Image of gore sign for MA 114 West exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 128 South in Peabody, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The gore sign for the Route 114 West exit, and mile marker behind confirming the new 40B number.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 114 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The auxiliary sign southbound for Salem State University for Route 114 East is temporarily mounted on a jersey barrier.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 114 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Peabody, February 2021

The exit sign southbound for Route 114 East and its Old Exit 25A sign.

Old EXIT 24

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for the Endicott Street exit with new milepost 
      based exit number and yellow old exit sign on the right support post on MA 128 North in Danvers, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The 1/4 mile advance sign for the Endicott Street exit on Route 128 North, on temporary supports due to construction in the area, also an old center tabbed design with a new exit number.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Endicott Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Danvers, February 2021

The ground mounted exit sign with new number for Endicott Street in bridge construction area.

 Image of gore sign for the Endicott Street exit with new milepost 
      based exit number and yellow old exit sign on the right support post on MA 128 North in Danvers, photo by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The gore sign headed north.

 Image of ground mounted ramp sign for the Endicott Street exit with new milepost 
      based exit number and yellow old exit sign in front of the sign on MA 128 South in Danvers, February 2021

The exit sign headed south has a separately placed Old Exit 24 sign in front.

 Image of gore sign for the Endicott Street exit with new milepost 
      based exit number and yellow old exit sign on the right support post on MA 128 South in Danvers, February 2021

The gore sign headed south.

Old EXIT 23

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 35 exit without exit tab for new milepost based number on MA 128 North in Danvers, by David Noseworthy, February 2021

While the exits were renumbered for the Route 35 exit heading north on the night of February 21, the advance sign does not have an exit tab, and thus didn't get the new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 35 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Danvers, February 2021

The overhead exit sign for Route 35 does have its new number.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for Route 35 heading south does have a number.

Old EXIT 22

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for Route 62 in Beverly shares a gantry with the Route 35 exit sign headed south.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The overhead exit sign for Route 62 with the newly renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance is the first sign for Route 62 headed south, so its gets the Old Exit 22 sign.

Old EXIT 21 (NB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Trask Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Trask Lane exit in Beverly gets the Old Exit 21 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Trask Lane exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 'exit' sign for the Trask Lane exit with newly renumbered gore sign behind.

Old EXIT 21 (NB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Industrial Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Conant Street exit southbound gets the Old Exit 21 sign. This sign was also not changed out during the last sign replacement project.

Old EXITS 20 A/B

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 1A exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 1A exits in Beverly gets the Old Exit 20B-A sign, the letters were assigned backwards when the number system was changed from E-W to A-B.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 1A North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

An auxiliary sign for Ipswich for the Route 1A North exit.

Image of overhead ramp signs for MA 1A exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

Renumbered signs at the Route 1A South exit on Route 128 North.

Image of advance signs approaching MA 1A exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

The Route 1A exit signs headed south were not replaced during the last sign replacement project, and for 1A South feature an unusual distance.

Image of overhead ramp signs at MA 1A North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

The Route 1A exit signs at the ramp to 1A North, notice the mile marker indicates the exit number is 1 mile greater than the actual mileage, and are of the old sign standard.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 1A South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Beverly, by David Noseworthy, February 2021

The overhead exit sign for Route 1A South was not replaced during the latest sign replacement project, but sports its new milepost based exit number.

Image of gore sign for MA 1A South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 128 South in Beverly, by David Noseworthy, February 2021

A closeup of the gore sign.

Old EXIT 19

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Sohier Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Sohier Road exit is the first exit sign northbound, therefore it gets the Old Exit 19 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Sohier Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The exit sign for Sohier Road/Brimbal Avenue is quite a distance from the exit ramp.

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 22 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Route 22 exit is also the first exit sign northbound, so it gets the Old Exit 18 sign.

Image of ground mounted guide sign for Essex exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The guide sign for Essex exits with the new numbers (though they don't quite match up with the milepost in the foreground).

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 22 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Beverly, February 2021

The exit sign for Route 22 with the newly renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 22 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

Headed south, the exit sign for Route 22 shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Brimbal Avenue.

Image of gore sign for MA 22 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign below on MA 128 South in Beverly, February 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 22 exit and substandard on-ramp beyond.

Old EXIT 17

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Grapevine Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Wenham, February 2021

Seemingly a rarity on this part of Route 128, a 1 Mile advance sign, here getting the Old Exit 17 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Grapevine Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Wenham, February 2021

A renumbered auxiliary sign for the Grapevine Road exit.

Image of auxuiliary sign for Endicott College at Grapevine Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Wenham, February 2021

Another auxiliary sign for Endicott College at the Grapevine Road exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Grapevine Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Wenham, February 2021

The renumbered exit sign for the Grapevine Road exit and gore sign in background.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Grapevine Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Wenham, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the Grapevine Road exit headed south.

Old EXIT 16

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Pine Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Manchester-by-the-Sea, February 2021

Another 1 Mile advance sign for the Pine Street exit and its Old Exit 16 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Pine Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Manchester-by-the-Sea, February 2021

The exit sign for the Pine Street and renumbered gore sign in the distance, guess they couldn't fit Manchester-by-the-Sea on the overheads.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Pine Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Manchester-by-the-Sea, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the Pine Street exit headed south.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for School Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Essex, February 2021

A 3/4 Mile advance sign for the School Street exit gets the Old Exit 15 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for School Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Essex, February 2021

The exit sign for School Street exit and the renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 14

Image of brown cultural site sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Essex, February 2021

The first sign for the Route 133 exit is actually this brown auxiliary sign for the Gloucester Welcoming Center, just prior to entering the city.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Route 133 exit, the first one in Gloucester, with its Old Exit 14 sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

Another auxiliary sign advance sign for the Route 133 exit, for Gloucester Harbor, with its new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

The Route 133 exit sign with the renumbered gore sign behind it. 

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 133 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 South in Gloucester, February 2021

Heading southbound there is an auxiliary sign for Ipswich with the new milepost based number. 

Old EXIT 13

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Concord Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

The first advance sign for the Concord Street exit is for 1/2 Mile, so it gets the Old Exit 13 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Concord Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

The exit sign and newly numbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 12

Image of overhead ramp sign for Crafts Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 128 North in Gloucester, February 2021

The last numbered exit under the new system will be at Crafts Road before crossing the Annisquam River. The Old Exit 12 sign is on the 1/2 mile advance, no photo. Turning around, here's the 1/2 mile advance southbound:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Crafts Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 128 South in Gloucester, February 2021

The only advance sign for Crafts Road heading south on the other side of the Annisquam River.

US 3 shield image from wikimedia 

Exit renumbering on US 3 began January 20, 2021 starting at the first southbound exit, Route 113 in Tyngsborough. Work concluded on February 10 after heading south then back north at the NH border. Here are photos of the renumbered exits, most courtesy of Paul Schlichtman, by old exit number heading south from the border to Burlington:

Old EXIT 36 (NB)

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 North in Tyngsborough, February 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign for the last northbound exit, Middlesex Road, is just prior to the Route 113 exit. The number based on the mileage from the start of Route 3 in Bourne.

Image of auxiliary sign for Middlesex Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Tyngsborough, February 2021

The 1 auxiliary sign for the Middlesex Road exit with new, but smallish, exit number.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Middlesex Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on US 3 North in Tyngsborough, February 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the Middlesex Road exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Middlesex Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Tyngsborough, February 2021

The last sign on US 3 North with a new exit number at the Middlesex Road exit.

Old EXIT 35

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on right support post on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, February 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed northbound with the new mileage number and the Old Exit 35 sign on the support post.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign on South US 3 which shares its gantry with a VMS.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The SB exit sign with the new mileage number in front of the Route 113 bridge.

Image of gore sign for MA 113 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, February 2021

A closeup look at the gore sign with its new milepost based number headed north.

Old EXIT 34

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for the Westford Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The remaining exit signs, including the 1 Mile advance for Westford Road were renumbered the night of January 21/22.

Image of overhead ramp sign for the Westford Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The exit sign for Westford Road.

Image of gore sign for the Westford Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Tyngsborough, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

A closeup of the Westford Road exit gore sign.

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for the Westford Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 North in Tyngsborough, February 2021

A photo of the Westford Road 1-Mile advance sign headed north.

Old EXIT 33

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 40 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 South in Westford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 40 exit, now Exit 86, is right in front of a traffic camera.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 40 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Westford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The exit sign for the Route 40 exit, with newly renumbered gore sign in distance.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 40 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Westford, February 2021

The 1 mile advance sign for Route 40 headed back north.

Old EXIT 32

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 4 exit shares its gantry with another VMS.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit sign on right support post on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

Apparently, the shared gantry is why the Old Exit 32 sign is posted with the 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The exit sign for the last interchange renumbered the first week.

Image of gore sign for MA 4 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

Closeup of the gore sign for the Route 4 exit.

Old EXITS 30 A / B (NB)

Image of 2 1/2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-495/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 North in Chelmsford, February 2021

The signs for this exit were put up the night of January 31. This 2 1/2 Miles advance sign with its new numbers, the sign combines 3 of the upcoming 4 exits with the Lowell Connector and I-495, leaving out the Route 110 exit.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North/Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 North in Chelmsford, February 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign, the first for just the Lowell Connector and I-495 North exits, originally had the wrong numbers, the exit tab reading Exits 81 A-B, this was corrected at the end of the project, perhaps though it should say Exits 80-81A.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North /Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 North in Chelmsford, February 2021

The 1/4 Mile advance ground mounted sign for the Lowell Connector and I-495 North exits again has the numbers backwards, though it's consistent for how the routes are ordered left to right on the sign.

Image of gore sign for I-495 North /Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers (backwards) and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The gore sign for the Lowell Connector and I-495 North exits also has the numbers backwards, though here it's consistent for how the old exits are displayed on the yellow sign, I-495 was Exit 30A and the Lowell Connector 30B.

Image of advance overhead signs for I-495 North /Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit numbers signs on support posts on ramp from US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The advance signs on the ramp to the Lowell Connector and I-495 North exits have the old exit signs as well.

Image of overhead ramp signs for I-495 North /Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers on ramp from US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The overhead signs approaching the split of the ramps to the Lowell Connector and I-495 North.

Image of gore signs for I-495 North /Lowell Connector exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number signs below on ramp from US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

Closeup of the gore signs with another set of old exit number signs as well below.

Old EXITS 30 C / 31 (NB)

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-495 South/MA 110 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 North in Chelmsford, February 2021

The first sign, the 2 Miles advance diagrammatic, with its new numbers for the I-495 South and Route 110 exit, showing both are reached by a C/D ramp is prior to the 1 mile advance sign for the Lowell Connector and I-495 North exits, see above.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 South/MA 110 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The sign entering the C/D ramp, the old exit sign is on the support post to the right, due to no gore sign for these exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Chelmsford, February 2021

The bridge-mounted signs for the I-495 South and Route 110 exit, at the I-495 South ramp, the Route 110 exit tab having the number in the middle.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number with yellow old exit number below on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The gore sign for the I-495 South exit, and the Old Exit 30C sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 110 exit, with its new suffixed exit number, which is hard to fit on the existing exit tab.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman. February 2021

The gore sign for the Route 110 exit, a little better job of fitting the new number into sign here.

Old EXITS 31-30 A/B (SB)

Image of 1-Mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-495/MA 110 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The 1-Mile sign for the combination Route 110 and I-495 exit.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The auxiliary sign for the Lowell Connector that must be reached via the I-495 North exit this direction.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-495/MA 110 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

Closeup of the 1/2 Mile diagrammatic sign for the combination Route 110 and I-495 exit, notice the 110 'TV' shield.

Image of overhead ramp sign for the MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The exit sign for the Route 129 exit after entering the C/D lanes paralleling US 3 South.

Image of gore sign for MA 110 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit sign below on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The gore sign for the Route 129 exit, under the old system, this had a different exit number than the I-495 exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The exit signs at the ramp to I-495 South along the C/D lanes. The right exit number looks drawn in.

Image of gore sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The gore sign at the ramp to I-495 South, the 8 only looks a little better than what was on the sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The bridge mounted sign prior to the ramp to I-495 North along the C/D lanes.

Image of gore sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlictman, January 2021

The gore sign at the ramp to I-495 North (and Lowell Connector) at the end of the C/D lanes. 

Old EXIT 29

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered 1-Mile advance sign and Old Exit 29 sign added for the Route 129 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The overhead exit sign prior to the Route 129 bridge.

Image of gore sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

A close look at the new number gore sign for the Route 129 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 129 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Chelmsford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The northbound exit number was changed the night of January 28. Here's the 1/2 mile advance paired with the 1 Mile advance which was not renumbered at the time.

Old EXIT 28

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Treble Cove Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 South in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Treble Cove Road exit in Billerica, with its Old Exit 28 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Treble Cove Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The exit sign for the Treble Cove Road.

Image of gore sign for Treble Cove Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered gore sign Treble Cove Road with its Old Exit 28 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Treble Cove Road exit with nw milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The northbound 1/2 mile advance sign renumbered the night of January 28.

Old EXIT 27

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Concord Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on US 3 South in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign for Concord Road, now sporting Exit 76, and the Old Exit 27 sign attached on the support post.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Concord Road exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The exit and gore sign for the Concord Road, with the new milepost number.

Turning around after exits were renumbered the night of January 27:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Concord Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign with its new number.

Image of auxiliary sign for Concord Road exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 North in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Middlesex Community College, the milepost indicates this exit is closer to Mile 77.

Image of gore sign for Concord Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 North in Billerica, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

A closeup of the Concord Road exit gore sign northbound.

Old EXIT 26

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered 1-Mile advance sign for the Route 62 exit shares a gantry with a VMS, and does not have the Old Exit sign.

 Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 26 sign on right support post on US 3 South in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1/4 mile advance does have the yellow Old EXIT 26 sign. Notice the vast difference in exit numbers (and implied distance) prior to the exits for the I-95 exits being changed. When the I-95 exit number is changed there will be 2 miles listed between Exits 73 and 74, for the exit ramp is just before the Mile 74 marker, see photo below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The renumbered overhead exit sign for the Route 62 in Bedford.

Image of gore sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The gore sign for new Exit 73. Here's the milepost behind it which reads Mile 74, why was that number not chosen? Perhaps the mile markers are not quite accurate, Wikipedia lists this exit at Mile 73.4.

Turning around again...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 62 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on US 3 North in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign get the Old Exit 26 sign in this direction.

Old EXITS 25 B/A (SB)

Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for I-95 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Bedford, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

Same set of signs seen above two days later with the I-95 2 Miles advance sign now sporting its new exit numbers.

Image of 1 1/2 and 1 mile advance overhead signs for I-95 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number signs on support posts on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The next set of separate advance signs have the Old Exit 25 A/B signs split on each support post.

Image of 1/2 and 1/4 mile advance overhead signs for I-95 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The next pair of advance signs trade distance for lane assignment directions.

Image of overhead signs for I-95 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The set of signs at the ramp split trade text for arrows. Given that US 3 continues on I-95 South it has been suggested that perhaps only the I-95 exit should be numbered.

Image of gore sign for I-95 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

A closeup of the gore sign for I-95 South, the mile marker behind it reads 71.8.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 North/US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

Approaching the end of the US 3 expressway, and a sign reminding drivers I-95 is also Route 128.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 North/US 3 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old exit sign on support post on US 3 South in Burlington, by Paul Schlichtman, January 2021

The last renumbered sign at the ramp to I-95 North, since there is no gore sign, the Old Exit 25 A sign was placed on the sign support. The button copy I-95 shield is to disappear over the next two years as US 3 undergoes a sign replacement project.

MA 24 shield image from Wikimedia

Exit renumbering on Route 24 began a day later than advertised, on Wednesday night, January 6, 2021 starting at the first southbound exit, Route 139 in Stoughton. Exits were renumbered down to Fall River, then the contractors made their way back north. Work was completed the night of January 19.  Photos start at the northern end of the route and work southward.

Old EXIT 21 A/B (NB)

Image of 2-mile advance overhead arrow per lane sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in Canton, January 2021

The recently placed 2-mile arrow-per-lane sign got its new numbers the night of January 19.

Image of 1 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit numbers sign on right support post on MA 24 North in Randolph, January 2021

They have yet to replace the 1-Mile advance under the current sign replacement project, which received the yellow Old Exits 21 B-A sign, but the exit numbers were changed.

Image of MA 3 auxiliary sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Randolph, January 2021

The auxiliary sign for MA 3 for the I-93 North the exit, had its number were changed.

Image of 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in Randolph, January 2021

Same story for the 1/2 Mile advance, old sign but new exit numbers.

Image of MA 3 auxiliary signs for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Randolph, January 2021

The numbers on the left auxiliary sign for the I-93 South exit, look a little too large, and off center.

Image of overhead signs at I-93 exits with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Randolph, now with old ganry removed, March 2021

The signs at the I-93 South/North exit split, since there are no gore signs the Old Exit signs are on the supports.

Image of overhead signs for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit numbers signs on MA 24 North in Randolph, January 2021

Earlier view showing new sign behind the old one, this lasted for about 3 months. The numbers were changed both on the old sign and the new one for the I-93 South exit, just behind it.

Old EXIT 20 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 24 South in Canton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with the yellow Old Exits 20 B-A sign on the support post, the first Route 24 exit sign to be renumbered.

Image of overhead signs at MA 139 West exit ramp with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Stoughton, January 2021

The signage at the ramp to Route 139 West.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 139 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Stoughton, January 2021

The overhead sign at the exit for Route 139 East in Brockton.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 139 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Stoughton, January 2021

Heading north, the 1/2 mile advance for Route 139 East went up the night of January 19.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 139 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Stoughton, January 2021

The exit sign for Route 139 East.

Image of gore sign for MA 139 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 North in Stoughton, January 2021

The gore sign for Route 139 East, with its Old Exit 20B sign.

Old EXIT 19 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Central St./Harrison Blvd. exits with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 24 South in Avon, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with the yellow Old Exits 19 B-A sign on the support post for the Central Street/Harrison Blvd. exits.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to Central Street exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Avon, January 2021

The overhead signs with the new numbers plus the gore sign in the distance with the yellow Old Exits 19 B-A sign below at the Central Street exit.

Image of VMS sign along right shoulder approaching the Harrison Blvd. exit alerting traffic to the exit
                                      renumbering project on MA 24 South in Avon, January 2021

The VMS announcing the exit renumbering is not before the Route 139 exit but prior to the Harrison Blvd. exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Harrison Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and gore sign with yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Canton, January 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Harrison Blvd. exit, in front of a post holding a traffic camera.

Heading north with exits renumbered the night of January 18:

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Harrison Blvd. exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Avon, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Harrison Blvd. exit in Avon.

Image overhead ramp sign for Central Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Avon, January 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Central Street exit in Avon, the exit for IKEA has a new number.

Old EXIT 18 A/B

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 27 exits with new milepost based exit numbers 
                                       on MA 24 South in Brocktom, January 2021

The first sign for the MA 27 exit showing a new number is this blue Attractions sign for the northbound exit.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 27 exits with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with the yellow Old Exits 18 B-A sign on the support post for the Route 27 exits.

Image of hospital auxiliary sign for MA 27 North exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                       on MA 24 South in Brocktom, January 2021

Had to take a picture of the new number on this sign for the hospital where my doctor is affiliated.

Image of overhead signs for MA 27 exits at ramp to MA 27 North with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and gore sign with yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The overhead signs at the MA 27 North exit with the yellow Old Exit 18 B sign below the gore sign in the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 27 South exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and gore sign with yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 27 South exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 27 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Brockton, January 2021

Heading north the Route 27 exit sign with new number.

Old EXIT 17 A/B

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 123 exits with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with the yellow Old Exits 17 B-A sign on the support post for the Route 123 exits.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 123 exits with new milepost based exit numbers 
                                      on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The auxiliary sign for colleges located off the Route 123 exits, the overlayed numbers blend in well.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 123 West exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and gore sign with yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The overhead sign at the Route 123 West exit, and newly numbered gore sign in distance.

Image of overhead sign for MA 123 East exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

The overhead exit sign for the Route 123 East exits. The gore sign hidden behind cars ahead, so...

