Jump to Videos List (New video added 5/22/23)
I-840 Northeast section between Lawndale Drive and US 29 now open and
I-840 signs have been added as of July, Go
to Photos (New 11/12/23)
The Greensboro Loop, completed on January 23, 2023, is a 39.5 mile interstate quality route that has four different interstate designations, plus a US Route, along its path. The southern half was completed first in 2008 and is signed as I-85, I-73 and US 421. The northern half completed in early 2023 has I-840 (part with I-73) and I-785 routed upon it, see map below (July 2023):
Map cropped from the 2023-2024 NCDOT State Transportation Map, Triad Inset.1
The first proposal for a loop around Greensboro dates back to 1967 when the highway appeared in the City of Greensboro's transportation plan. Serious discussion of the future route did not happen until a decade later when the city's 1977 thoroughfare plan which included the Loop was officially adopted. Getting funding took longer, not until 1989 when the state created a funding mechanism for urban loops, was an official proposal passed along to NCDOT. In 1995 a Record of Decision for the Loop was approved allowing construction to start. The first segment to open, in 2002, was a short 2.2 mile connector between I-40/85 and US 70 east of Greensboro, which would be eventually be part of I-785. Work to extend this section on the eastern side from US 70 to US 29 started in 2014 and was opened to traffic on December 6, 2017. The first major segment of the Loop to open was in 2004, a 12.9 mile segment that would serve as a southeast bypass for Interstate 85. The next segment to open in 2008 was in the southwest, 8 miles long that, would initially carry I-40 and I-73, but later I-73 and US 421. This segment continued 3.6 miles further north to Bryan Blvd. and provided access to Greensboro-PTI International Airport. This segment would carry both I-73 and I-840 but, because of its short length, was signed as Future I-73/I-840 until 2018.2 The next segment to open was the extension of the I-840 Western Loop from Bryan Blvd. to US 220/Battleground Avenue, this opened to traffic on April 19, 2018.3 The last segment of the Western Loop, from US 220 to Lawndale Avenue, was completed in December 2019. The last remaining segment of the Eastern Loop, from Lawndale Avenue to US 29 started construction in late 2018, with a 2 mile segment from Lawndale Drive to North Elm Street opening in December 2020. The remainder was completed and opened to traffic on January 23, 2023. Work to update I-840 signage along the eastern section of the Loop was not completed until late July.
This page provides Information, Exit Lists and Photos tracking the progress in building the Loop over the past 20+ years. The segments will start at the intersection of the Loop with I-40 east of Greensboro and move clockwise:
Exit 131
North (
South) Greensboro Danville
Exit 129 Youngs Mill Rd
Exit 128 Alamance Church Rd
Exit 126B Greensboro (Old )
Exit 126A
South Sanford
Exit 124 South Elm-Eugene St
Exit 122C
North Greensboro Coliseum Area
Exit 122B
South Asheboro
Exit 122A To Groometown Rd/To Grandover Pkwy
Exit 121
North to I-40 West Winston Salem
Signage approaching the Loop on I-40 West/I-85 South indicating alternate route to Winston-Salem (Photo by Adam Prince)
This will be augmented after the Loop is completed by travel time signs suggesting the fastest way to get around (or through) Greensboro, first heading west near the location in the photo above:
The plan for the sign on the other side of Greensboro on I-40 East:
New signage installed in July 2017 on I-85 South/I-40 East approaching the Loop. (Photo by Strider):
View looking south from near Randleman Rd bridge.
View of opened Randleman Rd bridge over future I-85 South lanes.
Future Alamance Rd on-ramp to I-85 South.
The opened Alamance Church Rd bridge.
By Adam Prince:
Looking at opened Alamance Church Rd bridge over unopened I-85 roadway.
Looking the other way from Alamance Church Rd bridge.
Construction in progress near Randleman Road exit.
The ramp to then US 421 North ramp being graded from unopened I-85 South.
