New/Future Interstate 42 in NCInterstate 42 Shield from Shields Up!

Jump to Photos for Segment 1 (New 3/22/25)

Jump to Photos for Segment 3 (10/27/24)

Jump to Photos for Segment 7 (9/24/24)

Visit the Future I-42 Exit List (Updated 2/18/25)

First I-42 shield to appear on overhead signage, photo courtesy of John Maultsby, taken August 25:

Image of new overhead sign with I-42 
		  shield over unopened NC 540 Turbine Interchange ramp, by John Maultsby, August 2024

NEW Google Maps Street View image of first I-42 shield seen on the Clayton Bypass, taken in December 2024:

Image of first I-42 shield on the Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, December 

NEW-Go to New March Video of Future and Official I-42 West in Johnston County from Benjamin Wolf

Interstate 42 is a 137 mile planned interstate route from I-40 south of Raleigh to Morehead City mostly along existing US 70. AASHTO gave approval to the number in May 2016, though originally NCDOT asked that the route be designated I-36, after the corridor was granted interstate status under the 2015 Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Highway Act. The first of three completed segments of I-42, the Goldsboro Bypass, is being signed as of September 2024, another, the Clayton Bypass will be signed in early 2025. Here's the corridor map as submitted in its AASHTO application:1

Image of NCDOT I-42 corridor map submitted as part of application to AASHTO in May 2016

This page will summarize the progress in building and signing the route from west to east. While I-42 is now being signed, the projected completion date for the entire route is 2032.2 I've broken the route into 8 segments with a description of the progress of constructing I-42 in each. As of September 2024, 3 Segments are Complete:

Segment 1   (Updated 3/22/25)

US 70 Clayton Bypass

Road Type: Interstate Standard Freeway        Length: 10.0 Miles

Status: Complete

This segment was officially completed in March 2025 when it was fully signed as I-42. The interstate standard US 70 Clayton Bypass from I-40 to US 70 Business got approval to be signed as I-42 from AASHTO at its Fall 2021 meeting, conditioned on FHWA approval. The FHWA granted its approval in March 2022. According to a press release by NCDOT a timeline for the signing of I-42 was to be released later in 2022.3 However, 2022 ended without an announcement. I made an inquiry to NCDOT via their website in early 2023 and got this response about the potential timeline for signing the Clayton Bypass:

"Hi, we are working to include this upcoming signage change with what also will be needed as part of the ongoing I-40 widening from MM 300-312 and NC 540 project that will have a major interchange in this same vicinity. We are looking to finalize that signing contract later this year."4

Following up, I got another response with more details about the possible removal of US 70 from the Bypass:

"This is in reference to your contact us inquiry concerning the routing of US 70 and I-42 in Johnston, Wayne and Lenior Counties. We will begin the process of acquiring resolutions and completing AASHTO applications to gain permission to return US 70 onto it’s original route through Clayton. As with any project, engineering plans are needed for construction including signing modifications. The signing plans are currently in production."5

In October 2023 NCDOT held a public meeting in the Clayton area for a proposal to renumber NC 42 in most of Johnston County to NC 36 to reduce driver confusion.  This, and the removal of US 70 from the Bypass to its former route through Clayton (currently US 70 Business) was to take place before I-42 could be signed. This article indicated this now may be less than a year away, putting it into 2024.6 An April 2024 Johnstonian News article indicated that the signing of I-42, the redesignation of Business 70 and the renumbering of NC 36 was likely in the fall. It indicated the last needed approval by the Johnston County Commission would happen later in the month, noting that NCDOT had already approved the NC 36 plan. The Commission voted to rename the section of current NC 42 from Clayton to the Wake County line from just NC 42 to Veterans Blvd and Business 70 was renamed Clayton Blvd effective February 10, 2025.7 On February 7, NCDOT issued a Press Release stating the changes would begin on February 10 and take 3 months to complete. Here is a map of the proposal, note that only parts of NC 42 would be renumbered, not most of the route further east and west from I-42, and the part of the NC 36 route would use I-42 between the current NC 42 and Ranch Road exits:8
NCDOT map of proposed renumbering of NC 42 to NC 36 in area near Future I-42, February 2022

In its Fall 2023 meeting, the Special Committee on US Route Numbering of AASHTO approved the move of US 70 from the Clayton Bypass back to its original alignment through Clayton.8  Here is the map showing the new (old) route sent as part of the application:

NCDOT map of proposed return of US 70 to its original alignment through Clayton as part of the process to sign I-42, February 2022

Meanwhile, NCDOT announced on June 23, 2022 that the ramp from US 70 to I-40 East would permanently close on July 6 as part of the NC 540 Extension 'Turbine Interchange' project. This may also have something to do with the signing plans for I-42 being delayed as the detour route used NC 42 and might have caused confusion, the ramp was to be re-opened in September 2023, however this was pushed back to December 31 and did not open until the summer of 2024. Despite the new appearance of an I-42 shield on the Clayton Bypass and I-42 shields on I-40 West and at the end of NC 540 (see photos below), a video shot February 18, 2025 still shows US 70 on I-40 East exit signs, as shown also in this December 27 traffic camera image:

NCDOT  traffic image of 2 miles advance sign for still US 70 East exit on I-40 East in 
	  Garner, May 2, 2024

In addition to unchanged signs on I-40 East for I-42, no change has been made either to the NC 42, to be NC 36, exit signs, as seen in this traffic camera image from March 15:

NCDOT traffic camera image of ramp signage at the now officially NC 36 interchange, still
	  with NC 42 signs, March 15, 2024

New I-42 shields started to appear on the Bypass the week of February 18. This included new NC 36 reassurance markers, but only supports for the new exit signs had been put up. Previously on June 21, new signage was placed at the future I-42 interchange ramp with I-40, with US 70 shields. As seen in the photo at the top of this page and below, the signs having recently been changed to include an I-42 shield. This hopefully meant that I-42 would be signed along the Bypass before the ramp is opened, but according to a later NCDOT press release, this was not to happen until the start of 2025. Other signs on NC 540 were updated with I-42 and the exit sign seen below at the future end of I-42 at I-40 which now had an 'Exit 1' tab indicating that new exit numbers would be coming with the I-42 shields. The new signs went up in late February and March Photos of all these signs can be seen in the photo section below.

Image of new I-42 shield on overhead ramp sign along currently unopened section of NC 540 Turbine interchange, by John Maultsby, August 2024

Photo of earlier version of signage put up in June courtesy of jcil4ever on AARoads Forum:

 Image of new signage on Turbine Ramp at I-40/Future I-42/Future NC 540 interchange showing still use of US 70 shields, photo on AARoads Forum by jcil4ever, June 2024

View of the new signage from the open ramp to the Clayton Bypass across I-40:

Image of new I-42 shield on overhead ramp sign along currently unopened 
       section of NC 540 Turbine interchange, by John Maultsby, August 2024

Meanwhile, despite the announcement of I-42 to be signed in early 2025, I-42 shields have now appeared on I-40 West approaching the Clayton Bypass exit, photo courtesy of AARoads Forum member, jcil4ever, taken Sept. 28, the signs headed east remain unchanged as of late October:

Image of 1/2 Mile advance sign for Clayton Bypass with I-42 shield on I-40 West in Garner, by jcil4ever, September 2024

In November a new advance sign was placed for the I-40 exit heading west. This photo and others from this segment are in the Photos section below.

Drive the first 2 segments of I-42 on these videos by Benjamin Wolf (NEW)

Posted March 24, 2025: Heading West

Posted on February 18, 2025: Heading East

Drive this Segment watching two New Videos from RoadwayWiz from Summer 2021:    Eastbound            Westbound

Segment 2    (Updated 3/25/25)

US 70 from End of Clayton Bypass to Beginning of US 70 Goldsboro Bypass (includes Bypass US 70 in Smithfield)

Road Type: 4-lane Divided Roadway with some Freeway Sections    Length: 22.5 Miles

Status: Needs Upgrade to Interstate Status

There are two funded projects and one feasibility study underway to upgrade this section of US 70:

The first is upgrading 5 miles of US 70 to Interstate Standards from US 70 Business to the Neuse River Bridge (W-5600) , NCDOT is replacing the US 70 intersections with Wilson Mills Road and Swift Creek Road with interchanges. Originally the plan was to award the contract in September 2020, however, due to COVID funding issues, the contract letting was postponed until March 2021 and work started on May 12. As of January 15, 2025 the project was listed as 94.5%, actually down .1% from December when it was listed as 94.6% finished.9 Though the delays are relatively small, they have added up so that while notices about the project on the NCDOT DriveNC traffic site indicated that all lane restrictions were to end on September 15, 2024, that was changed as of late October to July 2025.10 The project is building a bridge over Wilson Mills Road while a bridge will carry Swift Creek Road over US 70. The interchange with Swift Creek Road was opened in the spring of 2024. The westbound exit to Wilson's Mills Road was opened in September. The eastbound side, including the new exit ramp, was opened the week of November 10, though no exit signage appeared until late in the year. The total cost for the 2 Wilson Mills interchanges is estimated at $77 million. The project was scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024, the new official completion date was March 14, 2025, though that is now earlier than the date suggested by the traffic site. As of March 22 the project no longer appears on the NCDOT Construction progress Report site, implying it is now complete.

Here's a map of the project area:10

Image of project location map for US 70 upgrade project from end of Clayton to 
	  Neuse River bridge

NCDOT advertised the W-5600 contract on January 16, 2021. Among the sign plans included those for the new exit signs for Swift Creek and Wilson Mills Road, along with the new signs for the Business 70 exit westbound.12 The exit for Swift Creek Road opened in the spring of 2024 (see Section 2 photos below) with the exit number applied to a temporary exit sign.

NCDOT sign plan for 1 1/4 Miles exit for Swift Creek Road on US 70 in Johnston County, January 2021     NCDOT plan for Wilson's Mills Road 1 mile exit sign, January 2021

NCDOT plan for Business US 70 1 Mile advance exit sign on US 70 West in Johnston County, January 2021

Here's are video screen grabs and photos by AARoads Forum contributor Benjamin Wolf (jcil4ever) showing progress completing the Wilson's Mills Road interchange

March 24, 2025

New signage seen in video heading west at the Wilson's Mills Road exit:

Screen grab of new overhed signage on US 70 (Future I-42) West at the Wilson's Mills 
     Road interchange in Johnston County, from video by Benjamin Wolf, March 2025 2024

New overhead signs for both exits at the Wilson's Mills Road exit heading west.

Photos taken September 23, 2024

Views from US 70 West approaching the nearly completed Wilson's Mills Road interchange:

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching soon to open Wilson's Mills 
     Road interchange in Johnston County, by jcil4ever, September 2024

Work continues in the median approaching the future Wilson's Mills Road exit.

Image of line painting occuring along the soon to open Wilson's Mills Road interchange 
     from US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, by jcil4ever, September 2024

Workers applying lane markings on the future westbound roadway over Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of construction on US 70 (Future I-42) West applying finishing touches to Wilson's Mills 
     Road interchange in Johnston County, by jcil4ever, September 2024

A closer look at the work at the future overpass over the Wilson's Mills Road exit, including a new US 70 mile marker.

Image of traffic light at current Wilson's Mills Road intersection with US 70 West in Johnston 
     County, by jcil4ever, September 2024

At the traffic signals at the current US 70 intersection with Wilson's Mills Road. The future on-ramp to I-42/US 70 West is to the left.