Image of gore sign for MA 123 East exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                      and yellow old exit number sign below on MA 24 South in Brockton, January 2021

A closeup of the Exit 31A gore sign and yellow Old Exit 17 A sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 123 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Brockton, January 2021

The overhead exit sign northbound for Route 123 West.

Old EXITS 16 A/B

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 106 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 16 B-A sign on support post on MA 24 North in West Bridgewater, January 2021

The northbound signs for this exit were renumbered the night of January, such as the 1 Mile advance above.

Image of blue Food Services sign for MA 106 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in West Bridgewater, January 2021

The blue Food Services sign with its new numbers northbound.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 106 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 South in West Bridgewater, January 2021

The southbound signs looking into the sun at the Route 106 West exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 106 East exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in West Bridgewater, January 2021

And the sign for the Route 106 East exit. Turning around...

Image of overhead signs at ramp to MA 106 East exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in West Bridgewater, January 2021

The northbound signs at the Route 106 East exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 106 West exit with new milepost based exit numbers and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exits 16 B-A sign below on MA 24 North in West Bridgewater, January 2021

The northbound sign for the Route 106 West exit.

Old EXIT 15

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 104 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign on support post on MA 24 South in Bridgewater, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign for Route 104 heading south into the sun, the current 1-Mile sign heading north is right behind a I-495 exit sign, see below.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 104 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign below on MA 24 South in Bridgewater, January 2021

The exit sign for Route 104 heading south shares the gantry with a I-495 North 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 104 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Bridgewater, January 2021

Heading north, the auxiliary sign for Bridgewater State University sports a new number.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 104 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Bridgewater, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign still has not been replaced under the still ongoing sign improvement contract, but has a new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 104 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 15 sign below on MA 24 North in Bridgewater, January 2021

The new exit and gore signs with their new numbers.

Old EXITS 14 A/B

Image of 2-Miles advance overhead sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in Raynham, January 2021

The 2 Miles advance sign heading north, not accompanied by a yellow old exit sign.

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 24 North in Raynham, January 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign also not accompanied by an old exit sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Raynham, January 2021

No yellow sign for the  1/2 Mile advance sign either, we're running out of signs.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with yellow Old Exit 14A sign below on MA 24 North in Bridgewater, January 2021

Signage at the I-495 South exit, the gore sign at least has the yellow Old Exit 14A sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Bridgewater, January 2021

Here's the  1/4 Mile advance sign for I-495 South currently blocking the 1 Mile advance sign, with a new number for the Route 104 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 South exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 14B sign below on MA 24 North in Raynham, January 2021

The exit sign for I-495 sign has not been replaced yet, and has a new exit number with old button copy numerals for I-495.

Image of advance overhead signage for I-495 exits with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Bridgewater, January 2021

Bonus photo of the 2-sign cantilever southbound with its new numbers, and the yellow old exit sign for this direction.

Old EXIT 13 (SB)

Image of 1/2 mile advance temporary ground mounted sign for US 44 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Raynham, January 2021

The temporary 1/2 mile advance sign for US 44 was given the new milepost number, the new signs should go up after the bridge construction project is completed.

Old EXITS 13 B/A (NB)

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for US 44 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 13 B-A sign on support post on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign heading north for the 2 ramp exit northbound.

Image of overhead ramp signage at ramp to US 44 East exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with yellow Old Exits 13 B sign below on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

The 2-sign cantilever at the US 44 East exit, the last new sign this direction due to bridge construction.

Image of temporary advance signage for 44 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

The temporary sign for the US 44 West exit with its new number, and confirmatory mile marker before.

Image of gore sign for 44 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

A closeup of the US 44 West exit gore sign.

Old EXIT 12 (SB)

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Taunton, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign with Exit Only tab and new exit number.

Old EXITS 12 B-A (NB)

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 140 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 12 B-A sign on support post on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance heading north with the Old Exits 12 B-A sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exits 12 B sign below on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

Signage at the Route 140 South ramp, where two routes with new exit numbers meet.

Image of overhead rampsign for MA 140 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 12 A sign below on MA 24 North in Taunton, January 2021

The exit and gore signs for the Route 140 North exit.

Old EXIT 11

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Padelford Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 sign on support post on MA 24 North in Berkley, January 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign headed north for the Padelford Street exit in Berkley.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Padelford Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Berkley, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign headed south for new Exit 16. Didn't get a good photo of the exit signs.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 sign on support post on MA 24 North in Berkley, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance for the North Main Street, Dighton exit.

Image of auxiliary sign for North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 North in Berkley, January 2021

The blue Attractions sign for Dighton Rock has been updated with the new lucky exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 10 sign below on MA 24 North in Berkley, January 2021

The overhead exit sign before the North Main Street bridge.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Berkley, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign headed into the sun on Route 24 south.

Old EXIT 9

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 79 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 sign on support post on MA 24 North in Freetown, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 79 North exit headed north.

Image of overhead ramp signage at MA 79 North exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with yellow Old Exit 9 sign below on MA 24 North in Freetown, January 2021

The signage at the split of Route 24 with Route 79 North, and new 2-digit gore sign behind.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 79 North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Freetown, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance headed south into Freetown.

Old Exit 8B

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Innovation Way exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8B sign on support post on MA 24 North in Freetown, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the Innovation Way northbound has the Old Exit 8 B sign, due to the 1-Mile advance sharing a gantry at the Exit 8 off-ramp, see below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Innovation Way exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 8B sign below on MA 24 North in Freetown, January 2021

The exit sign northbound with the new exit number without a letter needed anymore.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Innovation Way exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 8B sign below on MA 24 South in Freetown, January 2021

The exit sign southbound, the left side of the gantry had a 1 1/2 mile advance sign for the next exit, Airport Road / North Main Street, but that has been taken down.


Image of gantry with 1/2 mile advance sign for Airport Road/North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Fall River, January 2021

The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign, these signs have not been replaced, and all that was done was remove the A from the exit tab. This exit was 8 before the Innovation Way exit was built. The 1-Mile advance sign for the Route 79 exit maintains its existing number, as do all the rest of the exits along Route 24 to the Rhode Island border.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Airport Road/North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 24 South in Fall River, January 2021

The signs at the exit are new, and instead of removing the A, an overlay, hard to see, was placed over it to change the exit number. The gore sign was revised the same way.

Image of overhead signage at Airport Road/North Main Street exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 8A sign below on MA 24 North in Fall River, January 2021

The overhead signage northbound at the Airport Road/North Main Street exit, here it appears the A, at least on the gore sign, was simply removed to change the exit number.

I-295 medium shield image from wikimedia

Renumbering work started and finished on the night and morning of January 4-5, 2021. Photos taken on January 24:


Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old 
                                      exit numbers sign on support post on I-295 South in North Attleborough, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance on I-295 South for the only renumbered exit in this direction, US 1.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-295 South in North Attleborough, January 2021

Not quite Emerald City, but the Emerald Square Mall's auxiliary sign has been renumbered.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-295 South in North Attleborough, January 2021

The overhead signage at the US 1 North exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-295 South in North Attleborough, January 2021

Closeup of the renumbered US 1 South exit sign.

Image of gore sign US 1 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 1B sign below on I-295 South in North Attleborough, January 2021

Closeup of the  US 1 South exit gore sign. Turning around onto I-295 North...

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 1 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exits 1 A/B sign on support on I-295 North in Attleboro, July 2021

Taken in July 2021 when had a chance to drive I-295 North between the RI border and I-95, the 1 Mile advance and Old Exits 1 A-B sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-295 North in North Attleborough, January 2021

Overhead signage at the US 1 North exit includes the 2 Miles advance sign for I-95 with its new number.

Image of gore sign at US 1 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 1B sign below on I-295 North in North Attleborough, January 2021

The gore sign at the US 1 North exit, with confirmation by a Mile 2 marker in the distance.


Image of 1-Mile advance diagrammatic overhead sign for I-95 Exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exits 2 B-A sign on right support post on I-295 North in North Attleborough, January 2021

The first of two diagrammatic signs for the I-95 exit, the 1 mile includes the Old Exit 2 B-A sign on the right.

Image auxiliary sign for I-95 Exits with new milepost based exit numbers I-295 North in North Attleborough, January 2021

The renumbered auxiliary sign for Attleboro apparently doesn't care which way you go on I-95.

Image of 1/2 and 1/4-Mile advance overhead signs for I-95 Exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-295 North in Attleboro, January 2021

The 1/2 mile and 1/4 mile overhead signs for the I-95 exit.

Image of ramp and 1/4-Mile advance overhead signs for I-95 Exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-295 North in Attleboro, January 2021

The overheads at the split of ramps for I-95 North and South, notice the I-295 shields are missing from the End I-295 signs on the support posts.

Image of gore signs for I-95 Exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow Old Exit number signs below each on I-295 North in Attleboro, January 2021

A closeup of the pair of newly renumbered gore signs at the ramp for I-95 South, and their old exit signs.

Image of overhead ramp sign and curve advisory for I-95 North exit with new milepost based exit numbers at end of I-295 North in Attleboro, January 2021

The last renumbered sign on I-295 North making it clear you really need to slow down for the curve ahead.

US 6 shield image from Wikimedia

Exit renumbering on the Mid-Cape Highway portion of US 6 started on December 14 and completed the morning of December 24, 2020. The photos below run, mostly, along US 6 East from Bourne to Orleans, by old exit number:


The signage for the Route 6A exit actually begins at the end of Route 3 South:

Image of 1 3/4 miles advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number for MA 6A exit on MA 3 South in Bourne, December 2020

This is the second advance sign, the first is at 2 1/2 miles before the MA 3A exit, the exit tab has been altered to place the first US 6 exit number, 55 to the exit tab. In my opinion this complicates things, they should have just removed the reference to Exit 1C.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead signs for US 6 exits with milepost based exit number placed for MA 6A exit at end of MA 3 South in Bourne, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance signs, the need to place a 55 in the former spot of exit 1C crowds the exit tab of the left sign, again would have been simpler just to remove the 1C reference.

Image of 3/4 mile advance sign for MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on right support post on US 6 East in Bourne, December 2020

The 3/4 mile advance sign where MA 3 South ends at US 6, notice the yellow Old Exit 1C sign on the right, this will be the last one of that color.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on right support post on US 6 East in Bourne, December 2020

The overhead signs at Route 6A exit, notice the former Exit 1B reference has been removed from the left sign and the Old Exit 1C sign on the right is now green. Apparently yellow signs on Cape Cod are not in character for the tourist destination.

Image of gore sign for MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and  green old exit sign below on US 6 East in Bourne, December 2020

The gore sign at the Route 6A exit, by the blinking yellow light, the green Old Exit 1C sign is much larger than others on the route.

A quick look at the westbound signage:

Image of 2 miles advance overead sign for MA 3 and MA 6A exits with new milepost based exit number on US 6 West in Bourne, December 2020

The 2 Miles advance sign for both Routes 6A and 3, only the exit for 6A has been renumbered although all were previously exits off of US 6.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 3 and MA 6A exits with new milepost based exit number on US 6 West in Bourne, December 2020

This auxiliary sign for both Routes 3 and US 6, hints at a problem with the upcoming exit for US 6, no change in exit tabs implying that it is now an exit off of Route 3.

Image of advance overead sign for MA 3 and MA 6A exits with new milepost based exit number for MA 6A on US 6 West in Bourne, December 2020

The 1 Miles advance sign for both Routes 3 and US, the Exit 1A is for Scusset Beach Road, if truly an exit off of Route 3, the US 6 sign should be Exits 1 A-B and the tab removed from the Route 3 North sign. This continues across the bridge, for those signs, see the Route 3 section below.

Image of 1/4 mile advavnce overhead sign for MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on support post on US 6 West in Bourne, December 2020

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for the Route 6A exit has the green Old Exit 1C sign, partially hidden by foliage.

Image of gore sign for MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign below (obstructed by flashing light) on US 6 West in Bourne, December 2020

The gore sign for the Route 6A exit with the green Old Exit 1C sign, partially hidden by the flashing light, Sagamore bridge beyond.

Old EXIT 2

Image of 1 mile advance sign for MA 130 exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign placed in front on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for Route 130, notice the Old Exit 2 sign us on a separate set of posts in front of the bigger sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 130 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The auxiliary green and brown sign for the Route 130 exit, the plans for this sign were provided by MassDOT during the US 6 exit replacement project of 2018-2019 to show how signs were being designed to hold a future milepost based number.

Image of ground mounted sign for MA 130 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with green old exit number sign below on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The exit sign for Route 130, renumbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 3

Image of 1-mile advance sign for Quaker Meeting House Road exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign on left support post on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The 1 Mile advance for Quaker Meeting House Road, this time the Old Exit 3 sign is on the left support post, this photo not brought to you by Chick-fil-a.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Quaker Meeting House Road exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with green old exit number below on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The signage at the ramp with the new numbered gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 4

Image of 1-mile advance sign for Chase Road exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on separate supports in front on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

Here the Old Exit 4 sign is in front of the 1 Mile advance sign.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Chase Road exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign below on US 6 East in Sandwich, December 2020

The new numbers look well placed within the exit tab and the gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for MA 149 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate old exit sign in front on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

For the Route 149 exit, again the old exit sign is on a separate post in front of the larger sign.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 149 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

For the exit sign for Route 149 is quite distant from the ramp in its location.

Image of gore sign for MA 149 exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign below on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

A closeup of the gore sign, the Old Exit 5 sign partially hidden by the reflector sign.

Old EXIT 6

Image of blue services sign for MA 132 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

The first sign for the Route 132 exit is this combined Park and Ride guide and blue general services sign with its large new milepost based number, was this number meant for the exit sign? See below.

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for MA 132 exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign on left support post on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

The 1 Mile advance sign for Route 132 has the Old Exit 4 sign back on the left support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 132 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

The destination auxiliary sign for the Route 132 exit with its new milepost based number.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 132 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

The exit sign for the Route 132 exit with the new very small number.

Image of gore sign for MA 132 exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign below on US 6 East in Barnstable, December 2020

The gore sign for Route 132 with the green Old Exit 4 sign below.

Old EXIT 7

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for Willow Street exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign on left support post on US 6 East in Yarmouth, December 2020

The 1 Mile advance for the Willow Street exit in Yarmouth, the Old Exit 7 sign on the left support post.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Willow Street exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Yarmouth, December 2020

The new number for Willow Street seems to be little off-center in the exit tab.

Image of gore sign for Willow Street exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign below on US 6 East in Yarmouth, December 2020

The closeup of the gore sign and green Old Exit 7 by the supportive mile marker.

Old EXIT 8

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for Union Street exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on separate posts in front on US 6 East in Yarmouth, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for the Union Street exit. Here the Old Exit 8 sign is again on separate supports in front of the bigger sign.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Union Street exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Yarmouth, December 2020

The exit sign for the Union Street exit.

Old Exits 9 A-B

Image of 1-mile advance sign for MA 134 exits with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on separate posts on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for the Route 134 exits. Again, the Old Exit 9 A-B sign is on separate supports in front of the bigger sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 134 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

This Route 134 South exit auxiliary sign for Dennis Port is combined with a generic blue services sign.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 134 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the South Route 134 exit also lists Dennis Port.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 134 South exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

The exit sign for Route 134 South, exit ramp in distance.

Image of 1/4 mile advance left side sign for MA 134 North exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

Because the Cape didn't want any overhead signs, the 1/4 Mile advance sign for Route 134 North is posted by the left lane.

Image of gore ramp sign for MA 134 South exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign below on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

The gore sign for the Route 134 South exit and green Old Exit 9 A sign.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 134 North exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Dennis, December 2020

The exit sign for the Route 134 North, the gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1-mile advance sign for MA 124 exit with new milepost based exit number and separate old exit number sign in front on US 6 East in Harwich, December 2020

Now on the Super-2 section, the 1-Mile advance with the Old Exit 10 sign on separate posts in front.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 124 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Harwich, December 2020

The exit sign with the new number supportive mile marker in front.

Old EXIT 11

Image of 1-mile advance sign for MA 137 exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit sign on left support post on US 6 East in Brewster, December 2020

The 1 Mile advance for the Route 137 exit.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 137 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Brewster, December 2020

An auxiliary sign with the new exit number.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for MA 137 exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Brewster, December 2020

The exit sign for the Route 137 exit with the ramp on the other side of the bridge.

Old EXIT 12

The 1-mile advance sign for the MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign 
                                       on left support post on US 6 East in Orleans, December 2020

The Old Exit 12 sign for the last exit on the Mid-Cape Highway is on the left support post.

An auxiliary sign for the MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Orleans, December 2020

A combined guide/brown recreational sign for the Route 6A exit with the new exit number.

A tourist services sign for the MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Orleans, December 2020

An all important Tourist Information sign with the new exit number.

A ground mounted ramp sign for the MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number on US 6 East in Orleans, December 2020

The exit sign for the Route 6A exit with the ramp out of sight at the top of the hill.

Gore sign for the MA 6A exit with new milepost based exit number and green old exit number sign on bottom on US 6 East in Orleans, December 2020

The gore sign for the Route 6A exit with the last new exit number put up eastbound.

I-90 shield from Wikimedia

The renumbering of exit signs along the Mass Pike/I-90 began on December 13, 2020. Work did not start at the eastern end, but rather at I-95/Route 128 in Weston and headed west. Work concluded around January 15, 2021 after renumbering had made it to the NY border and back east as far as the Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit, and the I-93 exit in Boston, and then back west to Weston as of January 5. The last exits to be renumbered were the Prudential Center, South Boston and Logan Airport exits the week of January 10. The photos will go East to West based on the old exit number:

Old EXIT 26 (EB)

This exit was renumbered as of January 17:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Logan Airport exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in South Boston, January 2021

The number in the exit tab does not look as good as the illustration MassDOT made when first publicizing the exit renumbering project:

MassDOT illustration of Exit 137 Logan Airport 1 Mile exit sign, November 2019

 Image of overhead ramp sign connected to ceiling of the Ted Williams Tunnel with new milepost based exit number, to reflective to see in image, on I-90 East/Massachusetts Turnpike in East Boston, January 2021

Overhead signage in the Ted Williams Tunnel for the Logan Airport exit, the number has been changed but the overlay is too reflective to see in this photo.

Old EXITS 25/24 (WB)

Exit signs heading west have been renumbered as of January 9:

Image of 1 1/2 mile advance sign for I-93 and South Boston Exits mounted to roof of Ted Williams Tunnel with new milepost based exit numbers, January 2021

Here's my attempt to capture the first advance sign in the Ted Williams Tunnel, the new exit number overlay shows up more brightly than the surrounding sign.

Image of 1/4 mile advance sign overhead sign for I-93 and South Boston Exits with new milepost based exit numbers, January 2021

Here's the last advance sign after leaving the Ted Williams Tunnel, the new exit number overlay has much smaller numbers than the original tab to fit two 3-digit numbers.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-93 and South Boston Exits with new milepost based exit number and gore sign
                                       with yellow Old exit numbers sign below, January 2021

The signs at the ramp portal, notice the yellow old exit number sign under the gore sign omits the word exit, other examples to come.

Image of overhead signs at split of I-93 and South Boston Exit ramps with new milepost based exit number and gore sign
                                       with yellow Old exit numbers sign below, January 2021

The signs at the ramp split, with another yellow sign below the gore sign omitting the word exit.

Old EXIT 25 (EB)

The exit signs were renumbered between January 9 and 15:

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for South Boston exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Boston, January 2021

The 1-mile advance sign, bridge mounted, next to it a Hazardous Cargo advisory sign now with a rather small exit number.

Image of overhead signs mounted to ceiling of tunnel under Fort Point Channel for South Boston exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike in South Boston, January 2021

The exit numbers in the Fort Point Channel tunnel have for the South Boston exit also have been changed but, again, the overlay is too bright to show the number in this image.

Old EXIT 24 (EB)

Image of yellow warning advance sign for I-93/South Station exits on I-90/Mass Pike East in Boston with unchanged exit number, January 2021

The yellow advance signs warning of curves on the exit ramps did not have their numbers changed until January 15.

