-95 Exit
Renumbering in Rhode Island, 2022
Exit renumbering
started along I-95 South just across the Massachusetts border on the
night of August 28, 2022. The contractor will renumber 2-3 exits per
night in one direction, then switch the same exits the other direction
the next night before moving on. This page will post photos of the
progress of this project throughout August and September. The photos
will document the change by old exit number heading north to south.
Contractors had completed changing all the numbers on exit signs as of
November 2, still some old numbers on auxiliary signs and the RIDOT
project page has not declared the project complete as of November 18.
Old Exit 30
All but the gore
sign for this exit are in Massachusetts. Here are photos of changes to
the exit sign in Massachusetts made on 8/28:
The renumbered
exit sign is just on the Massachusetts side of the border. This was put
up earlier in August with the old sequential number. The Old Exit 30
sign was placed here because the advance signs for this exit have not
been placed yet under the I-95 sign replacement project currently going
on in Massachusetts.
The renumbered
gore sign just over the Massachusetts side of the border. The Old Exit
30 sign placed below, though a little wider than the Exit 43 sign.
Turning around and heading northbound....
The renumbered 1
mile advance for the East Street exit in this direction shares space
with the US 1 exit sign.
The East Street
exit sign has the Old Exit 30 sign on the gantry.
Old EXIT 29
The 1 Mile
advance for the US 1 to RI 114 exit is also in Massachusetts. This sign
was also put up earlier in August with the old sequential number.
The 1/2 Mile
advance for the US 1 to RI 114 exit across the border. Rhode Island puts
the Old Exit sign above the exit tab, instead of on the support like
The renumbered
exit sign US 1 to RI 114 shares a bridge mount with the 1 mile advance
for the next US 1 (and RI 15) exit.
The narrow
renumbered gore sign for the US 1 to RI 114 exit does not include
The 1/2 Mile
advance for just the US 1 exit in this direction, the Old Exit 29 sign
on the gantry arm.
The smallish gore
sign for the US 1 exit.
The new number
exit tabs are ground mounted instead of being placed on top of the
signs, there were no A and B ramps for Exit 29.
Old EXIT 28 (NB)
The 1/2 mile
advance for the renumbered RI 114, School Street exit, northbound only.
The RI 114,
School Street exit sign, Old Exit 28 sign on gantry arm.
Old EXIT 27
The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 1/RI 15 exit is also a bridge mounted
The renumbered
exit and gore signs for the US 1/RI 15 exit, both with yellow Old Exit
27 (Exit 28 is NB only) signs. Turning around and heading north...
Heading north the
Downtown Pawtucket exit is now 41A, here's the 1/2 mile advance prior to
one of the interstate curves.
The Downtown
Pawtucket exit sign has a ground mounted Old Exit 27 sign, probably due
to the bridge mounting.
The gore sign
with the Old (Exit) 27 sign below.
Old EXIT 26 (NB)
The exit sign
with no Old Exit 26 sign.

The renumbered
gore sign headed north.
Old EXIT 25

The renumbered 1
mile bridge mounted advance sign with any Old Exit sign at present
headed south.

The renumbered
1/2 mile advance sign also without any Old Exit sign paralleling the
electrified railroad tracks.

The renumbered
exit sign finally has an Old Exit 26 sign at present headed south.

The renumbered
gore sign and its Old (Exit) 25 sign below, there appears to be enough
room for 'Exit.' Turning around...
The 3/4 Mile
advance heading north does not feature an Old Exit 25 sign.
The exit sign
does have an Old Exit 25 sign, which should include A and B, see ramp
photo below.
The gore sign
also features an Old Exit 25 sign.
The yellow tabs
on the top of the ramp feature Old Exit 25A and 25B signs.
The RI 126 exit
sign also features and Old Exit 25B yellow tab.
Old EXIT 24

The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance for the Branch Avenue exit headed south as one is
entering Providence.
The renumbered
Branch Avenue exit sign with separate ground mounted Old Exit 24 sign
below. Heading north...

