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Where: Winston-Salem Northern Beltway, Eastern Half; US 52 near NC 65 near Stanleyville to I-74 east of Winston-Salem, Forsyth CountyLength: 17.1 Miles***Needed: Construct New Freeway (Partially completed)Work Started: December 10, 2014First section, US 421 to US 158 opened Sept. 5, 2020Second section, US 158 to US 311 opened Dec. 23, 2020Third section, US 311 to NC 66 opened Nov. 7, 2022Fourth Section: NC 66 to US 52, opened Nov. 19, 2023Completion of Rest: Scheduled for November 2026Opened sections of route temporarily signed as
I-74 is to leave US 52 near NC 65 and be routed on the eastern half of the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway to US 311. The Winston-Salem Northern Beltway is a planned 34 mile arc freeway from US 158 southwest of the city to US 311 in the southeast. The Eastern Half is to run from US 52 to US 311. Though US 52 through Winston-Salem is a freeway, it is substandard and NCDOT from the beginning of I-74 planning apparently felt that routing through traffic away from Winston-Salem was a better option than upgrading US 52 through downtown. (Though in recent years they have completed projects to upgrade the highway and remove problem interchanges, and, they plan for US 52, if completely upgraded, to serve as an extension of I-285*).1
Though long-planned and constantly postponed, due to either litigation, or the lack of funding, the first segment of the Beltway started construction in December 2014. Both the pressing of NCDOT by local officials and the, not coincidental, recalculation of the new transportation funding mechanism announced by NCDOT in 2013, caused the Beltway project not only to jump from last place in the state Loop construction list, but to be placed on the Urban Loop Acceleration Plan list. Thus a project that only a couple years ago was projected not to start until the mid 2020's, has received enough funding, made possible by Grant Anticipation Revenue, or GARVEE, bonds, which allow NCDOT to borrow against future federal funding, to at least build the first couple segments, the first from Business 40/US 421 to US 158 was let in October, and awarded in early November 2014 to Dragados USA Inc of NYC for $153,999,950.2 The starting date of the project was December 10, 2014. The completion date has moved over the length of construction.3 A NCDOT Press Release from April 17, 2019 indicated it could open by the end of that year, it didn't, a map detailing new exit numbers for the US 421/Salem Parkway issued by NCDOT in January 2020 indicated the completion date was Spring 2020, then NCDOT said that it will open by August.4 Lanes were closed on the Salem Parkway/US 421 starting in late April to allow final paving of the ramps between the Beltway and US 421, and periodic closings continued into early September, suggesting opening was near. The segment was finally opened on the morning of September 55 (See photos section). (Drive on the new segment with this video). Jumping the gun a bit, the NCDOT traffic map, by Bing, added the first segment of the Beltway, despite it not being open yet, to its North Carolina map the third week of April:
Work started on a second segment from US 158 to US 311 on January 19, 2018. NCDOT stopped posting information on the contract in November 2020, implying it would be open soon. NCDOT announced the roadway would open on December 23, 2020, six months early, since the official completion date was in 2021. The route ended up opening on December 27.6,7 (Check out this video of a drive on the newly completed roadway.) On April 5, 2018, NCDOT announced it had awarded the contract to build segments D, E and F to Flatiron Constructors, Inc. for $120 million, this extended the Beltway from US 311 to NC 66/University Parkway. Design work started on April 30, 2018 and construction in April 2019. This section opened to traffic on November 7, 2022.8 This despite a news report in early 2022 that it was more likely to open closer to the end of the year.9 It will take a little longer to complete this part of the Beltway the final mile to US 52. A Design-Build contract to connect the Beltway at NC 66 to a new interchange with US 52 (Contract C204137) was awarded in October 2018, and as of the latest update at the end of September 2024 was 94.7% complete (up only slightly in 7 months from a listing of 93.1% complete in January), work was originally supposed to be completed more than a year earlier in September 2022. In late March 2022, however, the completion date was moved to July 2, 2023, this didn't change until February 2024 when it was moved to, still a little late, August 29, 2023 (perhaps meant to say 2024? Apparently not, as of October 2024 it is listed as September 13, 2023).4 News reports at the time of the completion to NC 66 indicated the opening of this section was to occur some time in late Summer 2023. In early July a Winston-Salem Journal article stated the planned opening date now was to be around Thanksgiving.10 NCDOT announced in a press release in mid-November that the initial opening of the interchange, the connections between the Beltway and US 52 North and US 52 South and the Beltway would occur on November 18, after lane closures along the intersecting routes starting the day before.11 Only 1 lane in each direction was opened first, with both directions of US 52 using the future I-74 West lanes, with openings of additional lanes and other ramps within the interchange occurring in stages into 2024, the most recent the ramp to the Beltway east from US 52 in mid-December.12 Work continued through the summer and fall of 2024. NCDOT announced lane closures the week of September 22 to 29 along NC 74 East beyond the split from US 52 South for final paving of the permanent eastbound lanes. The same press release indicated that the final alignment of the roadway would open after a complete closure of NC 74 East on September 25. It was assumed permanent signage will be installed at the same time or soon after, but a video taken on October 7 (see link below) showed only supports being stored for overhead signs at the Westinghouse Road exit.13 Signage was finally put up in November and as of January 2025 (see photos below) and the project was removed from NCDOT's Construction Progress Report site in January 2025, implying the project was complete. Preliminary work on the US 52 interchange (Contract C203840), modifying the exit ramp with NC 65 and building a wider NC 65 bridge to accommodate future ramps between US 52 and the Beltway started in January 2017, which also included preliminary work on the western section interchange with US 421, and was finished in October 2019, (see photos of construction below). Here's the latest NCDOT map of the completed Beltway route, from November 2022:
The next segment to be constructed is at the other end of the Beltway, from I-40 to the US 421/Salem Parkway (Former Business 40), which was to be started in October 2020, but which was not let until December 2021. Work started on this project on April 4, 2022 and nearly 3 years later on February 15, 2025 was over 2/3 (68.5%) complete. Work was to be completed by the end of April 2027, that has now been delayed a week to May 7.14 The last segment of the Eastern beltway, between I-74 (former US 311, still referred to as that in contract documents) and I-40, first delayed in September 2019 from late 2020 until March 2021, was let in October 2022 with work starting on December 1, 2022 and more than 2 years later, as of February 22, 2025 was 2/3 (66.7%) finished, though the completion date was moved back in August 2023, by 2 days, from March 30 to April 1, 2027 and then in January 2025 another 5 weeks to May 7, 2027.15 Though this project is scheduled to be completed a month earlier than the US 421 to I-40 section, it is to be opened at the same time.14 As a result of the delays, the eastern section will now not be completed until at least late 2026. An NCDOT spokesman in June 2024 indicated the project was more than half complete and ahead of schedule, indicating the completion date was 2026.17 Meanwhile, NCDOT's budget problems caused them to postpone work on the western section of the Beltway to at least 2033. For a more detailed discussion of these projects, see the Project History section, below. Here's an NCDOT maps of how the Beltway stands as of January 2022, as published in the Winston-Salem Journal:9
Here's an earlier map of the Beltway Project by NCDOT showing the construction segments as of August 2017 with then dates of both Eastern and Western Beltway construction:
New NC 74 exit sign on US 421 North
featuring Wytheville as the control city.
