Where: Greensboro Urban Loop Freeway from Bryan Blvd South to US 220 Length: Approx. 12 Miles Status: Completed, between February 2004 and February 2008 North of I-40 signed:
South of I-40: |
This segment of I-73 starts at the Bryan Blvd. on the Greensboro Loop and travels south along the Loop to US 220. With the completion of the I-73 Segments north of Bryan Blvd in July 2017, I-73 was officially signed along the entire length of its segment along the Loop (see photos below). Prior to this though, despite the I-73 (and I-840) routings have officially been established by the FHWA since February 2008, the route was signed (only on the road itself) as Future I-73/I-840 south to I-40. NCDOT apparently believed the route to be to short (3.5 miles) to be signed as a full interstate.1
I-73 is officially signed at its interchange with I-40 and travels south to US 220. Work on the section north of I-40 (Future I-73/I-840) to serve the new FedEx hub started in August 2003, and was opened to traffic on December 18, 2007. The I-73 portion of the Loop west of I-85 to I-40, started at the same time and was finished on February 21, 2008.2 The total cost of construction for both sections (12 miles in length) was listed as $592 million in the 2007-2013 STIP.3 When the highway opened in early 2008 this was also part of the I-40 section of the Loop. However, in September 2008 after much citizen outcry about noisy traffic, NCDOT relented and put I-40 back on its original alignment through Greensboro. US 421 was rerouted to join the Loop from its exit south of Greensboro along the I-85 portion of the Loop and joins I-73 between I-85 and the I-40 exit (103) for about 7.5 miles. I-73 then turns south at the US 220 exit (which now is signed I-73 South with new signs installed in 2013). While technically joining I-85 for a mile between Business 85 and US 220, I-73's path only overlaps I-85, the routes never actually meet in either direction. I-73 north uses a C/D ramp for the Groometown Road exit and merges with US 421 after it leaves I-85.3 The I-85 portion of the Loop was completed in February 2004, almost exactly 4 years before the I-73 section. A space was left on overhead signage along I-85 South for future I-73 shields at the new US 220 interchange (there is no US 220 access northbound from I-85, this means the northbound exit has an I-85 exit number, and originally southbound it had an I-40 exit number (which, coincidentally was 220) now it has an I-73 number, 96) which were installed in September 2013. Both interstates appear on many signs around the area (for more information on the Loop, go to the NCDOT Greensboro Loop page). (Curiously, signs put up for the US 220 exit on the newer I-73 section of the Loop in April 2007 did not include a space for I-73, these were replaced though with I-73/US 220 signs in the spring of 2013, see photos below).4 I-73 North joins the Loop at Exit 95B, exiting itself off of US 220. Work on the section north of I-40 (Future I-73/I-840) to serve the new FedEx hub started in August 2003, and was opened to traffic on December 18, 2007. The I-73 portion of the Loop west of I-85 to I-40, started at the same time and was finished on February 21, 2008.5 The total cost of construction for both sections (12 miles in length) was listed as $592 million in the 2007-2013 STIP.6
New Signage as a Result of Extension of Greensboro Loop
As discussed in Segment 4, as part of the contract to extend the Greensboro Loop north of Bryan Blvd to US 220/Battleground Avenue, new signage went up along the Loop north of I-40, completed in August 2018, and on I-40 itself, that apply new I-73 exit numbers and I-73 and I-840 signage.7 The signage started to be put up on existing segments of the Loop after the new roadway was completed in March 2018. The West Friendly Avenue exit numbers changed from 2 to 104 and I-840 was added to the signage to what will be Exit 103, at I-40. The I-840 exit number for US 220 is 6.