The renumbered
exit sign for Branch Avenue headed north with a support post mounted Old
Exit 24 sign.
Old EXIT 23

The renumbered
1/2 mile advance sign for the To RI 146 North/Charles Street exit
southbound. They did remember to renumber the T.F. Green Airport sign to
29 when that exit was renumbered on October 6.

A renumbered
auxiliary sign for the To RI 146 North/Charles Street exit. The two
numbers don't quite line up.

The renumbered
exit sign for the To RI 146 North/Charles Street exit. The Old Exit 23
sign is mounted separately.

The renumbered
gore sign for the To RI 146/Charles Street exit. Turning around and
heading north...
The exit in this
direction is for RI 146 and US 44, an interchange currently under
construction, here's the first advance sign.
A closer look at
the sign, currently next to a construction crane.
The renumbered
signage at the temporary gore for this exit.
The exit ramp
signage for RI 146 is old and currently unnumbered while that for now To
US 44, has a number.
Old EXITS 22 A-C
The two-sign
combination advance cantilever shows that the exit renumbering stopped
at the US 6/RI 10 and downtown exits when the photo was taken.
The overhead
renumbered auxiliary sign for the Downtown Providence and Providence
Place exits.
The renumbered
1/2 mile advance, no Old Exit sign present in either advance signs.
The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance features an APL (Arrow-per-Lane) sign.
The next
renumbered APL (Arrow-per-Lane) approaching the exit.
There is another
APL on the exit ramp, notice the number had not been changed for the
next Atwells Avenue exit. This would change later that night, here's a
traffic camera image of the sign from Monday, September 19:
Here's a photo
from October:
Turning around
and heading north the same day:
Heading north the
renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign share a gantry with an I-95 pull
through sign and Broadway exit sign.
Further north the
renumbered bridge mounted advance sign ahead of the Broadway exit. These
older signs awaiting replacement after the construction project is
completed? Interesting font on the Broadway sign.
renumbered advance with orange signs indicating construction related
lane shift ahead.
overhead signs along the exit ramp, with Providence Place in the
A few more exit
ramp signage photos, courtesy of Joseph Bong:

Overhead signs
for Downtown and US 6 West/RI 10 exits on I-95 North with new milepost
Overhead sign for
the downtown/US 6 West and RI 10 and Providence Place exits with new
numbers behind Atwell Avenue sign with old exit number.
Overhead signs on
I-95 North with new exit numbers for US 6 West/RI 10 and Broadway exits,
but not for Point Street, Future Exit 36B.
Old EXIT 21
southbound the exit is for Atwells Avenue:

The overhead exit
sign features a slim "Old 21" sign.
Heading north the
exit is for Broadway:

The renumbered
3/4 mile advance sign for the Broadway exit, like the others, shares a
gantry with signs for the US 6 West/RI 10 exit as well as for Point
Old EXIT 20
Heading south the
exit is for I-195/US 6 East:
The 1 Mile
advance sign for the I-195/US 6 exit heading south. Notice the
lack of an Old Exit 20 sign.
The 1/2 Mile
advance sign is over the left lane but asks you to be in the right
lanes. Again, no Old Exit sign.
The one
diagrammatic sign for the I-195/US 6 exit. Also no Old Exit 20
sign or US 6 shield.

Signage at the
exit ramp includes that for Eddy Street (Old Exit 19) and US 1A. Despite
heading south, so that I-195/US 6 East exit can have same number as I-95
North, the B exit is after A.
Heading North,
the exit is for Point Street:
Heading north
this is the exit for Point Street, the 1/2 mile advance has the Old Exit
sign on the cantilever gantry.
The gore sign for
the Point Street exit, the Old (Exit) 20 sign below and a mile marker
confirming its the correct number.
Old EXIT 19
southbound, the exit is for Eddy Street:

The renumbered
exit sign for Eddy Street headed south on I-95. Notice there is no Old
Exit 19 sign.

renumbered gore sign for the Eddy Street exit. Notice here there
is an Old Exit 19 sign attached.
Turning around
the exit is for I-195/US 6 East:
The renumbered 2
miles advance sign.
The 1 mile
advance sign. At the time the photos were taken the Thurbers Avenue exit
had not been renumbered and one alternated between signs for Exit 36A
and Exit 18.
The renumbered
1/2 mile advance, though without any indication of distance.
The exit sign,
notice the Old Exit 19 sign is on the gantry, not above the exit tab
like the other signs.

