Photos taken: July 10, 2023
Photos taken: October 28, 2017
This project replacing the rotary at the Route 110/113 interchange with I-93 is near conclusion and a new westbound off-ramp (Exit 46 B) on I-93 was created as part of the work, making the previous ramp Exit 46 A for eastbound traffic only. Here are the new signs placed northbound for the new ramp. Here's the new 2-Mile advance sign:
Here's the 1/4-mile advance signage for the previously existing ramp:
And the overheads approaching the new westbound off-ramp:
Here's one of the new ramp signage along the newly constructed MA 110/113 roadway:
Taken April 25, 2015
The harsh winter has slowed many highway projects in the Boston area, including I-93 sign replacements. The project is still, like in December, listed as 97% complete, with only one more overhead sign needing replacement, the one for Exit 18, Mass Avenue:
The new overhead sign for Mass Ave is to have the information on the left hand sign above incorporated into it on a white banner at the bottom, consistent with the advance signs already placed (see photos below), as shown in this sign plan:
The other work performed in the last month or so was to get the various new variable message signs installed on some of the overhead sign gantries working. Here's the message that was being displayed on most of the I-93 signs on April 25:
The smaller VMS panels set up for the Southeast Expressway HOV or 'Zipper Lanes' had been turned on, but were still in test mode. This is the VMS 1 Mile north of the HOV lanes on I-93 South:
While this one was for the next sign, 1/2 mile away:
While it appears most of the new ground-level signage survived the snowy winter, this reassurance stack was missing its MA 3 sign which can be seen on the ground at the bottom of the photo:
While not new, these are photos of the two revised text signs for Exit 15 southbound where the previous destinations of JFK Library and UMass Boston have been placed on auxiliary signage:
The 1/2 mile advance sign remains paired with the rare I-93/US 1/MA 3 South Pull-Through Sign:
than the one last overhead sign, it appears most of the remaining
I-93/US 1 guide (paddle) signage that remained to be changed in
December has now been replaced. A subsequent trip up I-93 will
hopefully get photo confirmation.
the final sign is up, this will complete the sign update projects
along the entire stretch of I-93 in Massachusetts. Up next, revising
the exit numbers to mile-post numbers, as part of MassDOT's plan to
conform to national signing standards. This is scheduled to happen
sometime between 2016 and 2020. For a list of probable new exit
numbers, go to my I-93 Exit List.
Taken on December 12 and 14, 2014:
One of the two remaining overheads, and some more reassurance markers have gone up over the past month. Here's the last replacement for the 1980 era exit signs, this is also the last bridge mounted sign:
Somewhat ironic, since the first new overheads placed on the SE Expressway were for Exit 9 heading north. Other overheads placed in November, but of which I had no photos at that time, were the advisory signs for the HOV 'Zipper Lane heading south after the Columbia Road exit. This is the first 1 Mile Advance accompanied by a new VMS panel:
The VMS panel at the bottom of the HOV sign supposedly indicates when the lane is open. An identical group of signs is 1/2 mile further south after the Columbia Road on-ramp (not pictured). The final sign is on the left at the Zipper Lane entrance:
That's it for the new overheads, the only remaining sign due to be placed, based on the project plans, is the last one northbound for the Mass Ave. exit ramp combining the current sign to the left about tunnel HazMat restrictions and replacing it with an I-93 Tunnel 1 1/2 Miles Ahead Advisory sign.
The remaining photos are of additional reassurance markers placed along I-93 North and South:
This northbound set after the on-ramp from Furnace Brook Parkway was placed 1/2 mile north of the position given in the contract plans and has a limited sighting distance due to its location right around a curve. It is conveniently placed though to get a photo of additional overhead signage and new regulatory signage. The next newly placed set is after the on-ramp from Neponset Avenue and is after crossing the Neponset River bridge:
Here's the first stack set southbound put up in November, but previously not photographed:
The back of the last northbound set can be seen under the bridge on the left. The last newly placed reassurance marker is beyond the Columbia Road on-ramp:
Lastly, here's a previously unphotographed I-93/US 1 Mass Guide (Paddle) Sign near the MBTA's JFK-UMass Red Line Station in Dorchester:
And, a photo from the Mass Ave on-ramp to I-93 South of the I-93/US 1 North paddle sign on Southampton Street in South Boston:
Plus the newly installed MA 3 North trailblazer at the on-ramp at Columbia Road heading west:
know how long this sign will last at this busy intersection. I did not
check to see if there was also a MA 3 South one going the other
way. The project, according to MassDOT, is now
94% complete and may wrap up before the New Year. I'll post any
remaining new signs when the project is officially complete.