The new NC 74 2 Miles advance sign
on US 421 South with a blank space for the eastbound control city of High Point.
The new NC 74 1 Mile advance
sign with the blank for the future control city.
New NC 74 1/2 Mile advance sign
on US 421 North next to supports for future sign for NC 74 East.
The new NC 74 West exit sign
on US 421 North next to the 2 Miles (or is it 3?) advance for the South Main Street, Kernersville exit.
Newly placed 3/4 Mile advance
sign for the NC 66/University Parkway exit on the now completed 3-lane
section of the eastbound Beltway, video shot in the rain, unfortunately.
The backs of more new signs at
the NC 66/University Parkway exit headed west, it appears part of the
exit sign is covered over since the ramp to US 52 South is still not
open. The yet to open ramp from US 52 North can be seen merging on the
The recently placed 1/4 Mile
advance sign for the NC 66/University Parkway exit.
Pair of new signs including a 1
1/4 Miles advance sign for the NC 8 exit approaching the ramp for NC
66/University Parkway.
Passing the NC 66/University
Parkway exit on the eastbound Beltway, there still is no advance sign
for the To NC 65/Future US 52 South exit at the ramp to NC 66 on NC 74
West. Perhaps waiting until the entire ramp is opened.
Screen grabs about WFMY News story on I-40/I-74 interchange construction, November 22:
Aerial view looking south from
I-40 over the under construction flyover ramps from I-40 to the Beltway
(on the right) traveling under the future I-74 East ramp to I-40 East,
with Beltway lanes in the middle and the ramp from I-74 West to I-40
East on the left.
Aerial view looking north at the
flyover ramps at the I-40 interchange with shield graphics added showing
the locations of I-40 and I-74 and the future direction of travel on the
Latest Traffic camera view from Hanes Mill Road on US 52 North showing installation of overhead signage for the Beltway exit has started:
new overhead is before the Ziglar Road bridge, there is also, mostly
hidden, a new sign beyond the bridge on US 52 South.
Screen grabs from video taken driving US 52 South to NC 74 East by Benjamin Wolf (jcil4ever on AARoads Forum) on October 16, 2024:
Driving onto the start of the new
alignment for the NC 74 East /Beltway lanes at the split with US 52
At the time there the video was
shot there was only 1 lane open along the new NC 74 East /Beltway lanes.
Driving under the NC 65 bridge on
the new NC 74 East /Beltway lanes.
A temporary No Left Turn sign as
the new alignment for the NC 74 East /Beltway lanes approaches the US 52
North bridge.
Driving further along the NC 74
East /Beltway lanes now approaching the future ramp to US 52 South still
under construction.
Approaching the future western
Beltway section bridge, still restricted to 1 lane heading east.
The space between the NC 74 East
/Beltway lanes and the future ramp from US 52 North is being used to
store overhead sign supports.
Travelling over the completed NC
74 East bridge over Grassy Creek.
A work crew completing the median
at the former site of the crossover of the NC 74 East /Beltway lanes
from the now west lanes.
A new Ramp advisory speed sign
before the still not permanently signed exit to NC 65/University
Screen grabs from video taken driving the I-74 corridor by Big Rig Travels on October 7, 2024:
A. Driving I-74 West through the Beltway interchange construction area:
the work zone on I-74 West after Union Cross Road. The noise wall along
I-74 East appears to be completed.
the site of the future interchange where I-74 West traffic will head off
to the right.
is proceeding on constructing the support structure for the future I-74
West Beltway ramp.
the site of the future flyover ramp to the Beltway headed west.
Heading under the future flyover
ramp to I-74 West with partially completed bridge deck.
in the median after the site of the future eastbound flyover ramp.
of future ramp from the Beltway to current I-74 West, future NC 192.
B. Driving US 52 North through the Beltway interchange area:
View along US 52 North showing no
sign of paving yet on future exit ramp to the NC 74 Beltway heading
US 52 North lanes are also still
restricted in the future NC 74 East ramp area by temporary barriers
while a permanent median barrier is being constructed.
Meanwhile paving and other work has continued on the future US 52 North
ramp to the western section of the Beltway which won't be built for a
few years.
View looking towards the current
NC 74 West merge and to the left the completed NC 74 East lanes heading
under the US 52 North bridge with the incomplete west lanes to the
Another view from the US 52 North bridge approaching end of NC 74 West
ramp with closer view of opened EB and under construction WB Beltway
US 52 North traffic separated
from future I-74 West lanes approaching on-ramp from NC 65 at northern
end of Beltway interchange.
Screen grabs from drive along I-40 West through the Beltway construction zone in Tar Heel Dashcam video from early October 2024:
Recently placed, and to be
covered up until 2026, advance sign for future I-74/ Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway exit at ramp to Union Cross Road on I-40 West.