Work at the future I-73/US 220 interchange looking south.
Exit 95 (SB)
South Asheboro
Exit 97C (SB) I-85 Exit 122C (NB) Groometown Road / To Grandover Pkwy
Exit 97B (SB)
South /
West* High Point Charlotte
Exit 97A (SB)
North* /
North /
East* Greensboro
Exit 100 Gate City Blvd
Exit 102 Wendover Ave
Exit 103A
East Greensboro
Exit 103B
North Winston-Salem
*Shields for these routes were removed in July 2023 after Business 85 was decommissioned and US 70 rerouted through downtown Greensboro.
From When I-40 was routed on the Loop in 2008:
Signage at the end of I-73 North in 2008.
Signage on I-40 East/I-73 South approaching I-85 and Business 85.
Visit the I-73 Segment 5 page for more Photos of this Segment
Northwest Segment- COMPLETE
Exits 103 to 107
5 to 8
I-40 to Bryan Blvd. Segment, Complete, Opened in 2008
I-840 Segment, Bryan Blvd. to US 220/Battleground Avenue, Complete-Opened on April 19, 2018
I-840 Segment, US 220/Battleground Avenue to
Lawndale Drive, Opened on December 30, 2019.
Exits in this Segment, South to North:
Exit 103A (SB)
North Winston-Salem
Exit 103B (SB)
East Greensboro
Exit 104 W Friendly Ave
Exit 107A (NB) Bryan Blvd DOWNTOWN
Exit 107B (NB) Bryan Blvd PTI Airport ( North Martinsville)
Exit 3A (WB)
North PTI-GSO Airport Martinsville
Exit 3B (WB) Bryan Blvd DOWNTOWN
Exit 6
/ Battleground Ave
Exit 8 (EB) Lawndale Dr
Article about opening of I-840 segment on April 19, includes link to video of drive from US 220 to beyond I-73 North/Bryan Blvd:
Photos from this Segment
Taken by site contributor David Johnson along East I-840 between I-73 and Lawndale Drive on July 11, 2020:
The first stand alone East I-840 reassurance marker before the first advance sign for US 220/Battleground Avenue.
The elevated roadway along I-840 east prior to the US 220/Battleground Avenue exit.
Overhead signage at the US 220 exit including advisory sign indicating 2 left lanes will end ahead approaching the next exit at Lawndale Drive.
I-840 East crossing US 220/Battleground Avenue.
Noise walls surround the I-840 roadway between US 220 and Lawndale Drive.
Barrels mark lane shifts prior to the current end of I-840 East at Lawndale Drive.
The current last East I-840 reassurance marker prior to the Lawndale Drive exit.
The roadway narrows further approaching Lawndale Drive.
Brown auxiliary sign ahead of last overhead sign at Lawndale Drive exit at current end of I-840 East.
Overhead signage at Lawndale Drive, the next section to North Elm Street is supposed to open by the end of 2020.
Taken by site contributor Strider on opening day for segment between Bryan Blvd and US 220/Battleground Ave, Dec. 30, 2019:
First reassurance marker after Battleground Avenue exit:
Overhead signs at the newly opened ramp to I-840 West from Lawndale Drive:
West I-840 reassurance marker and mile marker after ramp from Lawndale Drive:
Newly opened lanes heading west bordered by noise walls between Lawndale Drive and Battleground Avenue:
Another view of the parallel noise walls looking back toward Lawndale Drive along I-840 West:
The 1/2 mile advance overhead sign for US 220/Battleground Avenue on I-840 West:
The signage at the westbound exit ramp to US 220:
The signage at the bottom of the westbound exit ramp:
Taken by site contributor Strider on opening day for segment between Bryan Blvd and US 220/Battleground Ave, April 19, and April 20, 2018:
Heading east from Bryan Blvd. on newly opened ramp:
Heading down newly opened ramp from Bryan Blvd.