The current signage was due to be changed when the I-840 section of the Loop was completed in January 2023, however nothing has happened as of mid-July. Here are some of the sign plans for the I-73/I-840 Loop showing the changes from the contract plans at the NCDOT Project Letting page.8
The only new construction along this Segment, besides the construction
of the Gateway Blvd exit, was the rehabilitation of the concrete roadway
starting in the spring of 2019 along the section from I-40 to I-85. The
$13.4 million dollar contract was to replace certain sections of the
concrete roadway built in 2008 (whether this is sooner than should be
expected for a concrete roadway is uncertain) and was completed in the
spring of 2021.9
"Drive" from Bryan Blvd in Greensboro then along I-73 to Asheville
with this Video
from Tarheel Travels, made in June 2022 (covers Segments 5 to
7). NEW
I-73 North, Exits 95 to 107 I-73 South, Exits 107 to 95
I-73 South at I-840/Bryan Blvd: Prior
to I-73 South to Loop Ramp (July 2021)
I-73 South/I-840 West at I-40: Approaching On-Ramp (July 2021)
I-73 / US 421 North at I-85: Using Ramp from I-85 South (November 2021)
I-73 / US 421 North at Wendover Ave.:Prior to Ramp from Wendover Ave. heading West (July 2021)
In July 2023 NCDOT revised signage approaching the I-85 South/US 29 North exit on I-73 South reflecting the recent decommisioning of Business 85 and the rerouting of US 70 through the city of Greensboro. Photos taken July 13 by Strider:
85 and US 70 shields removed from the 2 1/4 and 2 miles advance signs on
I-73/US 421 South.
shields also removed from the 1 1/4 and 1 mile advance signs. (How easy
would it have been to move the I-85 shield and direction to the right?)
well as the signs at the I-85/US 29 South exit further along on I-73/US
421 South.
Between March 2018 and March 2019, NCDOT revised the signage on I-73 north of I-40 to Bryan Blvd to reflect the opening of the I-840 segment from Bryan Blvd to US 220, and on I-40 itself, including new mile markers. Photos by site contributors, David Johnson and Strider.
This gantry on
I-73North/I-840 East has both distance to the next exits but a VMS as
Overhead signage at the ramp to West Friendly
Avenue on I-73 North/I-840 East.
Arrow-Per-Lane sign for split of I-840 East and
I-73 North.
NCDOT in early March also
added mile markers along the I-73 ramps and the former Bryan Blvd.
section. Here's the new marker northbound on the ramp from the
Greensboro Loop after the off-ramp to Bryan Blvd. East.
This reassurance marker
assembly was finally placed after the Bryan Blvd. exit in March 2019.
The contractors also
updated signage on the ramp to I-40 from I-73 South.
In February, NCDOT finally
posted new I-73 mile markers along the portion of the Loop north of
I-40. Markers along the I-840 section north of Bryan Blvd. had been put
up when that route opened. However, these markers were removed less than
a month later and then restored at apparently more correct locations in
early March.
Contractors also finally
updated the pull through sign southbound at the I-40 exit with both I-73
and US 421 shields.
The former
To Bryan Blvd/ PTI Airport overhead at the I-40 East ramp was replaced
by a pull-through for I-73 North/I-840 East in mid-February.
old pull through was also replaced at the ramp to I-40 West/US 421
Earlier in February new
signage for I-40 West reflecting the new lane configuration was put up
at the I-40 East ramp, signage for I-73/I-840 in the middle of the
gantry, was not yet installed.
Similar story for the last
overhead signs prior to I-40 West, while the old signage for To Bryan
Blvd and PTI Airport remain.
In January 2019, work was completed around the I-40 interchange and between I-40 and Westover Avenue:
New overheads signs put up
beyond the Westover Avenue exit ramp on I-73 North, the exit only tab
reflects the new lane alignment at I-40 which provides now 3 lanes for
I-73 North through traffic and 2 lanes for the I-40 West exit.
New overhead signs at the
West Friendly Avenue ramp on I-73 South/I-840 West which now have I-73
mileage for that exit and the I-40 exit beyond.
Now heading north on I-73
at Westover Avenue, new signs for the I-40 exits with I-73 mileage.
In early December 2018, signage along I-40 West approaching the Greensboro Loop were updated:
New 3/4 (instead of
1-Mile) Advance sign for I-73/I-840 Greensboro Loop exit on I-40 West.
The new 1/2 mile advance
sign with Exit Only Tab. When first put up, though, it had a missing
I-73 shield and small I-840 shield, below.
Sign as it appeared when
first put up in early December 2018.
NCDOT also put up an
overhead auxiliary sign notifying drivers of the route to PTI Airport.
NCDOT not only put up a
new ramp sign for I-73 North/I-840 East but also changed to sign for
I-73/US 421 South which had a blank space (see below) for an I-40
control city for the short time that route was on the Loop.