September 2

Work has nearly been completed creating the median barrier approaching the bridge over Wilson's Mills Road:

Image of near completion of Wilson's Mills road interchange on US 70 (Future I-42) East, by jcil4ever, September 2024

and that by early September some of the concrete barriers separating traffic from the construction had been removed:

Image of near median barriers removed along on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Johnston
      County work zone, by jcil4ever, September 2024

The second project will upgrade US 70 to Interstate Standards in Princeton Area (R-5829AB) from US 70A to the Goldsboro Bypass as Design Build Projects. Part A to start in 2025, Part B in 2028.*

Here's a map of the project area:13

Image of map of US70 upgrade project in Johnston County by Super 70 Commission

A Feasibility Study (FS-1604A) was published in August 2018 for determining how to upgrade the remaining section between the Neuse River Bridge and Smithfield. It split the segment into 4 sections and compared the cost of simply upgrading shoulders to a complete upgrade to interstate standards of the existing route. The upgrade option was the preferred alternative, though they suggested maybe simply upgrading shoulders could get the route signed as I-42 for Sections 1 and 2, that is from the end of the Clayton Bypass to Creech's Mill Road in Smithfield (includes I-95 interchange) . Here's a Link to the Report. Construction Date TBD. Here's a map of the study area:14

Image of map of NCDOT feasibility study for upgrade of US 70 to I-42 between Neuse River bridge in Johnston County and Goldsboro Bypass in Wayne County, by Super 70 Commission

NEW-The only segment that gets a mention for possible funding in the list of potential 2026-2035 STIP projects is the segment from Turnage Road (SR 1915) to US 301, just to the west of I-95. The estimated cost is $133.1 million, but its statewide priority score is 66.84 out of 100, leaving it out of the final list of projects to be started before 2035 when the draft STIP was released at the end of January 2025.15

There are also several pavement upgrade projects for US 70 in Johnston County which may be part of I-42, depending on what final alignment is chosen, including a project C204333 (TIP No. I-6044) that will, as part of the project, reconstruct US 70 Bypass and other portions of US 70. Here is a map of the project area and 2 of the 4 work zones, work started in August 2019 and was scheduled to be completed in October 2020, the project no longer appeared on NCDOT's Construction Progress Report website as of November 2020:16

Image of sketch map of work project zones for Future I-42 pavement rehabilitation project in Johnston County

Here's the typical section plan showing shoulders varying from 2 to 10 feet. Rumble strips will also be added to Bypass 70 section, the only section that is currently a freeway:17

Image of NCDOT typical section plan for US 70 pavement reconstruction project along Bypass US 70 (Future I-42) in Johnston County

Segment 3   (Updated 12/27/24)

US 70 Goldsboro Bypass and US 70 to NC 903 in LaGrange

Road Type: Interstate Standard Freeway    Length: 21.6 Miles

Status: Complete [I-42 Signage added in September and October 2024]

Here's the First sign heading west onto the Bypass photo taken by Phillip Kessell on September 2.

Here's the first I-42 trailblazer spotted on the Goldsboro Bypass, from a NCDOT traffic camera image, the back of a new I-42 West trailblazer at the NC 581 interchange on September 17, 2024, see the Photo section for Segment 3 for additional photos:

NCDOT traffic camera image of the back of a new West I-42 trailblazer along NC 581 North at Goldsboro Bypass interchange, September 2024

Here's the new End West I-42 sign, courtesy of AARoads Forum's jcil4ever:

Image of newly placed End West I-42 sign at eastern end of Goldsboro Bypass, photo by jcil4ever, September 2024

I-42 first appeared on a Google Map of the Goldsboro Bypass earlier, on April 30, 2024:

Image of Google Map of Goldsboro Bypass with I-42 shields, April 2024

According to Jim Dunlop, a NCDOT sign engineer, an application was sent to AASHTO in the fall of 2021 regarding signing the Goldsboro Bypass as I-42.18 On February 13, 2022 the applications were finally posted on the AASHTO Special Committee on US Route Numbering website.19 The application for the Goldsboro Bypass was approved, along with the Clayton Bypass (Segment 1), pending approval also by the FHWA. Despite a Super 70 Commission Director reporting in his January/February 2019 message that the FHWA has approved signing the Goldsboro Bypass as I-42,20 NCDOT sign engineer Dunlop indicated they had not done so as of the summer of 2021. It was announced again by the Super 70/I-42 Group at a meeting on March 16, 2022. This time NCDOT issued a press release indicating the approval of both the Goldsboro and Clayton Bypasses as I-42.1 The press release indicated a timetable for the placement of I-42 signs would be released later in the year, however 2022 came and went without any further word on the signing of I-42. Nothing happened in 2023 either. An NCDOT spokesman indicated in the summer of 2024 that signage would go up by the end of the year. Is the third year the charm? Apparently, yes. A poster to the AARoads Forum spotted a new I-42 shield on August 30 at the eastern end of the Bypass on the new overhead sign at the US 70 exit (current Exit 370).20 On Friday the (Sept.) 13th it was a lucky day for I-42. NCDOT issued a Press Release that I-42 signing would start on Monday Sept. 16. The signing would take place over several weeks and would involved installing over 80 mile markers, 82 metal signs and overlays of I-42 over US 70 for another 108. As of late October most, if not all reassurance markers had gone up as well as exit signs renumbered and I-42 mile markers had been placed along the Bypass. The press release also indicated signing of the Clayton Bypass as I-42 would take place 'early next year (see Segment 1).21

Unlike for the Clayton Bypass, there was no need for any route changes or renumbering since US 70 was never re-routed, only a Bypass US 70 designated. NCDOT simply sent an application to AASHTO about removing the Bypass designation that was approved at their May 19, 2022 meeting. This approval was confirmed in a January 31, 2023 email I received from NCDOT which specifically stated "Since the portion of what was US 70 Bypass is now approved as an Interstate, there is no need to have a concurrent route following the same pavement. Removal of the US Bypass route allows for simplification of the signs and messaging."5 The email, however, gave no date for when I-42 signs would go up. A check of traffic cameras along the Bypass throughout 2023 and most of 2024 still showed it signed as Bypass US 70:

NCDOT traffic camera image showing Goldsboro Bypass still signed as Bypass US 70 as of March 1, 2024

In the distance you can somewhat make out a Bypass US 70 reassurance marker on the right.

Image of ground mounted exit sign with US 70 milepost number on Goldsboro Bypass, NCDOT March 2024

And traffic camera images from January to August 2024 still showed US 70 mileage exit numbers along the Bypass, including at the I-795 exit:

NCDOT traffic camera image of US 70 milepost exit number along Goldsboro Bypass, August 2024

This changed as of September, here's the same view on December 10:

Traffic camera image of new exit number for I-795 North exit on I-42 East/Goldsboro Bypass, NCDOT December 2024

An updated view of the new exit number, 39A for I-795 North.

Traffic camera image of new East I-42 reassurance marker after NC 581 exit on Goldsboro Bypass, NCDOT, October 2024

And this East I-42 reassurance marker was shown by the camera at the NC 581 exit.

Link to video Driving the Goldsboro Bypass along US 70 Bypass West

Segment 4   (Updated 2/12/25)

Existing US 70 from NC 903 in LaGrange to the to be built Kinston 'Shallow' Bypass and along an upgraded US 70 to Dover

Road Type: Upgrade to Interstate Freeway (part to be built on new location)    Length: 21.1 Miles

Status: Construction was to start in 2020 (US 70 Freeway) and 2027 (Bypass), however due to COVID-19 related budget shortfalls, the projects now do not have an official start date. There was no mention of the project in the Draft 2026-2035 STIP released on January 31, 2025 meaning most likely any project will now not start until after 2035. These projects were listed as 'Not Funded' in the Final 2024-2033 State TIP released on June 6, 2023.23

In June 2022 NCDOT has posted a website for the project that provides a '3D view' of the Kinston Bypass, despite no construction date being announced (see below). You can use the website to take a Virtual Tour of the Bypass.

In April 2018, NCDOT announced 12 possible alternative routes for the Kinston Bypass Project (R-2553) that will run from the end of the US 70 Goldsboro Bypass near LaGrange to the beginning of the US 70 freeway in Dover. Here was a map of the possible alternatives:24

Image of NCDOT map of potential US 70/I-42 Kinston Bypass routes

NCDOT held a public hearing in Kinston on August 31, 2019 allowing the public to weigh in on the possible routings. Many Lenoir County businesses and officials supported the 'Shallow Bypass' or Alternative 1SB which would have the Bypass follow existing US 70 for 14.6 of the 21.1 miles in this segment, the remainder would be on a new 6.5 mile bypass close to the existing US 70 and its businesses. NCDOT selected this as the Preferred Alternative in 2020.

Here's a map of the chosen alternative:

NCDOT diagram of chosen alternative route for US 70 Kinson Bypass in Feb. 2020

The pre-COVID timeline for the project was for right-of-way acquisition to start in 2023, presuming the environmental impact statement was approved in 2021. Construction would then have started in 2027. This has now been changed, the Final EIS is to be released in the winter of 2022, right-of-way acquisition now will start in 2026 with the construction date still to be determined. The western section of the bypass follows current U.S. 70 for approximately 7 miles to just east of NC 148 (C.F. Harvey Parkway). Interchanges would be located at Willie Measley/Jim Sutton roads, Albert Sugg/Barwick Station roads, and NC 148.  A new interchange east of NC 148 would provide access to the new shallow bypass section, which would be parallel existing U.S. 70 to the south for approximately 6.5 miles. Interchanges along the Bypass would be located at NC 11/NC 55, US 258 (South Queen Street), and at NC 58 (Trenton Highway). A new interchange east of Lenoir Community College would connect the shallow bypass back to existing U.S. 70. The bypass would then follow existing U.S. 70 to the end of the project near Dover, upgrading US 70 to a freeway with interchanges at Wyse Fork /Caswell Station Roads and Old U.S. 70 (West Kornegay Street) in Dover.25 Meanwhile, a project that will resurface and upgrade 3.1 miles of the existing US 70 freeway to Interstate Standards from the Bear Creek Bridge at the end of the Goldsboro Bypass to Willie Measley Road east of LaGrange (Project I-6034) was to be let in September 2019, but in July 2019 that was pushed back to March 2020, the project then disappeared from the March 2020 Letting list in February, also a COVID related postponement.

As indicated above, NCDOT released the scores for possible projects to be chosen for the 2026-2035 STIP in May 2024. Several I-42 projects for this segment were on the list. They include the upgrade of US 70 to interstate standards from LaGrange to Albert Suggs Road (SR 1522), Project No. R-2553A at an estimated cost of $140.7 million, and the upgrade of US 70 to interstate standards from Albert Suggs Road to NC 148/C.F. Harvey Parkway, No. R-2553B at a cost of $65.5 million. They also include three projects related to the Kinston Bypass: An upgraded US 70 from NC 148 to the NC 11/55, Project No. R-2553-CA at a cost of $220.3 million, construction of a new freeway from NC 11/55 to US 258, R-2553-CB costing $56.4 million and the remainder of the Bypass from US 258 back to US 70, No. R-2553-CC at a cost of $154.7 million. The Statewide Quantitative Scores for these projects range from 46.97 out of 100 for the eastern section of the Bypass to 64.4 for the western most section near LaGrange. None of these scores are particularly high enough on their own, but it may be that some of the projects, particularly the US 70 upgrades, could be chosen to start in the early 2030s.15

Visit NCDOT's Kinston Bypass Project website.

Segment 5  (Updated 8/2/21)  

US 70 Freeway from Dover to New Bern

Road Type: Freeway        Length: 26.1 Miles

Status: Needed Upgrade to Interstate Status, Complete of as March 2021 [Except for I-42 Signage]

NCDOT awarded a contract in the Spring of 2019 to repave and widen US 70 to interstate standards along the existing freeway between Dover and the Neuse River Bridge in New Bern. Work was completed in the spring of 2021. July 2020 Google Maps Street View images show that all of the US 70 shoulder work has been completed, work is now proceeding on upgrading exit and entrance ramps, the last to be completed were in the New Bern area.