Completed section of noise wall
after Union Cross Road exit on I-40 West, matching previously placed
wall along the eastbound lanes.
wall still under construction along future ramp to I-74/ Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway from I-40 West.
ramp construction continues at site of future I-74/ Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway exit on I-40 West. Hard to tell from the photo, but
traffic has been moved to new I-40 East lanes that go under the ramp.
Empty former I-40 East lanes seen
after site of future I-74/ Winston-Salem Northern Beltway exit along
I-40 West.
New NCDOT traffic camera view of southern end of US 52/Beltway interchange, October 2024:
camera images taken October 13 showing realignment and widening of US 52
South approaching the Ziglar Road bridge, and that the ramp from US 52
North to the Beltway East is still not open.
Screen grabs from Google Maps Street View coverage of US 52 North approaching the Beltway interchange, September 2024:
From US 52 South:
The ramp for the NC 65 exit, now
separated from NC 74 Beltway traffic, with temporary gore sign
surrounded by traffic barrels.
Approaching the NC 65 bridge,
unopened NC 74 Beltway permanent lanes to the left.
Approaching the ramp from the NC
65 exit, the temporary barriers on the left were removed the weekend of
October 26-27 and the US 52 South lanes repaved.
The end of the temporary barrier
can be seen ahead, NC 74 East traffic still using the future westbound
lanes to the left.
Views from the NC 65 bridge:
Looking north at the permanent NC
74 East lanes ready to open and traffic continuing on the future
westbound lanes with traffic from NC 74 West using the US 52 North
lanes. NC 74 East traffic was moved onto the permanent lanes in early
Now looking south, the permanent
NC 74 East lanes ready to open on the right with traffic from NC 74 West
using the US 52 North lanes on the left.
concrete roadway awaiting opening of ramp to I-74 Beltway ramp.
closer to the future I-74/Beltway ramp. A guardrail has been installed.
concrete roadway ends at the future ramp.
along the paved ramp toward the split of ramps for each direction of the
I-74 Beltway.
concrete roadway along side in progress landscaping approaching the
start of the future I-40 East lanes.
Part of the concrete roadway
awaiting completion to tie into the current I-40 East lanes. Traffic was
shifted onto the new lanes later in the summer, see October photos.
NCDOT traffic camera on US 421 South from October 2, 2024 showing no change yet in signage for NC 74 East, only listing US 311, even after all ramps were opened to and from US 52 in late September:
NCDOT Traffic Camera on US 52 from September 23, 2024 shows new traffic pattern northbound under Ziglar Road bridge near Beltway interchange, but there is no change southbound and the ramp from US 52 North to NC 74 East appears to be still under construction:
construction zone on I-40 East showing start of concrete roadbed for
future third lane.
An overhead advance sign for the
Beltway exit has already been put up and covered over waiting for the
interchange to open in 2026.
added concrete right lane prior to the Beltway exit appears almost
foundation for another overhead sign awaits its gantry prior to the
future Beltway exit.
future off-ramp to the Beltway, notice at least one covered up sign has
been placed at the future split of east and west lanes.
Concrete being placed on future
I-40 East lanes as they diverge from current alignment after future
Beltway exit ramp.
The future I-40 East lanes
continue towards the site of flyover ramp construction for the Beltway
A closer view of one of the
Beltway to I-40 flyover ramps stopping just short of the future I-40
East lanes.
Looking the other direction at
the future flyover ramp from the current I-40 East lanes.
of the overhead ramps crossing the lanes of another as seen across the
future I-40 East lanes.
Steel support beams from one of
the flyover ramps approaching the current I-40 East lanes.
View of the same ramp from the
other direction.
Another covered up overhead
advance sign, this one for the Union Cross Road exit at the future merge
site from the ramp from I-74 East to I-40 East.
Street View captured a steel
girder being placed on supports for one of the future flyover ramps over
I-40 East.
Construction vehicle traveling
along future I-40 East lanes between on-ramps in the Beltway interchange
work zone, meanwhile closed bridge still over I-40 West lanes.
Not all concrete had been placed
along future I-40 East approaching the ramp from I-74 West.
Approaching the completed noise
wall along the future ramp from I-74 West, construction vehicles on the
future I-40 East lanes.
Completed noise wall approaching
future 3-lane I-40 East roadway at I-74 West ramp still under
It appears some work is still
ongoing along the future I-40 East right lane approaching the Union
Cross Road exit.
While the I-40 East noise wall is
complete, work is still proceeding for the wall along I-40 West.
The new exit sign for the Union
Cross Road exit, this one doesn't have to be covered up.
Screen grabs of Google Maps Street View camera traveling along I-74 East through the Beltway interchange construction zone in April 2024:
from I-74 East after the Ridgewood Road exit of the Beltway interchange
project work zone.
the work zone for the future exit ramp for I-74 West/ Beltway.
the future exit ramp to the Beltway/ I-74 West.
I-74 East lanes shifting over to the left to accommodate bridge and
future Beltway interchange work.
for the Beltway interchange ramp bridge have been placed over the future
eastbound lanes.
closer look at the installed road deck for the future ramp over the
eastbound roadway.
across I-74 West at bridge abutment construction for the other side of
the Beltway west interchange ramp bridge.
from I-74 East after the future ramp to the westbound Beltway as lanes
start to shift back to the right.
across I-74 West again at construction work zone for future ramps to and
from the Beltway.
continuing along I-74 East after the future Beltway interchange site.
The 3/4 Mile advance sign for
Union Cross Road standing in the future right lane of I-74 East.
for future noise wall along I-74 East sit alongside the widened roadway.
along I-74 East the noise wall supports have been placed.
a completed section of noise wall approaching Union Cross Road.
noise wall supports stored near the end of the Beltway interchange
work zone at Union Cross Road.
Images of construction along NC 74 West along the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway/Future I-74 and at the US 52 interchange, taken from Google Maps Street View camera from April 2024:
signage for NC 74 West/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway on US 421/Salem
Parkway have still not been updated to reflect the extension to US 52
North in November 2023. [Still true in August 2024]
signage at the NC 66 also has still not been updated to reflect the
extension to US 52.
beyond the NC 66 exit is still restricted to 1 lane 6 month after the
road opened to US 52.