Original I-73/US 421 1/4
mile advance sign replaced after new I-73 North/I-840 East exit sign was
put up. Also the exit tab was replaced with a space for 212.
November saw the completion of the new signage on I-40 East:
placed overhead auxiliary sign indicating traffic for I-73 North/ I-840
East should use I-40 East exit.
New overhead 1/2 Mile
Advance sign (MUTCD specs do not require a distance to be used if the
sign has an Exit Only tab) for I-73 North/I-840 East after the I-73
South exit ramp.
Newly placed 1/4 mile
advance sign ahead of ramp to I-73 North/I-840 East with an East I-40
pull through sign.
Finally, the new overhead
signs at the ramp for I-73/I-840 East. Some have suggested Roanoke would
be a better I-73 North control city than Martinsville.
Earlier, in October, NCDOT first put up large Arrow-per-Lane signs along I-40 East approaching the Loop:
This 1-Mile Advance sign
was put up in late October.
The overheads at the exit
ramp were put up a week earlier.
In August new overhead signs appeared along what is now officially I-73/I-840 and at the interchange ramps:
This new center median
interchange distance sign on on I-73 South seems to have forgotten the
new Gate City Blvd exit that opened in 2016 that is between Wendover Ave
and Groometown Rd.
The Exit 1 tab has been
removed from the I-40 exit sign in anticipation of placement of a new
I-73 exit number (103) tab.
Signage along the ramp
carrying I-73 North from the I-840 East Greensboro Loop. Like with the
advance signs, I-73 exits off itself as Exit 107B.
New overhead signs were
placed at the ramps to the Loop at W. Friendly Avenue, here heading
And heading west on W.
Friendly Avenue.
Finally, new reassurance marker signs were put up that now accurately depict the existence of I-73 and I-840:
First of newly placed
reassurance marker sign, now properly including Interstates 73 and 840,
after I-40 interchange.
The exit numbers along this portion were also finally changed to reflect I-73 mileage.
This 1 1/4 mile
advance sign for the W. Friendly Ave. exit has had its number changed
from 2 to 104.
Also changed is the
next 1/2 mile advance sign.
changed are the exit numbers heading southbound starting after Bryan
Blvd, here also for W. Friendly Avenue.
Also changed was the signage along Bryan Blvd at the I-73 exit, with I-73 and I-840 signs added, as well as an exit ramp for the new I-840 East route:
for the I-840 East exit is given the 107B exit number, I-73 South/I-840
West is not given an exit number here, though its signed as 107A on the
previous advance signs.
Photos taken of the approaches to I-73 by Isaiah Sconiers, from February 2018:
Revised pull through sign
on I-85 South for I-73/I-85/US 421 at I-73/US 220 South exit with
Martinsville added as control city.
Recently replaced 1 mile
advance, Arrow-per-Lane sign for I-73/US 421 North on I-85 South just
after I-73/US 220 South off-ramp.
Closeup of Arrow-per-Lane
sign at ramp to I-73/US 421 North from I-85 South with Martinsville
control city.
Photos taken of the approaches to I-73 by site contributor, Strider, from September 2017 to February 2018:
Newly placed overhead
signage approaching I-85/Business 85 exits on I-73/US 421 South in
Greensboro. Recent signage shows Business 85 routed along I-85 South,
though this is a hidden concurrency on I-85. In the fall of 2018, NCDOT
officially decommissioned Business 85 through Greensboro. It is unknown
how long it will be before signs are changed.
One of the new
Arrow-per-Lane overhead signs ahead of the I-73/US 421 exit on I-85 just
after the I-73 South/US 220 exit.
The other new
Arrow-per-Lane sign at the off-ramp to I-73/US 421 North from I-85
New overhead
signage placed on I-85 North approaching I-73 and the Greensboro Loop in
August 2017. Notice the major goof of having 2 I-85 Norths, the one on
the right is supposed to be Business 85.
A new overhead auxiliary
sign was also put up telling I-73/US 220 South traffic should use
Business 85.
Overhead signage for the
I-73 and Business 85 exits also put up in August 2017. The Business 85
sign now has a listing for I-73 South. Notice also that the To West I-40
text has been removed.
Overhead signage at the
Business 85 ramp and 1/2 mile before the I-73 exit, put up in September.