Here's a map of the project location:26

Image of map of US 70 pavement upgrade project in Jones and Craven County, by Super 70 Commission

Signing of the section as I-42 cannot occur until the Kinston Bypass and related construction to the east are completed.

See the completion of shoulder widening in Photos section below.

Segment 6   (Updated 2/6/25)  

US 70 Neuse River Bridge to Havelock Bypass

Road Type: 4-lane Divided Roadway    Length: 13.7 Miles

Status: Needs Upgrade/New Construction to Interstate Freeway

A 2-Part Project: First is from Neuse River Bridge to Thurman Road, (U-5713/R-5777AB, 5.1 Miles). Start of Construction-2019 Completion was originally set for September 2023, however earlier in that year the estimated date was moved to December 2024 (Design/Build Project was awarded in September 2019) and work started on October 22, 2019. As of December 22, 2024, more than five years later, work is just almost 1/2 complete at 48.2%.27 Part of contract that is creating interchange at Thurman Road already under construction along with another interchange with Glen Burnie Road. An NCDOT press release on November 29, 2023 indicated work had been completed on 1 roundabout at the future Grantham Road exit, while another one was near completion. Two-way frontage roads served by roundabouts had been completed and will be used as temporary roadways once work starts on building the interchange. The two direction frontage road design was supported by residents over one-way roads, according to NCDOT engineer Jim Dunlop, because they allowed easier access to current US 70 businesses. The roundabouts were not originally supported, however NCDOT engineers convinced residents they would produce fewer land takings for the project.28 For images of progress from March 2024, see Segment 6 photos. Other work at the north end of the project had not yet begun as of July 2023, however the November press release indicated that similar work is proceeding at different times along the length of the work zone. Work at the four other intersections (Williams Road, Airport Road, Taberna Way, and Thurman Road) continued into 2024. Despite it being less that 1/2 complete at the end of 2024, construction is still scheduled to be complete in July 2025.29

Map of Project Corridor:30

Image of NCDOT map of US 70/Future I-42 upgrade project in Craven County

Second is Thurman Road to Havelock Bypass (R-5777C, 8.6 Miles) including construction of service roads. The Letting date for the contract was delayed in February 2020 from June to November 2020 due to design issues and was then put on hold for 2 years more due to funding issues. The project was let as a Design-Build contract on January 17, 2023, delayed from August 16, 2022. On February 1, 2023 NCDOT posted a press release indicating the $242 million contract had been awarded and that after plans are designed and approved, construction could start in early 2024.31 Construction would then take an additional 4 years, to June 2028, the project is listed as of December 31, 2024 as 17.1% complete, an increase of only 3% in 7 months, obviously progress will have to pick up to meet the 2028 date.32 According to the press release, the interstate standard freeway will have exits at Statley Pine Road, Fisher Avenue and Camp Kiro Road.

There was also a separate project to create the Slocum Gate Interchange along US 70 at Cherry Point MCAS - this was completed in March 2020 but is located east of the future start of the Havelock Bypass.

Visit NCDOT's US 70 Improvements in James City website.

Segment 7   (Updated 2/6/25)  

US 70 Havelock Bypass

Road Type: Unbuilt Freeway        Length: 10.1 Miles

Status: Construction Started on August 30, 2019. Project to be completed by May 2025.

Bypass Location Map:31

Map image of Havelock Bypass in Craven County Transportation Plan of 2023

On August 1, 2019, NCDOT awarded the $167.2 million contract to build the Bypass to Balfour Beatty Infrastructure, Inc. of Wilmington, NC. Work started on August 30, 2019 and as of January 22, 2025 was over 4/5 complete at 85.1% (only a slight increase from 84.8% in October 2024). Work started in February 2023 to tie in the western end of the Bypass to the existing US 70 roadway causing temporary closure of several roads.33 The original completion date was May 13, 2024, though the NCDOT project site was updated in June 2024 to indicate the new opening date is now April 19, 2025.34 This confirms an April 10, 2024 a report on the WCTI website indicated NCDOT had delayed the opening to the spring of 2025 citing delays due to weather.35 The start of work was also delayed by a change in design plans, the original ramps at the northern end of the Bypass had been designed for a 60 MPH speed, instead of the 70 MPH speed for the Bypass and the future freeway from James City. The redesign increased the cost of the project, estimated in early 2024 now as $221.25 million.36 On June 20, 2024 the US 70 East ramp over the future eastern end of the Bypass was opened, the news article that reported it now says the Bypass itself will now not open until the fall of 2025.37 In November the alignment of US 70 East at the western end of the Bypass was put in its final configuration (see January video by Benjamin Wolf in video link).

Visit NCDOT's Havelock Bypass Project Website.

Segment 8 (Updated 7/21/24)

US 70 from end of Havelock Bypass to Morehead City

Road Type: Mostly 4-lane divided        Length: Approx. 11 Miles

Status: Need Upgrade to Interstate Freeway

There is some uncertainty as to the building of the last I-42 segment. There were no projects beyond the Havelock Bypass listed in the 2024-2033 STIP released in June 2023. Some doubt I-42 will make it through the city to the bridge due to the difficulty in constructing an interstate through an urban area. There have been proposals though to create other possible routes around it however. In 2020 Craven County released its Comprehensive Transportation Plan (adopted in 2023).39 It suggested that I-42 use the proposed Northern Carteret Bypass (map below) that would meet US 70 at the eastern end of the Havelock Bypass [see Map in Segment 7] and largely parallel NC 101 to Beaufort, northeast of Morehead City. A feasibility study for the Bypass was published in 1999 with additional alternatives studied in 2009. Despite it being given a STIP number, R-4431, and supported in the Carteret County Comprehensive Traffic Plan in 2013 (a new report is pending), the project has not been funded since being dropped from the 2012-2020 NCDOT STIP due to a low prioritization score.40

Image of map of proposed Northern Carteret Bypass, 2013

A news report by a public radio station in Morehead City in February 2023 indicated that due to the probable difficulty of building an interstate highway through the city of Newport along US 70, the NC 101 corridor could be used, this would take the path of I-42 more to the north east, ending it in Beaufort as well. Morehead City bound traffic could then take US 70 West from the end of the interstate.41 This proposal was discussed in the article by a planner for the East Carolina Council, not by NCDOT, therefore it is unknown whether it is seriously being considered by the state agency. Unless funded, it could not be constructed for at least another 10 years.

In the Quantitative scores for potential 2026-2035 STIP funded projects published in May 2024, both projects were included, meaning NCDOT is now considering the North Carteret Bypass option. The original proposal is described as: Upgrade Existing US 70 from Havelock Bypass (currently under construction) to McCabe Rd outside of Morehead City to interstate standards. The upgrade would bring future Interstate 42 into Carteret County and as close to the Port of Morehead City along the existing route as possible. Portions of the roadway will require service roads to be constructed, particularly through Newport." The project is cataloged as H230309 on the score spreadsheet, but does not have an official project number. The estimated cost is $1.32 Billion(!) and its state mobility score is 57.61. The other entry is described as: "Upgrade portions of US 70 and NC 101 to interstate standards and build new interstate between the two north of Newport in Carteret County." Again there is no official project number, the spreadsheet listing is H230310. It is estimated to cost a slightly cheaper $1.15 Billion, but it has a state mobility score of 71.87, meaning a greater likelihood of being funded.15 Given the cost of either project though it is unlikely to start construction for awhile.

One project that was funded, rebuilding the Newport River Bridge from a 2-lane to 4-lane structure was to start in 2022, however it was then removed from the STIP and did not reappear in the Final 2024-2033 released in June 2023. Map showing the proposed location:37

Image of Super 70 Commission map of location of widened Newport River Bridge, April 2019


Segment 1 (NEW 3/22/25)

Photo of revised signage on US 70 East in Garner approaching I-40, photo by Troy Creasy on March 20, 2025:

Image of newly placed I-42 shield on 1 mile advance sign for I-40 ramps on Business
	  US 70 East in Garner, by Troy Creasy, March 2025

A revised 1 mile advance sign on US 70 East that has replaced East US 70 with To I-42.

Photos taken along the Clayton Bypass headed west by John Maultsby on March 8, 2025:

Image of newly placed NC 36 East 1 1/2 mile advance sign on I-42 West Clayton
	  Bypass, by John Maultsby, March 2025

One of the new advance signs for the now NC 36 East exit on the Clayton Bypass.

Image of newly placed NC 36 West 1 1/2 mile advance sign on I-42 West Clayton
	  Bypass, by John Maultsby, March 2025

The new 1 1/2 mile advance sign for the now NC 36 West/Ranch Road exit on the Clayton Bypass.

Photos taken along the Clayton Bypass headed west by Benjamin Wolf on February 18, 2025:

Image of newly placed I-42 West reassurance marker after US 70 exit on Clayton
	  Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

New West I-42 reassurance marker after US 70 exit.

Image of supports for future NC 36 exit sign and existing Ranch Road sign on
	  the Clayton Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

Supports await new NC 36 East sign on I-42 West.

Image of new West I-42/NC 36 reassurance marker after the current Ranch Road exit on
	  the Clayton Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

The new West I-42/ NC 36 reassurance marker after the current Ranch Road exit.

Image of new West I-42 Mile 7.5 marker prior to the current Ranch Road exit on
	  the Clayton Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

The new West I-42 Mile 7.5 marker near the current Ranch Road exit.

Image of new West I-42 0.5 Mile Marker prior to the I-40 exit at the end of the
	  Clayton Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

The new West I-42 0.5 mile marker, there were still several US 70 mile markers up at the time this was taken.

Image of new End I-42 sign prior to the I-40 exit at the end of the
	  Clayton Bypass, by Benjamin Wolf, February 2025

The new End I-42 sign at the western end of the Clayton Bypass.

Screen grab images from Google Maps Street View taken in December 2024 along I-40 West:

Image of newly placed overhead exit sign for I-42 East/Clayton Bypass on I-40 West 
		Google Maps Street View, December 2024

The Clayton Bypass 1/2 Mile advance sign with a premature I-42 shield

Screen grab images from Google Maps Street View taken in November 2024 along US 70 West:

Image of newly placed 1/2 advance sign for I-40/NC 540 exit on US 70 West, 
		Google Maps Street View, November 2024

The new ground mounted 1/2 mile advance for the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange on still US 70 West, but with an I-42 exit number.

Photo taken by Benjamin Wolf heading west on the Clayton Bypass in November 2024:

Image of newly placed 1 1/4 Miles advance sign for I-40 East/NC 540 West exit at end of Future I-42 West/Clayton Bypass with 
		I-42 milepost exit number, by Benjamin Wolf, November 2024

The new sign for the I-40 East/Toll NC 540 West exit also with the I-42 milepost based exit number seen on the overhead signs at the interchange. The other exits on the Clayton Bypass will have to wait until I-42 is completely signed (see photo below). This will probably happen after Feb. 10, 2025.

Photos taken by AARoads Forum member snowc on NC 540 East on October 18, 2024 showing I-42 related signage:

Image of first sign featuring an I-42 shield on the Turbine interchange 2 Miles advance sign at the NC 50 exit on NC 540 East, photo by snowc, October 2024

The first I-42 shield seen on NC 540/Triangle Expressway East is at the NC 50 exit, the 2 Miles advance sign for the "Turbine Interchange" at I-40.

Image of 1/2 Mile advance overhead sign with a I-42 shield for the Turbine interchange on NC 540 East, 
        photo by snowc, October 2024

The next I-42 shield is on the 1 Mile advance sign approaching the current end of NC 540 East.