Taken October 26 and November 9, 2014:
The only new overhead sign to appear along the Expressway in the past 3 weeks has been the bridge mounted advance sign for Exit 11 heading northbound:
Before placing the last couple new overhead signs, the contractor has been putting up ground-mounted I-93/US 1/MA 3 reassurance markers along the SE Expressway. Here are a few examples:
This is the first set northbound after the merge with MA 3, the signs do not stand out very much due to the other signs, and the light poles, in the vicinity. This cannot be said though for the next new set northbound following the on-ramp from Neponset Circle:
shields are posted at the end of the on-ramp and before the next set
of overheads. There is an additional northbound set beyond Columbia
Road, no photo.
Heading southbound, the first new reassurance markers are after the on-ramp from Mass Ave/South Bay Mall, I hope to get a photo soon. There's also supposed to be one after the Columbia Road on-ramp, which wasn't present the last time through, and then beyond the on-ramp from Freeport Street:
This one is easy to spot as well. The sign plans do not have any reassurance markers placed after the on-ramp from Morrissey Blvd before Exit 12, so this is the last in Boston. Crossing the Neponset to Milton, they finally got to removing the old shields and replacing them with a new stacked set after the Neponset Avenue on-ramp:
And, they remembered the directional banner for I-93. The last two new reassurance markers are after the ramps from Exit 9, Bryant Avenue, (below) and Exit 8, Furnace Brook Parkway (coming soon):
to the latest contractor report, made earlier this week, the sign
replacement contract is 90% complete. The remaining work includes
placing at least 2 more overhead signs and at least 1 reassurance
marker placement after the Furnace Brook Parkway on-ramp in Quincy,
and any missing punch list items. The End is Near.
do have a question about why the reassurance shield stack has only 2
directional banners? Is this simply a way to save money, but then why
the banner over the US 1 shield? The reassurance markers put up along
I-95/128 between US 3 and I-93 only have the one blue directional
banner. The other possibility is to make it easier to remove the MA 3
shield sometime in the future if the route is decommissioned. Since
there are no MA 3 shields on the overhead signs (except for Exit 7,
which could be replaced by another shield, interstate perhaps?), or
new MA green (paddle) guide signs, all you would need to remove the
route is take the shields off of the reassurance posts and take down
the auxiliary trailblazers at some of the on-ramps. Does MassDOT have
a plan to decommission MA 3 in the works?
Taken October 15, 2014
During a drive into a meeting in Boston, I managed to get photos of the new overhead signs placed north of Morrissey Blvd, all in the northbound direction. The new signage started with the 1 mile advance sign for Exit 15:
Taken between September 22 and October 12, 2014:
In the past few weeks the contractor has been working to complete placing the remaining overhead signs along the Southeast Expressway. This started with putting up the rest of the signs for Exit 7 southbound:
This being the last advance sign put up for the 'Braintree Split' between I-93/US 1 South and MA 3. This sign apparently designed after the change from 5 lanes to 4 after the HOV lanes. The yellow Left tab would be taken off this and other MA 3 South signs in July 2023. The gantry spans both traffic directions, as does:
This replaces a similar ground mounted sign in the same area. The gantry also holds northbound signs:
gantry here holds both a new VMS and the lone remaining needed advance
sign for Exit 8.
In addition to new signs, several support posts for other upcoming signs were placed, including:
This overhead gantry over both directions that in two weeks would hold these smaller signs:
The 'Next Exit 11' is to replace a similar ground mounted sign, still there on this date, that is 1/2 mile further north and only slightly in front of the 1 Mile advance sign for Exit 11 itself. The signs going southbound are for both Exits 9 and 8:
The last new overhead for Exit 8, a 1/4 mile advance sign, was placed at the same time, first the support posts:
the signs themselves a week later:
Along with another new permanent VMS. The previous overhead was slightly north of here and a cantilever of a 1/2 mile advance for Exit 8.