This traffic
camera image shows the new exit number (36A) assigned to the I-195/US 6
East exit the morning after it was changed.
Old EXIT 18
The 1/2 mile
advance sign for the US 1A exit headed south. The Old Exit 18 sign above
the exit tab.

Closeup of exit
sign for Thurbers Avenue exit southbound with new milepost based exit
number. Why does this sign have 'To' in front of the US 1A shield and
the other not, this is actually appropriate since the ramp only leads to
a street that you have to take to reach 1A. Photo by Joseph Bong.
Turning around and heading back north...
The 1 Mile
advance heading north, similar to that in the other direction.
The 1/2 Mile
advance shares a gantry with a VMS sign instructing drivers about the
new I-95 North viaduct ahead.
The also have a
900 Feet advance sign with a right arrow, that seems unnecessary at this
point, especially when your curving to the left.
The exit sign
with an appropriate right arrow and a separate ground mounted Old Exit
18 sign.
The gore sign for
US 1A (which is actually signed beyond this exit as RI 1A).
Old EXIT 17 (SB)
The 1 mile
advance sign, without Old Exit 17 sign, on I-95 South at MM 35.
The 1/2 mile
advance sign, with Old (Exit) 17 sign, shares space on a bridge with the
1 Mile advance sign for the RI 10 exit.
The exit sign,
with the Old Exit 17 sign on the gantry. This is the last exit to be
renumbered in Providence.
The renumbered
gore sign for the US 1/Elmwood Avenue exit, the last exit in Providence
heading south. Photo by Joseph Bong.
Old EXIT 16

The renumbered
1/2 mile advance heading south, again the Old Exit 16 sign is on the
Auxiliary sign
for RI 10 exit but lacking any ramp letters. Photo by Joseph Bong.
Gore sign
for RI 10 North exit with both new and Old Exit signs sporting a B
letter. Photo by Joseph Bong. Turning around...

The 1 mile
advance for the RI 10 exit in Cranston, the Old Exit 16 sign on the

The 1/2 mile
advance sign shares a gantry with a VMS.

The RI 10 bridge
mounted exit sign, but no Old Exit 16 sign, just a note the exit is open
despite the surrounding construction.
Overhead ramp
signage with new exit numbers, photo by Joseph Bong.
The US 1/ Elmwood
Avenue exit is part of the RI 10 exit ramp headed north:
Old EXIT 15

The southbound
1/2 mile advance for the Jefferson Blvd. exit, now with the same number
as the RI 37 interchange.

The Jefferson
Blvd. exit sign, part of the C/D ramp at the RI 37 interchange.
The renumbered
gore sign for Jefferson Blvd. Photo by Joseph Bong. Turning around and
heading north:

The northbound
exit is lumped into the same C/D ramp as the RI 37 interchange.

The exit does
have its own advance sign and Old Exit 15 sign as well.

The renumbered
exit sign on the C/D ramp.
Old EXIT 14

The southbound 1
1/4 mile advance sign has no Old Exit 14 sign.

A small
renumbered auxiliary sign for the RI 37 West exit.

The southbound
1/2 mile advance sign, with Old Exit 14 sign.

The RI 37 exit
sign, here the yellow sign on the gantry is for a weight limit and it
uses the new exit number.
Ramp signage with
new exit numbers for RI 37 exits as seen from I-95 South. Photo by
Joseph Bong. Turning around...

The northbound
1/2 Mile advance sign has an Old Exits 14-15 sign on the gantry.

The exit sign and
construction related weight limit sign below the Old Exits sign.
Renumbered exit
sign along the the RI 37 and Jefferson Blvd. exits C/D ramp.
Old EXIT 13

The 1 Mile
advance for the US 1/T.F. Green Airport exit with and Old Exit 13 sign
on the gantry.