EARLIER in 2024:

Photos taken by Seth Purvis on September 28, 2024 along newly opened NC 540/Triangle Expressway approaching I-40/I-42:

Image of 1/4 mile overhead sign for I-40 and I-42 exits from current end of NC 540/Triangle Expressway at 
        the Turbine Interchange, by Seth Purvis, September 2024

First of two overhead signs with I-40 and I-42 shields approaching the current end of NC 540/Triangle Expressway.

Image of overhead sign for I-40 and I-42 exits from current end of NC 540/Triangle Expressway at 
        the Turbine Interchange, by Seth Purvis, September 2024

Overhead signs with I-40 and I-42 shields at ramp for I-40 East. The left sign labeled 'To I-40 West' since it reaches the end of I-42 East first.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-40 and I-42 at split of ramp from end of NC 540/Triangle Expressway at 
        the Turbine Interchange, by Seth Purvis, September 2024

I-42 East pull through sign at ramp heading for I-40 West.

Here's a traffic camera photo taken of the same sign seen in the first photo above:

Traffic camera image of 1/4 mile advance sign for I-40/I-42 turbine interchange at current end of Toll NC 540 East, NCDOT, September 2024

Photo taken by Benjamin Wolf (AARoads member jcil4ever) on September 23, 2024:

Photo of newly installed Exit 1 gore sign at end of I-42 West at I-40 and NC 540 West, by jcil4ever, September 2024

New Exit 1 gore sign for I-40 East/Toll NC 540 West with lanes beyond being striped for September 25 opening of ramp.

New I-42 exit signage taken by David Johnson on 9/2/24 prior to the road's opening:

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-40/I-42 turbine interchange on yet to open section of NC 540 Toll East Triangle Expressway, by David Johnson, September 2024

Recently placed 1 Mile advance sign for the I-40/I-42 "Turbine Interchange" on the soon to open NC 540 East Triangle Expressway.

Image of recently placed 1 mile advance overhead sign for I-40/I-42 turbine interchange on yet to open section of NC 540 Toll East Triangle Expressway, by David Johnson, September 2024

Closer view of the overhead signage. This may be somewhat confusing since NCDOT does not plan to sign I-42 along the Clayton Bypass until early 2025.

And a photo of another new sign at west end of Clayton Bypass showing an I-42 exit number:

Imaeg of new exit number and sign at end of Clayton Bypass at I-40/NC 540 turbine ramp, photo by jcil4ever, September 2024

The reference to NC 540 should have been covered over since the ramp did not open until September 25.


Screen grabs from Buckeye Drones video taken over NC 540 construction in the vicinity of the Future I-42/I-40 Turbine interchange in early July 2024 showing new signs with US 70 shields, that were later replaced with I-42 shields:

Screen grab image from Buckeye Drones video of new overhead signage with I-40 and US 70 shields on Future NC 540 East at NC 50 interchange, July 2024

View looking east at nearly completed NC 50 interchange showing recently installed overhead signage at the bottom. The advance sign for the Future I-42 East/I-40 interchange has I-40 and US 70 shields.

Screen grab image from Buckeye Drones video of new overhead signage with I-40 and US 70 shields on 
       Future NC 540 East at NC 50 interchange, July 2024

The next advance sign for the Future I-42 East/I-40 interchange after the NC 50 exit.

Screen grab image from Buckeye Drones video of new overhead signage with I-40 and US 70 shields on 
       Future NC 540 East at NC 50 interchange, July 2024

The exit sign at the Turbine interchange, plus a look at the complete interchange:

Screen grab image from Buckeye Drones video of the Turbine interchange with I-40 and US 70 shields 
       on Future NC 540 East at NC 50 interchange near completion, July 2024

The ramp from Future I-42 West to I-40 East appears almost complete.

Previous Photos from 5/11/24

Photos taken approaching I-40/Future NC 540 interchange on US 70 West, taken by Adam Prince on May 1, 2024:

Image of gantry for future overhead VMS on US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Support gantry for an overhead VMS not yet installed approaching the I-40 interchange.

Image of lanes on US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Now approaching the I-40 interchange, all previous exit related signage in the area has been removed. The new turbine ramp for US 70 East heading under nearly completed NC 540 related ramp in the distance.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West lanes curving to approach the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange ramps, by Adam Prince, May 2024

New US 70 (Future I-42) West lane approaching the turbine ramps of the I-40/Future NC 540 interchange. I guess any future traffic jams will be brought to you by Johnson Lexus.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West lanes approach future sign gantry at the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange ramps, 
       by Adam Prince, May 2024

The first of two future overhead sign gantries for US 70 (Future I-42) West traffic on the turbine ramps at the I-40/Future NC 540 interchange. Little change seen from last fall, see photos below.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West lanes at second sign gantry on the I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange ramps,
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

At the second of the future overhead signs along the turbine ramps in the I-40/Future NC 540 interchange. Signs for the split of ramps between traffic heading for I-40 West and those continuing around to NC 540 West or I-40 East.

Image of future ramp to I-40 East, NC 540 West from US 70 (Future I-42) West lanes in the 
         I-40/NC 540 turbine interchange ramps, by Adam Prince, May 2024

View of the incomplete future ramp to NC 540 West/Triangle Expressway and I-40 East. The ramp was to open last fall but not much new construction can be seen between image taken last fall (below) and this one in May.


Google Maps Street View images taking the new Turbine Interchange ramp from I-40 East to I-42 East, September 2023:

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The overhead exit sign for the US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp from I-40 East in Garner heading under new bridge built
     as part of NC 540 construction project, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Ramp heading under new bridge built as part of NC 540 Triangle Expressway extension project.

Image of start of new turnbine ramp for US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The start of the new US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp, the old ramp went to the left.

Image of start of new US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp from I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

View from the new ramp heading towards the future ramp to Toll NC 540 West.

Image of overhead ramp sign posts for future split of ramps for US 70 (Future I-42) East and NC 540 West/Triangle Expressway in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Triangle Expressway style supports for the future overhead signs for split of the US 70 (Future I-42) East and Toll NC 540 West. The blocked off lane to the left is the future ramp from I-42 East, still under construction.

Image of future ramp from US 70 (Future I-42) East exit for NC 540 Toll West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The overhead exit sign for the US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner.

Image of ramp for US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner heading towards future NC 540 bridges, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The US 70 (Future I-42) East ramp heading under the bridges for Toll NC 540 still under construction.

Image of future NC Toll NC 540/Triangle Expressway bridges looking back along US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Looking back along the Future I-42 East ramp towards the NC 540 bridges under construction.

Image of future ramp to I-40 East heading to the right from US 70 (Future I-42) East exit from I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The US 70 (Future I-42) East ramp heading past the future turbine ramp to I-40 East.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp approaching new bridges over I-40 in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Now approaching the new bridge over I-40.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit crossing new bridges over I-40 in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Crossing the new bridge over I-40.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp approaching ramp bridge carrying NC 540 traffic to I-40 West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The ramp now approaching the new bridge over the ramp that will carry NC 540 Toll traffic to I-40 West.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East ramp heading under future NC 540 ramp to I-40 West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Heading under the I-40 ramp bridge, traffic from NC 540 will merge in from the left.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp approaching ramp from I-40 West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Now approaching the new ramp from I-40 West to the Clayton Bypass.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East exit ramp from I-40 East merging with ramp from I-40 West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The ramp reduced to 2 lanes after the merge with the I-40 West ramp.

Google Maps Street View images along US 70 West Clayton Bypass and I-40, September 2023

Image of new overhead posts for future signs at new ramps for I-40 East and West in NC 540 Toll/Triangle Expressway in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Recently placed Triangle Expressway overhead sign supports for signs at the future split of I-40 East and West ramps at the end of I-42 West.

Image of future I-42 West ramp to I-40 East under construction over I-40 in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The future I-40 East turbine ramp from I-42 West under construction as seen across from I-40 West.

Image of future I-42 West ramp to I-40 East under construction seen from I-40 West in Garner, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The turbine ramp bridge from I-42 West under construction as seen along I-40 West.

Traffic camera images of new Clayton Bypass signage on I-40, September to October 2023:

NCDOT traffic camera image of new overhead sign for US 70 East Clayton Bypass on I-40 East in Garner, September 2023

It will be simple to change this new 2 Miles advance sign for the Clayton Bypass by replacing the US 70 shield with one for I-42.

NCDOT traffic camera image of new overhead signage on I-40 East at US 70/US 70 Business exit in Garner, October 2023

Changes to the overhead signage at the current US 70 West/US 70 Business East exit ramp will be more complicated. Do they simply remove the East US 70 and East Business 70 references or replace the new signs entirely? Do the put up a 'To I-42' overlay on the pull through sign?

Google Maps Street View images of new signage along I-40 East in June to September 2023:

 Overhead ramp signage for Clayton Bypass along recently widened I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, June 2023

The new overhead exit sign for US 70 East/Clayton Bypass, to be changed to I-42 within the next year.

Advance signage for NC 42 exit along recently widened I-40 East in Garner, Google Maps Street View, June 2023

The new overhead 1 1/4 Miles advance sign for NC 42 within the NC 540 construction zone, NCDOT plans to change the number to NC 36 prior to I-42 being signed.


Google Maps Street View images from May 2023 on US 70 (Future I-42) West:

Image of Detour East I-40 trailblazer next to ramp sign for NC 42 exit on US 70 (Future I-42) West Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

A Detour East I-40 trailblazer stands next to the NC 42 exit sign indicating traffic needs to exit there due to closed ramp at the end of the Bypass.

Image of covered 1 Mile advance sign for I-40 East on US 70 (Future I-42) West Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

A covered 1 Mile advance sign for the I-40 East exit ramp, currently closed due to NC 540/Triangle Expressway construction.

Image of covered 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-40 East exit on US 70 (Future I-42) West Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

The covered over 1/2 Mile advance sign for I-40 East approaching the west end of the Bypass.

Image of future ramp to I-40 West on US 70 (Future I-42) West Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

A new ramp is under construction for access to I-40 West to allow for the building of the NC 540 Triangle Expressway "turbine" interchanges at the western end of the Bypass.

Image of covered over ramp sign for I-40 East exit at end of US 70 (Future I-42) West Clayton Bypass, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

The covered over exit sign for East I-40 at the current ramp to I-40 West (US 70 to be rerouted on current Business 70) at the end of the Bypass.

Earlier Photos

Taken along trip along the Clayton Bypass heading east, and approaching on I-40 East, on October 16, 2022:

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass on I-40 East in widening zone construction area, October 2022

The 1 mile advance sign for the Clayton Bypass (Future I-42 East) exit, this sign would be replaced by an overhead version as part of the I-40 widening project later in the month:

NCDOT traffic camera image showing new overhead signage still showing just US 70 East for Clayton Bypass exit, October 29, 2022

The new sign does not have any room for an additional I-42 shield, calling into question whether the planned signing of the Clayton Bypass as an interstate will happen anytime soon, perhaps by the end of 2023.

Image of gantry for future 1 mile advance sign for US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass on I-40 East in widening zone construction area, October 2022

The gantry for the new 1 mile advance sign in the process of being put up.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass on I-40 East in widening zone construction area, October 2022

The existing sign for the Clayton Bypass (Future I-42 East) exit, this was also replaced by an overhead version later in the month.

Image of view along ramp from I-40 to US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass in widening project and NC 540 construction area, October 2022

Heading up the ramp to the Clayton Bypass (Future I-42 East). Construction in the distance as part of the extension of NC 540/Triangle Expressway toll road which has temporarily removed access from US 70 West to I-40 East.