I-840 Mile marker along ramp from Bryan Blvd. heading onto East I-840:
First standalone I-840 reassurance marker:
First overhead sign is 2-mile advance for US 220 exit:
The 1-Mile Advance sign:
The highway narrows and is surrounded by noise barrier walls heading toward the current end of the highway at US 220/Battleground Avenue:
I-840 is reduced to 1 lane prior to heading down the ramp at the end of
the opened Loop section toward US 220:
Signage at the end of the ramp to US 220/Battleground Avenue:
Taking the ramp to US 220 North showing work continuing on bridge
headed further east toward Lawndale Drive:
Signage along US 220 North for I-840 West:
Turning around and heading south on US 220, the junction trailblazer for I-840:
Signage at the on-ramp to I-840 from US 220 South:
Junction trailblazer (which no one can probably claim to have not seen) prior to interchange on US 220 North:
Heading west on I-840
Onto the ramp from US 220:
The westbound lanes after the on-ramp with the noise barrier walls paralleling the roadway:
The first West I-840 standalone reassurance marker:
Followed by the first overhead sign, the 2-mile advance sign for the I-73 North/Bryan Blvd. exit:
The one-mile advance sign heading west:
The overhead signs at the exit itself have the 2-mile advance sign for the W. Friendly Ave exit with I-73 exit number (interesting that the distance is 2 miles, since the I-73 exit number (see photo below, is 107):
Signage along the C/D Ramp at the I-73 North ramp:
The exit signs along the rest of the Loop to I-40, and on I-40 itself, have not been updated as of April 23. Turning around, to I-73 North/I-840 East, here's the first of three new Arrow-per-Lane overhead signs approaching the new split of I-840 and I-73:
There's an additional one at the 1/2 mile distance from Bryan Blvd.:
The signage at the exit itself, notice I-73 North exits itself:
The left hand sign was revised after the rest of the Loop was completed in January 2023.
New photos of more recently placed signage, by Strider in August
Bryan Blvd and I-73 North both appear on this distance sign on the Loop after the I-40 exit, the same with the next new overhead sign that was being put up just after W. Friendly Avenue:
Taken by Strider from Fleming Road bridge over unopened I-840, January 19, 2018:
Newly placed overhead signage on soon to open I-840 West at I-73/Bryan Blvd exit
Closeup of W. Friendly Ave exit 2-mile advance sign. Exit tab has I-73 mileage exit number, numbers that will be changed along the rest of the I-73 section of the Loop prior to this section being opened.
Looking along future section of I-840 East showing newly placed 2-mile Advance sign for US 220/Battleground Avenue exit just beyond I-73/Bryan Blvd exit. A couple other sign photos taken from the Horsepen Creek Road bridge:
Looking south/west at the 1-Mile advance sign for I-73/Bryan Blvd. The name for the PTI Airport was recently changed to Central North Carolina International Airport, guess too late to be accounted for in the signage.
Looking at the 1-Mile Advance overhead for US 220/Battleground Ave. Road looks ready to open when the snow and ice melts.
Taken by Trent Heberling in April 2017:
Taken along Drawbridge Parkway in vicinity of future interchange with US 220/Battleground Avenue
Signage placed along W. Friendly Avenue will have an overlay panel for Raleigh.
Signage to be placed at the ramp from US 220 South to East I-840, the route was temporarily signed to Lawndale Drive until the rest of the loop to US 29 was completed. Signage should be in place by July 2023.
Here's the signage at the future on-ramp to West I-840 from Lawndale Drive:
View other Photos of this Segment.
*Except for signage, still being put up as of August 2023.