Final new sign at the ramp
to I-73 North, also put up in September.
New overhead signs placed
in October at ramp to Groometown Road adds Martinsville to destination,
but drops reference of To I-40 West. The I-85 exit number still is used.
Earlier Photos taken by Strider in July 2017:
NCDOT removed the I-73
shield from this reassurance marker sign on I-73 North after the I-40
exit, leaving I-840 as a Future route, for now.
New I-73 North Left Lane
trailblazer placed prior to Bryan Blvd off-ramp in lieu of overhead
signage, for now.
Temporarily placed
Variable Message Sign indicating I-73 traffic should use left lane at
Bryan Blvd interchange on I-73 North/I-840 East prior to current end of
Greensboro Loop.
I-73 North trailblazer on
Bryan Blvd. exit ramp at current end of Greensboro Loop.
Photos taken on March 30, 2017:
View looking south on the
Greensboro Loop just after the Bryan Blvd. interchange. The Future I-73
South ramp is being reconstructed to handle the increased traffic. Ramp
traffic is routed more directly to the main Loop lanes.
Further south at end of the
I-73 South ramp reconstruction, ahead is long standing Future I-73
South/I-840 West sign that is now out-of-date but won't be replaced
until the I-73 Connector construction is completed.
Until the main exit signs are
replaced, these 2 To I-73 South trailblazers are used to direct traffic
beyond the I-40 interchange.
Now beyond the I-40 exit on
I-73 South, this is the 1-Mile advance sign for the new Gate City Blvd
exit opened in 2015.
A closer look at the Gate
City Blvd. exit. Traffic leaves and enters I-73 through a Diverging
Diamond interchange whose ramps can be seen under the bridge.
Another photo taken of the
2-Mile Advance signage for the I-85/I-85 Business exit (original from
2009 seen below), now instead of 1 sign for Exits 97 A and B, now two
signs are used for Exits 97A and 97B/C.
Same signs prior to I-85/Bus.
85 exits as in 2009 but with new A and B/C exit tabs. The C is for the
Groometown Road exit, not indicated in the exit signs until the ramp.
Here are earlier photos taken in March 2013 showing the appearance of new I-73 related signage.
first new sign along the Greensboro Loop for the now I-73/US 220 Exit 95
at the current Business 85 Exit put up during the third week of March.
Photo courtesy of AARoads Forum contributor Strider (3/20/13).
The new sign approaching the former US 220 exit on the
Greensboro Loop, now I-73/US 220 Exit 95, put up during the third week
of March. Photo courtesy of AARoads Forum contributor Strider (3/28/13).
Here are some photos taken along the yet to be opened Future I-73/I-840 and then I-40/I-73 (now I-73/US 421) portions of the Urban Loop in September 2007 and after it opened. New photos of signs with changes due to the re-routing of I-40 appear before older ones.
The view from the
Bryan Blvd. bridge over Future I-73/ I-840 before it opened in December
2007. Except for the future on-ramp to I-73 South/I-840 West on your
left, the road is only graded because no construction is to take place
north of here until 2013.
going on at the Future I-73/I-840 / West Friendly Avenue (Exit 2)
interchange in anticipation of its opening a few months later.
future I-40/I-73 Urban Loop interchange with Wendover Avenue with
further work due before opening in January 2008.
westbound from the High Point Road bridge over the Future I-40/I-73 Loop
section. This area is now a construction zone again for the building of
a new interchange for High Point Road scheduled to be completed by 2014.
Also from the High Point Road bridge looking east along
future I-40/I-73. The walls seen where the road curves are sound
barriers, unlike much of the SE portion of the loop this freeway cuts
through many existing neighborhoods.
Photo of only I-73 sign
along segment north of I-40 after its opening in December 2007.
For additional photos of the northern part of the Loop open on December 18, go to this Photo Album Page.
Here was a
sneak peak of the signs for the I-73 portion of the Loop before
officially being opened on I-85 North (2/10/08).
The sign above
initially read, when uncovered, West I-40/North I-73 Winston-Salem (I-73
control city (likely Martinsville VA) to be added later).