Image of Future I-42 sign on US 70 East Clayton Bypass, October 2022

The first Future I-42 sign at the beginning of the Clayton Bypass, compare this with photo taken below of same sign in 2017:

Image of Begin Future I-42 sign placed at the beginning of the US 70 Clayton Bypass in late 2016

Notice that both 'Begin' and 'Interstate' have been removed, as well as the word 'Interstate' in the shield itself. Done presumably at the FHWA's request, since only actual interstate routes can have the official shield. Of course, the FHWA has now approved the signing of the Bypass as I-42 and the official shields are to be put up soon.

Image of ground mounted 1 mile advance sign for NC 42 exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass, October 2022

The first exit on Future I-42/US 70 East is for NC 42 in Clayton. What confusion will this cause? Traffic on US 70 West heading for I-40 East must use this exit due to the closure of the ramp at I-40. This may be why the signing of the Bypass as I-42 has been delayed. Perhaps NCDOT thought directing people to follow NC 42 from I-42 to I-40 would cause to many problems. A new ramp will open later this year.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Ranch Road exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass, October 2022

The next exit, 3 miles further east, is for Ranch Road.

Image of overhead ramp sign for Business 70 exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East Clayton Bypass, October 2022

The last is for Business 70, another 3 miles further east.

Heading west on the Bypass in March 2017:

Image of End Future I-42 sign at I-40 exits at end of US 70 West Clayton Bypass in March 2017

The End Future I-42 sign is after the (Entering) Wake County sign at the western end of the US 70 Clayton Bypass. This sign was taken down after work started on the NC 540 Triangle Expressway in 2022.

Segment 2 (NEW 5/10/24)

Photos of Johnston County construction along US 70 West by Adam Prince, taken on May 1, 2024:

Image entering Johnston County construction zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Entering the construction zone on US 70 West after the Neuse River bridge. Work continuing along shoulders approaching intersection with Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of Johnston County construction zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Two-way frontage road alongside US 70 West to the right appears completed, but not entirely open.

Image of construction zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching Wilson's Mills Road, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Closer to Wilson's Mills Road, the former median turn-around has been closed while shoulder work continues.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West traffic approaching left lane closure ahead of future exit ramp to 
        access Wilson's Mills Road intersection, by Adam Prince, May 2024

VMS indicating left lane closure approaching Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West traffic using future exit ramp to 
        access Wilson's Mills Road intersection, by Adam Prince, May 2024

US 70 traffic shifting to future exit ramp to Wilson's Mills Road while Future I-42 bridge construction work continues.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West traffic approaching traffic signals at Wilson's Mills Road 
        intersection, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Approaching Wilson's Mills Road intersection along future I-42 ramps.

Image of future I-42 bridge from US 70 (Future I-42) West at Wilson's Mills Road 
        intersection, by Adam Prince, May 2024

The nearly completed freeway bridge from the Wilson's Mills Road intersection.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West lanes between the Wilson's Mills Road and Swift Creek Road 
        intersections, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Not much in new construction seen after the Wilson's Mills Road intersection heading towards Swift Creek Road.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) West traffic approaching interchange being built at the Swift Creek Road 
        intersection, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Some new shoulder construction is seen rounding the curve before Swift Creek Road.

Image of new exit sign for open interchange on US 70 (Future I-42) West at Swift Creek Road in Wilson's 
        Mills, by Adam Prince, May 2024

Apparently they have opened the new Swift Creek Road exit heading west, the sign appears to be temporary being in the future right shoulder of the freeway.

Image of gore sign for new Swift Creek Road exit on US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

The gore sign for the Swift Creek Road interchange, the eastbound exit not open yet, with US 70 milepost number, it is unknown how long it may be before it gets an I-42 number.

Image of new Swift Creek Road bridge over US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

Closeup of the completed Swift Creek Road bridge, work is apparently still proceeding in the median between here and the Strickland Road intersection.

Image of new VMS sign after Strickland Road on US 70 (Future I-42) West in Clayton, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

The VMS sign after Strickland Road indicating the ramp from US 70 West to I-40 East is still closed on the Clayton Bypass. Has this message been up for nearly a year? US 70 in this location was restricted to 1 lane in each direction.

Image of median construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West between Strickland Road and Business 70 in Clayton, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

Work on the future I-42 median continues between Strickland Road and the start of the Clayton Bypass.

Image of median construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching the Clayton Bypass, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

It appears the 2-lane frontage road along US 70 West approaching the Clayton Bypass is complete.

Image of cross street sign on US 70 (Future I-42) West for Sadisco Road now closed approaching the Clayton Bypass, 
        by Adam Prince, May 2024

The cross traffic sign for Sadisco Road still stands, despite the intersection now being closed right before the start of the Clayton Bypass.


Driving East through Johnston County work zone, photos by David Johnson, 1/19/24:

Image of traffic on US 70 (Future I-42) East at beginning of Johnston County work zone after Business 70 exit, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

View at the start of the US 70 work zone beyond the Business 70 exit at the eastern end of the Clayton Bypass.

Image of traffic on US 70 (Future I-42) at still open Uzzie Industrial Drive in Johnston County work zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

Approaching the still open Uzzie Industrial Drive intersection, completed section of frontage road beyond which is now used for access to the NCDOT maintenance yard.

Image of nearly completed Swift Creek Road bridge on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Johnston County work zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

View of the Swift Creek Road bridge with deck now under construction in Wilson's Mills.

Image of traffic on US 70 (Future I-42) East approaching the future Wilson's Mills Road exit in Johnston
      County construction zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

Approaching the site of the future Wilson Mill's Road exit over completed I-42 East roadbed.

Image of traffic on US 70 East using future exit ramp for Wilson's Mills Road as temporary roadway
      through interchange work zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

US 70 traffic using future Wilson's Mills Road exit ramp to get around I-42 bridge construction.

Image of traffic on US 70 (Future I-42) East at traffic light on temporary roadway at Wilson's Mills
        Road, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

View of the future I-42/US 70 roadway and bridge over Wilson's Mills Road to the left in the interchange construction zone.

Image of US 70 East roadway at current intersection with future Wilson's Mills Road interchange in Johnston 
       County work zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

Closer look along the future Wilson's Mills Road exit ramp at current intersection with traffic lights.

Image of US 70 (Future I-42) East roadway after future Wilson's Mills Road interchange in Johnston 
       County work zone, photo by David Johnson, January 2024

Median construction underway beyond the current intersection with Wilson's Mills Road.

Google Maps Street View images driving US 70 West through Johnston County work zone, September 2023

Image of start of work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West beyond Neuse River bridge in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The start of the work zone westbound is about 1/2 mile west of the Neuse River bridge where the project is supposed to begin, the left intersection with Turnage Road is now permanently closed.

Image of frontage road construction in work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The start of the future frontage road beyond the still open intersection with Bear Farm Road in Wilson's Mills.

Image of the continuation of the frontage road along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The westbound frontage road continues beyond the next intersection.

Image of VMS along US 70 (Future I-42) West for NCDOT facility at soon to be closed intersection in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A westbound portable VMS about the NCDOT facility at the next left. This intersection was later closed in October, access now is by the new frontage road along the eastbound roadway starting from Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of end of frontage road along US 70 (Future I-42) West beyond Bear Farm Road in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The frontage road will stop here at the next intersection with Bear Farm Road, allowing remaining businesses access from local roads.

Image of approaching Wilson's Mills Road interchange work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Portable VMS warning drivers of the approaching traffic signal at Wilson's Mills Road, bridge construction for the interchange on the left.

Image of Wilson's Mills Road interchange bridge work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

US 70 East traffic moves to the right around future I-42 lanes heading for the Wilson's Mills Road bridge.

Image of future I-42 lanes being built along side prior to Wilson's Mills Road intersection on US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A closer view of the future I-42 roadway approaching the future Wilson's Mills Road bridge.

Image of approaching Wilson's Mills Road intersection with I-42 bridge work along US 70 West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Approaching the traffic signal at Wilson's Mills Road, bridge construction continues on the left.

Image of Wilson's Mills Road passing through future bridge abutments in work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A view of Wilson's Mills Road heading through the bridge construction for future I-42.

Image of Wilson's Mills Road interchange work after intersection along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Work on the future I-42 roadbed continues beyond Wilson's Mills Road, the dirt roadbed formally the US 70 East lanes, now on the other side of the bridge construction.

Image of approaching Swift Creek Road interchange work zone along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Now approaching construction related to the future Swift Creek Road interchange around the corner.

Image of future Swift Creek Road interchange under construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Approaching the future on-ramp to Swift Creek Road on US 70 West.

Image of future Swift Creek Road interchange under construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West
      in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Grading of the future on-ramp to Swift Creek Road continues.

Image of median support in place for future Swift Creek Road bridge under construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The bridge support for the future Swift Creek Road bridge is up in the median.

Image of future Swift Creek Road bridge under construction across from US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Looking across the median at the support and bridge construction for Swift Creek Road on US 70 East.

Image of nearly complete interstate standard lanes along US 70 (Future I-42) West after Swift Creek
      Road in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The roadway looks mostly completed to interstate standards after Swift Creek Road.

Image of nearly complete interstate standard lanes along US 70 (Future I-42) West after Swift Creek
      Road in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The nearly completed roadway continues towards the Strickland Road intersection.

Image of cuttent intersection with Strickland Road along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

US 70 approaches the Strickland Road intersection, little construction has taken place here, there will be no interchange here.

Image of permanent VMS sign along US 70 (Future I-42) West after the Strickland Road intersection
      in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The near interstate standard roadway reappears after Strickland Road along with an activated permanent VMS.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West approaching Uzzle Industrial
      Road in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A new frontage road joins the westbound roadway approaching the Uzzle/Uzzle Industrial Road intersection, still open.

Image of still open intersection along US 70 (Future I-42) West at Uzzle Industrial
      Road in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A closer look at the still open intersection with frontage road continuing to the right.

Image of temporary concrete barrier being built along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A temporary barrier has been placed to separate the US 70 West roadway from the frontage road being constructed to the right.

Image of new concrete barrier being built along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

A permanent barrier is also being constructed further west.

Image of new concrete barrier being built along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The permanent barrier ends but the frontage road continues towards the Sadisco Road intersection ahead.

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for current US 70 Business East exit along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

Current 1/2 mile advance sign for US 70 Business East (soon to be plain US 70) near the end of the project work zone.

Image of open median along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Johnston County at the former Sadisco
     Road intersection at the end of the project work zone in Clayton, Google Maps Street View, September 2023

The median opening exists at the Sadisco Road intersection though the entrances have been closed in both directions at the western end of the work zone.

NCDOT Photo of Swift Creek Road bridge construction, October 2023

Image of girders placed for new Swift Creek Road bridge in Johnston County over US 70 (Future I-42), NCDOT, October 2023

Looking north at newly placed girders for the future Swift Creek Road bridge over US 70. Included in press release about the closure of direct access from US 70 to the NCDOT maintenance yard on October 27. Access will now be from one of the new frontage roads built for the upgrade of US 70 to I-42.

Construction Project images from Google Maps Street View taken in April and May 2023:

Business US 70 to Strickland Road

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

Work still under way to grade and pave widened roadway just east of the Business 70 exit at the end of the Clayton Bypass.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

Drainage work still underway along the future east roadway, while grading continues on the westbound lanes.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East approaching Uzzle Industrial Drive in Clayton, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

Work continues approaching Uzzle Industrial Drive.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East at Uzzle Industrial Drive in Clayton, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

View of the East US 70 intersection with Uzzle Industrial Drive, no sign of grade separation work at present.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton after Uzzle Industrial Drive, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

The future I-42 East lanes are partially paved with the rest graded.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton approaching Strickland Road, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

The graded section turns into a future temporary roadway for eastbound traffic to get around bridge construction at Strickland Road.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton at Strickland Road, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

The current intersection with Strickland Road, the highway reduces to 1 lane just before the traffic signals.