Though the contractor had until the end of 2018 to complete the US 70 to US 29 segment, the roadway was completed a year earlier than scheduled, except for ramp from I-785 North to US 29 South which is being constructed along with a flyover ramp from the future I-840 East roadway to US 29 (Future I-785) North that opened a year later in December 2019. Meanwhile the completion date for the US 29 to Lawndale Drive segment was moved from May to November 2022 in March 2019, and then to July 2023 in the summer of 2021.8 In early January, however, Greensboro media reported that NCDOT was not planning to open the last segment early, by the end of that month, perhaps as early as January 20, it ended up opening on the 23rd.4 See the photo section for the latest images. Not all exit signage was ready when the portion was opened in January, most of the I-840 overhead signage had been put up as of late May, nearly 4 months after the last section was opened. Ground mounted and exit signage had not all been installed as of early August.
Exit 8 (WB) Lawndale Dr
Exit 10 N Elm St (EB)
Exit 11 Yanceyville St
Exit 14 (Future
) North Reidsville Danville VA (WB)
Exit 17 Huffine Mill Rd
Exit 18*
Burlington Greensboro
Exit 21A (EB)
West (
South**) Greensboro
Exit 21B (EB)
East /
North Durham Raleigh
* Changed from 19 in Nov. 2017
**shields removed from updated signage after route was decommissioned in 2021
Signage southbound approaching US 29 (Future I-795 North) ramp:
Plans for
2-Mile advance sign for I-840 West/I-785 North at US 29, the first
for when I-785 is designated north of the Loop, the second for when
the highway opens in December 2017. Construction of future I-785 got
a boost in August 2018 when NCDOT announced that a project that will
improve US 29 to interstate standards from Hicone Road north to US
29 Business in Reidsville will be funded as a Regional Impact
project in the upcoming 2020-2029 STIP document due out in January
2019. Construction probably won't start until 2029 at the earliest.12
Here's the signage at the exit ramp itself when I-785 is extended north of the Loop:
still awaiting placement as of August 2023 at the US 70 on-ramps after
the final stretch of I-840 was completed:
At the other end of the segment, here's the signage plans when the contract was let, to be put up after the Loop's completion along I-40 West/I-85 South:
However, when the signage was finally put up in July 2023, there was no signage for I-73 at all (see photos below). Perhaps the appearance of I-73 is planned for an auxiliary sign, or that its placement on the new digital travel time signs was thought to be sufficient.
In addition to signing I-840 eventually along the eastern segment of the Loop after the final I-840 section was completed, NCDOT also removed the Business 85 and US 70 designations through Greensboro. An End I-785/I-840 replaced the auxiliary sign for Business 85, see photo below.
Here's plans for signage at the interchanges. First US 29:
The signs do not have I-840 listed on them. These are to be updated soon, since the full Loop is open.
Images from Google Maps Street View of new signage along US 70:
The ramp to the north Loop with new I-840 signs on US 70 East.
The ramp to the south Loop with 2 new I-840 signs on US 70 East.
The ramp to the north Loop with new I-840 signs on US 70 East.
Photos taken by Strider of newly placed I-840 shields at the Huffine Mill Road exit in September 2023:
Photos taken by Strider after the first I-840 signs were put up along US 29 in early August 2023:
The 1 mile advance sign for the Loop on US 29 North now has an I-840 shield and an additional control city, Winston-Salem.
The existing 1/2 mile advance sign for the I-785 South exit on US 29 North now also has an I-840 shield and an additional 3/4 Mile advance sign for I-840 West on the left.
The new 1/4 mile advance sign for I-840 West at the ramp for now both I-785 South and I-840 East.
The new I-840 West exit sign, replacing the sign for a To US 29 South exit. Turning around....
The new 1/4 mile advance sign for the Loop C/D ramp now with added I-840 West and Winston-Salem as a control city.
The new exit sign for I-840 West with the I-785 South and I-840 East exit now numbered 135A.
Photos taken by Strider after the first I-840 signs were added to the eastern section of the Loop on July 24, 2023:
The new South I-785/East I-840 sign replacing the former South I-785 reassurance marker after the US 70 exit.