The 1 Mile
advance for the US 1/T.F. Green Airport exit with and Old Exit 13 sign
on the gantry.

A renumbered
overhead Airport auxiliary sign.

The US 1/T.F.
Green Airport exit with a ground mounted Old Exit 13 sign.
The renumbered
gore sign for the T.F. Green Airport Connector exit on I-95 South, photo
by Joseph Bong. Heading
the other way on I-95 North...
The renumbered 1
Mile advance northbound is accompanied by a ground mounted design Old
Exit 13 sign placed on the gantry.
The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance with the standard gantry design Old Exit 13 sign.
The renumbered
exit sign, here, like at the southbound exit, there is a ground mounted
old exit sign.
Old EXITS 12 A/B
The renumbered 1
mile advance for the RI 113 and To I-295 exits on I-95 South. The Old
Exits 12B-A sign on the gantry.
The renumbered
1/2 mile advance with no Old Exits 12B-A sign.
There is a
separate 1/2 mile advance for the RI 113 exit only, no old exit sign
The renumbered
exit sign for the RI 113 and To I-295 exits, again no old exit sign, the
To I-295 exit is now given a C suffix under the new exit number system.
The renumbered
gore sign for the RI 113 West and To I-295 exits on I-95 South. But no
Old Exit 12A sign below.
*Signage along
the exit ramp, courtesy of Joseph Bong.
The renumbered
exit sign for RI 113. No Old Exits 12B sign to be seen.
Old EXIT 11 (NB)
*The renumbered 2
Miles advance diagrammatic sign for the I-295 North exit.

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign for the I-295 North exit.

The renumbered
diagrammatic (1/2 Mile) advance sign with Old Exit 11 sign over the left
exit tab on I-95 North.
The renumbered
exit sign sharing a gantry with the 1/2 mile advance sign for the RI 113
East exit. Old Exit 11 sign on the left and Old Exit 12 sign on the
right. Both exit tabs are new.
*The renumbered
gore sign for the I-295 North exit, no Old Exit 11 sign attached below.

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign on I-95 South.
The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance sign for the northbound single RI 117 exit. Photo
courtesy of Joseph Bong.
A renumbered
auxiliary sign for the RI 117 West exit. Photo courtesy of Joseph Bong.
*Renumbered exit
signage at the RI 117 West ramp, only that exit has an accompanying Old
Exit sign.
*Renumbered gore
sign for the RI 117 West exit, Old Exit 10B sign partially hidden.
*The renumbered
RI 117 East exit sign shares a gantry with the 2 Miles advance for RI 4
The renumbered
gore sign for the southbound RI 117 East exit. Photo courtesy of Joseph
Bong. Turning around...
*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign after the merge with RI 4 North, notice the new exit
*The bridge
mounted 1/2 Mile advance sign.
*The renumbered
exit sign also with a new exit tab.
Old EXIT 9 (SB)
*The renumbered 1
Mile advance diagrammatic sign.
*The renumbered
(1/2 Mile) advance sign during a rain shower.
*The renumbered
(1/2 Mile) advance sign during a rain shower.
The renumbered
gore sign, photo courtesy of Joseph Bong.
Old EXIT 8 (SB)
*The renumbered
auxiliary sign for the RI 2 exit is now slightly off-center due to an
additional number and letter.
*The new
renumbered exit and gore signs for the RI 2 exit.

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance for the RI 2 to RI 4 exits.
*A renumbered
auxiliary sign for RI 4 South, since there's no direct connection in
this direction.
*The renumbered
1/2 mile advance sign on I-95 North.

*The renumbered
overhead signs at the RI 2 South exit, new gore sign in distance.
*The renumbered
exit sign for RI 2 North, another new gore sign in distance.
Old EXIT 7

*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the Coventry/West Warwick exit is missing its Old Exit
7 sign.
*The renumbered
1/2 mile advance sign on I-95 South with and Old Exit 7 sign. Photo
courtesy of Joseph Bong.