Strickland Road to Wilson's Mills Road

Image of one lane traffic in US 70 (Future I-42) East construction zone in Wilson's Mills, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

US 70 East traffic using the future I-42 East shoulder following Strickland Road.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Wilson's Mills, Google Maps Street View, April 2023

Traffic gets shifted on the Future I-42 East roadway to the right lane approaching Swift Creek Road.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills near Swift Creek Road, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

Now looking west on US 70 after Swift Creek Road showing eastbound work underway on the future interchange.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills at Swift Creek Road, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

A pile of dirt is all that is left for the former US 70 West intersection with Swift Creek Road, a detour is now set up. Traffic has not been able to use the intersection since March.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills prior to Swift Creek Road, 
        Google Maps Street View, May 2023

The future exit ramp from US 70 (I-42) West to Swift Creek Road.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) West in Wilson's Mills approaching Swift Creek Road, Google Maps Street View, May 2023

Widening work along US 70 West prior to the future Swift Creek Road exit.

Image of grading of future I-42 West lane along US 70 West in Wilson's Mills, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Construction along US 70 West between Wilson's Mills Road and Swift Creek Road, less work here than both to the east and west.

Image of US 70 to the west of Wilson's Mills Road showing construction of Future I-42 roadway, 
      Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Construction in the median for the future I-42 roadway bridge over Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of construction of future I-42 West bridge over Wilson's Mills Road in US 70 West, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Contractors busy adding fill to future I-42 approach to Wilson's Mills road bridge as seen from US 70 West.

Image of constructing future I-42 bridge over Wilson's Mills Road from US 70 West, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

View of the Wilson's Mills Road bridge structure from the current intersection with US 70.

Wilson's Mills Road to Neuse River Bridge

Image of grading of future I-42 West lane along US 70 West in Wilson's Mills, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Construction in median east of Wilson's Mills Road for future I-42 roadway.

Image of construction of future I-42 West lanes along US 70 West in Smithfield, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Construction work mostly along US 70 West between Wilson's Mills Road and the end of the project at the Neuse River bridge.

Image of grading of future I-42 West lanes along US 70 West in Smithfield, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Closer look of construction along US 70 West at the eastern end of the improvement project.

Image of buildings at Bear Farm Road intersection still standing in future I-42 West roadway along US 70 West in Smithfield, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

These buildings along US 70 West at Bear Farm Road appear to be in the way of the future freeway.

Image of roadway work along US 70 West in Smithfield, Google Maps  Street View, May 2023

Little construction seen heading along US 70 East approaching the Johnston County Correctional Institution and the Neuse River Bridge.

Earlier Photos

Construction Project Photos. Latest taken heading east on October 16, 2022:

Image of start of US 70 improvements construction area on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Clayton, October 2022

Start of the construction zone on US 70 East after the Business 70 exit.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Clayton, October 2022

Concrete barrier separating future I-42 East lanes from current East US 70 traffic.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Clayton, October 2022

Graded future I-42 East lanes continue along US 70 East.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

These future lanes are not as far along.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

More concrete barrier separating future I-42 East lanes from current East US 70 traffic.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Site of future bridge carrying Uzzie Industrial Drive over I-42/US 70.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

More concrete barrier along with a variable Speed Limit sign.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Approaching the intersection at Strickland Road.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 interchange with Strickland Road on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Site of future Strickland Road bridge over I-42/US 70 and start of work on temporary detour roadway.

Image of current new traffic signals at Strickland Road intersection on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Temporary traffic signals, not yet activated, have been set up at Strickland Road for US 70 traffic.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east along US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

The concrete barrier returns after Strickland Road separating less advanced future I-42 East lanes from current US 70 East traffic.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

The barrier continues along US 70 East.

Image of graded new lanes for Future I-42 east on on US 70 East spproaching Wilson Mills Road, October 2022

The construction area along US 70 East widens approaching the future interchange with Swift Creek Road.

Image of construction barrier separating US 70 East traffic from construction of future I-42 East lanes approaching Swift Road in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Some of the landscaping around the future bridge at Swift Creek Road already in place.

Image of US 70 East traffic at Swift Creek Road in construction area for future I-42 East lanes in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Approaching the traffic lights at Swift Creek Road.

Image of completed future I-42 East right lanes and shoulder and guardrail after Swift Creek Road on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Some of the future I-42 lanes, and shoulder and guardrail, are already in place after the Swift Creek Road intersection.

Image of completed future I-42 East shoulder and guardrail after Swift Creek Road on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

The completed shoulder and guardrail for Future I-42 East continuing.

Approaching the traffic lights at Swift Creek Road.

Image of completed future I-42 East shoulder and end of guardrail after Swift Creek Road on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

The guardrail ends approaching Wilson's Mills Road.

Image of Future I-42 East lanes on US 70 East approaching Wilson Mills Road in Wilson Mills, October 2022

More future I-42 lanes in place approaching the site of the Wilson's Mills Road interchange.

Image of completed future I-42 East right lanes and shoulder and guardrail approaching Wilson Mills Road in Wilson Mills, October 2022

A variable Construction Zone Speed Limit sign shows 60 MPH ahead of the Wilson's Mills Road intersection.

Image of completed future I-42 East right lanes and shoulder approaching Wilson Mills Road in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Approaching the current traffic light at the Wilson's Mills Road intersection.

Image of US 70 East at Wilson Mills Road intersection traffic signals in Wilson Mills, October 2022

The traffic signals whose days are numbered at the Wilson's Mills Road intersection.

Image of future I-42 East construction after Wilson Mills Road on US 70 East in Wilson Mills, October 2022

Freshly paved, perhaps future I-42 East lanes after the Wilson's Mills Road intersection.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East including possible frontage road in Smithfield, October 2022

Freshly paved US 70 East lanes are joined by a possible future frontage road heading toward the east end of the construction zone in Smithfield.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East including possible frontage road in Smithfield, October 2022

The future frontage road continues along the US 70 East lanes.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East including possible frontage road in Smithfield, October 2022

Another concrete barrier appears between US 70 lanes and the future frontage road.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East after the Turnage Road intersection in Smithfield, October 2022

The concrete barrier picks up again after the Turnage Road intersection heading further east.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East approaching the Neuse River bridge in Smithfield, October 2022

The barrier ends just before the end of the construction zone in near the Johnston Correctional Institution.

Image of future I-42 East construction along US 70 East near the Smithfield Correctional Institution, October 2022

Approaching the prison entrance at the end of the future I-42 construction zone in Smithfield.

Taken at the Wilson Mills Road intersection by David Johnson on April 17, 2022:

Image of bridge being constructed for future interchange of US 70 (Future I-42) and Wilson Mills Road in Johnston County, photo by David Johnson, April 2022

Bridge being constructed as seen from US 70 West.

Google Maps Street View images taken in September and October 2021:

Image of construction vehicles at site of future interchange at Wilson Mills Road from US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

Heading west toward Wilson Mills Road on US 70, clearing for future interchange underway.

Image of repaved section of US 70 between Wilson Mills Road and Swift Creek Road with cleared area for future intersate standard shoulders, Google Maps Street View, October 2021

The section between Wilson's Mills Road and Swift Creek Road has been repaved, shoulder are not interstate standard yet, but clearing to the right of the shoulder would allow for quick further widening in the future.

Image of current intersection between US 70 and Swift Creek Road showing little construction as of yet, 
        Google Maps Street View, August 2021

The current intersection between US 70 West and Swift Creek Road, little construction can be seen at the other future interchange site.

Sign Photos - Taken October 16, 2022:

Image of ground mounted 3/4 mile advance sign for Buffalo Road exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Smithfield, October 2022

The first advance sign for the Buffalo Road exit on US 70 East after the Neuse River bridge.

Image of ground mounted advance sign for East US 70 to I-95 exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Smithfield, October 2022

The next sign is an advance for the US 70 exit at the beginning of the US 70 Bypass around Smithfield prior to the Buffalo Road exit.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for Buffalo Road exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Smithfield, October 2022

The Buffalo Road exit sign at the beginning of the Bypass Freeway (Future I-42).

Image of overhead ramp sign for US 70 East to I-95 exit on US 70 (Future I-42) East in Smithfield, October 2022

The US 70 East exit overhead at the beginning of the US 70 Bypass (Future I-42) around Smithfield, currently, Future I-42 traffic would have to leave the freeway to access I-95, but this may change.

Image of ground mounted 1/2 mile advance sign for I-95 exits on US 70 East in Smithfield, October 2022

Signage I-42 traffic would currently have to follow to get to I-95 on US 70 East.

Segment 3

Signage along the Bypass started going up the week of September 16 and was mostly completed a month later. Here are screen grabs from a video shot by jcil4ever on October 25 showing the renumbered exits and new I-42 shields:

Image of first I-42 West pull through sign at US 70 exit at beginning of Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, October 2024

The first sign to have an I-42 shield, now with West I-42 reassurance marker behind it, but unchanged exit number for US 70 West exit.

Image of first I-42 West reassurance marker after US 70 exit at beginning of Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, October 2024

The first sign to have an I-42 shield, now with West I-42 reassurance marker behind it, but unchanged exit number for US 70 West exit.

Image of renumbered exit sign for Parkstown Road exit on I-42 West/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever 
       video, October 2024

The exit sign for Parkstown Road with new exit number, though based on the new I-42 mile markers this is actually at mile 48.

Image of renumbered exit sign for US 13 exit on I-42 West/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for US 13 with I-42 mileage, though this is also 1 off from the mile marker which indicated its Mile 45.

Image of renumbered exit sign for US 117 exit on I-42 West/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered signs at the exit for US 117, these, and the rest westbound, match the new mile markers.

Image of renumbered exit sign for I-795 North exit on I-42 West/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for I-795 North, and gore sign in distance, both beyond the Mile 39.5 marker.

Image of renumbered exit sign for NC 381 exit on I-42 West/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for NC 581, the last exit on the Bypass in this direction. Turning around and heading east....

Image of overhead APL ramp sign for US 70 East exit on I-42 East/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The exit sign for US 70 East at the start of I-42 East, apparently the exit number won't be changed here for now.

Image of renumbered exit sign for I-795 South exit on I-42 East/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered exit sign for South I-795 headed east, no overhead sign in this direction.

Image of renumbered exit sign for US 117 exit on I-42 East/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The renumbered sign for US 117, not sharing a gantry in this direction.

Image of renumbered exit sign for US 70 West exit on I-42 East/Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The final renumbered exit sign headed east for US 70 West.

Image of End East I-42 signe at end of Goldsboro Bypass, from jcil4ever video, 
      October 2024

The End East I-42 sign just before merging with the ramp carrying US 70 East.


The back of the first East I-42 reassurance marker appears in this traffic camera image taken September 26:

Image of back of first East I-42 reassurance marker on Goldsboro Bypass, NCDOT, September 2024

The trailblazer at the NC 581 exit had been updated by the beginning of October:

NCDOT traffic camera image of new West I-42 trailblazer approaching the NC 581 ramp to the Goldsboro Bypass, October 2024

NCDOT traffic camera image along NC 581 looking east.

Here are some photos taken by AARoads Forum member jcil4ever in the days since:

Image of I-42 mile marker 42 on the Goldsboro Bypass, by jcil4ever, October 2024

One of the two I-42 Mile 42 markers, this one heading west on the Goldboro Bypass.

Image of newly placed West I-42 reassurance maker next to To I-795 sign on Goldsboro Bypass, by jcil4ever, September 2024

This West I-42 reassurance marker appeared late in September next to the already standing To I-795 sign.

Image of renumbered gore sign with I-42 mileposts for I-795 North exit on Goldsboro Bypass, by jcil4ever, Sept. 2024

Newly renumbered gore sign with I-42 mileage for I-795 North exit, on I-42 West, notice tab on I-795 South exit sign has not been changed.