The End I-840/I-785 sign replacing the former Business 85 South auxiliary sign prior to the I-40/I-85 North exit.
The new North I-785/West I-840 sign after the ramps from I-85/I-40.
The revised northern half of Greensboro Loop 1 1/2 Mile advance sign now with I-840 shield on I-85 North/Greensboro Loop.
The revised 1/2 Mile advance sign also with new I-840 shield on I-85 North/Greensboro Loop.
The revised Greensboro Loop 1 1/2 Mile advance sign now with I-840 shield on I-85 North/Greensboro Loop.
The revised 1 Mile advance arrow-per-lane sign for the I-85 South/I-40 West split with new overlay for To I-840 North. The I-85 section is now without a note for To South I-73, perhaps due to the information to be on a travel time sign (see below). There is still space on the I-40 sign for the planned To I-73 North overlay (see sign plans).
The similar revised 1/2 Mile advance arrow-per-lane sign for the I-85 South/I-40 West split with same new overlay for To I-840 North and lack of To I-73 information.
The 1/2 covered digital travel time sign prior to the I-85 South/I-40 West split, includes an I-73 shield, see sign plans.
The revised 1/4 Mile advance sign for the northern Loop on I-40 West with new I-840 shield.
The revised exit sign on I-40 West with new I-840 shield. Turning around and heading east...
The revised exit sign for the Loop on I-40 East with its new I-840 shield.
The revised ramp signage, the northern Loop exit with new I-840 shield (should these exits have numbers?).
Traffic camera at Huffine Mill Road showing newly placed North I-785/West I-840 sign.
This traffic camera image taken August 6 now shows I-840 shields on the I-785 / Loop signage and the removal of the Business 85 sign which is part of the same contract. Work on putting up supports for the new ground mounted reassurance signs (see sign plans) started in early July.
Another image from the same traffic camera on June 27 showed no I-840 shields and the to be removed the Business 85 sign.
Photos Taken 7/9/23
Photos taken by Strider along I-840 between North Elm Street and US 29 showing new signage put up in early July 2023:
A new median post-interchange distance sign after the North Elm Street exit heading east on the I-840 Greensboro Loop.
The new 1/2 Mile advance sign for the Yanceyville Street exit.
A new almost 2 Miles advance sign for the US 29 exits further east on I-840. Notice the supports for the larger sign that will be needed when I-785 is completed north of the Loop.
Another median post-interchange distance sign after the Yanceyville Street exit on I-840 East.
Another new advance sign for the US 29 exits.
The final new 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 29 exits.
Turning around onto I-840 West....
The new 1 Mile advance for the Yanceyville Street exit, the VMS used to mark the exit now turned off and awaiting removal.
The new median distance sign after the US 29 exit, showing the distance to the next 3 exits.
The new 1/2 Mile advance for the North Elm Street exit.
The exit sign for the Yanceyville Street is also new.
The median distance sign after the Yanceyville Street exit, I-73 is 6 1/2 miles away.
Photos approaching and along I-840 West on completed Loop taken by Adam Prince, March 31, 2023, still not changed nearly 2 months later:
The 1 1/2 Miles advance sign for the start of the northeast section of the Loop on I-85 North, still missing an I-840 shield.
The exit sign for the northeast section of the Loop on I-85 North, also still missing an I-840 shield. The To Business 85 sign seen in the distance is also to be taken down as part of the still incomplete signage work.
The 1 Mile advance for the start of the northeast section of the Loop on I-85 North, still missing an I-840 shield.
Signs on the newly opened section:
The I-840 West pull through sign at the US 29 (Future I-785 North) exit, the start of the new section of the Loop.
Sign related construction continues after the US 29 exit on I-840 West.
Overhead signage at the Yanceyville Street exit ramp, with the gore sign for Exit 11 sitting just behind a Mile 12 marker.