*The renumbered
Coventry/West Warwick exit sign, with a large Old Exit 7 sign on the
gantry, was this meant for the gore sign? Now turning around and heading
*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign for now Exit 21. Notice anything missing?
*A renumbered
auxiliary sign for Express Bus parking.
*A renumbered
blue Lodging services sign for now Exit 21.
*The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance, again no Old Exit 7 sign, but the new number looks
*The overhead
sign at the exit, at least there's one old exit sign here, there is none
on the gore sign.

*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the Old Hopkins Road exit, the new number no longer
needing an A.

*The renumbered
overhead exit sign, the Old Exit 6A sign on the gantry. Going in the
other direction...

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign for the Hopkins Hill Road exit, now Exit 19, just
after a North I-95 reassurance marker.

*A renumbered
Park & Ride auxiliary sign with the exit number leaning slightly

*The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance sign.

*The renumbered
exit sign headed north, notice another case where it appears the gore
sign's Old Exit 6A sign was put on the overhead sign instead.
Old EXIT 6

*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the RI 3 exit, now Exit 18.

*The renumbered
exit sign, with Exit 18 gore sign beyond, without an Old Exit sign
(sorry the rain started again). Turning around...
*The renumbered 1
Mile advance for the RI 3 exit, now Exit 18 (exit tab is new as well,
and slightly a different green color).
*Same story for
the renumbered 1/2 Mile advance sign.
*The renumbered
RI 3 exit sign, with Old Exit 6 sign.
*The renumbered
gore sign, missing an Old Exit 6 sign below.
*The renumbered
brown Cultural Attractions sign for the RI 102 exits.
*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the pair of RI 102 exits, the last dual exit in Rhode
*The renumbered
overhead signage at the RI 102 North exit, the Old Exit 5B sign on the
*The renumbered
RI 102 South exit, Old Exit 5A sign on gantry also. Turning around and
heading north...

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance sign for the two RI 102 exits.

*A renumbered
auxiliary sign for the North RI 102 exit.

*The renumbered
1/2 Mile advance sign.

*The renumbered
overhead signs at the RI 102 South exit ramp, with 'South' being a
little smaller, and the Old Exit 5A sign on the gantry.

*The renumbered
RI 102 North exit sign, and another gantry mounted Old Exit sign.

*The renumbered
gore sign for the RI 102 North exit.
Old EXIT 4 (NB)

*The renumbered 1
Mile advance for the Northbound only exit for RI 3 to RI 165 exit.
*The renumbered
exit sign with gore sign in distance.
Old EXIT 3
*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the RI 138 exit, now Exit 7.
*A renumbered
auxiliary sign for the RI 138 exit.
*The renumbered
1/2 mile advance sign just behind the Mile 8 marker.
*The renumbered
RI 138 exit sign, Old Exit 3 sign on the gantry, new gore sign behind.
Turning around and heading south...
The 1 Mile
advance for RI 138, like the signs headed south, the Old Exit 3 sign is
above the exit tab.
The 1/2 Mile
advance sign just beyond a lane ends sign.
A renumbered blue
Gas Services sign for the RI 138 exit.
The RI 138 exit
sign and renumbered gore sign beyond.
Old EXIT 2
*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the Hopkinton exit, now Exit 4, by a now useless truck
toll gantry. Turning around...
*A renumbered
brown cultural attraction sign for the Hopkinton exit.
*The renumbered
1/2 mile advance for the Hopkinton exit on I-95 North.
*The renumbered
Hopkinton exit sign, notice again the apparent use of a gore style Old
Exit 2 sign on the gantry, while none is present below the gore sign in
the distance.
*The renumbered 1
mile advance for the RI 3 Westerly exit, with unchanged exit number.
*The RI 3
Westerly exit, the last exit in Rhode Island, turning around...
*The renumbered
1/4 mile advance with unchanged exit number, the only advance sign for
this exit.
*The unchanged
exit sign headed north.
Other Signs:

*This blue sign
for a truck stop in Warwick after Exit 1 seems to have had its numbers
cobbled together.
Site created:
August 29, 2022. Last Updated: October 31, 2022.