Work also included placement of another set of support posts across both lanes just on the Milton side of the Neponset River:
They are in the distance just beyond the Exit 11 Northbound on-ramp. These supports eventually led to placement of:
The remaining signs for Exits 11A and 11B heading southbound. With the placement of all these signs, work is completed, at least for overhead signs, south of Exit 14, Morrissey Blvd. There are still ground mounted sign work to complete, such as along Granite Avenue in Milton:
The MA 3 trailblazer is missing it's top and bottom elements. And while the Mass Guide (Paddle) signs are fully installed here:
are still a couple needing replacing along Morrissey Blvd and at the
Freeport Street on-ramp to the Expressway southbound. Also, there has
been no further placement of reassurance markers along the Expressway,
except after Exit 9 northbound. Plans call for new signage after every
on-ramp northbound with the exception of Exit 11, and southbound,
except for after the on-ramp from Morrissey prior to Exit 12. The
contractor reports they were 83% complete as of October 10. Of the
remaining needed signs northbound for Exits 15, 16, 18 and 20, not
shown here, at least one is up for the Mass Ave exit, seen on a
traffic camera, and there may be more around Columbia Road. I
have not traveled north of Freeport Street in the past month, but hope
to soon to witness the completion of this project.
Taken between September 2 and September 21, 2014
The last couple months have seen a lull in activity as the contractor waited for the new concrete foundations to cure before the next set of overhead sign supports could be placed. This has taken place over the past month, first along the Braintree and Randolph stretch, and then on the Southeast Expressway. In Braintree and Randolph the last sets of overheads, a combination of exit signs and Variable Message Signs (VMSs) went up this week. Here's the long awaited final new MA 28 exit sign in Randolph:
The support posts for the overhead above were placed about 3 weeks earlier as seen in this photo:
The last overhead assembly to complete was the combination of VMS and auxiliary sign for Exit 7 MA 3 in Braintree:
The support posts for this overhead was put up around the same time, as seen in this photo:
old sign seen above was installed in the early 1980s when the Quincy
Adams T Station has opened. The sign project is now basically complete
between Exits 5 and 7 northbound and Exits 6 to 4 southbound.
As for progress on the Southeast Expressway portion of I-93. This can be seen in the number of new overhead sign support structures put up in the last couple weeks. It appears all but 2 foundations have had poles placed on them as of 9/21. Most of the structures will span both directions of I-93. Here's one of the supports for the ramp sign for Columbia Road and first Southampton Street advance sign heading northbound:
The support below will anchor the new Mass Avenue exit 3/4 Mile and an I-90/Mass Pike exit 1 mile advance sign northbound before the Columbia Road on-ramp:
It appears that only one of the support structures north of Columbia Road will be replaced, at the off-ramp to Southampton Street across from the South Bay Mall. This is now heading southbound:
Originally all were to be replaced, with the Big Dig era signage kept. Apparently further inspection showed that the others were in good enough shape to be used again. Also, if you are familiar with the area, you will notice the old Exit 15 1/4 mile advance sign has been taken down. The next two photos show the southbound counterparts to the support structures seen above. This is for the South Station / I-90 advance signs northbound, it will hold a VMS southbound:
is also an overhead post southbound near the start of the HOV zipper
lane, this will hold a auxiliary sign on the left for the approaching
Support structures on both sides of I-93 have been placed also for the ramp and advance signs for Exits 11A and 11B:
There is a corresponding support on I-93 North. A similar placement has been done at the off-ramp for Exit 9 southbound:
As well as for the 1/2 mile advance sign for Exit 7, MA 3 or the "Braintree Split", here's the northbound support from the southbound lanes:
And here's the structure on the southbound side:
above signs were placed prior to the routing of US 1 on this part of
I-93. The US 1 sign replaced a MA 128 sign, also it appears the
original I-93 and I-95 shields have been replaced in recent years.