The exit and gore signs for the North Elm Street exit at the end of the newest section of I-840/Greensboro Loop.
The 1 Mile advance for Lawndale Drive.
The 1 1/2 Miles advance for the US 220/Battleground Avenue sign shares the gantry at the Lawndale Drive exit on I-840 West.
The 1/2 Mile advance for the US 220/Battleground Avenue exit.
The exit sign for the Bryan Blvd and I-73 North exit, along with the 2 Miles advance for the next Loop exit on I-73.
The signs on the C/D ramp for the Bryan Blvd and I-73 North exit, prior to I-840's merge with I-73 South.
Street View images
Google Maps Street View captured images in late January along I-840 East soon after the segment opened, here is a sample of some screen captures:
Signage at the North Elm Street exit, former end of I-840 East.
The 10.5 mile marker on I-840 West.
Signage along North Elm Street at the new ramp to I-840 West. Not all the ramp signage had been put in place.
The new East I-840 reassurance marker after the North Elm Street exit.
The one Yanceyville Street overhead sign up along I-840 East when the segment opened.
Variable message board used as temporary advance sign for the US 29 exit on I-840 East.
Signage at the US 29 (Future I-785 North) exit ramp on I-840 East. No further signage with both I-785 and I-840 shields exists along the Loop as of mid-February.
Signage at the US 29 (Future I-785 North) C/D ramp from I-840 East.
Signage at the US 29 (Future I-785) South exit ramp to newly opened segment of I-840 West. Note the blank space remains for an I-840 shield, still the case in mid-February.
Overhead signage on I-840 West from the ramp from US 29 South with 2 lane ends advisory signs.
Earlier photos taken by Strider along the newly opened section of I-840 between North Elm Street and US 29 (Future I-785 North) on January 24, 2023:
Signage heading onto the newly opened section after North Elm Street.
Newly opened section after the North Elm Street exit.
A new East I-840 reassurance marker after the North Elm Street on-ramp.
The new exit sign for Yanceyville Street on I-840 East.
The new lanes of I-840 East after the Yanceyville Street exit.
Not all the new signs had been put up, here's a temporary advance for the US 29 exits.
First signage showing the concurrency of South I-785 and East I-840 prior to the off-ramp for the US 29 exit.
Traveling along the US 29 exit ramp from I-840 East.
Taking the new flyover ramp from I-840 East to US 29 (Future I-785) North.
Turning around, now heading west on the new section of I-840 Greensboro Loop.
The first overhead advance sign for the Yanceyville Street exit on I-840 West.
The new West I-840 reassurance marker.
Approaching Yanceyville Street on I-840 West.
Overhead signage at ramp to Yanceyville Street on I-840 West.
I-840 West ramp signage on Yanceyville Street. (I would have included 'To I-73' on the sign).
The North Elm Street exit sign on I-840 West.
Trailblazers for East I-840 and To I-785 at North Elm Street ramp.
Ramp signage for I-840 on North Elm Street.
Overhead signage on I-840 West at the Yanceyville Street exit.
New overhead signage for I-840 West at the end of I-785 North at US 29.
Still taken by January 20, 2023 Heliflyer video (link at bottom of page) showing new pull through sign with both I-785 South and I-840 East listed just prior to the US 29 exit on soon to open final segment of the Greensboro Loop.
New overhead signage that includes I-785 North (and drops US 70) on I-85 North approaching its merge with I-40 East.
This is the last updated sign to be put up for I-785, with its placement, all the signage on I-85 and I-40 surrounding the merge/split of the 2 routes has been updated.
Heading north of I-40 and I-85 brings new exit signs for the US 70 exit:
Besides the new sign, the exit has a new number, 18, replacing 19, possibly due to the exit ramp now being beyond the US 70 bridge instead of before. On the exit ramp, the current end of I-785 North:
An overhead speed advisory sign with the exit number included. Some ramp repaving may be needed before the next segment opens.