View of same sign as
above when changed after I-40 was rerouted back to its original
alignment. The sign on the left was replaced entirely, notice the US 421
control city of Sanford replaced Raleigh, the middle may be a new or
modified sign, the right was made correct by removing the Business 40
shield. (6/14/09)
The following photos are on I-85 South at and approaching the I-73/US 220 Interchange:
New I-73 Shield Appears on
Former blank space next to US 220 North sign at the C/D lane off-ramp in
October 2013. Photo Courtesy of Strider (10/22/13)
New I-73 Shield Appearing on
Sign 1/4 mile earlier along C/D Ramp for US 220 North on I-85
South, also put up in October 2013. Photo Courtesy of Strider (10/22/13)
shields appearing on the ramp signage on I-85 South, previously a blank
space on the US 220 South Exit sign. Photo courtesy of Strider (9/29/13)
I-73 shields
also appearing on the 1/2 mile advance signage along I-85 South. Photo
Courtesy of Strider. (9/29/13)
The first new
I-73 Sign seen approaching the ramp for the South Elm/Eugene St Exit on
I-85 South, Photo courtesy of Strider. (9/29/13)
To I-73 South Signage has also been put up on US 220 South approaching
the Greensboro Loop from I-40 and Business 85. Photo courtesy of
Strider. (9/29/13)
what the signage looked like prior to September 2013 after the signs
were changed due to the I-40 rerouting in June 2009. Notice the blank
space awaiting the future South I-73 shield. (6/26/09)
Here's what the signage looked like in February 2007 after
the Loop first opened (2/23/07). This was the first 3 interstate shield
sign going south/westbound on then I-85/40. The triple interstate
highway existed on the sign only, as I-73 uses a C/D ramp from US 220
and joins the Loop after I-85 has left.
The Following photos show the 'split' between I-85 South and I-73/US 421 North:
Here is the
second reference to the split of I-85 from I-73 and US 421, as indicated
above, the two interstates actually do not share the road. I-73 uses a
ramp from US 220 that joins US 421 after I-85 leaves the Loop. (6/26/09)
sign assembly as it first appeared in February 2007 with the interchange
complex now seen in the distance. The road on the far right is actually
I-73, a continuation of the US 220 on-ramp that does not access I-85 but
also accesses Groometown Road. I-73 joins the Loop after the Groometown
Road exit a mile down the ramp. (2/23/07)
Looking at the split
signage after it had been changed in June 2009. I-73 is actually the two
lane ramp paralleling the main route to the right. (6/26/09)
The then split between
I-85 and I-40, now I-85 and US 421 in February 2007. There are three
lanes in each direction. US 421 does not actually join I-73 for about a
1/2 mile. (2/23/07)
Here's where
I-73 actually joins US 421, the first I-73 milepost can be seen on the
left, Mile 97. This exit is officially off of I-85, so that's why the
exit number is 122A. In my opinion it should be rightfully I-73 Exit 97,
Exit 97A on I-73 South accesses the same roadways. (6/26/09)
The Wendover Avenue Interchange
The new overhead
signs put up in June 2009 are mostly correct, except for 'East' I-73.
This signage has been changed to reflect the September 2008 decision to
remove I-40 from the Loop. The East used to be over where I-40 was, as
seen in the photo below, they forgot to change out the I-73 direction on
signs going both ways on Wendover. (6/26/09)
Exit signage at the Wendover
Avenue interchange as it appeared in March 2008. Shields for both I-40
and I-73 can be seen in the distance. (3/16/08)
A close-up of the shields at
the I-73/US 421 North Entrance Ramp from Wendover Avenue on 3/16/08.
Again, the I-40 sign seen above was removed in June 2009, replaced by a
US 421 sign due to the NCDOT decision to remove I-40 from the Loop.
left-hand sign in the photo was not up when I made my last road trip,
notice it still does not have an exit tab (103B). Photo courtesy of Evan
Semones (8/2/09).
The mainline text
on the sign in this photo duplicates the exit signage on I-40 with no
I-73 (nor I-840) shields, because NCDOT considers the loop north of I-40
too short to merit a full I-73 designation. Photo courtesy of Evan
Semones (8/2/09).
The I-40 exit sign at
the on-ramp does feature an Exit 103 tab, as well as the gore sign. The
last time I drove through the number on the gore sign was correct but
the arrow was pointing to the right. The sign on the right will be
replaced by one with I-73 and I-840 shields at the conclusion of
construction on the next segment of the Loop. Photo courtesy of Evan
Semones (8/2/09).