The only new signage on this part of I-93 has been in the Neponset Circle area where all the on-ramp signage has been replaced in the last couple weeks. Here is the new set of signs heading toward Neponset Circle on MA 203 East:
The original assembly was taken down last month and temporarily replaced by ground-mounted signs shown here:
Here's a long distance view of all the new overheads approaching I-93 North from Neponset Circle:
A West direction is fine for the green guide, or paddle, sign. This overhead is only supported on the left side, as opposed to the previous cross-highway overhead. Another interestingly supported overhead is on Morrissey Blvd heading south:
Here there is only one support. Still needed for all the Neponset Circle overheads are complementary MA 3 trailblazer signs.
project is now 71% complete according to MassDOT, and with most of the
support posts placed, most of the remaining signage may be put up
soon. There is at least 1 foundation that has yet to be placed (for
the 1/4 advance sign for Exit 8 northbound, Furnace Brook Parkway),
however, so it may not be until late fall until the project is
Previous Photos: Taken on July 27, 2014
No new activity to be seen the past week. I used the opportunity to get pictures of some of the auxiliary MA 3 signs which are slowly being added at some of the interchanges. Here are the MA 3 signs along Granite Avenue South just over the Boston city line:
They have recently repaved the road and everything looks new (except for the sidewalks, I guess).
Here's a closeup shot of the South MA 3 trailblazer, perhaps it's a little too big?
The signs above were placed back in the spring, the sign below, at the on-ramp from Exit 9, was put up in the last month or so:
like an odd location, on the extreme right just at the left-lane ramp,
but perhaps they figured a left hand sign would decrease visibility.
taken July 10, 2014:
Not much activity the past couple of weeks. Only in mid-July has the contractor started creating the foundations for the rest of the signs needed to be put up on the Southeast Expressway. I do have a better photo of the new overhead at the exit for Morrissey Blvd, now that the old sign has been taken down:
The exit gore signs for both Exits 13 and 14 still have not been replaced. Is this due to changes in the contract requiring new signs for future milepost based exit numbers with suffixes? While not an overhead sign, and possibly not related to the sign installation contract, several new 'No Littering' signs have gone up along the Expressway in recent weeks, such as the one below:
Never heard of anyone getting a $15,000 fine, and observing the litter by the roadside, doesn't seem to indicate too many litterers are worried.
Previous photos taken between 6/9 and 6/22/14:
contractor has finished placing signs on all the cantilever and overhead
supports installed in May. Among the notable new signs northbound are
those for exits 13 and 14--
This was the first overhead put up, the 1 Mile for Morrissey Blvd (with new white truck and bus prohibition banner) and the 3/4 for Freeport Street. The old signage was 1 mile from Exit 13 and 1 1/4 mile from Exit 14. The last signs that were put up for these exits were the 1/2 and 1/4 mile advance signs:
The auxiliary brown sign for UMass Boston was attached a couple days later. Initially this sign was missing the '1' in '1/4 Mile.' Prior to this sign being put up, the cantilever signs at each off-ramp were placed. Though, with the old signs still there, it was hard to take a photo:
The two existing signs obscured the Freeport Street sign and the preexisting cantilever did the same for Exit 14:
A week later the finally removed the old signs at Freeport Street to take an unobstructed photo:
You can note in the distance that the old sign for the Morrissey Blvd exit was still up. The last new sign put up northbound was not an exit, but an advisory sign for traffic restrictions for the I-93 Tunnel:
Heading south, new signage started with a new advance for the Granite Avenue interchange, Exits 11B and A. This sign initially was obstructed to, but later the old overhead assembly just before it was removed:
In addition to the new sign being mostly obscured the first week it was up, this sign was also missing a number, the '1' for the 1 Mile text. This was fixed, I assume, when the old signage was removed. New signage at the MA 3A exit was also installed:
The addition, the contractors finally removed the old ramp sign at Exit 10, allowing an clear photo of the new one:
The last remaining sign put up southbound was the 1-Mile Diagrammatic Advance sign for Exit 7, MA 3 South:
While they took down the older Exit 7 sign, they have left up, for now, the pull-through for South I-93/US 1, allowing one to contrast the new sign with the old. The diagrammatic must have been made, unlike the previously installed sign at the split, after the new ramp configuration near the exit, this shows 2 lanes for each ramp, unlike the later sign which has the old 3-lane configuration for MA 3.
The contractor has also been installing trailblazers at off-ramps, per shown in the signage plans. For Furnace Brook Parkway this means new I-93/US 1 signs approaching the interchange and separate MA 3 trailblazers near the previously installed I-93/US 1 guide (paddle) signs at each on-ramp. Going Northbound:
Closer to the ramp, the North MA 3 trailblazer appears (the previous North I-93 and circle MA 3 shields have been removed):
Going around the circle and back south, one sees a I-93/US 1 South trailblazer entering Furnace Brook Parkway:
The new South MA 3 trailblazer is a little harder to spot, already being taken over by foliage since it was installed a few weeks ago:
The contractor still is supposed to place additional MA 3 trailblazers at the Exit 9 on-ramp in Milton and the Neponset Circle on-ramp north and southbound in Boston.