74 West at ramp from NC 66/University Parkway approaching the Parkway
The view towards US 52
after the University Parkway bridge, NC 74 West still using US 52
South/Future I-274 Beltway ramp.
NC 74 West traffic heading onto the exit ramp.
NC 74 West heading up the future exit ramp.
Temporary NC 74 West lanes crossing over Grassy Creek.
Approaching the future split of ramps for US 52 South and for NC 65 via
US 52 North.
Construction barrels block off the future US 52 ramp still under
At the split of the future 2-lane ramp to US 52 South, and eventually
the western section of the Beltway from the ramp to US 52 North.
A closer view at the future 2-lane ramp heading towards the ramp bridge
still under construction.
Temporary NC 74 West lanes heading towards US 52 North (seen in the
Continuing along the NC 74 West ramp, looking over to the Beltway lanes,
eastbound still under construction with NC 74 East traffic still using
future westbound lanes.
View of the Beltway ramp bridge over the current NC 74 East and future
westbound lanes.
Another view of eastbound NC 74
lanes still under construction from the ramp currently carrying NC 74
West traffic.
The NC 74 West ramp curves to
meet with US 52 North.
Getting closer to US 52 North (and don't forget Future I-285 North).
Approaching the current end of
NC 74 West at US 52 North, blue services sign for NC 65 exit.
Ramp from
NC 74 West merging with US 52 North.
Currently US 52 North narrows to
2 lanes approaching the NC 65 bridge. Future I-74 West lanes to the
Heading under the NC 65 bridge, the exit ramp starting just before.
Looking at construction of future NC 74 East lanes from US 52 North
under the NC 65 bridge.
US 52 (Future I-74) construction
continues beyond the NC 65 exit ramp.
Images of construction along US 52 North at the northern end of the future Winston-Salem Northern Beltway/Future I-74 interchange, screen grab images from video by Tar Heel Dashcam posted on April 24, 2024:
under the Ziglar Road bridge prior to the Beltway interchange
construction site, traffic still moves over to the left due to
continuing ramp construction.
Approaching the future I-74 East
Beltway ramp, still only graded.
passing the next future Beltway ramp for future I-274 West.
closer look shows that there is paving going on at this future Beltway
ramp. Perhaps this is to be used temporarily to access the Beltway
eastbound while the permanent one is completed?
about to pass under the NC 65 bridge on Beltway exit lane. US 52 South
traffic still using Future I-74 West lanes. Still no permanent signage
for the NC 65 exit, the VMS is the 1/2 Mile advance sign.
Images of construction along US 52 South at the northern end of the future Winston-Salem Northern Beltway/Future I-74 interchange, screen grab images from video by Driving Around NC posted on April 22, 2024:
Approaching the NC 65 bridge on
US 52 South after split from NC 74 East/Winston-Salem Northern Bypass
lanes, still using future I-74 West lanes.
Future NC 74 East/Winston-Salem
Northern Bypass lanes to the left still being constructed while traffic
uses future I-74 West lanes further beyond.
across US 52 South to the Future I-74 East/Winston-Salem Northern Bypass
ramp, still under construction at the end of the Beltway interchange
work zone.
Images of construction along I-74 at the southern end of the future Winston-Salem Northern Beltway, screen grab images from video by TarHeel Travels posted on March 23, 2024:
the construction zone on I-74 West with traffic transitioning to new
lanes to the left in the distance.
to new lanes on I-74 West prior to future ramp to the Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway. Landscaping continuing along the eastbound lanes.
crane seen in the future Beltway lanes heading off to northwest from
current I-74 West.
view of the future site of the Beltway lanes heading off to the right
with some ramp support structures under construction.
from current I-74 West of future site of Beltway ramps with bridge
structures being constructed.
view of the bridge structure being built over current I-74 that will
carry eastbound traffic to the Beltway.
the construction zone on I-74 West with traffic transitioning to new
lanes to the left.
Photos of construction around the newly opened US 52 interchange with the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway with screen grab images from a video by TJElevatorfan from March 2024:
View from US 52 North of the
still unfinished ramp to the NC 74 Beltway headed east. At least the
landscaping is mostly complete.
A closer view of the ramp, some
grading still to be completed in the distance.
closed (for a while) signs in front of the future ramp to the I-274
Winston-Salem Beltway west segment.
View over the interchange
construction area towards the ramp that will carry traffic from the
Beltway west to US 52 South, and eventually, I-274.
US 52 North approaching the
current ramp carrying westbound Beltway traffic, the future lanes are
still carrying eastbound traffic on the left.
Turning around....
View from the start of NC 74
East, on the future westbound I-74 lanes, after the Beltway ramp has
split from US 52 South. headed east. Notice the future lanes are being
prepared for paving.
View from NC 74 Beltway heading
east towards US 52 North bridge with graded future eastbound lanes to
the right.
74 East heading under US 52 North, future Beltway east lanes to the
right have been paved but no lane striping as of yet.
The NC 74 East Beltway now
heading under the future ramp from the Beltway west to US 52 South.
The future NC 74 East Beltway
lanes approaching the Grassy Creek bridge still has not been paved.
Temporary NC 74 East lanes
transferring back to the permanent lanes prior to the NC 66 exit.
A portable VMS still being used
as an advance sign for the NC 66 exit heading east.
Photos taken by David Johnson along I-40 East in the I-74/Beltway construction zone on February 25, 2024:
concrete barrier separates construction equipment and the paved future
ramp to the Beltway/I-74 East from I-40 East.
Work continues on constructing
the flyover ramps from I-40 to the Beltway/I-74.
of the flyover ramps that will cross each other to and from the
These supports along I-40 East
still wait to be connected together.
A view of the future I-40 East
bridge in front and flyover bridges under construction in the distance.
This bridge over I-40 East still
awaits demolition. The completed noise wall between the future ramp from
I-74 West to the Union Cross Road exit can be seen in the distance.