Image of 1/4 Mile Advance overhead signs for I-93 and South Station exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90/Mass Pike East in Boston, January 2021

The green advance signs did have new exit numbers, as with these 1/2 mile advance signs.

Image of overhead ramp signs for I-93 and South Station exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90/Mass Pike East in Boston, January 2021

The signs at the exit ramp.

Here's a MassDOT photo posted on Twitter with a closer look showing numbers being changed at the I-93 exit:

MassDOT image of workers changing I-90/Mass Pike exit numbers at the I-93 exit in Boston, January 2021 

*Here are new photos capturing the new exit numbers along the I-93 and South Station exit ramps:

Image of overhead ramp signs for I-93 and South Boston exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90 
                                         East in Boston, February 2021

The signs at the split of the ramps to South Station and I-93.

Image of overhead ramp signs for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90 
                                         East in Boston, February 2021

The signs at the split of the ramps for I-93 North and South.

Image of gore signs for I-93 and South Boston exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90 
                                         East in Boston, February 2021

The gore signs at the split of the ramps to I-93 North and South, notice there is no space between 134 and the letter on the top sign.

Old EXIT 22 (EB)

For the Prudential Center/Copley Square exit, the overhead signs were renumbered between January 9 and 15:

Image of 1 1/2 Miles advance bridge mounted sign for Prudential Center exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike East in Boston, January 2021

The button-copy 1 1/2 Mile advance now has an exit number not matching the one on the Old Exit sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Prudential Center exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 22 sign on support post on I-90 East in Boston, January 2021

Unlike the sign see the previous week:

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for Prudential Center exit with unchanged sequential exit number but yellow
                                      old exit sign on support post on I-90 East in Boston, January 2021 Image of overhead signs in Prudential Center tunnel with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Massachusetts Turnpike East in Boston, January 2021

The exit number has been change on the sign approaching the exit ramp, but too bright to see the number in this photo too. The gore sign seen in the distance had been changed the week before.

Old EXIT 20 (WB)

Image of overhead guide sign for U-Turn for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 West in Boston, January 2021

The advance signs for the exit still do not have exit tabs, so no exit numbers, nor and Old Exit 18 sign, the U-Turn notification sign, however, has gotten a new number.

Image of gore sign for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign below on I-90 West in Boston, January 2021

The small sign at the exit gore was renumbered along with an almost as large Old (Exit) 20 sign below.

Prior to the Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit is this auxiliary sign for the I-93 and South Boston exits on I-90 East which had its new numbers installed after all the exits were renumbered:

Image of auxilary sign for I-93 and South Boston exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90 East in Allston-Brighton, January 2021

Here it was back in January with the old exit numbers still listed:

Image of auxilary sign for I-93 and South Boston exits with unchanged sequential exit numbers on I-90 East in Allston-Brighton, January 2021

Old EXIT 18 (EB)

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on right support post on I-90 East in Boston, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance paired with a VMS, the Old Exit 18 sign on the right support post.

Image of small auxilary sign for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 East in Boston, January 2021

This auxiliary paddle sign for Fenway Park does have the new exit number.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 East in Boston, January 2021

The overhead signs at the ramp for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge and the pull through with Boston as a control city, guess Allston-Brighton  doesn't count as Boston.

Between the Allston-Brighton and Prudential Center exits there is a small sign for the Encore Boston Harbor Casino in Everett, which is posted on the right support for the toll gantry and includes a Left banner, like the auxiliary sign for I-93 and South Boston, this was one of the last signs given a new number:

Image of small auxiliary sign for I-93 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Boston, February 2021

Old EXIT 17

Image of 1-mile advance sign for Newton/Watertown exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 17 sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Newton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign heading west on I-90, the first instance of the old exit tab being high on the sign support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Newton/Watertown exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 17 sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Newton, January 2021

The overhead sign at the exit ramp, where the Pike narrows to 3-lanes before heading under the hotel.

Image of gore sign for Newton/Watertown exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 17 sign below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Newton, January 2021

A closeup of gore sign. Guess they decided to use thin numbers on the existing sign instead of a new sign with wider numbers.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for Newton/Watertown exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Newton, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign heading east. This exit is closer to Mile 128, did they use 127 because they thought some drivers would think this is the exit to Route 128?

Image of overhead ramp sign for Newton/Watertown exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Newton, January 2021

The bridge mounted exit sign. Given the traffic backup, perhaps some drivers would think this is Route 128.

Old EXIT 16 (WB)

Image of 1 1/4 Miles advance bridge mounted sign for MA 16 Exit with new milepost based number and yellow old Exit 16 sign below on separate posts on I-90 West in Newton, January 2021

The unusual 1 1/4 Miles bridge-mounted advance sign for the Route 16 exit, not longer to have a corresponding exit number, notice the Old Exit 16 sign is mounted below.

Image of 1/4 Mile advance bridge mounted sign for MA 16 Exit with new milepost based number I-90 West in Newton, January 2021

The next sign is the 1/4 Mile advance sign just before the Washington Street bridge.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 16 Exit with new milepost based number and gore sign with new number and yellow old Exit 16 sign below on I-90 West in Newton, January 2021

The unusual 1 1/4 Miles bridge-mounted advance sign for the Route 16 exit, not longer to have a corresponding exit number, notice the Old Exit 16 sign is mounted below.

Old EXITS 15 A/B (WB)

Photos taken westbound between Weston and I-495 on December 20 and eastbound on January 9. 

Image of 1 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95/To MA 30 exits with new milepost based numbers on I-90/Mass Pike West in Newton, December 2020

The first sign for the Weston exits is 1 1/2 miles before, notice the Old Exit sign is not on the support.

Image of 1-mile advance sign for I-95 and To MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Newton

The Old Exits 15 B-A sign appears with the 1-Mile advance sign, notice the placement near the top of the support, unlike on other renumbered routes (below). Different contractor with different standards?

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-95 and To MA 30 exits with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Weston, December 2020

 The last of the advance signs. The three digit and 1 letter fit well into the exit tabs.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for To MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-90/Mass Pike West in Weston, December 2020

The overheads with the new exit numbers at the site of the former Weston Toll Plaza.

Image of gore sign for To MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-90/MassPike West in Weston, December 2020

The number on the gore sign, however, looks a little crooked, and a little too far to the left.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign beyond with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Weston, December 2020

The last overhead sign for the I-95/Route 128 exit, there's no longer any mention of 128 on any signs on either direction along the Pike.

Old EXIT 14 (EB)

Image of 2-Miles advance overhead diagrammatic sign for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Weston, January 2021

The 2-Miles advance diagrammatic sign for the I-95 (Route 128) exit. When this sign was first put up, reportedly it had the exit number for the Route 30 exit, 117, which has been fixed.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Weston, January 2021

The auxiliary sign for Route 30 apparently also had the number for the previous Route 30 exit, 117, also fixed.

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead diagrammatic sign for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 sign on right support post on I-90/Mass Pike East in Weston, January 2021

The old exit tab for the I-95 exit is also on the 1-Mile, not 2-Miles advance sign. The number fits well within the 3-digit designed exit tab.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number in distance on I-90/Mass Pike East in Weston, January 2021

The overhead signs at the I-95 (Route 128) exit. Again the gore sign was not replaced so one is left with thin 3-digit exit numbers.

Old EXIT 13

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Natick, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance, here the first sign has the Old Exit 13 sign, again high on the support post.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Natick, December 2020

The blue auxiliary hospital sign has been updated prior to the 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of overhead sign for MA 30 exit ramp with new milepost based exit number and gore sign beyond with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Natick, December 2020

The exit sign with the new number. Traffic reports call this the Natick interchange, but as the town line sign shows, it is actually in Framingham.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for the MA 30 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Framingham, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the Route 30 exit heading east. Not known if one of these exits signs had the number for the I-95 exit for a short while.

Old EXIT 12

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Framingham, December 2020

The first new exit number sign for Route 9 is an auxiliary sign for Framingham State University.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Framingham, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign with the three digits fitting well into the exit tab.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Framingham, December 2020

The overhead at exit ramp.

Image of gore sign for MA 9 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Framingham, December 2020

A closeup of the gore sign for Route 9, again the number is somewhat crooked, and given the digits, could be spaced out a little more.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign with new milepost based exit number on MA 9 exit in Framingham, January 2021

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the Route 9 exit heading east. The auxiliary sign for the Park and Ride lot before this sign still supported the old Exit 12 number.

Old EXIT 11A

Image of 2-miles advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Southboro, December 2020

The first sign, the 2-Miles advance for I-495, again no old exit number tab here.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Southboro, December 2020

The auxiliary sign for the I-495 exit, here the exit number could have been a little smaller.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Southboro, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance has the old exit tab, soon to be no more separate alphabet exits on the Pike.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Hopkinton, December 2020

The overheads at the I-495 exit ramp, there are two down arrows because a second lane begins after the sign.

Image of gore sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab underneath on I-90/Mass Pike West in Southboro, December 2020

The closeup of the gore sign when leaving the Pike, the exit number could have been pushed a little farther to the right.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike East in Westboro, January 2021

The 2-Miles advance sign heading east, the Old Exit 11A sign is again on the 1-Mile advance.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-495 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Hopkinton, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance has the old exit tab, soon to be no more separate alphabet exits on the Pike.

Old EXIT 11

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Millbury, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 11 sign near the top of the support post.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 11 sign below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Millbury, January 2021

The overhead exit sign with the Exit 96 gore sign in the distance.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike East in Millbury, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign heading east.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Millbury, January 2021

An auxiliary blue Hospital sign with the new milepost based exit number, not quite centered on the sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and Next Exit 10 miles tab below on I-90/Mass Pike East in Millbury, January 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign, even with milepost numbers, I guess its good to know the I-495 exit is 10 miles away.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 122 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 11 sign below on I-90/Mass Pike East in Millbury, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign heading east, notice the number doesn't fit in very well on the exit tab this direction.

Old EXIT 10A

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Worcester, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with its old exit number sign, notice the extra space on the right of the exit tab now since there's no need for an A.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Worcester, January 2021

The overhead exit sign, the new number is better centered here, but...

Image of gore sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Worcester, January 2021

You would think they would have tried harder to center the exit number on the gore sign. Similar problems heading east...

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike East in Worcester, January 2021

The 1-Mile advance sign with its old exit number sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Worcester, January 2021

The exit sign, the number again slightly better centered than the 1-Mile sign.

Image of gore sign for US 20/MA 146 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign below on I-90/Mass Pike East in Worcester, January 2021

But the gore sign again leans a little too much to the left.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 2-miles advance overhead sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

The 2-Miles advance sign for the Auburn exit with the two interstates that will share mileage for their exit numbers, the Old Exit sign will have to wait.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

The blue Attractions sign for the Auburn exit with a new exit number, but still waiting for something attractive.

Image of brown cultural site auxiliary sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

A brown cultural site sign with the new number.

Image of auxiliary sign for Worcester Airport for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

Finally, the a Worcester Airport auxiliary, with the new number and an I-290 shield.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 sign on support post on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 10 sign.

Image of Route 12 auxiliary sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

The auxiliary sign for Route 12 designed when the original exit sign was to only have I-290 and I-395, apparently no one told the contractor the sign was no longer needed after the overhead sign redesign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Auburn, by Vinh Lam, December 2020

The overhead sign at the exit ramp. On my next trip I got some photos headed east:

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                             on I-90/Mass Pike East in Auburn, April 2021

The renumbered 2-Miles advance heading east.

Image of blue Attractions services sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                             on I-90/Mass Pike East in Auburn, April 2021

The still empty attractions sign, with its new number, still apparently nothing to see in Worcester.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                             on I-90/Mass Pike East in Auburn, April 2021

The 1/2 mile advance which unlike other 1/2 Mile Exit Only signs on the Pike, has the distance.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-290/I-395/MA 12 exit with new milepost based exit number 
                                             on I-90/Mass Pike East in Auburn, April 2021

The exit sign, still with two arrows for the one exit lane.

Old EXIT 9

Photos taken on April 4:

Image of US 20 auxiliary sign for I-84 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Charlton, April 2021

The US 20 auxiliary sign now with its new number, leaning to the right.

Image of Olde Sturbridge Village auxiliary sign for I-84 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Charlton, April 2021

The renumbered Old Sturbridge Village sign, also with a similar off-balance problem.

Image of 1 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-84 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 9 advisory sign on right support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Charlton, April 2021

The 1 Mile advance diagrammatic sign, the Old Exit 9 sign at the top of the right support.

Image of 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for I-84 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Charlton, April 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance just before entering the town for which the interchange is named.

Image of overhead signage at ramo for I-84 exit with new milepost based exit number I-90/Mass Pike West in Sturbridge, April 2021

The directionless I-84 shield at the exit ramp with its new number.

Check out this iCloud Album for additional photos.

Here's a traffic camera photo showing what appears to be an Old Exit sign below the gore for the I-291 exit in Springfield, meaning exit renumbering has gotten that far west as of December 21:

MassDOT traffic camera image at I-291 exit in Springfield showing new milepost number on gore sign, December 2020

As indicated above, the exits have not been renumbered east of I-95/Route 128, here's one of the unique signs in Boston that will soon have a new number:

Image of overhead sign for U-Turn with existing exit number on I-90 West in Boston, December 2020

This is why no new exit tab appeared in this MassDOT traffic camera photo taken beyond Commonwealth Avenue on Dec. 16:

Image of MassDOT traffic camera looking west at I-90/Mass Pike near Commonwealth Avenue bridge showing no exit tab on overhead sign for Allston-Brighton-Cambridge exit, December 2020

When these signs were put up a couple years ago without exit tabs I thought that this may have to do with the upcoming exit renumbering, turned out not to be the case.  The rest of the photos were taken later in July 2021:

Old EXIT 8

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Palmer, July 2021

The overhead exit sign for Route 32 heading west in Palmer.

Image of gore sign for MA 32 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Palmer, July 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the Route 32 exit.

Old EXIT 7

Image of blue Lodging services sign for MA 21 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Ludlow, July 2021

The first renumbered sign for the Route 21/Ludlow exit is this blue Lodging services sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 21 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Ludlow, July 2021

The second renumbered sign for the Route 21/Ludlow exit is an auxiliary for Park and Ride.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 21 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 7 advisory sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Ludlow, July 2021

The 1 mile advance sign for the Route 21 exit with its Old Exit 7 sign attached.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 21 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Ludlow, July 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign, between trucks.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 21 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Ludlow, July 2021

The exit sign and new number gore sign in the distance on I-90/Mass Pike West.

Old EXIT 6

Image of 2 Miles advance overhead sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The 2 Miles advance sign for the I-291 exit, as typical for the Mass Pike, the Old Exit sign will have to wait.

Image of brown and green auxiliary sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

A renumbered combination brown and green auxiliary sign for the I-291 exit.

Image of green auxiliary sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

Another renumbered auxiliary sign for both the I-291 and I-90 exits on top and the I-291 and Route 33 exits on the bottom.

Image of 1 Mile advance overhead sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 6 advisory sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign with the Old Exit 6 sign.

Image of brown auxiliary sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

An all brown historic site for I-291 (had to post this since it has to do with Shay's Rebellion in 1787 which was put down by Hingham's own General Benjamin Lincoln).

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the I-291 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-291 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with yellow Old Exit 6 sign below on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The renumbered exit sign with gore sign and Old Exit 6 sign attached in distance. This gantry was one of the last put up during the I-90 sign replacement project, it replaced one that had a 2 mile advance for the MA 33 exit on the left which had a green CT style shield.

Old EXIT 5

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 33 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 5 advisory sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the Route 33 exit with the Old Exit 5 sign high on the support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 33 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

A renumbered green auxiliary sign for the Route 33 exit for those seeking commercial or military air travel.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 33 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Chicopee, July 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 33 exit.

Old EXIT 4

Image of auxiliary sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Springfield, July 2021

The first renumbered sign for the I-91/US 5 exit is yet another airport auxiliary.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Springfield, July 2021

Another renumbered auxiliary sign for UMass Amherst, or is it the other way around?

Image of auxiliary sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Springfield, July 2021

This US 5 auxiliary seems redundant since the route is in the advance signs, and are you going to take US 5 to Hartford? Plus there's another UMass listing.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 advisory sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the I-91/US 5 exit and the Old Exit 4 sign.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Springfield, July 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign just before crossing the Connecticut River.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered exit sign for I-91/US 5 and gore sign in the distance. For this exit, turning around...

Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered 2 Miles advance sign for the I-91/US 5 exit, since not photographed heading west.

Image of auxiliary sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in West Springfield, July 2021

A renumbered attractions sign for the I-91/US 5 exit, a couple with brown backgrounds.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in West Springfield, July 2021

The exit signage heading east.

Image of gore sign for I-91/US 5 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 sign attached below on I-90/Mass Pike East in West Springfield, July 2021

The renumbered gore sign for the I-91/US 5 exit and Old Exit 4 sign below.

Old EXIT 3

Image of auxiliary sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

The first renumbered sign for the US 202/Route 10 Westfield exit is this auxiliary for Westfield State University.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 advisory sign on support on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

The renumbered 1 Mile advanced sign and yellow Old Exit 3 sign high on support.

Image of blue Lodging services sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

A renumbered blue Lodging sign for the US 202/Route 10 Westfield exit.

Image of green auxiliary overhead sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

This renumbered sign for the Westfield Barnes Airport is partially hidden by the height advisory sign for the next bridge.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

The 1/2 mile advance for the US 202/Route 10 Westfield exit includes the distance for the next exit, given that it's 30 miles away.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

The renumbered exit sign for US 202/Route 10.

Image of gore sign for US 202/MA 10 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 3 sign attached below on I-90/Mass Pike West in Westfield, July 2021

The gore sign for the US 202/Route 10 Westfield exit and Old Exit 3 sign below.

Old EXIT 2

Image eastbound taken from Google Maps Street View cameras in June 2022:

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 advisory sign on top of sign support post on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The 1 Mile advance sign with high post mounted Old Exit 2 sign to right.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The first of several auxiliary signs in Lee with the new exit number.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The next auxiliary sign, needed because there is no West Stockbridge exit in this direction.

Image of brown attractions sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The brown 'The Berkshires' sign with its new exit number.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

A blue Attractions services sign with a very tiny new exit number. Now it becomes interesting...

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 20 exit without milepost based exit number, but listing exit 2 on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The 1/2 Mile advance sign but with the old Exit 2 listed. My theory is that this was the last new sign put up as part of the I-90 sign replacement project in the spring of 2021 (there was no existing 1/2 mile advance that this replaced) after the exit renumbering project was over. All the signs were manufactured with the old number. Why this wasn't noticed at the time, or fixed in the year since is unknown.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 20 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit 2 sign below on I-90/Mass Pike East in Lee, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

The overhead exit sign gore sign and its Old Exit 2 sign below in the distance.

Old EXIT 1 (WB)

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 41 to MA 102 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 1 advisory sign on top of sign support post, Google Maps Street View, June 2022

The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the last Mass Pike exit, again a high mounted Old Exit 1 sign.

Image of brown attractions sign for MA 41 to MA 102 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 West in West Stockbridge, Google Maps Street View, June 2022

The renumbered brown sign for both Tanglewood and 'The Berkshires,' where you have 2 options for the latter in this direction.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 41 to MA 102 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 West in West Stockbridge, Google Maps Street View, June 2022

Like the 1/2 mile advance sign for US 20 headed east, there was no previous version to replace in this direction. Unlike US 20, the exit number is correct.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 41 to MA 102 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 West in West Stockbridge, Google Maps Street View, June 2022

The last renumbered exit sign headed west.

Image of gore sign for MA 41 to MA 102 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-90 West in West Stockbridge, Google Maps Street View, June 2022

The renumbered gore sign with its Old Exit 1 sign below. How long will it be before the NY Thruway has its exits renumbered? For now the next exits to have a milepost based number on I-90 is in Pennsylvania.

MA 3 route shield from Wikimedia 

MA 3 exits were renumbered between the evening of December 1 and the morning of the December 14th, 2020. Photos will show the exit number changes starting from Braintree and working southbound by exit, in both directions:


Image of 2 miles advance overhead sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number tab on support on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The I-93 exit was one of the last to be renumbered starting the evening of December 13. Here's the 2 Miles advance sign, which has the Old Exits 20 A-B sign. Those signs are supposed to be on the first exit sign, but has not always been the case (see Route 25 and I-195 photos below).