I also drove into East Milton Square to take a look which signage had been updated, such as below:
And others that have not been (these aren't part of the signage contract, so you can't blame the contractors):
As indicated, all the signs have been placed on all the support structures the contractor put up in May along the SE Expressway. What signs remain to be placed? The following is a list of what I believe remains to be done between Randolph and Boston, by exit and direction:
Exit 5 NB Combination Ramp and new VMS overhead
Exit 7 SB 1/2 Mile Advance
Exit 8 NB 1/4 Advance
Exit 8 SB 1 Mile and 1/4 Advance
Exit 9 SB 1/2 Mile Advance and Ramp
Exit 10 SB 3/4 Mile Advance
Exit 11A SB 1/4 Mile Advance
Exit 11B SB Ramp
Exit 15 NB All
Exit 15 SB Replace text on 1 and 1/2 Mile Advance
Exit 16 NB New support structures for Ramp Signage
18 NB All (New signage with additional white
banner-All Hazardous Material carriers Must Exit)
Exit 20 NB New 1 1/2 Mile Advance sign, new support structures for all other signs
the exception of the 1-Mile Advance for Exit 11 Northbound and 1/2 Mile
for Exit 9 Southbound, which are to be mounted on bridges, the remaining
signs to be placed need, in most cases, foundations to be made and then
support structures put up. This will probably take at least 2 months. In
the meantime, the contractor could place the remaining I-93/US 1/MA 3
re-assurance markers along the Expressway to complement the one put up
after Exit 9 Northbound, see below, plus the remaining new exit gore
signs not placed so far.
Previous Photos: Taken between 5/30 and 6/8/14:
The contractor the past two+ weeks has concentrated on placing signs onto the cantilever support poles placed previously. Work started on the southern end of the project area in Quincy and Milton and has moved into the Boston area in the past week.
Here's the first new sign beyond the Furnace Brook Parkway exit, the 1/2 mile advance for Exit 9:
Installed about a week earlier was the overhead at the exit ramp:
The two other overhead signs put up the week after Memorial Day included two for Exit 11, Granite Avenue--
This is currently the last new sign on I-93 North. The remaining new overheads are southbound. The first to be put up were those for Exits 11A and B:
Here the old sign was removed to create a blank space while the new sign can be seen in the distance. Here is a closer view of the new sign taken a few days later:
Here's the last new sign for Exit 11A at the off-ramp to Granite Avenue south:
Also placed the same week was the first new sign for Exit 15, Columbia Road. The text of the sign has been changed to adapt to new MUTCD sign guidance that discourages specific places, such as the JFK Library, from main exit signs:
The JFK Library and UMass Boston destinations are now on auxiliary 'Attraction' signs, photo below. The first two signs for this exit are not being replaced but will have an overlay with the new destinations placed on it, they are not up as of 6/8/14.
The other southbound signs put up the first week of June included a couple in Boston between Freeport Street and Neponset Circle:
This is the 1-Mile advance sign for MA 3A South, the support pole for the previous sign originally had one of the first South US 1 signs placed along the Expressway in 1989, it disappeared several years ago. The next new sign is hard to see:
new sign is currently hidden behind the current 1/2 mile advance sign
for MA 3A South. The sign is the 1 mile advance sign for the 2 ramps for
the next Exit, Granite Avenue. The remaining new exit signs are split
between Milton and Quincy. Here's the 1/2 mile advance for Squantum
Street in Milton:
Right behind it, as seen in the photo above, is the 1 Mile Advance sign for Exit 9 Bryant Avenue in Quincy:
The overhead support, now sign-less, I assume will come down soon. The remaining new exit sign is in Quincy at the off-ramp for Exit 8, Furnace Brook Parkway:
This may be the only new one for awhile for this exit, since the foundation for the 1/2 mile advance sign has not been poured. The last new overhead in this direction, is an auxiliary sign for Exit 7:
are several more cantilever support posts without signs north of
Neponset Circle, which I assume will get the next batch of new signs.