This NCDOT traffic image from Hanes Mill Road from February 23, 2024 shows a lack of progress over the winter in completing the ramp to the Beltway east from US 52 North, hopefully warm weather will speed up progress in paving at the interchange:
The following are photos of the newly opened US 52 interchange with the Winston-Salem Northern Beltway. They include photos taken by Mark David Moore on December 15, 2023 and screen captures from a new video of the Beltway by Tar Heel Dashcam made earlier in December, starting at the NC 66 exit:
The exit sign for NC 66. The 'All
Traffic Must Exit" tab had been taken down but no new sign for the US 52
exit had been placed yet. Traffic currently uses the future US 52 South
exit ramp to get to US 52 North.
new NC 74 West lane heading under the University Parkway bridge . The
new ramp from NC 66 enters to the right.
one opened lane after NC 66. The remaining 2 lanes await the completion
of the Beltway connection westbound to US 52.
concrete barrier has placed where westbound Beltway traffic is currently
diverted along the future ramp to US 52 South (and longer in the future
I-274 West).
the current NC 74 West ramp, approaching the future split with the ramp
to carry traffic to US 52 South and, eventually, to I-274.
from the westbound ramp of the future I-74 West lanes now being used for
NC 74 East Beltway traffic from US 52 South, heading under the US 52
North bridge.
current end of the ramp from the Beltway to US 52 North. The blue
services signs are for the NC 65 exit. Meanwhile driving towards the
Beltway along US 52 North...
Approaching the new Ziglar Road
bridge on US 52 North, work needs to be completed here, and the concrete
barrier along the right lane removed, before the new ramp to NC 74 East
can be completed.
A temporary 1 Mile advance sign
for the NC 65 exit sits after the ramp to NC 74 East to the right of the
frame, which is still be graded.
across the construction zone to the future ramp bridge that will carry
traffic from NC 74 West to US 52 South along with work continuing on the
still to be opened NC 74 East roadway.
Approaching the NC 65 bridge on
US 52 North after traffic from NC 74 West, temporarily using the future
NC 65 exit ramp, merges from the right. Now turning around and heading
east towards the Beltway...
current traffic from the Beltway to US 52 North uses an exit ramp, the
NC 74 East lanes uses the future I-74 West lanes. Traffic has already
split from US 52 South, which can be seen to the right. This split will
be beyond the NC 65 bridge seen in the distance when the eastbound lanes
are opened.
of the future I-74 West lanes are currently being used for NC 74 East
traffic, US 52 can be seen on the right beyond the future eastbound
section of future NC 74 East lanes had not been paved at the time of the
video, suggesting it may be a while before the lanes are completed.
closer view of the US 52 North bridge, work proceeding on the right to
complete the permanent eastbound Beltway lanes.
the future ramp bridge for the US 52 South exit, still under
The current NC 74 East lanes
approaching the future ramp taking traffic from US 52 North.
road curve advisory signs marks the impending shift of NC 74 traffic
back to the eastbound lanes after the Creek bridges.
lanes shifting over to the eastbound lanes prior to the NC 66 exit.
Another portable VMS being used
as an exit sign, in this case for the NC 66/University Parkway exit.
There was still only a temporary
exit sign for NC 66 on NC 74 East when the video was filmed.
The exit signage for NC 74 West
had not been changed along US 421/Salem Parkway to reflect the Beltway's
completion to US 52 when the video was filmed.
Screen grab images from December 2023 Tar Heel Dashcam video of construction of I-74/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway interchange from I-40 East:
have started to place the roadway supports on the future flyover ramps
for the Beltway interchange, as seen from I-40 East.
flyover ramp progress in the Beltway interchange, as seen beyond the
future new I-40 East bridge.
Work is also proceeding on
building noise walls along the future ramp to I-74 East to I-40 East as
seen near the future ramp merge.
Work has been completed in
putting up the noise walls from this point after the future I-74 East
ramp to near Union Cross Road (see video).
of the Beltway exit ramp construction with I-40 looking north from Glenn
Hi Road bridge.
Google Maps Street View images from October 2023 of construction of I-74/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway ramps from I-40 East:
paved future ramp to I-74 East/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway.
closer look at the future ramp to I-74 East/Winston-Salem Northern
Beltway prior to the 2 Miles advance sign for Union Cross Road.
paved shoulder between the 2 paved future ramps to the
I-74/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway.
approaching paved future ramp to the I-74 West Beltway.
view of the future westbound Beltway ramp. A concrete barrier to
separate I-40 and ramp traffic is under construction.
View of Beltway construction along I-74 West near from the future interchange to Ridgewood Road from September 2023:
from I-74 West lanes at progress constructing the future interchange
between the end of the Beltway and I-74.
A new
concrete barrier has been placed along the I-74 West lanes for future
construction in the median 1/2 mile from the Ridgewood Road exit.
continues on the future ramp from the end of the Beltway to current
I-74, Future NC 192 West.
speed limit signs mark the end of future Beltway on-ramp construction.
back along I-74 West lanes at the future on-ramp at the end of the
Aerial View of the US 52 interchange with NC 74/Winston-Salem Beltway prior to opening in November 2023, from Winston-Salem Journal:
Other photos and drone video are available in this November 16 article by the Winston-Salem Journal.
*Google Street View images from I-74 in the vicinity of the southern interchange construction zone, September 2023:
View from I-74 West of newly
opened temporary I-74 lanes through the western end of the Beltway
construction zone.
of I-74 East traffic transitioning over to temporary I-74 lanes through
the western end of the Beltway construction zone.
View from temporary I-74 East
lanes of equipment being stored along old lanes in construction zone.
used for excavation on old I-74 lanes prior to the end of the temporary
eastbound lanes.
along I-74 East lanes prior to first advance sign for the Union Cross
Road exit.
all around the Union Cross Road 3/4 Mile advance sign.
mounds to be removed further along the I-74 East lanes.
excavation getting closer to the Union Cross Road exit.
the end of the construction zone just prior to the Union Cross Road
across the I-74 West lanes at the site of the future Beltway
*Google Street View images from Kernersville Road in the vicinity of the interchange construction zone, July 2023:
Looking north from Kernersville
road over Northern Beltway interchange construction area.
Looking west along Kernersville
road at temporary roadway being built to carry traffic around future
interchange construction area. This roadway was opened the weekend of
September 16-17.
Construction of the temporary
road continues north of the future Northern Beltway interchange site.