Imabe of 1-mile advance overhead diagrammatic sign for I-93 exits with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance, the first of 2 diagrammatic signs. Too bad MassDOT didn't take advantage of the exit number change to add US 1 shields to the signs or the support posts.

Image of overhead signs at ramps to I-93 South and North with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The overhead signs at the split, the last exit signs to be renumbered on Route 3.

OLD EXITS 19-18 (SB):

Image of overhead signs with 1/4 mile advance for Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost exit numbers on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The first sign renumbered on MA 3 South is for two exits, Burgin Parkway and Washington Street, no old exit number signs appear on the right support for these exits here.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost exit numbers on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The duplicate pair of signs at the Burgin Parkway and Washington Street exit ramp.

Image of gore signs with new exit number for Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with old exit tab below on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The renumbered gore sign for the Burgin Parkway and Washington Street exits, the old exit number tab appears below, partially blocked.

Image of overhead signs on ramp from MA 3 South to Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost exit 
    numbers in Braintree, December 2020

The first sign for each exit appears, with new numbers, on the ramp from MA 3 South merging with the ramp from I-93/US 1 North.

Image of overhead signs on ramp from MA 3 South and I-93/US 1 North for Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost exit numbers on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

Signage at the split of ramps includes a pair of gore signs with a second set of Old Exit # tabs below.

 Image of overhead signs approaching split if I-93/US 1 North and MA 3 South ramps in Braintree showing new milepost based exit numbers on right sign with yellow old exit number sign on right support post, December 2020

The overhead signs approaching the MA 3 South exit off of I-93/US 1 North in Braintree includes the first Route 3 exit sign, renumbered with yellow Old Exits 19-18 sign on right post. (New)

Image of overhead signs with 1/4 mile advance for Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost 
                                      exit numbers at MA 3 South exit ramp from I-93/US 1 in Braintree, December 2020

The second set of signs for the combined Burgin Parkway and Washington Street exits at ramp to MA 3 South on I-93/US 1 North.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to Burgin Parkway/Washington Street exits with new milepost exit numbers on ramp from
                                      I-93/US 1 North to MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The overhead signs at the Burgin Parkway and Washington Street ramp heading toward Route 3 South from I-93/US 1 North.


There is no Exit 18 headed north, so the Next Exit 19 sign has been updated:

Next Exit guide sign on MA 3 North in Braintree updated to include new milepost based exit number, December 2020

After are the signs for new Exit 42:

Image  of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Burgin Parkway exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance with the yellow Old Exit 19 sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Burgin Parkway exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The exit ramp sign which is just beyond the Mile 42 marker. (In the distance you see the second set of orphaned signs for the ramp to I-93 from Washington Street in Braintree, not updated since the early 1980s).


Image of 1-mile advance sign for Union Street exit with new milepost exit number and yellow old exit number
                                     sign on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for Union Street exit, with old exit number sign on the support.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Union Street exit with new milepost exit number on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

The overhead at the Union Street exit with new exit number,

Image of gore sign for Union Street exit with new milepost exit number and yellow old exit number
                                     tab below on MA 3 South in Braintree, December 2020

Closeup of the renumbered gore sign for the Union Street exit, with a rather small number (compare it to the previous exits) and old exit number 17 tab below.

The Union Street exit signs the other way were renumbered the night of December 10-11:

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for Union Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance heading north.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Union Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

The overhead sign at the exit ramp,

Image of gore sign for Union Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Braintree, December 2020

A close look at the gore sign.


Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 18 exits with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

Exit Renumbering for Route 18 happened December 3, here's the 1-Mile advance with the Old Exits sign on the support.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The South Weymouth auxiliary sign for the Route 18 South exit.

Image of 1/2 and 3/4-Mile advance overhead signs for MA 18 exits with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

Now the advance signs for both Route 18 exits, each with its new number.

Image of overhead ramp signs at MA 18 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

Overheads at the Route 18 South ramp, gore sign with new number in the distance.

Image of overhead sign for MA 18 North exit ramp with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The overhead at the Route 18 North exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 18 North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

A closeup of the North Route 18 exit gore sign and Old Exit 16A tab below. Pardon the number of photos for this exit, but it is currently 'mine'.

Signage heading northbound put up December 10-11:

1-Mile advance sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 North in Weymouth, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance with the yellow Old Exit 16 sign on the left support post, the bridge over Pleasant Street is just beyond the sign.

Image of blank blue Lodging Services sign on MA 3 North in Weymouth with new milepost based exit number, December 2020

This blank Lodging Services Sign was given the new milepost number for the Route 18 exit. It used to have a Super 8 Hotel logo on it, but its now the Boston Hotel and apparently not worthy of being on this sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 18 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Weymouth, December 2020

The overhead sign at the ramp, only 1 exit this direction.


Image of blue Food services auxiliary sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The next exit southbound is Derby Street, and the renumbering starting with this rather new 6-logo Food Services sign.

Image of ground mounted 1-mile advance sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on right support post on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for Derby Street, the yellow Old Exit 15 sign is on the left support of the ground mounted sign.

Image of auxiliary sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The To Route 53 auxiliary sign for the Derby Street with its new number. Pardon the number of photos here, this is the hometown exit.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Weymouth, December 2020

The 1/2 mile advance for Derby Street, while trying to merge during the lane drop with a pickup hauling a motorboat.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Hingham, December 2020

Taken three days later, the renumbered exit sign for Derby Street, the newly paved roadway still under construction.

Image of gore sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab below plus 1 mile advance sign for MA 228 exit also with new exit number and old exit number sign onl left support post on MA 3 South in Hingham, December 2020

The Derby Street gore sign with its new number and the 1-Mile advance for the Route 228 exit, now Exit 35.

Heading northbound, signs installed on December 10-11:

Image of 1-mile advance sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 North in Hingham, December 2020

The ground mounted 1-Mile advance sign heading on MA 3 North.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Derby Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Hingham, December 2020

The overhead exit sign over the recently repaved lanes and new traffic camera, not yet accessible to the public, above the bridge.


Image taken by the Patriot Ledger of 1-Mile advance sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support on MA 3 South in Hingham, December 2020

A closeup of the 1-Mile advance sign for the next exit headed south, Route 228, courtesy of the Patriot Ledger.

 Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Hingham, December 2020

The 1/2 mile advance sign with its appropriate milepost number based on the mile marker.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Hingham, December 2020

The auxiliary sign for Nantasket with its new number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Rockland, December 2020

The Route 228 exit sign, and renumbered gore sign in the distance crossing into Rockland.

Heading north again, exits renumbered the night of December 10-11:

Image of 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on left support on MA 3 North in Norwell, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance on the Old Exit 14 sign below, how long beyond 2 years will signs like that be likely to stay?

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 228 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Rockland, December 2020

The overhead exit sign with the renumbered gore sign beyond. This was the hometown exit heading northbound.


Southbound exit numbers were changed between Norwell and Duxbury on the night of December 3...

Image of 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 53 123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 South in Norwell, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 53 (to) Route 123 exit, no longer unlucky number 13.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for MA 53 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Norwell, December 2020

The auxiliary sign for Hanover Mall Drive with new number, the road currently leads to the former Hanover Mall which was torn down last year and is being redeveloped as "Hanover Crossing."

Image of 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 53 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Hanover, December 2020

The 1/2 Mile advance just prior to the three-lane bridge over Route 123, awaiting the expansion of the rest of Route 3.

Image of overhead ramp sign at the MA 53 123 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Hanover, December 2020

The renumbered overhead sign at the Route 53 (to) Route 123 exit.

Image of gore sign for MA 53 123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 South in Hanover, December 2020

Closeup of the gore sign, more small numbers, but there will be smaller numbers seen below.

Signs along the northbound lanes were placed on the night of December 9:

Image of 1-mile advance sign for MA 53/123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit numbers sign on left support post on MA 3 North in Norwell, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance with the Old Exit 13 sign below.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 53/123 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Hanover, December 2020

The exit sign with the confirmatory mile marker that this is (rounded) Mile 32.

Image of gore sign for MA 53/123 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Hanover, December 2020

The gore sign with a decent size number.


Image of 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 South in Norwell, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 139 exit (new photo from two days later), next to the former rest area, now called the parking area.

Image of ground mounted Blue Food services sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Marshfield, December 2020

Another 6 logo Food Services sign for the Route 139 exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Marshfield, December 2020

The 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 139 exit, heading up hill.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Marshfield, December 2020

The overhead at the Route 139 exit ramp, with its new number.

Image of gore sign for MA 139 exit with new (and very small) milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number ab below on MA 3 South in Marshfield, December 2020

The gore sign for the Route 139 exit. The numbers keep getting smaller and smaller, hopefully this is only temporary.

Heading north, again these signs were placed the night of December 9:

Image of 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 North in Marshfield, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance, the construction signs are for a paving project that starts just before the Route 139 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 139 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Marshfield, December 2020

The overhead at the exit with a gore sign with a decently sized number in the distance.


Image of 1 mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 14 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on left support post on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 14 exit, the new exit numbers after Route 139 were put up overnight on December 3-4.

Image of overhead ramp sign at MA 14 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

The overhead at the Route 14 exit ramp through the early December solar glare.

Image of gore sign at MA 14 exit with (small) new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

Same problem with the gore sign for the Route 14 exit ramp as with Route 139, small number even harder to see in the afternoon light.

Image of 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 14 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 North in Duxbury, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance with its new number and Old Exit 11 sign heading north, no glare problem seeing this.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 14 exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Duxbury, December 2020

The overhead exit sign and gore sign in distance with yellow Old Exit 11 tab below.


Image of the blue services sign for MA 3A to MA 53 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

The Food Service sign for the upcoming Route 3A to Route 53 exit with its new milepost number (20).

Image of the 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 3A to MA 53 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support post on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 3A to Route 53 exit and yellow Old Exit 10 sign below.

Image of the overhead sign for MA 3A to MA 53 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Kingston, December 2020

The overhead sign for the Route 3A to Route 53 exit, again sorry for the glare.

Image of the gore sign for MA 3A to MA 53 exit with (small) new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 South in Kingston, December 2020

Somewhat hard to see, but the gore sign for this exit also has a very small number (20). (New photo with less glare).

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 3A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance northbound and Old Exit 10 sign on support post just beyond the Eel River bridge.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 3A exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

The overhead exit sign with a normal size numbered Exit 20 gore sign in the distance.


Image of the 1-Mile advance overhead sign for MA 3A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 South in Kingston, December 2020

The overhead 1-Mile advance sign for the next Route 3A exit with its new milepost number (18).

Image of the overhead signs at MA 3A exit with new milepost based exit number for 3A but existing exit number on left sign on MA 3 South in Duxbury, December 2020

The overheads at the Route 3A exit showing the 3A exit with its new milepost number, but the next exit, Smith Lane, with its sequential number.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 3A exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

The overhead exit sign prior to the Route 3A bridge heading north (the advance sign is at the ramp to Smith Lane, see below).


Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign form Smith Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

Due to the short distance from the US 44 West exit, there is no 1 Mile advance sign for the Smith Lane exit, so the first sign is the 1/2 mile advance which gets the Old Exit 8 sign.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to Smith Lane exit with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

The overhead gantry at the Smith Lane exit also has the 3/4 mile advance for the Route 3A Kingston exit, the old exit sign is placed on the 1/2 mile advance for that exit, no photo.

Image of gore sign for Smith Lane exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8 tab below on MA 3 North in Kingston, December 2020

The gore sign for the Smith Lane exit, these are what the numbers should look like on all the signs.


First heading south...

Image of 1 mile advance sign for US 44 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on MA 3 South in Plymouth, December 2020

This overhead sign was put up earlier this year. The exit tab was designed to hold the 2-digit milepost based number, but it looks like the overlay was placed directly over the old exit number (see photo below), leaving too much space on the right.

Image of overhead gantry with VMS and 1-Mile advance sign for US 44 exit with space for future 2-digit milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Plymouth, May 2020

Heading north...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 44 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The 1/2 mile advance, an 'orphaned' sign, not replaced during the last sign replacement project in 2010. The Old Exit 7 sign was on the 1-Mile advance, no photo.

Image of overhead sign at US 44 West exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The exit sign, also an 'orphaned' sign.


Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for US 44 East/Samoset Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance of the US 44 East exit (its Exits 15 A/B the other direction) with the Old Exit 6 sign obscured behind tree branches.

Image of blude Attractions Services sign for the US 44 East/Samoset Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The blue Attractions Services sign for the US 44 East Exit showing its the exit to get to Plymouth Rock (and to be later disappointed as to how small it is?).

Image of overhead signs approaching the US 44 East/Samoset Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The overhead signs at the US 44 East/Samoset Street exit ramp. The pull through sign is the only mention that Route 3 North and US 44 West run concurrently between new exits 15 and 16.

Image of gore sign for US 44 East/Samoset Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The gore sign for the US 44 East/Samoset Street Exit.


Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Long Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Long Pond Road exit, and a mile marker confirming the number is correct.

Image of auxiliary sign for Long Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The blue sign is advising those who want to get to the service plaza off of Route 3 South, they should take the new Exit 13.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Long Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The overhead sign at the Long Pond Road exit ramp, with renumbered gore sign in the distance.


Image of 1-mile advance overhead diagrammatic sign for Plimoth Plantation Highway exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on left support on MA 3 South in Plymouth, December 2020

The Plimoth Plantation Highway exit uses diagrammatic signs and the Old Exit 4 sign is along the left support.

Image of auxiliary sign for Plimoth Plantation Highway exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Plymouth, December 2020

The brown auxiliary sign advertising Plimoth Plantation has the new exit number, but not the new name for the attraction which is now Plimouth Pawtuxet Museum.

Image of overhead signs at ramp for Plimoth Plantation Highway exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 South in Plymouth, December 2020

The newly numbered Plimoth Plantation Highway exit sign, the only left exit on Route 3, due to the Highway being part of the original alignment for the Route 3 Bypass of Plymouth, built before it became part of Braintree to Cape Cod expressway.

Image of gore sign for Plimoth Plantation Highway exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 South in Plymouth, December 2020

A closeup of the renumbered gore sign for the Plimoth Plantation Highway exit.

Since there is no Plimoth Plantation Highway exit northbound, the next exit sign has been revised...

Image of ground mounted Next Exit sign for Long Pond Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020


Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Clark Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

The 1 Mile advance sign for Clark Road, now Exit 7. The Boston Globe had an article about the retirement community at Pine Hills having an advertising slogan of Exit 3 off of Route 3 and not being happy with the change of numbers.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Clark Road exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow Old Exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Plymouth, December 2020

Signage at the exit, which is now the last 1-digit exit on Route 3 heading north.


Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support on MA 3 North in Plymouth

The 1-Mile advance for the first renumbered exit heading north on Route 3. The exit is almost a 1/2 mile before the Mile 3 marker and could have been left numbered as it was.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 3 North in Plymouth

The first auxiliary sign northbound to have a new exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 3A North exit with new milepost based exit number and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 3 North in Plymouth

The overhead and gore sign at the Route 3A North exit, the first of three between here and Duxbury.


Though not renumbered, there was speculation of changes to the exit signs northbound since under the old system, Route 3 North was an exit from US 6 West, now two exits after the Sagamore Bridge are numbered as Route 3 exits. Would this result in the shifting of exit tabs from the Route 3 sign to the US 6 exit sign? Not at least yet.

Image of overhead signs at US 6 exit off of MA 3 North in Bourne

The signs at the ramp to Scusset Beach Road, will the Exit 1B tab be moved to be over the US 6 exit?

Image of overhead signs at US 6 exit off of MA 3 North in Bourne

The gore signs for the US 6 exit would have to be changed as well.

There may be changes when US 6 is renumbered. The southbound signs approaching the bridge have Exit 1C for Route 6A, which will now be Exit 55.

Image of overhead signs on MA 3 South in Bourne for US 6 approaching the Sagamore Bridge, July 2016

Will they change the left tab to Exits 55-1B or simply remove the 1C reference? I will post any changed I see when I document the exit changes on the Cape later in December.

MA 25 route shield from Wikimedia 

Route 25 exits were renumbered the night of November 24-25, 2020:

Image of 1-mile advance sign for US 6/MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on MA 25 East in Wareham, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for the US 6/MA 28 Wareham exit, with the Old Exit 2 sign on the support post.

Image of ground mounted blue food services sign with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Wareham, November 2020

One of the renumbered blue services sign or the new Exit 3.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to US 6/MA 28 with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Wareham, November 2020

Signs at the exit, which is just after mile post 2.6.

Image of a 3-miles advance ground mounted sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

There is actually a 3-Miles advance sign for the final exit, US 6. Added so that people can figure out how long the backup to the Bourne Bridge is in the summer?

Image of blue old fashioned services sign (without logos) with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

This old style blue services sign, no logos, was not replaced, just the new exit number added.

Image of 2-miles advance overhead sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The 2-Miles advance sign is an overhead variety, but the old exit sign is not on this sign either.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The auxiliary sign for the Massachusetts Maritime Academy has been updated with the new exit number.

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for the US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance does include the Old Exit 3 sign, wouldn't it be better to put this on the first advance sign for an exit, or at least the first overhead sign?

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

Another updated auxiliary sign.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The 1/2 mile advance sign with its new number.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The last renumbered sign approaching the exit ramp.

Image of gore sign at US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 25 East in Bourne, November 2020

The renumbered gore sign and Old Exit 3 tab below heading up the ramp to US 6.

I-195 shield from Wikimedia *New images taken along East I-195 from Google Maps Street View and are from June and July 2021.

Old EXIT 22

The last exit on I-195 East was not renumbered with the rest of the highway, but was done more than two weeks later on Nov. 23, 2020:

Image of 2-mile advanced diagrammatic sign with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

The 2-Miles advance overhead for the I-495 North/MA 25 exit, new exit numbers were placed on this sign the night of November 23-24.

Image of 1-mile advance diagrammatic sign for the I-495 North/MA 25 East exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit numbers sign on support post on I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

The Old exits 22 A/B sign is on the 1-Mile advance support.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for I-495 North/MA 25 East ramps with new milepost based exit numbers at end of I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

The 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign with milepost indicating exit ramps at near mile 39.7.

Image of overhead signs at ramp split to I-495 North adn MA 25 East with new milepost based exit numbers at end of I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

The overheads at the ramp split. Notice there is only a gore sign for the Route 25 exit.

The rest of I-195 was renumbered from October 25 to November 5:

Signs renumbered traveling along I-195 West from Wareham to Seekonk.

Old EXIT 21

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab for MA 28 exit on I-195 West in Wareham, November 2020

The first renumbered exit sign on I-195 West on the ramp from Route 25 West, because there's no 1-Mile advance sign, the old exit sign was placed here.

Image of 1/4 mile advance overhead sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on ramp from I-495 South to I-195 West in Wareham, November 2020

The 1/4 mile advance sign with the new number is on the ramp from I-495 West.

Image of overhead exit sign for MA 28 with new milepost based exit number on I-195 West in Wareham

The exit sign with the new number and the newly numbered gore sign with an Old Exit 21 tab below.

Bonus signs from I-195 East, taken October 27:

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign form MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

There is a 1-Mile advance sign for this exit heading east.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 28 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Wareham, November 2020

The renumbered exit sign heading east, and the new number gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 20

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 105 exit with newly placed milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 West in Wareham, November 2020

The next sign westbound was for the Route 105 exit, 4 miles from the Route 28 exit.

Image of bridge mounted exit sign for MA 105 with new milepost based exit number on I-195 West in Marion, November 2020

The bridge mounted sign at the exit, the milepost indicates that the new number is correct.

Image of gore sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in Marion, November 2020

A closeup of the new Exit 35 gore sign with Old Exit 20 tab below.  Turning around and heading east...

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 Mile Advance sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Marion, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for MA 105 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 20 sign attached below on I-195 East in Marion, July 2021

*The Route 105 gore sign with Old Exit 20 sign below.

Old EXITS 19 A/B

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Rochester/Mattapoisett exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit sign on support post on I-195 West in Mattapoisett, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the next exit, North Rochester/Mattapoisett, New Exits 31 A and B.