An End North I-73 sign
after the I-40 West exit ramp and just before the on-ramp from I-40
East. Photo courtesy of Evan Semones (8/2/09).
A Google Street View image taken in June 2014, appears to show that this has been since taken down (See for yourself).
This is what the signs in
the Exit 103 photos above indicated before the I-40 switch. All that
happened here was the switch of the exit tab to the I-40/US 421 sign
with a change in number. These exit signs were changed in late June
2009, the left exit got an Exit 103B tab, however the right 103A gore
sign pointed to the right.(12/08)
in December 2008 heading East on I-40 the last sign assembly before the
then I-40/Business 40 split and the beginning of the I-73 Segment. The
Exit 212 sign someday will also have North I-73 and East I-840. (12/08)
View of sign change
due to the NCDOT decision to return I-40 to its original alignment. This
was what is now listed as Exit 212A now looks like. The sign was changed
in late June 2009. Photo courtesy of Evan Semones. (7/21/09)
Another exit assembly
for Exit 212. Notice that traffic to Raleigh is now told to take I-40
through Greensboro. Photo courtesy of Evan Semones. (7/21/09)
Here's a closer look at
the 1/2 mile sign from the East I-40 Exit 211 on-ramp. Notice where the
212 number is, put up flush with 'Exit', while A is off to the right.
Here's the signage at the
split itself. Notice again how the exit number isn't centered on the now
left exit tab. (7/26/09)
Now on West I-40, Exit 212B is
for the now signed Future I-73 North/I-840 West. Again, NCDOT does not
want put I-73 North on the signs until the highway is complete at least
back to US 220 north of Greensboro. (7/26/09)
Here are the signs
along West I-40 at the westbound off-ramp itself. (7/26/09)
Like the westbound,
the eastbound signs to Future I-73 North will not have I-73 shields for
a while. It still reads To Bryan Boulevard/PTI Airport. This route is
now officially Interstate 73 according to the latest NCDOT map and so,
IMO, the sign should be changed at least to indicate that. Photo
courtesy of Evan Semones (7/21/09)
Exit sign for Wendover
Avenue, the only exit not involving an Interstate on this stretch of the
Loop. They started building a new exit for High Point Road in 2012.
While the exit number was changed to 102, the left hand sign still had
an I-40 on it. The control cities will probably be changed to read
Asheboro and Sanford. This sign was changed later in 2009 (7/21/09).
The original ground-level
shield assembly For I-40/I-73 on this stretch of the Loop, after the
Wendover Avenue exit. This was replaced by the sign below in July 2009.
Finally, a sign for South
I-73/US 421. The milepost to the left reads 102. (7/26/09)
Heading South on
I-73 between Wendover and I-85, the South I-73 Mile 100 Milepost near
where the future High Point Road interchange will as of July 2012 is
under construction. (6/26/09)
Though this exit sign has
not been changed, the number has changed to 97 which now accompanies
both I-85 exits, instead of two separate exit numbers when Loop was
signed I-40. (6/26/09)
Unlike the original
left-hand sign, the new signage recognizes that I-73 continues beyond
the I-85 exits, unlike in the sign below. The co-routing of I-85 and
I-73 implied in the sign is again misleading as the two routes never
travel together. (6/26/09)
This sign seems to
indicate that both Business 85 and I-85 are routed together for a couple
miles, which is the case, no other signs indicate this. The original
signage where the Loop meets I-85/Business 85. I-73 just disappeared,
the US 220 exit signs going this way do not even have a space for I-73.
Since the US 220 exit ramp going this way was on I-40 before the I-85
merge it was I-40 exit 220 (nice coincidence), instead of I-85 Exit 122
going the other way. (12/08)
Unfortunately, as before, I-73
simply disappears as it exits onto US 220 and becomes Future I-73. The
only sign that this is still I-73 is the I-73 Mile 96 milepost seen
below the US 220 sign.
in 2009 they placed an End South I-73 sign, just before the ramp to US
220 (Future I-73)
You can also find additional photos taken after the Loop was re-signed after I-40 was moved back at this post on the Sure, Why Not? blog.
View a YouTube Video of a Drive along this Segment.
Here's an additional map showing the total route of the Greensboro Urban Loop:
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