Then the contractor may tackle the overhead signs, or complete the
foundations for the remaining needed signs. I'll post an update, in
either case.
The last, bonus, sign is not new but an updated image of the overheads for Exit 7 heading North:
Previous Photos from 5/22/14:
Project work has started again over the past week with the contractor now starting to place support posts for the overhead signs along the SE Expressway portion of I-93. There has only been one new overhead sign placed though:
This for the off-ramp sign at Furnace Brook Parkway. The contractor though has placed more than 15 new support posts in both directions on I-93 this past week. The first northbound will be for the 1 Mile advance sign for the next exit, Exit 9 Adams Street. The sign will no longer be mounted on the bridge, as will the sign southbound for the first Diagrammatic 1-Mile advance sign for the Split of I-93/US 1 from MA 3 at Exit 7. The northbound overhead support has been placed:
contractors also placed new I-93/US 1 trailblazers on ramps leading to
the off-ramps from Furnace Brook Parkway.
is a view from the northbound lanes of the 1/2 mile advance sign support
post on I-93 South:
two other northbound supports for Exit 9, Adams Street have also been
placed this past week. Here, for the 1/2 mile advance signage:
And here for the sign at the off-ramp itself, just behind the current sign:
Heading further northbound, only one of the three needed supports for Exit 11 Granite Avenue have been placed. The 1/2 mile advance sign:
Notice that it appears the cross highway overhead will be replaced by a cantilever version. Meanwhile the overhead gantry is to be replaced at Neponset Circle:
In this case both posts have been placed, the only example I have seen. You can see by the exit distances that any future mile-based exit numbers will probably be A and B here. The next new post installed is for the future half-mile/1/4 mile advance signs overhead for Morrissey Blvd and Freeport Street:
There is also a new post at the Freeport Street off-ramp:
This appears to be another case where the overhead assembly is being replaced by a cantilever right-side exit sign. A similar post can be found at the off-ramp for Morrissey Blvd:
The text for this exit sign is to change to say Morrisey Blvd Savin Hill and have warnings indicating no trucks are allowed. MassDOT will direct traffic to UMass Boston and the JFK Libary to use Exit 15, auxiliary sign below. The last post northbound is just beyond Morrissey Blvd before passing the Savin Hill Yacht Club:
is not for an exit sign, but for a new advisory sign indicating the I-93
Big Dig Tunnel 3 miles to the north has truck restrictions.
Heading southbound there were fewer support posts placed than northbound. The first new one was just beyond Exit 12 MA 3A for Exits 11B:
The half-mile sign for Exit 11B, To MA 203. There was an additional cantilever sign support for the ramp to Exit 11A:
The next two support posts are for the next two exits heading south. The first for the 1-Mile Advance for Exit 10 Squantum Street:
Unlike most of the new posts, this one is placed before the current exit sign. The next post is not for another Exit 10 sign, but the one mile advance for Exit 9, Adams Street:
The final support post installed southbound is for the off-ramp to Exit 8, Furnace Brook Parkway:
work took place the night of May 22/23. This should be the last posts
installed until after the Memorial Day weekend. It will be interesting
to see how long it takes between post installation and sign
installation. For the '128' portion of I-93 there was almost a 3 month
Photos taken 4/19/14:
Little progress has been made over the past month or so. The only new signs are a couple of yellow 'No Exit 17' ground mounted auxiliary signs between the Columbia Rd and Mass Ave exits northbound and a green 'Next Exit 13' sign just across the Neponset River bridge, also northbound. Photos of the No Exit signage are below.
The first is just beyond the Columbia Road on-ramp. That there is no Exit 17 must be really important because there is a:
Second sign 1/4 mile away, this after the Exit 16 on-ramp. You also can see a contractor overhead sign support site indicator, for whenever they start putting up exit signage in this area.
As for Next Exit signs, this is for Exit 12 on I-93 Southbound near the entrance to the HOV lane. This was put up about a month ago, and similar to the new one placed for Exit 13 northbound:
Photos: March 16--
The contractor has started installing route shields along I-93 as trailblazers and reassurance markers--
This is the first, and so far only, three shield stack reassurance marker on the SE Expressway, just beyond the on-ramp from Exit 9. The contractor is supposed to install 4 more of these toward Boston and five southbound.