Looking back south along
Kernersville Road toward Northern Beltway interchange construction area.
Sign images taken along NC 74 East by Mark David Moore, December 15, 2023:
An East NC 74 reassurance marker
after the NC 66 exit.
1/2 Mile advance sign for the Baux Mountain Road exit.
Baux Mountain Road exit sign, and a brave clean up crew member.
Another East NC 74 reassurance
marker prior to the 2 Miles advance for the US 311 exit.
The 1 Mile advance for the US
311 exit. Signs in this direction include space for "North" when the
route is truncated to the Beltway, no exact date has been given (see
sign plans).
The gantry at the US 311 exit ramp also includes a 1 3/4 Miles advance
sign for the S 158 exit, notice there are almost two miles between Exits
49 and 50.
The 1/2 Mile advance overhead for the US 158 exit.
The US 158 exit sign prior to the bridge, now 50 miles from the Virginia
An auxiliary sign for the upcoming US 421 exit, the Beltway signs were
designed prior to the Salem Parkway naming and therefore are not
included on the overheads.
T overhead 1/2 Mile advance sign for US 421. It is apparent this will be
replaced by a much larger arrow-per-lane sign after the Beltway is
The overhead signage at the start of the C/D lanes for the US 421
The overhead and ground mounted signage at the split of ramps for the US
421 exit. Given the actual direction of the highway, would it have been
better to have East and West for the Salem Parkway sign?
Google Street View images from NC 66 Bridge looking toward Beltway/US 52 interchange construction zone, June 2023:
west toward US 52 showing progress in paving future Beltway lanes
towards US 52, at the time not beyond the creek bridges. Paving has
commenced to the right of the future ramp that will take traffic to the
western section of the Beltway (I-274) and to US 52/NC 8 South over
Google Street View images along I-74 West through Beltway interchange construction zone, June 2023:
along I-74 median at start of Beltway construction zone.
continues along I-74 West roadway for future Beltway ramp on right.
of I-74 median for future I-74 East lanes in Beltway construction zone.
along both sides of I-74 West nearing end of future Beltway on-ramp
construction area.
west clearing continues in median an some activity along the shoulder as
started for temporary East I-74 lanes just west of future Beltway
interchange, these lanes were opened in August..
of I-74 median continues approaching the Ridgewood Road exit.
Speed Limit signs along I-74 West approaching the Ridgewood Road exit
and the end of the Beltway construction zone.
Google Street View images along US 52 South through the Beltway interchange construction zone, June 2023:
I-74 East lanes heading off on left from US 52 South to meet the
had started along this section of Future I-74 East lanes prior to
barrier splitting of from US 52 South lanes.
of completed US 52 North bridge over Future I-74 East lanes from US 52
South bridge.
Google Street View images along US 52 North through the Beltway interchange construction zone, June 2023:
View at the start of the new US
52 North lanes after the demolished Ziglar Road bridge.
The former US 52 North lanes will
be part of the future ramp to I-74 East.
Closer view from the new US 52
North lanes to the future, still unpaved, ramp to the I-74 East Beltway.
View of the new US 52 North lanes
after the future I-74 East Beltway exit ramp.
*The new US 52 North approaching
the first bridge over the future Beltway.
*Looking northeast toward new
bridge being built over the future I-74 roadway.
*Approaching the future ramp from
the I-274 section of Beltway merging onto the new US 52 North lanes.
*View of the new US 52 North
lanes after the future I-274 ramp merge crossing bridge over the future
westbound Beltway.
*Another closeup look at bridge
construction along the future I-74 roadway linking the Beltway with US
52 North.
*The new US 52 North lanes about
to cross the second bridge over the future Beltway.
*Looking east from the new US 52
North lanes along the future pathway of I-74 to the NC 66 bridge showing
completion of paving up to the new bridges.
*View of the new US 52 North
lanes approaching the bridge over the future I-74 East lanes.
*Looking north prior to bridge
over future I-74 lanes being graded back to NC 65 bridge.
*Crossing the bridge over the
future I-74 lanes.
Looking back at the new US 52
North lanes crossing over the future I-74 East ramp to the Beltway.
View of the US 52 North merging
back into its own alignment, paralleling the future I-74 West ramp from
the Beltway.
US 52 North lanes on future C/D
ramp that will carry I-74 West traffic approaching the NC 65 exit.
Future US 52 North/I-74 West
lanes being graded approaching the NC 65 bridge.
US 52 North following ramp to NC
65 as future lanes are being graded.
Current US 52 North lanes
heading under the NC 65 bridge.
Google Street View images along US 52 South in Beltway interchange construction zone, April 2023:
Not much has changed
with the future Beltway ramp from US 52 South since October.
east toward the future US 52 North lanes and bridge over the future
Future US 52 lanes
partially graded, guardrails in place.
east at the future US 52 North lanes and bridge over a future Beltway
back along the future US 52 North lanes and the future ramp
carrying I-74 West from the Beltway.
look at progress building the future I-74 West ramp to US 52 North,
still much work to be completed.
look at nearly complete future US 52 North lanes and bridge over the
future Beltway. Traffic still using existing lanes to the left.
future US 52 North bridge near completion at the southern end of the
Beltway construction zone.
back at the future US 52 North bridge and lanes heading towards the
future Beltway exit.
Workers tying in the future US 52
North lanes with the existing ones close to the Ziglar Road bridge.
across towards the future US 52 North exit ramp with the future Beltway.
Looking south along US 52 towards
the partially demolished Ziglar Road bridge, needed to be replaced so
this section can be widened as part of the Beltway interchange project.
Looking north again along US 52
at widening work being started north of the Ziglar Road bridge.
Looking towards US 52 North
passing under the remains of the Ziglar Road bridge at the start of the
Beltway interchange project work zone.
Google Street View images along I-40 in Beltway interchange construction zone, March 2023 (except where indicated) going west to east:
Grading for what appears to be
the future ramp from I-40 East to I-74 East near the beginning of the
work zone.
Additional grading and excavation
seen beyond the concrete barrier.
of a hill encroaching on the work zone.
Approaching the future I-40 West
interchange ramps.