Image of overhead signage at the ramp to the North Rochester exit with new milepost based exit numbers and new numbered gore sign with yellow old exit tab below on I-195 West in Mattapoisett, November 2020

The very wide gantry with the smallish exit signs at the ramp to new Exit 31 B, new gore sign in distance. Now heading back east...

Google Maps Street View image of 3/4 and 1/2 mile advance signs for N. Rochester and Mattapoisett exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 East in Mattapoisett, July 2021

*The renumbered 3/4 and 1/2 mile advance signs for the two exits with mile marker corroborating the new exit number.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for N. Rochester exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Mattapoisett, July 2021

*The renumbered bridge mounted exit sign for the North Rochester exit.

Old EXIT 18

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 240 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on I-195 West in Fairhaven, November 2020

Now in Fairhaven headed west and the renumbered 1-Mile advance for the short Route 240 South expressway.

Image of overhead ramp sign at MA 240 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 West in Fairhaven, November 2020

Another bridge mounted exit sign for new Exit 29 with newly renumbered gore sign seen in distance. Turning around...

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 240 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 18 advisory sign on support on I-195 East in Fairhaven, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign eastbound has the Old Exit 18 sign.

Google Maps Street View image of blue Food Services sign for MA 240 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fairhaven, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign eastbound has the Old Exit 18 sign.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for MA 240 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fairhaven, July 2021

*The gore sign with the Old Exit 18 sign below.

Old EXIT 17 (WB)

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for Coggeshall Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

Heading into New Bedford, the 1-Mile advance for Coggeshall Street, now Exit 28.

 Image of overhead signs at the ramp to Coggeshall Street exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

The overhead gantry with the 1/2 mile advance for the Coggeshall Street exit also includes the 1-Mile advance for Route 18 South, but no old exit tab, thought to be too confusing here?

Image of overhead signage for MA 18 and Coggeshall Road with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

Nor is there any old exit sign for Route 18 at the exit for Coggeshall Street.

Old EXIT 16 (EB)

Google Maps Street View image of overhead exit sign for Washburn Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered exit sign for the eastbound only Washburn Street exit shares a gantry with the 1 1/4 Miles advance sign for Route 240.

Old EXIT 15

Image of next exit guide sign with number removed prior to MA 18 South exit on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

Apparently the exit renumbering contractor only had permission to remove the number from the the Next Exit sign, but not the sign itself.

Image of overhead signs at the exit ramp to MA 18 South with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 140 exits westbound also does not have a old exit number sign, this was placed on the 1/2 mile advance (no photo).   Turning around and heading east..

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 18 South exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 15 sign on separate supports below bridge on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the Route 18 South exit is bridge mounted and features a separate Old Exit 15 sign.

Google Maps Street View image of Blue Attractions Services sign for MA 18 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*A renumbered blue Attractions sign for the Route 18 South exit with additional entries for Ferry Services.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for MA 18 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered exit sign for Route 18 South shares a gantry with the 1 mile advance for Washburn Street in New Bedford.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for MA 18 South exit with new milepost based exit number and Old Exit 15 sign attached below bridge on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*Closeup look at the Route 18 South exit gore sign and attached Old Exit 15 sign.

Old EXIT 14 (EB)

Google Street View Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Penniman Street exit and 1 mile advance for Washburn Street with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 16 advisory sign on left support on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Penniman Street exit shares a gantry with the other eastbound only exit, Washburn Street, and its Old Exit 16 sign.

Google Street View Image of overhead ramp sign for Penniman Street exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Penniman Street exit shares a gantry with the other eastbound only exit, Washburn Street, and its Old Exit 16 sign.

Google Street View Image of gore sign for Penniman Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 14 sign attached below on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign for the Penniman Street exit shares a gantry with the other eastbound only exit, Washburn Street, and its Old Exit 16 sign.

Old EXITS 13 A/B

Image of auxiliary signs for MA 140 Exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

The numbers on this auxiliary sign for the Route 140 exits has been updated.

Image of overhead sign at ramp to MA 140 exit in New Bedford with new milepost based exit numbers and newly numbered gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

Signage at the Route 140 exits, this is now the first interchange in the state where both routes have had their exits renumbered.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 140 South exit with new milepost based exit number and renumbered gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in New Bedford, November 2020

The exit sign for Route 140 South, now Exit 24 A.  Heading back eastbound in July 2021:

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance for the South Route 140 exit.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for North MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The renumbered North Route 140 exit sign shares a gantry with the 1 Mile advance for Route 18 South, no Old Exit # sign for that exit.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for South MA 140 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 13A sign below on I-195 East in New Bedford, July 2021

*The gore sign for the South Route 140 exit, with Old Exit 13A sign below.

Old EXITS 12 A/B (WB)

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for Faunce Corner and Faunce Corner Mall Roads exits with new milepost based exit numbers and old exit numbers sign on support post on I-195 West in North Dartmouth, November 2020

The 1-Mile for the Faunce Corner/Faunce Corner Mall Roads exit, old Exits 12 B-A.

Image of overhead signs at ramp to Faunce Corner Road with new milepost based exit numbers and gore sign with new exit number and old exit number tab below on I-195 West in North Dartmouth, November 2020

Signage at the exit for Faunce Corner Road.

Old EXIT 12 (EB)

Google Maps Street View image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Faunce Corner Rd/Faunce Corner Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 12 advisory sign on support on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered 1 Mile advance sign for the combined exit in this direction Faunce Corner and Faunce Corner Mall Road, with Old Exit 12 sign.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for Faunce Corner Rd/Faunce Corner Mall Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered exit sign with gore sign in distance.

Old EXITS 11 A/B (WB)

Image of 1-mile advance for Reed Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support on I-195 West in Dartmouth, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Reed Road exit in Dartmouth, now Exits 19 B / A.

Image of overhead signs at exit ramp to Reed Road North with new milepost based exit numbers and newly numbered gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in Dartmouth, November 2020

The signs at the first exit ramp. Now more than 1/2 way between Wareham and the RI border.

Old EXIT 11 (EB)

Google Maps Street View image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for Reed Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 11 advisory sign on support on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered 1 mile advance for the combined Reed Road exit in this direction, with Old Exit 11 sign.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for Reed Road exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered Reed Road exit sign.

Old EXIT 10

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 88 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 West in Westport, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the South Route 88 exit, does the new number in the exit tab look a little "dirty" to you?

Image of overhead ramp sign at MA 88 South exit with new milepost based exit number and newly renumbered gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below, on I-195 West in Westport

The new number on the exit tab looks a little 'dirty' here too. Perhaps its sand colored for Horseneck Beach? Turning around...

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 88 to US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 10 advisory sign on support on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance has the Old Exit 10 sign heading east.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for MA 88 to US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Dartmouth, July 2021

*The renumbered gore sign with its Old Exit 10 sign heading off toward Route 88.


Image of overhead advance signs for MA 24 South and North exits with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

The first advance signs for both Route 24 exits, apparently giving them two different exit numbers, is now seen as too confusing, though they are a mile apart.

Image of overhead signage at exit ramp to MA 24 North with new milepost based exit numbers and gore sign with new number and yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

As the mile marker indicates, the Route 24 exit is closer to Mile 15 then 14.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for MA 24 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

As with the Route 24 North, the yellow old exit sign is attached to the 1/2 mile advance sign, not the 1 mile.

Image of bridge mounted signs at ramp to MA 24 South with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

The older bridge mounted signage at the ramp to Route 24 South with the new exit numbers, with the Exit 14 A text is squeezed into the space for 2 numbers.  Turning around and heading east...

Google Maps Street View image of 2 mile advance sign for MA 24 North and 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 24 South exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*As with westbound, with the same number assigned to both Route 24 exits we have 1 mile separating Exit 8A and B.

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 24 South exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 8A advisory sign on support on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for Route 24 South has the Old Exit 8A sign.

Google Maps Street View image of 3/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 24 North exit with new milepost based exit number and separatly mounted Old Exit 8A advisory sign on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The renumbered 3/4 Mile diagrammatic Route 24 North advance sign is missing something and features a separately mounted Old Exit 8B sign.

Google Maps Street View image of 1/4 Mile advance overhead sign for MA 24 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/4 Mile diagrammatic Route 24 North advance sign has a button-copy I-495 shield.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for MA 24 North exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The Left Route 24 North exit sign share the gantry with the 1 mile advance sign for the Sanford Road exit, no Old Exit # sign here.

Old EXITS 6-7

Image of older overhead signs at ramp to MA 81 South with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

Old signs also remain at the ramp to the Route 81 South and Pleasant Street exits.

Image of overhead signage on C/D exit ramp at MA 81 South exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

Newer overhead signs along the C/D lanes of I-195 West with new exit numbers, and the gore sign for new Exit 13 with old exit tab seen just above the Jersey barrier.

Image of overhead ramp sign at Pleasant Street exit with new milepost based exit number on C/D lanes from I-195 West in Fall River, November 2020

The overhead sign with the new exit number for the Pleasant Street exit, with gore sign in distance. Heading the other direction in July...

Google Maps Street View image of overhead signage at ramp for MA 79/138 exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 81 South/Plymouth Avenue exits share a gantry with the Route 79/138 exit, its renumbered gore sign behind.

Google Maps Street View image of 1/4 mile advance sign for MA 81/Plymouth Avenue exit with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign proceeds entry into a short tunnel underneath downtown Fall River, and also has the Old Exits 6/7 sign.

Old EXIT 5

Google Maps Street View image of 1/4 mile advance sign for MA 79/138 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/4 Mile advance sign, not updated during the last sign replacement contract, the blanked out space used to say Boston before the Route 79 expressway was demolished, MassDOT would prefer traffic to head north now on Route 24.

Google Maps Street View image of auxiliary sign for MA 79/138 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Fall River, July 2021

*A renumbered brown cultural attractions sign for the Routes 79/138 exit, guess its up to your imagination what attractions can be found at the Fall River waterfront.

Old EXITS 4 A/B (WB)

Image of 1-mile advance sign for MA 103 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 West in Somerset, November 2020

Across the Braga Bridge approaching the renumbered 1-Mile advance for the Route 103 exit.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to MA 103 North with new milepost based exit numbers on I-195 West in Somerset, November 2020

Overhead signs at the ramp to Route 103 East, the second to last 2-digit number exit on I-195 West.

Old Exit 4 (EB)

Google Maps Street View image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for To MA 103 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 4 sign on support on I-195 East in Somerset, July 2021

*The renumbered 1 Mile advance for the combined Route 103 exit in this direction which also has a To in front of the shield and the Old Exit 4 sign below.

Google Maps Street View image of overhead ramp sign for To MA 103 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Somerset, July 2021

*The renumbered To Route 103 exit sign and gore sign in the distance.

Old EXIT 3

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the former Exit 3 in Swansea.

Image of overhead sign at ramp for US 6 to MA 118 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

The signage for the exit ramp beyond the bridge.  Turning around and heading eastbound...

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Swansea, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 6 to Route 118 exit.

Google Maps Street View image of blue Food Services sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Swansea, July 2021

*A renumbered blue Food Services sign for the US 6 exit in Swansea.

Google Maps Street
    View image of gore sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number    and yellow Old Exit 3 sign attached below on I-195 East in Swansea, July    2021

*The gore sign for the US 6 exit and Old Exit 3 sign beneath.

Old EXIT 2

Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 136 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number sign on support post on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the last renumbered exit, Route 136.

Image of auxiliary sign for MA 136 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

New exit number displayed on auxiliary sign for Route 136 exit.

Image of new milepost based exit number placed on existing gas service sign for MA 136 exit on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

Example of exit renumbering on a blue services sign, in this case for gas stations at the Route 136 exit.

Image of overhead sign at exit ramp for MA 136 with new milepost based exit number and renumbered gore sign with new yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 West in Swansea, November 2020

The last renumbered overhead exit sign and gore sign headed west on I-195 in Swansea. Heading back east...

Google Maps Street View image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 136 exit with new milepost based exit number on I-195 East in Somerset, July 2021

*The renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Route 136 exit, which spends a short time in Massachusetts, therefore the RI control cities.

Google Maps Street View image of gore sign for MA 136 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow Old Exit 2 sign attached below on I-195 East in Somerset, July 2021

*The renumbered gore sign for the Route 136 exit, heading down the off-ramp.


Image of 1 mile advance overhead sign for MA 114A exit on I-195 West in Seekonk, not getting new exit number, November 2020

The lone remaining 1 Mile advance sign keeping its exit number, for the Route 114A exit in Seekonk.

Image of overhead sign at exit ramp to MA 114A on I-195 West in Seekonk, not getting new exit number, November 2020

The last exit sign on I-195 West, keeping its original number.

However, not all exits on I-195 had been renumbered, here are the signs at the end of  I-195 East:

Image of overhead signage at end of I-195 East in Wareham for I-495 North and MA 25 East that had not received new milepost based exit numbers, November 2020

I assume this exit was not forgotten about and will be given new numbers at the same time Route 25 is renumbered starting the night of November 8.

MA 140 shield from Wikimedia 

Route 140 exits were the first to be renumbered from October 18 to 22, 2020:

Heading north toward Route 24 on October 19, the day after the renumbering project started. Only the Route 24 exit had new numbers:

Image of first sign with new milepost exit number for MA 24 exits on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance overhead with new exit number and yellow old exits number tab on support post, only the 1-mile advance gets the tab.

Image of ground mounted 1/4 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for MA 24 North exit on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The next sign, there is no 1/2 mile advance, with the new number.

Image of overhead signs for MA 24 ramps with new milepost based exit numbers at end of MA 140 North freeway in Taunton, October 2020

The new exit numbers on the overheads at the Route 24 North ramp.

Image of gore sign at MA 24 North exit ramp with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab below on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The gore sign with the new number and yellow old exit tab at the Route 24 ramp.

Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for MA 24 South on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The newly numbered 'exit' sign for Route 140 South, partially hidden by a traffic signal.  Turning around and heading south:

Image of overhead signs at ramp to MA 24 South with new milepost based exit numbers on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The southbound signs at the Route 24 South 'exit'.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 24 North with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The Route 24 North 'exit' sign partially obscured by one of the traffic signals. 

Continuing further south on October 25 after all the signs had been renumbered, here's the new number on the ramp from Route 24 North to Route 140 South, which includes the old exit tab, as does the same sign on 140 itself:

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for County Rd/Stevens St with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post, October 2020

The old exit number tabs typically are only one the 1-Mile advance sign, but there's not one for this exit heading south.

Overhead signs at ramp to County Road with new milepost exit numbers on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The overheads with the new numbers for both the County Road and Stevens Street exits.

Image of gore sign for County Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

A closeup view of the renumbered gore sign and old exit tab below for the County Road exit.

Image of gore sign for Stevens Street exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The large gore sign for the Stevens Street exit was not changed to a standard variety, the old exit tab was placed on the right support post under the sign,

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for MA 79 exit now with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Route 79 exit with its new number and yellow Old Exit 10 sign on the support post.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for MA 79 exit now with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

As stated above, while the exit number is changed, the small Old Exit number signs will only be placed on the first advance sign, not subsequent ones, such as this 1/2-mile sign for Route 79.

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 79 exit now with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Taunton, October 2020

The renumbered sign at the exit ramp and gore sign with the other yellow old exit number tab below it, the same sign last week:

Image of overhead ramp sign for MA 79 exit still with sequential numbers on MA 140 South in Lakeville, October 2020

Route 79 exit's numbers were changed the night of October 20.

Image of 1-mile advance sign for the County Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab on support post on MA 140 South in Lakeville, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the next exit, County Road in Lakeville, with the Old Exit 9 sign on the support post.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for County Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Lakeville, October 2020

The 1/2 mile advance with just the new exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for County Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Lakeville, October 2020

The exit sign at the ramp to County Road.

Image of gore sign for County Road exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 140 South in Lakeville, October 2020

Closeup of the gore sign for the former Exit 9.

Image of 1mile advance overhead sign for Chace Road exit now with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on MA 140 South in Freetown, October 2020

The newly renumbered 1-Mile advance sign for the Chace Road exit, the last renumbered exit.

Image of 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for Chace Road exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 South in Freetown, October 2020

The 1/2 mile advance with its new exit number, based on the mile marker it appears the 1/2 mile advance is 4/10 of a mile from the 1-Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number with new numbered gore sign beyond for Chace Road exit on MA 140 South in Freetown, October 2020

The exit sign with its new number is on the other side of the bridge from the exit ramp.

Image of gore sign for Chace Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below on MA 140 South in Freetown, October 2020

The new Exit 10 gore sign with the yellow Old Exit 8 tab below, for the last renumbered exit. I do not care much for the font of the new number overlays.

Image of 1-mile advance overhead sign for the Braley Road exit on MA 140 South in New Bedford, the first of remaining exits that did not change numbers, October 2020

The remaining exits on MA 140 keep their existing numbers, starting with Braley Road.  Turning around and heading north some more examples of new exit number signage:

Image of 1-mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on MA 140 North in Freetown, October 2020

The new numbers start with the 1-Mile advance sign for Chace Road in Freetown.

Image of overhead exit sign and gore sign for Chace Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab below gore sign on MA 140 North in Freetown, October 2020

The new numbered overhead and gore sign for the northbound exit.

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign for County Road exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on MA 140 North in Lakeville, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance for the Lake Road exit and its Old Exit 9 sign attached to the support post.

Image of overhead ramp sign and gore sign for County Road exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit tab below gore sign on MA 140 North in Lakeville, October 2020

The new numbers on the signs at the County Road exit do match up with the closest mile marker.

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for MA 79 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on support post on MA 140 North in Lakeville, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for the Route 79 exit with its new number and old exit number sign.

Image of ground mounted blue services auxiliary sign with new milepost based exit number for MA 79 exit on MA 140 North in Lakeville, October 2020

The numbers on the blue services signs have been changed as well, here for the Route 79 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign and ground mounted gore sign for MA 79 exit with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number tab below gore sign on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The newly numbered exit sign and gore sign beyond as Route 140 enters Taunton.

Image of 1-mile advance sign for Stevens Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The 1-Mile advance sign for the single Stevens Street exit heading northbound with its Old Exit 11 sign attached.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign for Stevens Street exit with new milepost based exit number on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The exit number for the Galleria Mall Drive auxiliary sign also has been changed.

Image of overhead ramp sign and ground mounted gore sign for Stevens Street exit both with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit number tab below gore sign on MA 140 North in Taunton, October 2020

The changed number overhead and gore signs for the Stevens Street exit.

Next up: Photos from Interstate 195

Rhode Island Exit Renumbering Progress in 2020

RI 24

Work started on the exit sign replacement/exit renumbering project in March. As of the weekend of June 13-14 all the signs were up, though RIDOT stated work was continuing the following week. The photos start on RI 24 South to Portsmouth then return to the Massachusetts border:

Image of newly placed Mile 7 marker on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

In addition to putting up all the new signs, new mile markers were also placed in early June heading the correct direction with Mile 0 being at the southern end of RI 24.

Image of newly placed 1-Mile Advance ground mounted sign with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab for Fish Road on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The new 1-Mile advance for Fish Road with the new Exit number 5, and Old Exit 6 tab on top, partially hidden by branches.

Image of newly placed ground mounted auxiliary sign for Tiverton exits on RI 24 South, taken June 2020

A new auxiliary sign has also been added indicated Tiverton is reached by the next 2 exits.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for Fish Road with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab, on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The new 1/2 mile advance sign for Fish Road, in the distance is a RI 24 South Mile 6 marker.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for Fish Road exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The overhead sign at the Fish Road exit ramp, new exit number gore sign seen in distance.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for RI 77/RI 138 exit on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The new 1/2 mile sign with new exit number (4) for the now RI 77/RI 138 North exit (sign drops To RI 177) is partially blocked by South RI 24 reassurance marker and hidden in tree branches.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for RI 77/RI 138 North exit with new exit number and yellow old exit tab on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The overhead sign at the exit ramp, and new small gore sign with yellow Old Exit 5 tab below in distance. Existing and new signs for the next 2 exits can be seen in the Previous Photos section.