Prior to the US 70 exit ramp there is now a To US 220 North trailblazer, and at the exit ramp itself:
Both signs for the US 70 exit and covered over, for now, for Huffine Mill Road, in the distance.
Going the other way after the US 70 interchange:
A South I-785 reassurance marker (the only one so far). And beyond the I-85/I-40 interchange:
An End I-785 sign prior to the Loop merging with I-85 South.
Looking toward completed I-785 bridge over US 70 looking east prior to existing exit ramp to Greensboro Loop heading south.
A new South I-785 and covered I-840 East trailblazer sit behind the earlier Future I-840/To I-40/85 trailblazers put up at the interchange with US 70 East in 2003.
Looking north from open on-ramp to I-785 South to soon to open ramp to US 70 from Greensboro Loop.
In anticipation of increased traffic once the next segment opens, the open section between I-40/I-85 and US 70 received a new layer of pavement on October 2017.
Looking over concrete barrier on US 70 off-ramp toward new section of I-785/Greensboro Loop to open by Thanksgiving 2017.
Looking across Huffine Mill Rd toward I-785 lanes with exit signage placed in the southbound lanes.
A North I-785 trailblazer covered over prior to opening of the new section of the Greensboro Loop in November 2017 (for uncovered versions, see sign plans above).
Looking south from the Huffine Mill interchange along the nearly complete (except of line painting) lanes of I-785, the on-ramp to I-785 South is to the right, the overhead sign gantry has an empty space for the Cone Blvd exit to be constructed in the future.
Looking north along the unopened lanes toward US 29 showing completed exit signing prior to the southbound off-ramp.
Looking south toward the US 70 interchange showing sign installation is complete, but grading work still in progress.
A zoomed in view looking in the same direction shows exit signing complete for US 70 exit which includes 2-mile advance sign for I-40/I-85 North exit at end of I-785 South.
New signage for I-785 on I-85 North, courtesy of site contributor, Tracy Hamm:
At the Youngs Mill Road exit:
And prior to I-40, the last exit sign at the ramp, seen in the background, had not been replaced at the time of the photograph:
New signage put up by NCDOT on I-85 South/I-40 West in July 2017. Photos by site contributor Strider:
Closer look at Arrow-per-Lane signage by Adam Prince:
Taken on April 15, 2017 by Site contributor Strider:
Taken by the Webmaster on March 30, 2017:
New exit support posts behind existing US 70 exit sign, new exit signs were placed along the route in mid-April 2017.
Traveling along the future exit ramp to US 70 now serving as the end of this segment of the Greensboro Loop heading north.
Looking over the barrier at the US 70 exit you can see the future I-785/I-840 Loop heading north with paving near completion.
Looking at the future I-785/I-840 Southbound Loop lanes you can see support posts being staged for future overhead signs.
View of future I-785/I-840 bridge over creek just south of the US 70 interchange.
Another Future I-840 sign along what will be the ramp from US 70 to the Loop Southbound. Despite new I-785 signs going up (see below), this sign still stands as of April 2017.
Sign for the end of I-785/I-840 as it existed from the opening of the southeastern segment of the route in 2005 (with a space for former Business I-40) until April 2017. Here's what the new signs looks like courtesy of site contributor Strider:
The new signs drop Business 85 which is now only referred to on an auxiliary trailblazer:
A closer look at the overheads seen at the official end of I-785:
Sign assemblies at the US 70 interchange, taken in 2002:
Photos taken at the Future US 29 interchange by Trent Heberling in April 2017:
View taking ramp from Hicone Road showing new bridge over US 29 completed.
Entering US 29 South from new Hicone Road interchange on-ramp about to go under new bridge.
View of future US 29/I-785 interchange showing bridge largely completed and exit ramp areas being graded.
Traffic on US 29 South about to be shifted to new southbound lanes under Future I-785/Greensboro Loop East bridge.