A closer look at the supports
under construction for the future flyover ramp from I-40 West to I-74
of future bridge of I-40 East over the I-74 Beltway being constructed.
close look at the closest support under construction for the future
flyover ramp alongside I-40 East.
I-40 East lanes being excavated just beyond a mile from the Union Cross
Road exit.
What remains of bridge over I-40
West being removed in I-74 Beltway construction zone.
east along I-40 where grading for future lanes extends towards Union
Cross Road.
Looking west just beyond ramp
from Union Cross Road showing extensive landscape work along I-40 East.
look at the excavation along the eastbound lanes from I-40 West
approaching Union Cross Road, February 2023.
More excavation along I-40 East
looking back towards the future I-74/Beltway interchange, February 2023.
of a noise wall at the Union Cross Road exit on I-40 East.
Taken by Adam Prince along NC 74 West on March 31, 2023:
closeup of the 1 Mile advance sign for the Beltway exit on US 421 North.
Notice the sign has not been updated since the Beltway was opened to NC
66, probably not to encourage too much out of state traffic to US 52
closeup of the exit sign for the Beltway exit on US 421 North. The ramp
is restricted to 1 lane due to new construction along NC 74 West.
of the lane restrictions on NC 74 West between US 421 and US 158.
closeup of the sound wall construction along NC 74 West causing the lane
closeup of the 1/2 mile advance sign for the US 158/Reidsville Road exit
on NC 74 West.
signage at the US 158/Reidsville Road exit on NC 74 West.
closeup of the 1 mile advance sign for the US 311/New Walkertown Road
exit further west on NC 74.
US 311 is a 2 Miles advance for Baux Mountain Road. Is this
interchange that important? There is also a West NC 74 reassurance
marker beyond just before the next noise wall.
exit sign for Baux Mountain Road. The ramp here has a noise wall.
1/2 Mile advance for NC 8/Germanton Road. Apparently this is Bridge No.
closeup of the overhead signage at the NC 8/Germanton Road exit. The
current end of the Beltway is 1 1/2 miles away.
1/2 Mile advance for NC 66/University Parkway and another All Traffic
Exit yellow tab below the exit number.
exit sign at the current end of NC 74 West at NC 66/University Parkway.
The gantry awaits a US 52 exit sign.
along the remaining section of the Beltway under construction to US 52
in the distance.
NC 66 trailblazers along the ramp from NC 74 West. There is also a To US
52 trailblazer (see below) for any traffic wanting to use the
neighborhood streets to travel between the 2 freeways.
Taken from Google Maps Street View images in January 2023 at the current western end of the Beltway at NC 66:
To US 52 trailblazer on the ramp to NC 66, to help traffic get there
from the Beltway.
west from NC 66 bridge toward future interchange with US 52 and the
of the East NC 74 and South NC 66 trailblazers at the intersection with
the Beltway on-ramp.
Taken from Google Maps Street View images in November and December 2022 along I-40 East and West at future Beltway interchange:
View across I-40 East lanes of
construction for future Beltway interchange in November 2022.
View from I-40 East lanes of
future Beltway interchange.
View of bridge support being
constructed for the future Beltway interchange.
Grading for future lanes for
either I-40 or Beltway interchange ramps.
Looking east along I-40 showing
clearing and a slight lane shift being completed toward the median. Also
houses now with view of construction zone.
Piece of construction equipment
along I-40 East lanes in the Beltway interchange work zone.
Clearing continues approaching
the Union Cross Road exit.
View of construction progress at
the I-40 East Mile 200 marker.
Heading now westbound, in November and December 2022:
Clearing and grading has started
just after the Union Cross Road exit. in November 2022.
In addition to clearing and
grading, some concrete pipe structure appear along I-40 West.
The appearance of the
construction zone at mile marker 200 heading west.
Some recently cleared land along
I-40 West still in November 2022.
In addition to clearing some
berms and rock fill for drainage purposes can be seen along this part of
I-40 West.
Further grading progress can be
seen looking from the I-40 West lanes now in December 2022.
Progress in building the bridge
support seen from the I-40 West lanes also now in December 2022.
Additional supports for future
ramps and bridges can be seen across the I-40 East lanes.
Crane helping construct future
ramp with future Beltway lanes partially graded heading off in the
More cranes and bridge supports
under construction can be seen from the I-40 West lanes along with a
tractor trailer advertising for more workers.
Taken during a road trip to North Carolina on October 14, 2022, photos east to west:
Competed Roadway, US 421 to US 311
advance sign at two miles east of, for now NC 74 West, on US 421 North.
1 Mile advance sign on US 421 North, Salem Parkway West.
the Beltway construction zone 1/2 mile from the NC 74 West exit.
barrier separates US 421 North traffic from widening project east of the
NC 74 West exit.
before the NC 74 West exit, construction equipment along the future
additional US 421 North lane.
construction equipment along US 421 North.
exit signage at the NC 74 (Future I-74) West Beltway ramp on US 421
First advance sign for US 158
exit after merge of C/D ramp from US 421 exits on NC 74 West.
temporary mile marker along NC 74 West.
First advance sign at two miles
east of, for now NC 74 West, on US 421 North.
The 1/2 Mile advance comes with
temporary signage indicating lane reductions after the exit.
The US 158 exit sign shares a
gantry with the first advance sign for the current end of the Beltway at
US 311/New Walkertown Road.
The gore sign for the US 158
exit, eventually 50 miles more on I-74 until the Virginia border.
The second NC 74 West reassurance
marker after the US 158 exit has two support posts.
The 1 Mile advance for the 311
(North in the future, see sign plans) exit just prior to the lanes drop.
The temporary NC 74 Mile 50
The roadway prior to the US 311
exit has been repaved in anticipation of the route's extension to NC 66
in November.
The roadway prior to the US 311
exit has been repaved in anticipation of the route's extension to NC 66
in November.
newly paved roadway continues beyond current end of NC 74 West at US
311. Notice the sign gantries up for the future eastbound Beltway in the
distance (more to see in photos below).
Closeup of the gore sign for the
US 311 exit. Will the 25 mph advisory be removed when the next section
The North US 311 reassurance
marker after turning left at the end of the exit ramp.