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance sign for To RI 138 exit on RI 24 South in Portsmouth, taken June 2020 e

New signs are also up for the last exit on RI 24 South, this the 1/2 mile advance. (Would this be better signed as TO RI 114 North since the last exit was also for RI 138 South?)

Image of newly placed South RI 24 Mile 1 Marker prior to To RI 138 South exit in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

Just prior to the exit is the newly installed South RI 24 Mile 1 marker.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for To RI 138 South exit on RI 24 South in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The last new overhead exit sign and gore sign on RI 24 South.  Turning around....

Image of RI 24 trailblazer using MA specs at on-ramp from RI 138 in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

But first, am I getting on the ramp to MA 24 North or RI 24 North?

Image of recently placed 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for Boyds Lane exit on ramp to RI 24 North in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The new 1-Mile advance sign for the Boyds Lane exit as seen from ramp to RI 24 North.

Image of newly placed North RI 24 Mile 1 marker at end of ramp in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The new North RI 24 Mile 1 marker can be seen at the end of the entrance ramp.

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for Boyds Lane exit on RI 24 North in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The new 1/2 mile advance sign for the Boyds Lane exit.

Recently placed ground mounted auxiliary sign for Boyds Lane exit on RI 24 North in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

A new auxiliary sign for the Boyds Lane exit for people looking for other bridges or education.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for Boyds Lane exit on RI 24 North in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The new overhead exit ramp sign for Boyds Lane, images for the new signs for the next exit can be seen in Previous Photos section.

Image of existing overhead sign for RI 77/RI 138 exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab on RI 24 North in Portsmouth, taken June 2020

The existing exit tab for the RI 77/RI 138 exit has been revised to show the new exit number and add a yellow old exit number tab above.

Image of existing overhead ramp sign for RI 77/RI 138 exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The overhead sign at the exit ramp with the same exit number revision and new yellow old exit number tab. 

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab for Fish Road exit on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The new overhead 1-Mile advance sign for Fish Road installed in early June with the new exit number.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for Fish Road exit with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The overhead sign at the exit ramp, just behind a new Mile 5.2 marker.

Image of new exit gore sign with new exit number and yellow old exit number tab for Fish Road exit on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

A closeup of the rather small exit gore sign, and even smaller yellow Old Exit 6 tab. This is the last Rhode Island exit, but not the last new sign...

Image of newly placed 1-mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 81 exit sith RI 81 shields on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

They have also installed new advance signs for the first Massachusetts exit, Route 81, but they use RI 81 shields. RI 81 doesn't begin until 1/4 mile south of the exit.

Image of newly installed North RI 24 Mile 7 marker in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The last new North RI 24 'enhanced' mile marker before the Massachusetts border.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance ground mounted sign for MA 81 exit, with RI 81 shield, on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The new 1/2 mile advance sign for the MA 81 exit across the border, again using a RI 81 shield.

Image of newly placed 2 miles advance sign for I-195 on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

They also put up a new I-195 advance sign. Notice no exit number, and Exit 2 Miles text. If they did this due to the upcoming MassDOT Exit Renumbering Project, they didn't need to worry, the current plan is for Route 24's exits to stay the same through Exit 7, though it means that Exit 3 for I-195 West is 2 miles from the border.

Image of last new mile marker at Mile 7.4 and incomplete new blue service sign for MA 81 exit on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken June 2020

The only missing new sign spotted was one of the blue service signs for the MA 81 exit at the border, and if you're wondering how long Route 24 is in Rhode Island, it's a little more than 7.6 miles.


Taken Memorial Day weekend supports for all the new signs had been put up, some of the new exit signs had been placed at the southern end in Portsmouth, but no exit renumbering for the first two exits in Tiverton had occurred.

Image of wrong way Mile 2 marker along RI 24 South in Tiverton, May 2020

Among other things that still need to be done are placing new mile markers that count miles going south to north, the current markers, like the one above prior to the Fish Road exit in Tiverton, start at the Mass. border and increase heading south.

Image of current Fish Road overhead exit sign with new future sign gantry behind on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken May 2020

The gantry for the future exit sign with Exit 5 tab for Fish Road on RI 24 South can be seen behind the current sign. There were also ground mounted supports in place for the 1/2 mile advance sign.

Image of ground mounted supports for future Exit 4 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 177 exit on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken May 2020

The supports for the future ground mounted advance sign for the RI 77 exit can be seen in front of the damaged overhead sign it will be replacing.

Image of newly placed ground mounted auxiliary sign for RI 77 exit on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken May 2020

A new auxiliary sign for RI 138 North has been placed 1/4 mile before the RI 77 exit southbound, RI 138 South joins RI 24 after the exit.

Image of overhead sign gantry awaiting new RI 77 exit ramp sign in front of existing sign on RI 24 South in Tiverton, taken in May 2020

The new sign gantry partially blocks the existing exit sign for RI 77, notice also the Exit 5 gore sign which will be replaced by one indicating Exit 4.

Image of overhead sign for the Anthony Road exit on RI 24 South, not to be replaced under current exit sign replacement project, taken in April 2020

The signs for the Anthony Road exit on RI 24 South were put up when the new bridge was constructed and will not be replaced, nor exit renumbered.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for RI 138 South exit on RI 24 South in Portsmouth, taken in May 2020

The only new exit signs that had put up southbound were for the RI 138 (South/West) exit, here's the 1/2 mile advance sign, with the old sign still up in front of it.

Image of newly placed overhead ramp sign for RI 138 South exit on RI 24 South in Portsmouth, taken in May 2020

The new overhead at the exit ramp stands alone, the older sign was removed here.  Turning around and heading north...

Image of new ground mounted 1-mile advance sign for Hummock Avenue exit on RI 24/138 North in Portsmouth

Both advance signs are new for the Hummock Avenue exits, this one the 1-Mile advance.

Image of newly placed 1/2 mile advance sign for the Hummock Road exit on RI 24/138 North in Portsmouth, taken in May 2020

The new 1/2 mile sign is partly hidden by branches.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Anthony Road exit on RI 24 South in Portsmouth that will not be replaced under current sign replacement contract, taken in April 2020

The ramp sign is newish, replaced as part of the bridge construction project.

Image of existing sign for RI 77/138 North not to be replaced by current sign replacement contract on RI 24/138 North on Sakonnet River bridge, taken in May 2020

The RI 77/RI 138 North exit sign in this direction also is new and will not be replaced, though the exit number for it and the gore sign will be changed to 4.

Image of new gantry placed for future 1/2 mile advance sign for Fish Road exit on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken in May 2020

The gantry for the future 1/2 mile advance sign for Fish Road stands behind the current sign.

Image of new sign gantry for future overhead ramp sign for Fish Road exit on RI 24 North in Tiverton, taken in May 2020

As does the gantry for the future overhead sign at the exit ramp. This was the last new gantry seen, unknown whether RIDOT plans to updated the MA 81 exit signs on their side of the border.

RI 10

Contractors started placing the new exit numbers the week of February 17 and was completed a week later:

US 1 (Old Exit 1 / New Exit 1A)

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 exit on RI 10 South with new exit number and old exit number tab, taken March 2020

The signage at the ramp to US 1 on RI 10 South, showing the old exit number tab on the sign above the exit number and below the number on the gore sign.

Image of overhead signs on RI 10 North for US 1 and I-95 exits with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, taken March 2020

Now heading north on RI 10 with the first exit signs for US 1 North and I-95.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 North exit on RI 10 North in Providence showing new exit number and old exit number tab, taken March 2020

The exit northbound is for US 1 North only. The wide gore sign with the yellow old exit tab below.

I-95  (Old Exits 2 A/B / New Exits 1 B/ C)

Image of overhead signage at ramp to RI 2 on RI 10 South in Providence, with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, taken March 2020

The first advance sign for the I-95 exit on RI South is prior to the RI 2 exit.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-95 exits on RI 10 South in Providence with new exit numbers and old exit numbers tab, taken March 2020

The ramp off of RI 10 South serves both I-95 exits.

Heading back north:

Image of overhead signs for I-95 exits on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, taken in March 2020

The old exit tab over the I-95 South 1/2 mile advance sign is next to the sign on the gantry itself, not on top like the I-95 North sign.

Image of overhead exit sign for I-95 South exit on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab taken in March 2020

RI 2 (Old Exit 3 / New Exit 2A)

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 2 exit on RI 10 South in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab, taken in March 2020

The first sign southbound is the 1/2 mile advance sign just after the Mile 2 marker.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign updated with new exit number for RI 2 exit on RI 10 South in Providence, taken in March 2020

The existing Cranston auxiliary marker had its exit number changed creating an uneven appearance.

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for RI 2 exit on RI 10 South in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab on top of sign, taken in March 2020

The 1/4 mile advance sign is at the 1.6 mile mark.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 2 exit on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab on top, taken in March 2020

The 1/2 mile advance sign northbound, the first RI 2 exit sign with old exit tab on top.

Image of cantilever 1/4 mile advance sign for RI 2 exit on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab, taken in March 2020

The next sign can't decide whether it's a short overhead or tall ground mounted 1/4 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to RI 2 on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs on top, taken in March 2020

The last of the RI 2 signs also share the overhead gantry with the first sign for the Industrial Park/Niantic Drive exit, a rare 1-Mile advance sign, heading further on RI 10 North.

Industrial Park / Niantic Drive (NB) (Old Exit 4 / New Exit 2 B)

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for Industrial Park exit on RI 10 North in Providence, with new exit number and old exit number tab on top, taken in March 2020

The 1/2 mile advance is the second sign for this exit heading north on RI 10.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to the Industrial Park/Niantic Avenue exit on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, one mounted to the side gantry post, taken in March 2020

The final sign for Industrial Park/Niantic Ave. shares the gantry with the first sign for the Union Avenue exit, the left old exit tab mounted on the gantry post.

Cranston Street (SB) (Old Exit 4 /New Exit 2B)

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance for the Cranston Street exit on RI 10 South in Providence, with new exit number and old exit tab mounted on cantilever support, taken in March 2020

Heading south on RI 10 new Exit 2B is for Cranston Street. Here the old exit tab is mounted to the right of the sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Cranston Street exit on RI 10 South in Providence with new exit number and old exit number sign posted below, taken in March 2020

The old exit tab for the exit sign is now actually a ground mounted sign behind the overhead support post.

Union Avenue (New Exit 3A / Old Exit 5)

Image of orange temporary exit sign for Union Avenue on RI 10 South in US 6 interchange construction zone in Providence, with old exit number, taken in March 2020

The first sign on South RI 10 for Union Avenue is a temporary 1/4 Mile advance sign with the old exit number.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Union Avenue exit on RI 10 South in Providence with new exit number and old exit number tab on top, taken in March 2020

The overhead sign at the exit has the right number and, unlike the Cranston Street sign seen in the distance, has the old exit tab on top.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to Union Avenue on RI 10 North in Providence with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, only one on top, taken in March 2020

The overhead signs at the exit for Union Avenue feature one old exit tab on top, the other on a separate sign behind. If you're are wondering about Exit 3B, it is reserved for the future exit for US 6 West.

Image of new exit number gore sign with old exit number tab below for the Union Avenue exit on RI 10 North in Providence, taken in March 2020

The new gore sign for the Union Avenue exit.

Westminster Street / Olneyville Square (Old Exit 6 / New Exit 3C)

Image of orange temporary exit sign for the Westminster Avenue exit, used also for US 6 West during interchange construction project in Providence with new exit number and old exit number sign below, taken in March 2020

The only other sign for the Westminster Street exit is this orange temporary sign also directing traffic, for now, to US 6 West with a more permanent old exit sign mounted below.

For those curious about the US 6 / NC 10 interchange construction project, a photo heading southbound prior to the Union Avenue exit:

Image of bridge being constructed in median of NC 10 as part of US 6 interchange reconstruction project, taken in March 2020

Also spotted in the construction area along RI 10 South:

Image of erroneous South US 10 reassurance marker in median of US 6/RI 10 interchange construction area, taken in March 2020

RI 37

Contractors also completed placing new exit number signs on RI 37 during February:

I-295 (WB) Exit Numbers (1 A/B) stay the same

RI 2 New London Avenue / Reservoir Avenue (Old Exits 2 A / B, New Exits 1 C / D)

Ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 2 exits on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tab posted at bottom of sign, taken in March 2020

The first sign eastbound, the 1/2 mile advance has the old exit number tab at the bottom, similar to the gore signs.

Image of ground mounted advisory sign about the changing of exit numbers along RI 37 in the Fall of 2019, taken March 2020

The advisory sign for eastbound traffic about the exit number changes that didn't happen until the winter of 2020.

Image of overhead ramp sign for RI 2 South exit on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number sign mounted on support post, taken in March 2020

The old exit number tab in this case is mounted on the right support post of the overhead exit sign.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to RI 2 North on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, one on top, taken in March 2020

While the old exit number tab for RI 2 North is also on the support post, the Pontiac Avenue sign has it on top.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to Pontiac Avenue on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, one on top of sign, taken in March 2020

Heading westbound, the Pontiac Avenue old exit tab is mounted on the sign, but the one for the two RI 2 exits is ground mounted just in front of the sign.

Image of overhead ramp sign for RI 2 North on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number sign on support post, taken in March 2020

The overhead exit sign for RI 2 North in this direction with the yellow old exit tab on the support post.

Image of overhead ramp sign for RI 2 South on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number sign mounted to ground, taken in March 2020

The old exit information for RI 2 South, however, is on a separate sign behind the overhead support post.

Image of new exit number gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below for RI 2 South exit on RI 37 West in Cranston, taken in March 2020

Behind this closeup of the new RI 2 South exit gore sign you can see the 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-295 with the same exit numbers.

Pontiac Avenue / Pastore Govt. Center (Old Exit 3 / New Exit 1E)

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for Pontiac Avenue exit on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number tab posted on sign support, taken in March 2020

The signs for Pontiac Avenue features the only case of an E suffixed exit in Rhode Island.

Overhead signage at ramp to Pontiac Avenue on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs on top of signs, taken in March 2020

The overhead signs at the Pontiac Avenue exit feature, unlike most similar signs, both yellow old exit tabs on top of the new exit number tab.

Interstate 95 (Old Exits 4 A/B New Exits 2 A/B)

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for I-95 South exit on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit number, but no old exit number tab, taken in March 2020

The 1/4 Mile advance sign for I-95 South on RI 37 East does not feature an old exit number tab.

Overhead signage at ramp to I-95 South on RI 37 East in Cranston featuring new exit number and 1 old exit number tab, taken in March 2020

The old exit number tabs on the overhead signs at the I-95 South exit ramp feature one on the top to the left of the sign, the other on the right support post.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to I-95 North on RI 37 East in Cranston featuring new exit numbers and old exit number tabs on top of signs, taken in March 2020

The old exit tabs for the next overhead signs are back on top.

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance exit only sign for I-95 North exit on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number tab on bottom horizontal support beam, taken in March 2020

The first sign for the I-95 North exit headed west has the old exit number tab on the lower horizontal support beam, the RI 37 exit number change advisory sign in distance.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to I-95 North on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs placed on support posts, taken in March 2020

The signage for the I-95 South exit heading west on RI 37 is diagrammatic, the old exit sign placed in front of it, the one for I-95 North to the right of that sign.

Image of new exit number gore sign with yellow old exit number tab below at ramp to I-95 North on RI 37 West in Cranston, taken in March 2020

Closeup of the new gore sign for the I-95 North exit ramp.

Image of overhead signage at ramp to I-95 South on RI 37 West in Cranston with new exit numbers and old exit number tabs, one on top of sign, taken in March 2020

The second diagrammatic for I-95 South, with ground mounted old exit tab, the old exit tab for the Pontiac Avenue 1/2 Mile advance sign is on the top.

US 1 / Post Road (EB) (New Exits 3 A/B Old Exits 4 A/B)

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for US 1 South exit on RI 37 East in Cranston with new exit number and old exit number tab on support beam, taken in March 2020

The exit only overhead for US 1 South features an old exit tab on one of the horizontal support posts.

Image of overhead signage for US 1 exits at end of RI 37 East in Cranston featuring new exit numbers and old exit number tabs on horizontal support beam, taken in March 2020

The overheads at the split of the ramps at the end of RI 37 East have old exit number tabs also on the horizontal support beams.

Image of new gore signs at split of US 1 ramps at end of RI 37 East in Cranston, without old exit tabs below, taken in March 2020

The exit gore signs at the split of the US 1 North and South ramps have the new exit number, but no yellow old exit number tab.


The next phase of exit renumbering started with I-195 on January 28. The following photos were taken on February 9 after most of the project had been completed. Starting westbound:

Image of variable message sign indicating start of exit renumbering project on I-195 West just across Massachusetts border

The variable message sign and small green sign beyond indicate the exit renumbering project along I-195 has begun.

Image of ground mounted 1-mile advance sign for To RI 103/US 44 East exit with new milepost exit number and yellow old exit number tab on I-195 West in East Providence

The first new exit number sign is for the To 103/US 44 (East) exit in East Providence, Old 6, Now 2. The exit signs are new, in place after a bridge reconstruction project, and feature too small lower case text.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based number and yellow old exit tab on I-195 West in East Providence

The 1/2 mile advance is an overhead sign, with the same too small text problem.

Image of overhead ramp sign for To RI 102, US 44 exit with new milepost exit number and yellow old exit tab on I-195 West in East Providence

As the I-95 exit sign reads, New Exit 2 is 2 miles from the end of I-195 West in Providence, the rest of the exits use Mile 1.

Image of new milepost exit gore sign for To RI 102/US 44 exit with yellow old exit tab below on I-195 West in East Providence

The new milepost based number gore sign, the old exit tab below is partially hidden.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 Mile advance sign for Gano Street with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab on I-195 West in East Providence

The 1/2-Mile advance sign for the Gano Street exit, former Exit 3, now Exit 1D, partially hidden by brush.

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for Gano Street exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab on I-195 West in East Providence

The Gano Street 1/4 mile advance sign with the Old Exit 3 tab on top.

Image of overhead signs for Gano Street and US 44 West with new milepost based exit numbers and old exit number tabs on I-195 West in East Providence

The gantry with the exit sign for Gano Street also features the 1/2 mile advance sign for US 44 West, formerly Exit 2. The new gore sign for Exit 1D can be seen further in the distance.

Image of overhead 1/4 mile advance sign for US 44 West exit with new milepost based number and yellow old exit tab on I-195 West in Providence

The overhead exit ramp sign for the US 44 West has the last new exit number heading west on I-195.

Image of overhead sign gantry with last two exits on I-195 West before it ends at I-95 in Providence, RI

The numbers for the exits after the split of ramps for I-95 at the end of I-195 West remain the same.

Image of overhead signage at the end of I-195 West in Providence with no change in exit numbers

The exit for Eddy Street uses the ramp to I-95 South while you must use the ramp to I-95 North to access Point Street.

Turning around and heading back east:

Image of overhead signage with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit tabs on I-195 East in Providence

Signage at the beginning of I-195 East with new numbers for the Gano Street and US 44/RI 103 East exits and yellow old exit tabs above. The right support post used to have a sign indicating there was no Exit 1.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Gano Street exit with new milepost based number and yellow old exit number tab on I-195 East in Providence

Gano Street is now Exit 1A heading eastbound, vs. 1D westbound.

Image of new milepost based number gore sign for Gano Street exit and added yellow old exit number tab below on I-195 East in Providence

The new milepost based gore sign for the Gano Street exit.

Image of overhead advance signs for US 44 and RI 103 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit tabs on I-195 East in East Providence

The overhead signs for the RI 103 and US 44 exits, as the Old Exit 4 tab indicates, the US 44 exit is now split into two separate exits.

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 44 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow former exit tab on I-195 East in East Providence

The overhead exit sign for US 44 East, now split into B and C exit ramps.

Image of new milepost exit number gore sign for US 44 East exit on I-195 East in East Providence

Closeup of the new gore sign for the US 44 East exit with the signs for the split between US 44 and Riverside Avenue seen in the distance on the right and the exit sign for RI 103 in the distance on the left.

Image of new milepost based exit number gore sign with yellow old exit tab below for RI 103 exit on I-195 East in East Providence

Closeup of new Exit 1D gore sign for the RI 103 exit ramp on I-195 East.