Here's a new South MA 3 trailblazer along Granite Ave in Milton, just over the Neponset River. This is the only interchange so far that these MA 3 signs have been added. According to the plans, they are also to be used for Exits 8, 12 and 15.
The have finished placing reassurance markers along the '128' stretch from Exits 7 to 4. Here is the new South I-93/US 1 sign beyond the Exit 6/MA 37 exit in Braintree.
Here, in the early morning sun, is the new North I-93/US 1 signage beyond Exit 5/MA 28. This location has not had a reassurance marker for many years, the former sign was not replaced after having been knocked down.
If you look closely at the bottom left, you will see one of the two new North MA 3 trailblazers posted this past week on the overhead sign supports for Exit 7/MA 3 South. The first advance signs prior to Exit 6 still have to have one attached.
And lastly,
is the auxiliary sign for Marina Bay placed a couple weeks ago along
I-93/SE Expressway southbound. I did not have a chance to take a picture
Taken along the Southeast Expressway in Quincy, Milton and Boston in early March--
Though overhead signs are still a way off, they have begun installing auxiliary signs and, at least one I-93/US 1/MA 3 reassurance marker as of March 12:
Here's a new auxiliary for Exit 20 (for now), for I-90 Mass Pike and the South Station/Seaport Area. When this sign was initially put up, the older sign was left in place, leaving a cluttered area of expressway for a couple days.
Here's the new sign for the Milton town line and crossing the Neponset River on I-93 South. It's paired with one northbound announcing entering Boston whose back can be seen in the distance on the left, and also...
In the distance in this photo. I had to get off at Exit 11 due to an accident further north near Neponset Circle.
Here's a new brown auxiliary sign for people looking for the Adams historic site in Quincy, I like the addition of the MA 3 shield.
This new auxiliary sign 1/2 mile north of Furnace Brook Parkway is both green and brown.
I finally got around to take a photo of one of the new I-93/US 1 Guide (paddle) signs installed along Morrissey Blvd last month. As well as,
a new glare free photo of the overhead at the split of MA 3 and I-93/US
Taken along I-93/US 1 in Braintree, Quincy and Randolph--
Signs installed around mid-February:
is the final overhead for the MA 24 Exit put up a week or so after the
previous two. As with the others, MA 24 now has Fall River as a
destination and the new I-93/US 1 sign includes a 'To I-95'. You can
also see in the distance the one remaining 1990s overhead southbound
between MA 3 and I-95, the 1 mile advance sign for Exit 3-Ponkapaug
Trail/Houghton's Pond. I've dubbed this one of the 'orphan' signs, since
it was not replaced during the I-93 add-a-lane project which put up new
signs between Exits 4 and 1, and it is not on the list of signs to be
replaced under the contract upgrading signage from MA 24 northward.
final set of signs at the MA 3 exit heading north, the signs for Exit
19-18 on MA 3 were also replaced as well, completing the update of MA 3
signs that began in 2008. Only one sign remains to be replaced along
this section of I-93/US 1 North, the ramp sign for MA 28 North in
Randolph. Currently a right-side cantilever, its due to be replaced by
an overhead assembly that will also have a VMS display over the left
lanes. The contractor still has not put up the support poles for this
structure. There is also an 'orphan' sign northbound, the 1 Mile advance
for the MA 28 exit just beyond the ramp to MA 24.
Signs installed during week of February 3-7:
overhead sign at split of MA 3 and I-93/US 1 Southbound. This new sign
was a surprise, since there were no new posts installed ahead of time,
apparently the existing support structure was in good enough shape to be
re-used. Notice the missing 3rd arrow for MA 3. The sign was designed
prior to MassDOT's reconfiguring of the interchange. Apology for the
afternoon sun and snow-related glare.
The other new overhead signs installed this week were the first advance signage for Exit 7 MA 3 at the ramp for Exit 6. Plans indicate there should be an additional MA 3 trailblazer on the left sign support since that route was removed from the overhead sign. Presumably this will be added later.
And here's a sign that was put up last week Northbound for the MA 28 exit--
Signs installed during the week of January 27-31:
New advance 1-Mile diagrammatic cantilever features an added To I-95 from previous sign, and new Fall River text.
Heading 1/4 mile further south to the new overhead signage at the MA 28 interchange. Similar signage was also installed northbound, but the sun angle didn't create the best time for a photograph.