Image of NC 381 advance sign with new I-42 milepost exit number on Goldsboro Bypass, 
      by jcil4ever, Sept. 2024

Newly renumbered 1/2 mile advance sign with I-42 mileage for NC 581 exit.

Image of renumbered gore sign with I-42 mileposts for Wayne Memorial Drive exit on Goldsboro 
      Bypass, by jcil4ever, Sept. 2024

Overlay with new I-42 mileage number for gore sign for Wayne Memorial Drive exit, numbered 42.

Image of new overhead pull through sign at start of Goldsboro Bypass heading west with new I-42 
         shield, by jcil4ever, September 2024

This sign was put up before any other I-42 signs were placed on the Bypass.

Here are some Google Maps Street View images traveling west along the US 70 Bypass taken in the summer and fall of 2021:

Image of a Future I-42 sign at the start of US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, June 2021

A Future I-42 sign near the start of the Bypass heading west. This sign still remains after the I-42 signage was put up.

Image of the 1 mile advance sign for the   exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, June 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Parktown Road exit, will the exit numbers be changed when I-42 is signed?

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 13 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 13 exit, notice Street View already has this part of the Bypass listed as I-42.

Image of gore sign for US 13 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, June 2021

The gore sign for the US 13 exit off of the Bypass.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for Wayne Memorial Drive exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, October 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the Wayne Memorial Drive exit.

Image of combination auxiliary and services sign for Wayne Memorial Drive exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, October 2021

A combination green auxiliary and blue Hospital Services sign for the Wayne Memorial Drive exit, still on "I-42."

Image of 1 mile advance sign for US 117 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the US 117 exit, behind a Mile 357.5 marker that will be changed when it becomes I-42.

Image of post-interchange distance sign prior to US 117 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

A post-interchange distance sign prior to the US 117 exit, showing the near 20 mile distance US 70 will have to be upgraded between the end of the Goldsboro Bypass and I-95.

Image of overhead signage at ramp for US 117 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, October 2021

The overhead sign for the US 117 exit shares its cantilever support with the 1 mile advance for I-795.

Image of overhead ramp sign for I-795 North exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, November 2021

The overhead exit sign for the I-795 North exit, the first ramp of the soon meeting between 2 interstates.

Image of ground mounted ramp sign for I-795 South exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

The ground mounted exit sign for the I-795 South exit, eventually that interstate to end at I-40.

Image of 1 mile advance sign for NC 581 exit on US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, September 2021

The 1 Mile advance sign for the NC 581 exit.

Image of merge with US 70 West at end of US 70 Bypass West around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, October 2021

The future temporary end of I-42 West at the merge with US 70 West at the end of the Goldsboro Bypass. Heading east...

Image of 1/2 mile advance sign for US 70 East exit at start of US 70 Bypass East around Goldsboro, Google Maps Street View image, August 2021

The 1/2 Mile advance sign for the US 70 East exit at the start of the Future I-42 Goldsboro Bypass.

Segment 5

Images taken in December 2022 by Google Maps Street View cameras (New 3/19/23):

Image of Future I-42 sign on US 70 West at start of interstate grade freeway in New Bern, Google Maps Street View image, December 2022

The Future I-42 sign at the start of the now interstate standard freeway west of New Bern.

Image of Future I-42 sign on US 70 West at start of interstate grade freeway in New Bern, Google Maps Street View image, December 2022

Typical view heading west along US 70 on interstate standard freeway toward Kinston.

(Taken by Adam Prince in July 2021)

Image of Future I-42 sign along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

One of the several Future I-42 signs placed along US 70 at county lines, here crossing into Craven County, to the right of the now interstate standard right shoulder headed east.

Image of newly widened shoulders along US 70 (Future I-42) East in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

View of Interstate standard shoulders now completed along US 70 in Craven County.

Image of ramp sign along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

Exit sign for NC 41 near Cove City, next to now interstate standard right shoulder, currently no exit number.

Image of SR 1224 exit sign along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 (Future I-42) East near Tuscarora, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

The sign for the next exit for SR 1224, besides the interstate standard right shoulder.

Image of Craven Community College exit sign along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 (Future I-42) East in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

The sign for Craven Community College exit, also still without exit number.

Image of US 17 South exit sign with removed Business 70 shield along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 (Future I-42) East in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

The 3/4 mile advance for what will be the last exit sign without a number, Business 70, the blank space for US 17 South.

Image of Clark Road exit sign with exit number along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 (Future I-42) East in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

The exit sign for the Clarks Road exit, with exit number, next to the widened right shoulder of Future I-42 East.

Image of NC 43 exit sign with exit number along newly widened right shoulder of US 70 (Future I-42) East in Craven County, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

The overhead exit sign for the NC 43 exit on US 17 North/US 70 East approaching New Bern.

Image of overhead signage with exit numbers along US 70 (Future I-42) East/US 17 North in New Bern, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

Overhead signage for the East Front Street exit on US 17 North/US 70 East over the water in New Bern.

Image of US 17 South/NC 55 East exit sign with exit number along bridge on US 70 (Future I-42) East in New Bern, photo by Adam Prince, July 2021

Exit signage for US 17, on its way north to eventually becoming part of Future I-87 and NC 55 East, notice that all the exit numbers in the New Bern area currently overlap those listed for the Havelock Bypass (see sign plans below), hopefully this will be corrected before that highway opens.

Want to contribute photos for this site? Feel free to email me at rmalme7374 at

Segment 6 (New 4/16/24)

Images from Google Maps Street View taken during March 2024 showing James City construction along US 70 East:

Image of traffic along US 70 East in James City construction zone, showing little construction progress, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

US 70 traffic sits behind traffic light at western end of James City construction zone, showing little progress at this end of the project.

Image of traffic along US 70 East in James City construction zone at Williams Road, Google 
     Maps Street View, March 2024

Pile of dirt has sat long enough to have grass growing in it at the US 70 intersection with Williams Road.

Image of lack of progress in updating US 70 East in James City construction zone at west end of project, 
     Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Some progress seen along the opposite side of the road at the next traffic light.

Image of traffic along US 70 East approaching Airport Road in James City construction zone, Google 
      Maps Street View, March 2024

Some work seen on the right along the future frontage road approaching the intersection with Airport Road.

Image of frontage road construction progress beyond Airport Road on US 70 (Future I-42) East in
      James City, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

More noticeable frontage road construction seen after the Airport Road intersection and future interchange.

Image of construction along US 70 East in James City project work zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Construction showing more progress approaching future interchange with Grantham Road.

Image of traffic along US 70 East in James City near Grantham Road in improvement project construction 
       zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Frontage road work continues along US 70 East approaching Grantham Road.

Image of future Grantham Road exit ramp construction on US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City, 
       Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Site of the future Grantham Road exit ramp, roundabouts for interchange traffic being constructed further to the right.

More US 70 (Future I-42) East frontage road construction beyond Grantham Road in James City 
       improvement project construction zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Frontage road work continues along US 70 East (Future I-42) after Grantham Road.

Image of shoulder work along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City prior to Taberna Way in 
       improvement project construction zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Work along both sides of US 70 near the eastern end of the project work zone.

Image of frontage road construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City after Taberna Way,
        Google Maps Street View, March 2024

More frontage road construction along US 70 East near Taberna Way.

Image of frontage road construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East near Thurman Road in James City in 
       improvement project construction zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

Work along both sides of US 70 approaching Thurman Road.

Image of construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City at Thurman Road in 
       improvement project construction zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

The US 70 intersection with Thurman Road which is be the last interchange built for the James City project.

Image of frontage road construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City after Thurman Road in 
       improvement project construction zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

While the roadbed has been rebuilt, construction has only recently started on the future frontage road along  US 70 East after Thurman Road.

Image of end of frontage road construction along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City near east end 
       of project work zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

The current end for the frontage road along US 70 East near the eastern end of the project work zone.

Image of End Road Work signs along US 70 (Future I-42) East in James City at eastern end of 
       improvement project work zone, Google Maps Street View, March 2024

The end of the James City project work zone on US 70 East, despite work starting on the design-build contract between here and the Havelock Bypass, no construction was evident in the March Street View images.

Older Photos

Images from Google Maps Street View taken during August 2023 showing James City construction along US 70:

Image of construction zone along US 70 East in James City showing widened shoulders and work closing intersections, Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Paving of both US 70 East (right) and West (left) lanes has occurred along with shoulder widening and the building of an adjacent frontage road.

Image of construction zone along US 70 East in James City showing widened shoulders and work closing intersections, Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Paving of the shoulders has not commenced further east where construction an adjacent frontage road continues at a still open intersection midway through the construction zone. August Street View images at the north end of the project show no progress with upgrading an existing railroad crossing and several signalized intersections.

Earlier Images from Google Maps Street View taken during December 2022 showing James City construction:

Image of widening of shoulder along US 70 West in James City as part of conversion to Future I-42 freeway, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

Widening of the shoulders along US 70 West as part of project converting highway to Interstate standard freeway.

Image of service road construction along US 70 West in James City as part of conversion to Future I-42 freeway, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

One of several service roads being built to serve local businesses currently along US 70 West.

Image of service road construction along US 70 West in James City as part of conversion to Future I-42 freeway, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

Another service road under construction US 70 West further east.

Image of service road construction along US 70 West in James City as part of conversion to Future I-42 freeway, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

One of several areas cleared along US 70 West for drainage work.

Image of construction equipment at end of project zone at Thurman Road intersection with US 70 in James City as part of conversion to Future I-42 freeway, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

Piles of pipes and other construction equipment at the end of the current work zone at Thurman Road.

Segment 7 (New 9/24/24)

Taken by AARoads Forum member jcil4ever, September 2024:

Image of construction progress at the west end of the Havelock Bypass from US 70 East, by jcil4ever, September 2024

View of construction at the western end of the Havelock Bypass.

Image of nearly completed section of the Havelock Bypass, by jcil4ever, September 2024

Section of the Bypass nearing completion looking west from Lake Road Bridge.

Image of new alignment of US 70 East heading towards bridge over Havelock Bypass at its eastern end, by jcil4ever, September 2024

View of new alignment of US 70 East heading towards bridge at the eastern end of the Bypass.

More photos can be found at the original post on the AARoads Forum.


Screen images from Google Maps Street View coverage of US 70 of the future western end of the Havelock Bypass from March 2024 (there are new Street View images along US 70 until NC 101 in Havelock):

Image of partially graded future ramp to Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) east from US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

The first new Street View images indicates probably why opening of the Bypass has been delayed until 2025, the future on-ramp from US 70 East is only partially graded.

Image of graded future ramp to Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) east from US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

A closer look at the future on-ramp from US 70 East to the Bypass.

Image of construction equipment in Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) work zone on US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

Construction equipment along US 70 East in the Bypass construction zone.

Image of partially graded future ramp to Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) East from US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

More on-ramps for the Bypass partially graded as seen from US 70 East.

Image of partially graded future ramp from Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) west to US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

Approaching the future on-ramp to US 70 East from the westbound Bypass.

Image of partially completed future ramp bridge to Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) east from US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

View of a pair of bridges near the end of the Bypass still not complete.

Image of partially graded future ramp from Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) west to US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

A closer look at the approaching merge of the future Bypass west ramp to US 70 East.

Image of merge of future ramp from Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) west to US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

Closeup of the future Bypass ramp merging with US 70 East, also only partially graded.

Image of end of future ramp from Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) west to US 70 East, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

Approaching the end of the Bypass work zone, 1/2 mile from the new exit ramp to the Cherry Point Marine Corps Air Station access road (there apparently is no current plan to tie this access road to the Bypass).