Image of overhead advance signs, one incomplete, with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit tabs for RI 114 and Pawtucket Avenue exits on I-195 East in East Providence

The 1-Mile advance sign for RI 114 is missing its top, perhaps with a new exit number yet to be installed , while the Broadway exit is now Exit 2A.

Image of overhead ramp sign with new milepost based number and yellow old exit number tab for Broadway/Pawtucket Avenue exit on I-195 East in East Providence

The exit sign for the Broadway exit, New Exit 2A, has a couple extra street, Warren and Pawtucket Avenues, listed.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab for RI 114 South exit on I-195 East in East Providence

The 1/2 mile overhead is complete for RI 114 South, an earlier ground mounted sign can be seen behind it.

Image of overhead signs for RI 114 and US 6 exits with new milepost based exit numbers and yellow old exit tabs on I-195 East in East Providence

This overhead gantry has the 1/4 mile advance sign for the last RI exit for US 6. This exit is actually past milepost 3, but perhaps due to the short distance after the RI 114 exit, they decided to make it Exit 2C.

Image of new gore sign with milepost based exit number and yellow old exit tab below for RI 114 South exit on I-195 East in East Providence

The new number gore sign for the RI 114 South exit,

Image of ramp sign for US 6 exit with new milepost based exit number and yellow old exit number tab on I-195 East in East Providence

The exit sign for the US 6/Pawtucket Avenue exit, featuring the too small lower case lettering as seen heading west, the last new exit number sign in Rhode Island.

Additional photo, not of new exit signs, but reassurance markers missing their directional banners, heading west after the Gano Street exit:

Image of I-195 and US 1A reassurance marker missing their directional banners on I-195 West in East Providence

This part of I-195 also carries US 6 and US 44 West and US 1A (or is it RI 1A?). There are no reassurance markers for US 6 or 44, those routes only appear on the overhead signage. US 1A has a reassurance marker but does not appear on any signs.

Here is a traffic camera image taken the January 29 showing exit numbers change for former Exits 2, 4 and 5 headed east near the interchange with I-95:

RIDOT traffic camera image of new exit numbers on overhead signs on I-195 East just after the I-95 interchange in Providence

RI 146 EXIT NUMBERING (2019-2020)

As part of the RI effort, though under a separate contract, mile based exit numbers were added to RI 146 between Providence and the Massachusetts state line starting in 2019. The contract has 2 parts. Part 1 added mileage based exit numbers to new signage going up between RI 99 and the Mass. border and new exit number signs to support posts of the remaining exits along with new mileage based exit number gore signs. During Part 2 the exit signs themselves will be replaced in 2020. Here are photos of the signage put up during the first part of the contract:

Starting at the southern end at I-95 and heading north:

Image of overhead ramp sign with added Exit 1 sign for Branch Avenue exit on RI 146 North in Providence

An 'Exit 1' sign has been added to the support post for the existing Branch Avenue exit overhead sign.

Image of new milepost based exit number gore sign for Branch Avenue exit on RI 146 North in Providence

The new Exit 1 gore sign for the Branch Avenue exit, the to be replaced RI 15 exit 1 mile advance sign can be seen in the distance.

Image of Exit 2 sign placed on support post of RI 15 ramp sign on RI 146 North in North Providence

An 'Exit 2' sign has been added to the support post at the RI 15/Mineral Springs exit in North Providence.

Image of new milepost based number gore sign for RI 15 exit on RI 146 North in North Providence

The new gore sign for the RI 15/Mineral Springs Road exit.

Image of new Exit 4 sign added to support post for Twin River Road exit on RI 146 in Lincoln

The next exit is 4, with a sign posted on the support post before the Twin River Road bridge in Lincoln.

Image of new milepost based exit number gore sign for the Twin River Road exit on RI 146 North in Lincoln

The new Exit 4 gore sign for the Twin River Road exit, with  4.4 mile marker behind, confirming the right number.

Image of new milepost based exit number 5 sign on support post for RI 123 exit on RI 146 North in Lincoln

An Exit 5 sign attached to the support post of the overhead RI 123 exit sign, with new gore sign seen in the distance.

Image of new Exit 6 sign attached to support of RI 116 ramp sign on RI 146 North in Lincoln

An Exit 7 sign is mounted to the support post for the RI 116 exit sign approaching I-295 on RI 146 North.

Image of temporar I-295/RI 99 exit sign in construction zone for new truck toll gantry on RI 146 North in Lincoln

A temporary exit sign due to ongoing construction followed by a new RIDOT truck toll gantry.

Image of new milepost based exit number sign on support posts for overhead signs at ramp to I-295 North from RI 146 North in Lincoln

The support post for the overhead signs at the I-295 North ramp has an Exit 8A sign (taken from the express lanes on RI 146 North, next time I'll use the local lanes).

Image of new milepost exit number sign on support posts for overhead signs at ramp to I-295 South on RI 146 North in Lincoln

The Exit 8B sign is on the support post for the I-295 South exit sign prior to the I-295 bridges.

Image of recently placed milepost based gore sign for I-295 South exit on RI 146 North in Lincoln

As seen from under the I-295 bridges, the new gore sign for the I-295 South exit.

Image of recently placed Exit 8C sign on support posts for overhead signs at RI 99 exit off of RI 146 North in Lincoln

The new Exit 8C sign is posted on the support prior to the RI 99 exit at mile marker 8.4.

Image of newly placed milepost based exit number gore sign for RI 99 North exit on RI 146 North in Lincoln

The new gore sign for the RI 99 North exit, the freeway temporarily ends beyond the bridge in the distance.

Image of recently placed milepost based exit number sign attached to existing overhead sign gantry for RI 146A exit on RI 146 North in Smithfield

Prior to the start of the next freeway section, the 1/2 mile advance sign support get the Exit 10 sign, this is the last sign northbound to replaced under Part 2 of the RI 146 sign replacement project later in 2020.

Image of new overhead signage with milepost based exit number for RI 146A North exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The overhead exit sign was replaced under Part 1 of the replacement project and has an Exit 10 tab, the gore sign had been placed back in the spring of 2019.

 Image of new overhead signs for RI 146 North exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

Here's the previous overhead signage at the RI 146 North exit, after the Exit 10 gore sign had been placed.

Image of newly placed exit number gore sign at RI 146A North exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

A closeup of the gore sign with the new number for the RI 146A North exit from last summer.

Image of recently placed North RI 146 reassurance marker following RI 146A exit in North Smithfield

The new North RI 146 reassurance marker following the North RI 146A exit.

Image of newly placed ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 104 exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 114 with new exit number, 11, prior to old overhead sign not yet taken down in 2019.

Image of the recently placed overhead ramp sign with new milepost exit number for the RI 104 exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The overhead exit sign prior to the ramp to RI 104, the bridge over RI 104 is under construction.

Image of new exit number gore sign for RI 104 exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

A closeup of the gore sign taken in the summer of 2019.

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance sign for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The 1-mile advance sign with new exit number, 13, for he Pound Hill Road exit.

Image of newly placed auxiliary sign for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

This auxiliary sign for the Pound Hill Road exit has also been installed as well as....

Image of 1/2 mile ground mounted advance sign for Pound Hill Road on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The 1/2 mile advance sign, the last new exit sign going northbound until the fall of 2019.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign for Pound Hill Road on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The overhead sign at the ramp to Pound Hill Road was installed later in 2019.

Image of new exit number gore sign for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

There is a new Exit 13 gore sign at the Pound Hill Road off-ramp.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The first sign for the last RI 146 exit is a 3/4 mile advance sign in between ramps for Pound Hill Road.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The next sign is only 1/4 mile away, another ground mounted sign.

image of recently placed overhead auxiliary sign with new milepost based number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The auxiliary sign for the RI 146A exit is an overhead version, guess they thought drivers would really want to know how to get to RI 5 and 102.

image of recently placed overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

The exit sign is an overhead version as well, the last exit on RI 146 North before the Massachusetts border.

Image of new exit number gore sign for RI 4/RI 102 exit on RI 146 North in North Smithfield

A closeup view of the Exit 14 gore sign, put up in the spring of 2019.

Turning around and heading back south on RI 146

Image of State of Rhode Island welcome sign on RI 146 South entering North Smithfield

The Rhode Island Welcome Sign. Are you not welcomed if you do not stay in lane?

Image of ground mounted 1-Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The 1-Mile advance sign with new exit number for RI 146A heading south, couldn't they make the route numbers a little bigger?

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The auxiliary sign south bound is not an overhead sign.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The 1/2 Mile advance sign, some trees were cut down in front of it to help with visibility.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 146A exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The overhead exit sign for RI 146A at milepost 14.6.

Image of recently placed milepost based number gore sign for RI 146A exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The new Exit 14 gore sign. Also appears to be new To RI 5/102 trailblazers along the ramp.

Image of ground mounted 1-Mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

A closeup view of the ground mounted 1-Mile advance sign for Pound Hill Road right after the RI 146A off-ramp.

Image of recently placed South RI 146 reassurance marker following on-ramp from RI 146A exit in North Smithfield

One of the new South RI 146 reassurance marker following the RI 146A on-ramp in North Smithfield.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for Pound Hill Road with its new exit number.

Image of ground mounted auxiliary sign with new milepost based number for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

A new auxiliary sign for Pound Hill Road, featuring the CVS District Center.

Image of recently placed overhead ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for Pound Hill Road exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The overhead exit sign for Pound Hill Road and new gore sign at the off-ramp.

Image of 1-mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 104 exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The new 1-Mile advance sign for the RI 104 exit and another reassurance marker.

Image of recently placed brown attractions auxiliary sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 104 exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The one new brown auxiliary attractions sign along RI 146 South.

Image of recently placed 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based number for RI 104 exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The 1/2 mile advance in front of one of the new bridges built over RI 146 in recent years.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign with new milepost based exit number for RI 104 exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The exit sign for RI 104 is ground mounted, unlike the other exits further north.

Image of recently placed new milepost based number gore sign for RI 104 exit on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The new gore sign for the RI 104 exit, now Exit 11.

Image of recently placed ground mounted gore sign for Sayles Hill Road, without an exit number, on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The new 1/2 mile for the Sayles Road exit does not feature an exit number, possibly because the ramp is after the RI 146 freeway ends temporarily in North Smithfield.

Image of recently placed ground mounted guide sign regarding upcoming left for RI 146A North on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The freeway ends at the merge with RI 146A South ahead. The recently placed sign indicates traffic should be in the left lane to access that route heading north.

Image of recently placed guide sign along RI 146 South indicating traffic should be in left lane to access RI 146 and RI 146A North, in North Smithfield

The next sign is directed at both traffic on RI 146 headed for RI 146A North and merged traffic from RI 146A South looking for RI 146 North.

Image of recently placed ground mounted sign for Sayles Road exit at ramp to RI 146A North on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

The Sayles Road 'exit' sign opposite the left lane ramp to North RI 146/RI 146A.

Image of recently placed ground mounted sign advising traffic how to reach TF Green Airport on RI 146 South in North Smithfield

After the Sayles Road ramps there is a small sign advising traffic how to get to T.F. Green Airport.

Image of new milepost based number gore sign at start of second section of RI 146 South Freeway in North Smithfield

The intersection with Reservoir Road just prior to the re-start of the freeway has received an Exit 9 gore sign despite a short ramp that ends at a stop sign trying to access RI 146 South.

Image of new milepost exit sign on support for I-295/RI 116 ramp sign on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The support post here has a sign with 3 new milepost based exit number, for I-295 South and North and RI 116.

Image of sign with milepost based exit number on support for I-295 South overhead ramp sign on RI 146 South in Lincoln

There is a separate sign for I-295 South's new exit number on the support post prior to the ramp, it appears the sign for I-295 North is in more need of replacement.

Image of new milepost based exit number sign on support posts for overhead ramp sign for I-295 North on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The new number for I-295 North, hopefully the next sign will not say 'Boston, Ma.'

Image of new milepost based number gore sign for I-295 North exit on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The gore sign for the I-295 North exit, placed in the spring of 2019.

The contractor has also placed most of the other new number gore signs along the RI 146 South from I-295 to at least RI 15, by end of June 2019:

Image of new exit number gore sign for North RI 116 exit on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The gore sign for the North RI 116 exit, Exit 7A.

Image of overhead sign and new exit number gore sign for RI 123 exit on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The existing overhead sign and new exit number, 5, gore sign for the RI 123 exit. (also new exit number 6 gore sign at RI 246 exit, not photographed).

Image of overhead signs and new exit number gore tabs at Twin River Road exit on RI 146 South in Lincoln

Hard to see, but the new exit number for the Twin River Road (and Casino) exit is 4B.

Image of new exit number gore sign and exit ramp overhead sign for RI 246 exit on RI 146 South in Lincoln

The new exit number gore sign for the RI 246/Old Louquisset Pike exit is 4A.

Image of new exit number gore sign for RI 15 exit on RI 146 South in North Providence

The last new exit number gore sign I photographed was at the RI 15 exit in North Providence, new Exit 2.

Link to Flickr Photo Gallery of new RI 78 Sign Images

Images of new exit numbers and signs on RI 4 and RI 403 taken on March 17, 2019:

RI 4

Image of first new overhead advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The first new sign southbound with new exit number is the 1/4 advance sign for the RI 401 exit just after leaving I-95.

Image of new overhead ramp sign with new exit number and old exit number tab on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The sign at the exit ramp is also new with the Old Exit 8 tab, however, the pull through sign was not replaced.

Image of new exit gore sign with old exit number tab for RI 401 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The new gore sign with yellow old exit tab below for the RI 401 exit.

Image of new exit sign with unchanged exit number for RI 403/RI 402 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The 1-Mile advance sign for the RI 403/RI 402 exit was replaced although the exit number did not change.

Image of existing overhead sign, not replaced, for RI 403/RI 402 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The overhead 1/2 Mile advance sign was not replaced, the mile marker below is for Mile 8.

Image of new 1 mile advance overhead sign for RI 2 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The 1 1/2 mile advance overhead sign was given the new exit number and old exit number tab. The new exit signs to come no longer include the south direction.

Image of new 3/4 mile advance sign for RI 2 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The new 3/4 mile advance sign for the RI 2 exit is ground mounted, as was the original sign (see photos below).

Image of new ramp sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The new ramp sign is partially obscured by trees, hope they plan to take care of this problem before spring comes.

Image of new exit number gore sign with old exit number tab for RI 2 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

New gore sign with the new number, 5 and the old number, 6, tab on RI 4 South.

Image of new auxiliary sign with new exit number for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

The exit number was changed on this auxiliary sign for the upcoming RI 2/RI 102 exit.

Image of new 1-Mile advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

New 1-Mile advance sign for the RI 2/RI 102 exits, the text of the VMS sign beyond was special for St. Patrick's Day.

Image of new 1/2 mile sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2/RI 102 exits on RI 4 South in Exeter

The 1/2 Mile advance duplicates the 1-Mile.

Image of revised auxiliary sign with new exit number for train station for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

Another revised auxiliary sign, this for the commuter rail station in Wickford.

Image of new exit gore sign for RI 2 South, RI 102 West exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

The new exit number gore sign for the first RI 2/RI 102 exit with the old exit tab below.

Image of new ramp sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 North/RI 102 South exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

The new ground-mounted sign for the second RI 2/RI 102 exit.

Image of new gore sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 North/RI 102 South exit on RI 4 South in Exeter

The new gore sign with old exit number tab for the last exit on RI 4 South in Exeter.

Image of existing last exit number sign on RI 4 South in Exeter

If you doubt this is the last exit on RI 4 South, there's this sign for confirmation. Turning around and heading north...

Image of new 1 mile advance sign for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in Exeter

The 1-Mile advance sign for the combined RI 2/RI 102 exit heading northbound.

Image of new high-mounted blue services sign for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in Exeter

This new tall blue services sign apparently is leaving room for additional logos in the future.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in Exeter

The new 1/2 mile advance sign for now Exit 3 is somewhat of a let down after the services sign.

Image of new ramp sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in Exeter

The mile marker helps confirm the new exit number on the ramp sign for the RI  2 / RI 102 exit is correct.

Image of new gore sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2/RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in Exeter

The new exit number gore sign for the RI 2 / RI 102 exit on RI 4 North.

Image of new 1-mile advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The new ground-mounted 1-mile advance sign with new exit number for the RI 2 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The 1/2 mile was the same, and then the ramp sign with different length supports due to it being mounted on a hill.

Image of new gore sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 2 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The new gore sign for the RI 2 exit followed by the unchanged overhead 1-mile advance sign for the RI 403 exit (photos of new exit numbers on that route below).

Image of new auxiliary sign with new exit number for RI 104 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The auxiliary sign for New England Tech sports the new exit number for the RI 401 exit ahead.

Image of new 1-mile advance sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 401/RI 2/ I-95 (North) exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The new RI 401 exit 1-Mile advance sign features RI 2 and I-95 which should have a 'To' in front of them, and a North for I-95.

Image of new auxilary sign with new exit number for RI 104 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The new auxiliary sign has the new number, but would it be simpler just to say Division Street?

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 401 East exit with new exit number and old exit number tab on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The new 1/4 mile advance sign is only for the RI 401 East exit.

Image of new overhead signs with new exit numbers and old exit number tab at RI 403 East ramp from RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The 1/4 mile overhead for the RI 401 exit does not have an old exit number tab and doesn't include RI 2.

Image of new overhead ramp sign with new exit number and old exit number tab for RI 401 West to RI 2 I-95 North exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The ramp sign for the RI 401 exit does have an old exit number tab and includes both RI 2 and I-95 shields.

Image of new gore sign with new exit number and old exit number tab at RI 104 West exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The mile marker confirms that this last gore sign on RI 4 North has the correct exit number.

RI 403

Image of new 1-mile advance sign for West Davisville Road exit with new exit number on RI 403 West in Kingsdale

RIDOT installed new exit signs with exit numbers, this the 1-mile advance for the West Davisville Road exit, now numbered Exit 2.

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign for West Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

The new 1/2 Mile advance sign with the same text.

Image of new exit number tab on top of existing overhead ramp sign for West Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

For the overhead ramp sign, a new exit number tab was placed on top of the existing sign.

Image of new exit number gore sign for West Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

The new Exit 2 gore sign, now no longer hidden behind the previous version (see photo below).

Image of new exit number tab on top of existing 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1 exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

The 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 1 / Davisville Road exit is now redundant since a new tab was placed on the old sign which had exit in its text.

Image of auxiliary sign with new exit number for Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

This advance sign could have taken advantage of the new exit number and said Exit 3 instead of Davisville Road.

Image of existing overhead signs with new exit number tab for US 1/Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

Again, a new exit number 3 tab was placed on the existing overhead signs at the exit ramp to US 1 /Davisville Road.

Image of new exit number gore sign at US 1/Davisville Road exit on RI 403 East in Davisville

The new exit number 3 gore sign and new overhead signage showing a split into Exit 3A (US 1) and Exit 3B (Davisville Road).

Image showing a closer view of new exit signage at split of ramps to US 1 and Davisville Road with new exit numbers on RI 403 East in Davisville

A closer view of gore sign at the split of the ramps for US 1 and Davisville Road eastbound, the last exit. Turning around...

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign with new exit number tab for To US 1 exit on RI 403 West in Davisville

The first exit sign westbound is the 1/2 mile advance for the TO US 1 / Post Road exit, a new Exit 3 tab placed on the existing sign.

Image of existing overhead ramp sign with new exit number tab for To US 1 exit on RI 403 West in Davisville

Likewise for the overhead ramps sign, a new Exit 3 tab sits on top of the existing sign.

Image of new exit number gore sign for the To US 1 exit on RI 403 West in Davisville

The new Exit 3 gore sign is also no longer hidden behind the old sign as it was in early December. This is the last numbered exit westbound.

Image of new sign, without exit number for RI 4 exit at end of RI 403 West

The exit signs for RI 4 were not given numbers, this being a new sign for the RI 4 exit.

Image of overhead ramp signs at end of RI 403 West at RI 4, no RI 4 shield on southbound exit sign

The existing signs at the RI 4 ramp split still are missing a shield for the RI 4 exit.