US 29 South traffic heading under Future I-785/Greensboro Loop East Bridge with work starting on westbound bridge.
1. I-785/US 29 to N. Elm Street, Loop Segment Opening Preview - January 20
1. I-785/US 29 to N. Elm Street - December 1, 2022
2. I-785/US 29 to N. Elm Street - October 6, 2022
3. I-785/US 29 to N. Elm Street - August 10, 2022
4. I-785/US 29 to N. Elm Street - March 22, 2022
1. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - Dec. 7, 2021
2. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - Dec. 7, 2021
3. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - October 18, 2021
4. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - October 18, 2021
5. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - August 27, 2021
6. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - August 27, 2021
7. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - April 7, 2021
8. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - April 7, 2021
9. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - January 28, 2021
10. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - January 28, 2021
1. N. Elm Street to Lawndale Drive, just prior to section opening, December 22, 2020
2. I-785/US 29 to Yanceyville Street - December 9, 2020
3. Yanceyville Street to N. Elm Street - December 9, 2020
4. N. Elm Street to Lawndale Drive - December 9, 2020
5. US 29 to Lees Chapel Road - November 5, 2020
6. Yanceyville Street to North Elm Street - November 5, 2020
7. North Elm Street to Lawndale Drive - November 5, 2020
8. Yanceyville Street to North Elm Street - Sept. 3, 2020
9. North Elm Street to Lawndale Drive - Sept. 3, 2020
10. Lake Jeannete Road to Lawndale Drive- August 4, 2020
11. Yanceyville Street to North Elm Street - July 7, 2020
12. North Elm Street to Lawndale Drive - June 5, 2020
13. Yanceyville Street to North Elm Street - May 6, 2020
14. Summary of US 29 interchange construction - 2017-2020
15. Construction from North Elm Street to Lawndale Drive - April 16, 2020
16. Summary of Loop interchange with Battleground Avenue construction, 2017-2020 - April 15, 2020
17. I-785/US 29 interchange west to Summit Avenue - March 22, 2020
18. Lawndale Avenue to North Elm Street - February 14, 2020
19. US 220/Battleground Avenue to Lawndale Drive - February 13, 2020
20. I-840 Construction from I-795/US 29 to Lee's Chapel Road - January 8, 2020
1. US 220/Battleground Avenue Area - August 2019
2. Lawndale Avenue/Cotswold Avenue - August 2019
3. View from I-785 to Lee's Chapel Road - August 2019
4. View from Lee's Chapel Road to Yanceyville Street - August 2019
5. View from Yanceyville Street to North Elm Street - August 2019
6. View from North Elm Street to Lawndale Avenue - August 2019
7. View from Battleground Avenue towards Lawndale Drive - June 2019
8. View Between Lawnsdale Avenue and Cotswold Avenue- June 2019
9. View between North Elm Street and Lake Jeanette Road- June 2019
10. View between North Elm Street and Yanceyville Road- June 2019
11. View from North Church Street to Lawndale Drive- May 2019
12. View of construction of Future I-840 east of Lawndale Drive-April 2019
East of US 220/Battleground Avenue-March 2019
15. Vicinity of Lawndale Drive to Cotswold Avenue-March 2019
1. East of US 220/Battleground Avenue-December 2018
2. Vicinity of Lawndale Drive-December 2018
4. View
over US 220/Battleground Ave and to the east, August 2018
5. View of Lawndale Avenue area construction, August 2018
6. View over US 29 interchange construction at US 29 (Future I-785), August 2018
7. Taken of the I-785/US 29 interchange, April 2018
8. Taken of the Lawndale Drive interchange area, April 2018
Taken of the I-785/US 29 interchange, Jan. 2018
10. Eastern Segment of the Greensboro Loop,
Earlier video of the Battleground Ave interchange
Video of US 29 (Future I-785) North in Rockingham County by Tarheel Travels (Oct. 6, 2022)