Image of partially completed ramp bridge at the end of the Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) seen from US 70 
        West, Google Maps Street View image, March 2024

Another view of the northern end of the Bypass from US 70 West showing more construction needed.

Older Photos

NCDOT images of Havelock Bypass construction taken during the summer of 2023:

Image of railroad bridge construction over Havelock Bypass, NCDOT image, 2023

Railroad bridge under construction over future Havelock Bypass lanes.

Image of Havelock Bypass lanes approaching US 70 East under construction, NCDOT image, 2023

Future Havelock Bypass lanes initially paved at eastern end of construction zone.

Image of Havelock Bypass lanes from US 70 bridge under construction, NCDOT image, 2023

Future Havelock Bypass lanes as seen from future US 70 East bridge at eastern end of project.

Image of Havelock Bypass bridge under construction from US 70 East, NCDOT image, 2023

View from future Havelock Bypass of US 70 bridges nearly complete.

Images from Google Maps Street View taken during the August 2023 of Havelock Bypass construction along US 70 East:

Image of US 70 East lanes approaching site of future ramp at western end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Work continues in constructing the on-ramp and bridges at the western end of the Havelock Bypass.

Image of US 70 East lanes at site of future western end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Looking back from US 70 towards the ramp bridges being constructed at the western end of the Havelock Bypass.

Image of US 70 East lanes at future site of eastbound ramp under western end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Work continuing on the bridge that will take the Havelock Bypass (Future I-42) lanes over the future alignment of US 70 East.

Image of future US 70 East lanes along side current US 70 East lanes at western end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Looking back at future alignment of US 70 going under the Havelock Bypass on left, current lanes on the right.

Image of future US 70 East lanes merging into current lanes beyond western end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Merging of future US 70 East lanes with current lanes at the end of the western Havelock Bypass construction zone.

At the other end of the Bypass...

Image of future US 70 East lanes meeting the eastern end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Construction of future US 70 East lanes continues at the eastern end of Havelock Bypass.

Image of future US 70 East lanes heading for bridge over the Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Closer view of grading of future US 70 East lanes heading over bridge over future Havelock Bypass lanes.

Image from US 70 East lanes of future lanes that will cross over westbound lanes of the Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Looking back along current US 70 East toward future lanes being graded.

Image of future US 70 East lanes meeting the eastern end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Dirt piles remain along US 70 East approaching the future ramp from the eastern end of Havelock Bypass.

Image of future US 70 East lanes meeting he eastern end of Havelock Bypass (Future I-42), Google Maps Street View, August 2023

Future site where the Havelock Bypass will merge into US 70 East.

Earlier images from Google Maps Street View taken during the December 2022 of Havelock Bypass construction:

Image of future I-42 Havelock Bypass leaving US 70 East in New Bern, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

The start of the Bypass as seen from US 70 East.

Image of future bridge supports as part of I-42 Havelock Bypass seen from US 70 East in New Bern, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

A closer look at the future ramp structure being build as part of the Bypass. Meanwhile, at the other end:

Image of future US 70 East lanes being built over future end of I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

The future US 70 East lanes at the eastern end of the Bypass.

Image of future US 70 East bridge over eastern end of I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

The future US 70 East bridge under construction over the eastern end of the Bypass.

Image of future I-42 Havelock Bypass merging with US 70 East, Google Maps Street View, December 2022

The future merge of the I-42 Bypass with US 70 East.

Earlier Street View images from July 2022:

Image of construction alongside US 70 East for Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

View from US 70 East lanes showing beginning of Havelock Bypass.

Image of construction alongside US 70 East for Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

Trucks and construction vehicles parked at the beginning of Havelock Bypass.

Image of construction alongside US 70 East for Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

View from US 70 East showing future I-42 East Havelock Bypass lanes being constructed.

Image of construction alongside US 70 East for Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

Future I-42 Havelock Bypass roadway paralleling current US 70 East.

Image from US 70 West looking at eastern end of Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

View from US 70 West at the other end of the Havelock Bypass as it will merge back with the original roadway.

Image of construction from US 70 West for Future I-42 Havelock Bypass, Google Maps Street View image, June 2022

Additional Bypass construction seen from US 70 West lanes.


Video taken along US 70 and I-42 heading west in Johnston County,by Benjamin Wolf, March 24, 2025 (NEW)

Video taken in January 2025 by Benjamin Wolf.

Short video at the western end of the Havelock Bypass taken in November 2024 by Benjamin Wolf (jcil4ever on AARoads Forum).

Take a Drive along the Goldsboro Bypass after it was signed as I-42 in October 2024, video by jcil4ever.

Short video at the western end of the Havelock Bypass taken in October 2024 by jcil4ever.

Sign Plans

Exit sign plans for Havelock Bypass (unknown why numbers nearly duplicate existing numbers near New Bern):42

Image of NCDOT sign plan for Business 70 exit on US 70 Havelock Bypass (Future Interstate 42)

Image of NCDOT sign plan for 1/2 mile advance sign for Lake Rd exit on US 70 Havelock Bypass (Future Interstate 42)

Image NCDOT sign plan for Business US 70 East exit on US 70 Havelock Bypass (Future Interstate 42)

Image of NCDOT sign plan for exit ramps signs on US 70 Business for US 70 Havelock Bypass (Future Interstate 42)

Here's an I-42 Shirt advertised on the Internet (no endorsement):

Image of I-42 t-shirt advertised on the internet


*Project funding has been suspended by NCDOT due to agency's budget issues. NCDOT is working with state legislature to find alternative sources of revenue. It is unknown when, or if, construction will be started on this project.

1. NCDOT. Future I-36 Corridor Map. Downloaded from:, July 8.

2. WITN. 2020. "Work underway for I-42 from Morehead City to Raleigh."  Downloaded from:, Feb. 6.

3. NCDOT. 2022. "Interstate 42 Coming to Eastern N.C. Corridor." Press Release. March 16. Downloaded from:, March 16.

4. NCDOT. 2023. Response to personal inquiry as to timeline for I-42 signing, January 10.

5. NCDOT. 2023. Response from Renee B. Roach, PE, CPM, State Signing and Delineation Engineer, Mobility and Safety Division, Signing and Delineation Unit to inquiry to NCDOT regarding the signing of I-42, January 31.

6. Stradling, Richard. 2023. Will ’40/42’ be a thing of the past? NCDOT plans to rename NC 42 in Johnston County. July 21. Downloaded from:, July 23, 2023.

7. Bolejack, Scott. 2024. "Roads will get new numbers — names too." Johnstonian News. April 4. Downloaded from:, May 18.

8. AASHTO. 2023. Special Committee on US Route Numbering. Fall Meeting Report to the Council on Highways and Streets, p. 3.  Downloaded from:, Dec. 4, 2023.

9. NCDOT. 2024. Construction Progress Report, Contract C204359, TIP No. W-5600. Information as of November 22. Downloaded from:, December 27, 2024.

10. Bolejack, Scott. 2020. Change Coming Soon to US 70. Johnstonian News. March 2. Downloaded from:,202776, March 7.

11. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 4. April, p. 2. Downloaded from:, July 10.

12. NCDOT. 2021. Signing Plans, Part 2. Contract C204359. January 16. Downloaded from:, Jan. 23, 2021.

13. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 4. April, p. 4. Downloaded from:, July 10.

14. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 4. April, p. 6. Downloaded from:, July 10.

15. NCDOT. 2024. P7 Quantitative Scores for All 2026-2035 STIP projects. Downloaded from:, May 29.

16. NCDOT. Construction Plans. Contract C204333. Location: US 70 (Future I-42) from SR 1003 (Buffalo Road) to Wayne County Line, pp. 2 and 5. Downloaded from:, August.

17. US 70 Corridor Commission. 2019. Director's Update. January/February, p. 4. Downloaded from:, July 10.

18. Dunlop, Jim. 2021. Posting on AARoads Forum, Southeast Region, October 8. Downloaded from:, October 9.

19. AASHTO. 2022. Special Committee on US Route Numbering, 2021 Fall Meeting Final Report, p. 3/5. Downloaded from:, Feb. 14, 2022.

20. Nerdom. 2024. Post #1251 on Interstate 42 (E) thread on AARoads Forum, Southeast Region. Downloaded from:, August 31, 2024.

21. NCDOT. 2024. "Interstate 42 Coming to the U.S. 70 ‘Goldsboro’ Bypass." Press Release. September 13. Downloaded from:, Sept. 13, 2024.

22. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 2. April, p. 6. Downloaded from:, July 10.

23. NCDOT 2023. State Transportation Improvement Program, Final, June 2023. June 6. Division 2, p. 15. Downloaded from:, June 7.

24. NCDOT. 2020. "Route Selected for Future Kinston Bypass." Press Release. February 20. Downloaded from:, February 20.

25. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 2. April, p. 7. Downloaded from:, July 10.

26. NCDOT. 2019. Five Miles of Craven County Highway to be Upgraded. Press Release. September 25. Downloaded from:, September 27.

27. NCDOT. 2024. Construction Progress Report, Contract No. C 204225, TIP Nos. R-5777A, R-5777B, U-5713. Information as of November 22. Downloaded from:, December 27, 2024.

28. NCDOT. "Update for Construction on U.S. 70 Improvements in James City." Press Release. Nov. 29. Downloaded from:, Dec. 6, 2023.

29. JDunlop. 2024. Comment to I-42 Thread in AARoads Forum, April 22, 2024. Downloaded from: #msg2920472, April 22, 2024.

30. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 2. April, p. 9. Downloaded from:, July 10.

31. NCDOT. 2023. "More of U.S. 70 in Craven County Will Be Upgraded." Press Release. February 1. Downloaded from:, Feb. 1, 2023.

32. NCDOT. 2024. Construction Project Report, Contract No. C 204695, TIP No. R-5777C.  Information as of November 22. Downloaded from:, December 27, 2024.

33. Craven County. 2023. Craven County Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Highway Map, Inset B, p. 10. Downloaded from:, February 1, 2024.

34. NCDOT. 2024. Construction Project Report, Contract No. C 204177, TIP No. R-1015.  Information as of November 30. Downloaded from:, December 27, 2024.

35. 2024. "Havelock bypass construction delayed, city remains optimistic for spring 2025 opening." April 10. Downloaded from:, April 15, 2024.

36. Olson, Eric. 2024. "Portion of North Carolina's I-42 Reaches Last Year of Work." Construction Equipment Guide, Southeast Edition. January 8. Downloaded from:, December 27, 2024.

37. Valentin, Caramia. 2024. "Overpass opens for traffic in Havelock, as part of new Havelock Bypass." June 21. Downloaded from:, June 22, 2024.

38. NCDOT. 2023. "U.S. 70 in Craven County Requires Temporary Lane Closures." Press Release. February 17. Downloaded from:, Feb. 19, 2023.

39. NCDOT. 2019. NC Board of Transportation, US 70 Work Group, US 70 Corridor Workshop, Division 2. April, p. 19. Downloaded from:, July 10.

40. Craven County. 2020. Craven County Comprehensive Transportation Plan. p. 2-12. Downloaded from:, Jan. 4, 2024.

41. Carteret County. 2014. Carteret County Comprehensive Transportation Plan, Sept., p. 2-21. Downloaded from:, Jan. 4, 2024.

42. Shaffer, Ryan. 2023. "What's next for the Hwy-70 upgrades in Craven, Carteret Counties?" News report for Public Radio of Eastern North Carolina. February 24. Downloaded from:, July 23, 2023.

43. Plans from: Signing Plan, Craven and Carteret Counties, Location: US 70 Havelock Bypass from South of Carteret/Craven County Line to South of SR 1176 (Carolina Pines Blvd.), NCDOT TIP R-1015, November 20, 2018. Available at:

Site created: July 10, 2019

Site Updated: February 1, 2025

(c) Robert H. Malme 2025

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