Earlier Photos taken in December 2018:

On December 10, 2018, RIDOT started placing new exit numbers, and in some cases, new signs, along RI 4 and RI 78, and adding exit numbers to RI 403 and the Airport Connector. These photos were taken early in the project on December 14:

RI 4

Image of new advisory sign for RI 4 exit renumbering at beginning of RI 4 South at I-95

Seen through glare is one of 2 advisory signs informing drivers of the upcoming exit number change, this southbound after the I-95 ramp.

Image of new sign posts placed for RI 2 exit with new exit number on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

Sign posts have been placed for a new exit sign for the RI 2 South exit, new Exit 5.

Image of new Exit 5 gore sign with old exit number tab sitting begin to be removed Exit 6 sign on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The new Exit 5 gore sign for RI 2 South with Old Exit 6 tab sits behind the old Exit 6 sign waiting for the rest of the new signs to be installed.

Image of new sign posts for RI 102 exit with new exit number on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

New sign posts await a new Exit 4 1-Mile advance sign for RI 102 on RI 4 South.

Image of sign posts for new 1./2 mile advance sign with new exit numbers for RI 102 exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

Another set of support posts await a new numbered (3A/B) 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 102 on RI 4 South.

Image of sign contractor truck about to put up new sign posts ahead ofn RI 102 North exit on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The sign contractor (Liddell Bros.) at work at the exit ramp to RI 102 North.

Image of new Exit 3B gore sign sitting behind current Exit 5B sign awaiting removal on RI 4 South at RI 102 exit

Another new gore sign with new number sitting behind former exit number sign to be removed when the remainder of the new exit signs for RI 102 are put up.

Image of new sign posts for RI 102 South exit ramp sign with new Exit 3B number on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

New sign posts await new Exit 3B ramp sign at RI 102 South exit off of RI 4 South.

Image of new Exit 3A gore sign sitting behind old Exit 5A sign at ramp to RI 102 South on RI 4 South in East Greenwich

The new gore sign for Exit 3B has also been installed behind the Exit 5B sign awaiting removal when all the RI 102 exit signs are put up. This is the last exit on RI 4 South. Turning around and heading back north, another advisory sign:

Image of newly placed advisory sign for exit number changes on RI 4 North after Oak Hill Road

Another exit renumbering advisory sign at the start of the freeway portion at mile 2.

Image of sign posts for future 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

Newly installed support post await new Exit 3 sign for RI 102 exit in RI 4 North.

Image of new Exit 3 gore sign with old exit 5 tab behind to be removed Exit 5 gore sign for RI 102 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

Though not completely visible, the new Exit 3 gore sign, with Old Exit 5 tab, is behind the soon to be removed exit sign for RI 102.

Image of existing 1 Mile advance sign for RI 2 exit to be changed under exit renumbering contract on RI 4 North

Contractors had not gotten around to placing new exit sign posts for this RI 2 1-Mile Advance sign on RI 4 North.

Image of new exit gore sign with old exit tab for RI 2 exit behind to be removed Exit 6 sign on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

New Exit 5 gore sign with Old Exit 6 tab hidden behind Exit 6 sign to be removed when the rest of the RI 2 exit signs are updated. The RI 403 sign in the background will not be changed due to the exit number not changing.

Image of RI 403 overhead exit sign that will not be changed as part of RI 4 exit renumbering contract

This overhead will not change either, more on RI 403 below.

Image of new support posts for future new exit number sign for RI 401 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

New support posts up for future 1-Mile Advance sign for RI 401 exit which will now be Exits 9A-B.

Image of support posts up for future 1/2 mile advance sign with new exit number for RI 401 exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

New posts also up for the 1/2 Mile Advance sign.

Image of new Exit 9A gore sign up behind soon to be removed Exit 8A sign for RI 401 East exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

The Exit 9A gore sign with Old Exit 8A tab currently hidden by the soon to be removed Exit 8 gore sign for the RI 401 East exit northbound.

Image of newly placed Exit 9B gore sign with Old Exit 8B tab hidden behind existing Exit 8B sign for RI 401 West exit on RI 4 North in East Greenwich

Similar scene with the new Exit 9B sign, hidden behind Exit 8B until all the new signs for the RI 401 exit are put up.

RI 403

As part of the same renumbering contract, RIDOT is putting up new exit numbers for the 4-mile RI 403 expressway, 2 new numbers heading east, and 1 west:

Starting eastbound, new exit signs will be going up.

Image of newly placed support posts for Exit 2 on RI 403 East in East Greenwich

New support posts had been placed for new 1-Mile Advance sign for West Davisville Road exit, to be numbered 2, on RI 403 East.

Image of existing overhead exit ramp sign for West Davisville Rd, soon to be Exit 2, on RI 403 East in East Greenwich

Presumably an Exit 2 tab will be placed on top the overhead sign in this location (there is no Exit 2 westbound).

Image of newly installed Exit 2 gore sign behind to be removed old exit sign at W. Davisville Rd exit on RI 403 East in Greenwich

The new Exit 2 gore sign is hidden behind the old sign, soon to be removed when the new exit signs go up eastbound.

Image of existing 1/2 mile advance sign for US 1 exit on RI 403 in East Greenwich

No posts for the 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 1 exit, at least yet, or the sign will remain with a new Exit 3 A/B tab.

Image of newly placed Exit 3 gore sign hidden behind old exit sign for US 1 exit on RI 403 East in East Greenwich

A new thin Exit 3 gore sign stands behind the old, soon to be removed exit sign at the beginning of the ramp to the US 1/Davisville Road exit.

Image of closeup of new Exit 3A and 3B gore signs at US 1 exit on RI 403 East in East Greenwich

The old gore sign mostly hides the new Exits 3A/3B sign at the ramp split for US 1 and Davisville Road. This is the last exit eastbound on RI 403. Turning around and heading west:

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 1 exit, soon to receive Exit 3 tab, on RI 403 West in East Greenwich

Presumably this overhead sign will get a Exit 3 tab in the near future.

Image of new Exit 3 gore sign hidden behind existing exit sign for US 1 exit on RI 403 West in East Greenwich

The new Exit 3 gore sign is currently hidden by the old Exit sign until all the US 1 exit signage is updated. This is the only exit westbound.

I hope to return early in the New Year to see all the new signage and exit numbers up along Routes 4, 72, 403 and the Airport Connector.

RIDOT says they are working on the timetable to renumber the exits on I-95, I-195, RI 10, RI 24 and RI 37.

Images of the new exit numbers on I-295 and RI 99 (December 2017):

Photos of each of the exits taken on December 11, 2017 starting on I-295 at the Massachusetts border and moving south, just like the project. Signs may be from either direction of the highway:

New Exit 22/Old Exit 11:

Image of RI 114 1-Mile Advance sign just across Mass. border on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

The first, 1-Mile advance, sign is just over the Massachusetts border. The yellow old exit tab is above the revised exit number tab, which some sign engineers have expressed concern due to extra wind loading.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 114 exit on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance sign with a similar set up.

Image of exit numbering project advisory sign on I-295 South in Cumberland, RI

Before the exit there is an advisory sign about the exit renumbering project. How long after the project is finished will the sign be taken down?

Image of RI 114 overhead exit sign on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

For the exit itself, RIDOT uses cantilever overhead signage, and places the old exit number tab along the sign support.

Image of new gore sign for RI 114 exit on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number and temporary yellow old exit number tab

The exit gore sign resembles that in the plan above with the yellow old exit tab below, somewhat obscured by the reflector sign at the gore itself.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 114 exit on I-295 North in Cumberland with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance sign northbound is overhead instead of ground mounted so it receives the old exit tab on the sign support.

Image of overhead sign for RI 114 exit ramp on I-295 North in Cumberland with new exit number

The final new exit number sign heading into Massachusetts.

New Exit 20/Old Exit 10:

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for RI 122 exit on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

The one mile advance sign for the next exit, RI 122.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 122 exit on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance heading down hill toward the Blackstone River bridge.

Image of overhead sign for RI 122 exit ramp on I-295 South in Cumberland with new exit number

The overhead exit ramp sign just prior to the bridge.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 122 exit on I-295 North in Cumberland with new exit number

The 1/2 mile sign the opposite direction.

Image of blue service sign for RI 122 exit on I-295 North in Cumberland with new exit numbers

The project also included changing the exit numbers on the blue services signs.

Image of overhead exit sign for RI 122 off-ramp on I-295 North in Cumberland with new exit number

The exit ramp sign with the yellow old exit tab on the cantilever sign support.

New Exit 18/Old Exit 9:

Image of 1-mile advance sign for RI 146 exit on I-295 South in Lincoln with new exit number

The 1-Mile advance sign is the only ground mounted sign heading south on I-295.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 146 exits on I-295 South in Lincoln with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance overhead sign has the old exit tab on the cantilever support. This is the first exit southbound with two off-ramps.

Image of overhead signs at RI 146 exits on I-295 South in Lincoln with new exit numbers

The overhead gantry holds the exit signs with the Old exit tab on the right support, and possibly hard to spot.

Image of new gore sign at off-ramp for RI 146 North from I-295 North in Lincoln with new exit number

The new gore sign at the RI 146 North ramp, the new and old exit numbers continue the pattern of the new numbers being twice the old ones.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 146 exits on I-295 North in Lincoln with new exit number

The 1/2 mile sign northbound is ground-mounted.

Image of brown attractions guide sign with new exit number prior to RI 146 exit on I-295 North in Lincoln

The existing brown attractions guide sign for Twin River Casino got a new pasted number that now lacks a space between Exit and the number.

 Image of overhead ramp signs for RI 146 exits from I-295 North in Lincoln with new exit numbers

The northbound ramp signage is similar to that southbound.

New Exit 15/Old Exit 8:

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for RI 7 exits on I-295 South in North Smithfield with new exit number

The one-mile advance sign heading south, the streak of old x 2= new is over.

Image of overhead exit sign for RI 7 North on I-295 South in North Smithfield with new exit number

This bridge-mounted exit sign for RI 7 South does not have a corresponding old exit number sign.

Image of 1-mile advance sign for RI 7 exits on I-295 North in North Smithfield with new exit number

The 1-Mile Advance sign heading northbound (solar glare not a problem in this direction).

Image of auxiliary sign for RI 7 exit on I-295 North in North Smithfield with new exit number

Exit numbers also change on the auxiliary signs, in this case for the RI 7 North exit.

Image of overhead signs for RI 7 exits on I-295 North in North Smithfield with new exit numbers

These overhead signs have the yellow old exit tab on the right support.

Image of overhead sign for RI 7 North exit ramp on I-295 North in North Smithfield with new exit number

Same case here with this bridge-mounted sign, no old exit number sign, though is one on gore sign in distance.

New Exit 12/Old Exit 7:

Image of 1-mile advance sign for US 44 exit on I-295 South in Smithfield with new exit number

The 1-Mile advance sign for the US 44 exit southbound, yellow old exit number tab on top.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 44 exit on I-295 South in Smithfield with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance sign at the start of the long downhill run to the exit.

Image of auxiliary sign for US 44 exit on I-295 North in Smithfield now with new exit number

Blue services sign heading northbound with changed number for the US 44 exit.

Image of overhead signs for US 44 exit ramps on I-295 North in Smithfield with new exit numbers

The exit numbers were changed, the yellow old exit number sign put up, but the damaged sign not fixed approaching the US 44 ramps.

New Exit 9/Old Exit 6

Image of 1-Mile advance overhead sign on I-295 North in Johnston with new exit number

The 1-Mile advance sign northbound is at the ramp for the previous exit. This is the only 1 mile sign without an accompanying old exit number tab.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 6 exit on I-295 South in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance southbound listing that there are 3 suffixed ramps for this exit (though only A and C southbound).

Image of new exit gore sign for US 6 exits on I-295 South in Johnston, RI with new exit number

Gore sign at the ramp to US 6 West. As the numbers show, US 6 will no longer be Exit 6 on I-295.

Image of overhead exit sign for US 6 East on C/D ramp from I-295 South in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The other exit southbound is now 9C with the former exit number on the support post.

Image of auxiliary signage for US 6 exit on I-295 North in Johnston, RI with new exit numbers

Heading north there are 3 exit ramps for the US 6 exit, the middle is actually for I-295 South.

Image of overhead exit ramp sign for US 6 exit on I-295 North in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The C/D ramp sign heading north does not include the list of suffixed exits A-B-C.

Image of overhead sign for I-295 South exit on C/D Ramp for US 6 on I-295 North in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The I-295 exit is now 9B. Schools had been let out, hence the buses on the C/D ramp.

Image of overhead exit sign for US 6 West along C/D ramp from I-295 North in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The new number and signage at the US 6 West exit on I-295 North.

New Exit 7/Old Exit 5:

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for RI Technology Center exit on I-295 South in Johnston, RI with new exit number

The 1-Mile advance for the RI Resource Recovery Industrial Park (RIRRIP?). Notice the old exit tab is on tab of the Exit 7 tab and not on the sign support.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI Industrial Park exit on I-295 South in Cranston, RI, with new exit number

Same case for the next (extra large) 1/2 Mile advance sign.

Image of overhead exit signs for RI Industrial Park and RI 14 on I-295 South in Cranston with new exit numbers

As was the case with North I-295, the 1-Mile advance sign at the exit ramp for Exit 7 does not feature an old exit number tab.

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for RI Industrial Park exit on I-295 North in Cranston, RI with new exit number

The 1-Mile Advance sign northbound also features the old exit number tab at the top of the sign.

New Exit 6/Old Exit 4:

Image of 1-Mile advance sign for RI 14 exit on I-295 North in Warwick with new exit number

The 1-Mile advance sign heading northbound with the old exit tab on top of a ground-level sign.

Image of overhead 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 14 exit on I-295 North in Warwick with new exit number

Here the yellow old exit number tab is back on the sign support post.

Exit 3 did not need to be changed. RIDOT did not place, like some other states have, a confusing sign saying new Exit 3 is old Exit 3:

Image of overhead signage for RI 37 exits on I-295 North in Warwick with same exit numbers

New Exit 1B/Old Exit 2:

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for RI 2 South exit on I-295 South in Warwick with new exit number

The 1/2 mile advance sign. This and old Exit 1 are the only standalone exits that get new suffixed numbers. This is not the end of the album, despite the truck message.

Image of overhead signs for RI 2 and RI 113 exits on I-295 South in Warwick with new exit numbers

The overhead has signs for the last two exits. It appears that Rhode Island will not be using Exit 0 in that Exit 1, now 1A is south of the Mile 1 marker.

New Exit 1A/Old Exit 1:

Image of overhead sign for RI 113 West exit on I-295 South in Warwick with new exit number

The last exit sign with a new number southbound, the yellow old exit tab partially concealed by tree branches.

Image of new RI 113 West Exit Gore Sign with new number and yellow old exit number tab on I-295 South in Warwick

The last new gore sign with the old exit number tab prior to merging onto I-95 South in Warwick.

RI 99

As part of the I-295 Exit Renumbering Project, RIDOT also placed an exit number on the 1 previously unnumbered exit on the highway. The new number, you probably guessed, is 1. Here is the signage on RI 99 North:

Image of RI 99 Exit 1/2 Mile Advance sign with new Exit Number 1 in Lincoln
Image of 1/4 mile advance sign for Lincoln/No. Smithfield exit on RI 99 North now with exit number, 1
Image of Exit sign for Lincoln/No. Smithfield on RI 99 North with new exit number, 1


The first Massachusetts exit sign with a milepost based number was put up on I-395 in February 2016. It was for a Connecticut exit though. After that state completed changing all of its numbers along I-395, a patch was put over the 1 mile sign southbound across the Massachusetts border changing the number from 100 to 53. This may be now the only one for a long time, given MassDOT's reluctance to start their planned exit number conversion project:

Image of new milepost exit number on I-395 South in MA for CT Exit 53

As for signage in Connecticut along I-395. Here's the first milepost exit sign crossing into that state southbound from Massachusetts for the same exit as above:

Image of new exit number on I-395 South signage just across Mass. border in East Thompson, CT

The signage at the East Thompson/Wilsonville exit ramp:

Image of new exit sign with new milepost based number on I-395 South just over Mass. border in
                                                   East Thompson, CT

Image of the gore signage:

Image of new gore sign with milepost and former exit number on I-395 South in East Thompson, CT

As the photos above show, only the first advance sign and the exit and gore sign get an additional tab indicating the old exit number. These will be left up for at least 2 years. Here are examples of other newly numbered exit signs on I-395 heading further south:

Image of new exit sign for CT 200 with new exit number on I-395 South in Thompson, CT

Image of new milepost exit gore sign for US 44 exit on I-395 South in Putnam, CT

Image of new gore sign with milepost based exit and old number for To CT 12 exit on I-395 South in Putnam, CT

The US 6 exit includes the first new overhead signs with milepost based numbers:

Image of new overhead advance signs with new milepost based numbers for US 6 exit on I-395 South in Danielson, CT

Image of new exit ramp and advance overhead signage with new milepost base exit numbers on I-395 South in Danielson, CT

Turning around and heading north, some more overhead signage:

Image of new overhead exit ramp and advance signs at US 6 West exit on I-395 North in Danielson, CT

Image of new exit gore signage with old exit number tab for US 6 West exit on I-395 North in Danielson
Image of new 1-Mile advance sign for CT 101 exit with new milepost based number on I-395 North in Dayville, CT

Image of new gore sign for CT 101 exit with new milepost based number and old exit number tab on bottom on I-395 North in Dayville, CT
Image of new 1-mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number for CT 14 on I-395 North in Moosup, CT

New exit numbers were also installed on Secret CT 695, the stub of the Connecticut Turnpike that connects I-395 to US 6, here is a photo of new exit signage heading west toward I-395:

Image of new 1-Mile advance sign with new milepost exit number on I-395 South in CT

And here's signage with milepost based numbers on CT 2A:

Image of new 1/2 mile advance sign with new milepost based number on CT 2A East near Mohegan Sun casino

Another new exit number sign on CT 2A:

Image of new 1/4 mile advance sign with new milepost based exit number on CT 2A West in Uncasville, CT

For a full set of photos of new signage along I-395 visit these two blog posts:

A Drive along (Part of) I-395 from November 8, 2015

Road Trip to the Future from February 29, 2016

Check Out My Other Photo Pages:

Interstate 90/Mass Pike

Interstate 93

Interstate 95

Interstate 495

US 6/Mid-Cape Highway

MA Route 24

Check out the MA Interstate Exit Lists

Return to Massachusetts Highway for the 21st Century


1. Polansky, Rob. 2020. "Exit signs to be replaced, renumbered on a few CT highways starting today." WFSB. December 7. Downloaded from:, Dec. 7, 2020

2. AARoads Forum, Northeast region, Connecticut News thread, Reply # 3033. Available at:

3. Mackin, Jean.  2019. "Gov. Chris Sununu vows to fight plan to change highway exit numbers in NH," November 27. Downloaded from:, Dec. 14.

4. GACIT. 2019. Governor's Advisory Council on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) Recommendations for the Ten-Year Transportation Improvement Plan, 2021-2030. December 2. p. 161/227. Downloaded from:, December 17. Governor's approval of draft document, with explanation of rejection of milepost exit renumbering project is available at:

5. NHDOT. 2023. Recommendations for the Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan, 2023-2032, p. 187. September 5. Downloaded from:, Sept. 15, 2023.

6. NHDOT. 2021. 2023 - 2032 Draft Ten Year Plan Project Amendments, DOT Recommendation to GACIT. p. 4. December 6. Downloaded from:, Jan. 7, 2022.

7. NHDOT. 2024.  DRAFT TEN YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PLAN, 2025 – 2034. March 28. Letter to Gov. Sununu from Executive Council, Nov. 29, 2023, p. 7. Downloaded from:, June 16, 2024.

8. RIDOT. 2021. Engineers Estimate/All Bidder Comparison, Mileage Based Exit Renumbering C-4: I-95 (Re-advertised), Contract No. 2021-CT-035. Downloaded from: Dec. 11, 2021.

9. RIDOT. 2019. Bidding Opportunities, Construction Projects, Contract No. 2019-CT-060. Downloaded from:, August 3.

Copyright (c) Robert H. Malme 2019-2024