The contractors also placed a new 1/2 mile advance diagrammatic sign for the MA 24 exit, the signs in the distance, at the exit ramp itself, have not been replaced.
the Southeast Expressway portion:
Installed earlier in January was the new overhead sign for the HOV Lane just beyond the merge with MA 3 North at the beginning of the Southeast Expressway. New MUTCD guidance now calls for green advance signage, the previous sign (see photo below) was all white.
Here are some new Mass. Guide, or 'Paddle' signs installed recently near I-93 interchanges in Boston:
A new I-93/US 1 sign within the Columbia Rd/Morrissey Blvd/Day Blvd Rotary in South Boston put up in January 2014.
The sign above replaced on of the few remaining MA 3 only paddle signs put up in the early 1970s. The other one at the rotary entrance was removed.
Another new sign along the rotary heading toward the Columbia Road interchange. New guide signs were installed as well along Morrissey Blvd with its intersection with Freeport St, but not as of yet at the ramp from Freeport St to I-93/SE Expressway South. That and a I-93/MA 3 paddle sign along Southampton Street are the only remaining ones in need of replacement according to the contract plans.
Another signage improvement, not related to the I-93 Project, was the removal of a To MA 3 North paddle sign installed a couple years ago, that, to say it mildly, was a little behind the times at the intersection of the road from UMass Boston/JFK Library approaching Morrissey Blvd. It was replaced by a UMass Campus blue sign referring to I-93:
There is still a remnant of the pre-I-93 Expressway signage across the road, however:
Signs installed during the night of December 19-20th:
Signs installed during the night of December 12-13th:
The 1/2 mile advance sign in the early afternoon glare. Still unlike the Northbound signs, the control city destinations are Braintree and Holbrook. (12/13/13)
1/4 advance overhead is after merge with the ramp from MA 3
North and occupies the former position of a South US 1 reassurance
marker. (12/13/13)
Newly installed Auxiliary sign, replacing ground mounted version for MA 24 Exit on I-93/US 1 South in Randolph.
First of two advance overhead signs for MA 37 Exit Placed on I-93/US 1 North the night of December 5-6.
The support post for the future MA 37 1/2 mile advance sign can be seen on the right. Previously this spot had a South US 1 reassurance marker, which was removed when the post was put up in early August 2013. (8/11/13)
of two new right-hand support posts for the future MA 24 exit overhead
signs placed in early August on I-93/US 1 South in Randolph, at Mile
Marker 4. (8/11/13)
The second support post can be seen on the right before the current overhead supports. When the current ones where placed there in in the 1990s they removed the last original I-95 sign that had been placed along the right-side of the highway during the short time that highway was designated along the now I-93 route from 1972-74. The banner over the sign was changed from 'South' to 'To' when I-93 replaced I-95. Also in the photo the new Exit 4 gore sign. (8/11/13)
Turning around and heading back North--
The new support post for the future MA 28 1/2 mile cantilever sign can be seen (in the shadows) on the right. The 1 mile advance sign post had not been placed yet, nor others at the exit ramps seen in the distance. (8/11/13)
This photo contains one new sign, an existing sign, and the location of a future sign (hidden behind the guard rail). They have not place a Braintree town line sign northbound on I-93 yet so currently you pass to 2 'Entering Quincy' signs in a row. The contractors were finishing putting in the deep foundation for the new overhead sign by the orange tag and mile marker last week. I assume a support post will go up here shortly. (8/11/13)
The only sign work the last couple weeks on the SE Expressway portion of I-93 was the placement of two new I-93 reassurance markers southbound in the same location as the previous signs. There is one new South I-93 marker between Southampton Street and Columbia Road (with 2 support posts like the newer I-93 signs north of Boston) and the one above, one post, sans directional banner, placed after the on-ramp from Neponset Ave. in Milton. Workers also removed the remaining stand-alone I-93 South signs after Columbia Rd and Morrissey Blvd, but did not replace them. They, as seen above, have also not changed any other route signs in either direction. (8/11/13)
Not a new sign, but an interesting one:
This 3-shield guide sign was put up after the ramp from Burgin Parkway to I-93 and MA 3 was reconstructed in 2009. It was the first 'paddle sign' to have US 1 on it in Quincy until the interchange signs along the SE Expressway were replaced this spring. (8/11/13)
Photos taken 8/2/13:
(c) 2013 Robert H. Malme