Baux Mountain Road
Recently placed 1 mile advance
sign for the Baux Mountain Road exit on the umopened Beltway heading
east at the NC 66/Old Hollow Road bridge.
NC 8 / Germanton Road Exit
Overhead signage at future NC 74
West ramp for the NC 8/Germanton Road exit (Exit 43). Notice the next
All Traffic Exit warning sign appearing over the NC 66 (Exit 42) 1 1/2
Miles advance.
View from near the NC 8/Germanton
Road exit looking along the future Beltway heading east toward Old
Hollow Road (NC 66).
of the noise wall along the future Eastbound Beltway lanes near the NC
8/Germanton Road exit ramp.
of soon to be activated VMS heading west near the NC 8/Germanton Road
the roundabout at the future ramp to East NC 74 south of the bridge over
the Beltway heading north on NC 8.
the nearly completed NC 8 bridge over the Beltway heading north.
NC 8 trailblazer and covered over one for NC 74 West north of the bridge
over the unopened Beltway.
the roundabout at the future ramp to West NC 74 heading north on NC 8.
turning around, noticed this uncovered Jct NC 74 trailblazer approaching
the roundabout with the future ramp to East NC 74.
the roundabout north of the bridge over the Beltway with the future ramp
to NC 74 (Future I-74) West.
Covered over
trailblazer for West NC 74 along the roundabout heading south on NC 8.
Closeup of
the future ramp to West NC 74 north of the NC 8 bridge over the Beltway.
East NC 74 trailblazer approaching second roundabout for the future
Beltway ramps on NC 8 South.
north across unopened section of the Winston-Salem Beltway from the NC
8/Germanton Road bridge.
south at the NC 8/Germanton Road bridge over the future section of NC 74
Looking north across unopened
section of the Winston-Salem Beltway toward NC 66 from the middle of NC
8/Germanton Road bridge. Notice the first steps of lane striping along
the left shoulders has begun (and some ground level signage has been
south along the unopened section of the Winston-Salem Beltway from the
NC 8/Germanton Road bridge toward Old Hollow Road. More lane striping
and ground level signage can be seen
view of the northern NC 8 roundabout from walking along the bridge.
A closer view of the future NC 74
West ramp from NC 8, with Road Closed sign being a suggestion, it
appears (was tempted).
Stanleyville Road Bridge
from the bridge, the overhead exit sign and All Traffic Must Exit
yellow tab above at the future NC 66 exit.
closer view at the future NC 66 exit. Notice the construction vehicle
heading east.
The view west from the bridge
toward the future NC 8 exit. There is a VMS headed in this direction
as well.
closer view at the future NC 8 exit. The same construction vehicle
from above heading east, another heading the 'wrong way' in the
westbound lanes.
NC 66/University Parkway Interchange
Jct NC 74 trailblazer approaching the future Beltway ramps on NC
66 South.
traffic signals at future NC 74 East ramp on NC 66 North.
NC 66 trailblazer at future NC 74 West Beltway ramp.
south along NC 66 toward future NC 74 West ramp.
NC 74 West trailblazer next to one for South NC 66 approaching future
Beltway interchange.
US 52 interchange
the site of the future ramp to NC 74 (I-74) East from US 52 North.
Workers paving site
of the future ramp to NC 74 (I-74) East.
continuing on future US 52 North lanes in the Beltway interchange work
of future US 52 lanes paralleling current lanes approaching future
on-ramp for I-74 West.
Grading of future US 52 lanes
paralleling current lanes approaching old ramp bridge from US 52
US 52 lanes tower over current lanes at site of future on-ramp for
I-74 West from the Beltway.
of future merge site for US 52 North and lanes from I-74 West/Northern
Beltway prior to NC 65 exit.
the new NC 65 bridge with future US 52 North lanes under construction
to the left.
around, view of new US 52 South lanes approaching future on-ramp from
I-74 West/Northern Beltway.
of the future on-ramp from I-74 West as it merges onto US 52 (Future
I-285) South.
1 Mile advance sign for the Hanes Mill Road exit at the end of the
Beltway construction zone.
future on-ramp from I-274 East onto US 52 (Future I-285) South.
approaching the end of the new US 52 South lanes at the southern
limits of the Beltway interchange work zone.
Construction Photos
Images from Google Maps Street View of Beltway construction, taken in May to September 2022 east to west along the Beltway corridor:
I-40 (New 11/13) July-September 2022
View looking east from I-40
West toward the start of clearing at site surrounding the future
Beltway interchange, 2 miles west of the Union Cross Road exit in
View looking from I-40 West
toward equipment starting to clear the site of future Beltway
interchange, in July.
View across I-40 East at site
of future Beltway interchange, in August.
US 311
north (west) from US 311 bridge along Future I-74 which appears paved
and has noise walls installed along eastbound lanes.
Old Walkertown Road
south towards the bridge at Dippen Road now with vegetation growing on
surrounding landscaping.
north towards the bridge now with noise walls along the future
eastbound lanes.
Looking towards the railroad
crossing and more noise walls along the roadway heading east.
NC 8 / Germanton Road interchange
completed roundabout at the future ramps to and from I-74 East.
east along the future Beltway/ I-74 lanes from the NC 8 bridge.
looking to the west from the NC 8 bridge showing a noise wall along
the future I-74 East lanes.
The completed northern
roundabout at the future Beltway/ I-74 West ramps.
Baux Mountain Road (New 11/13)
Looking north towards the first
roundabout built at the site of future Beltway east on and off-ramps,
taken in July 2022.
Looking along the future
Beltway east on-ramp, recently paved.
Looking back towards the
southern roundabout at the future Beltway east off-ramp, also recently
Looking along the future
off-ramp from NC 74 (Future I-74) East.
north again towards the new Baux Mountain Road bridge over the
unopened Beltway.
Looking west along the unopened
Beltway from the Baux Mountain Road bridge.
Now looking east from the Baux
Mountain Road bridge.
Heading north toward the second
roundabout for future on and off-ramps from NC 74 West.
Light poles are up, but sound
wall still needs completion along future on-ramp to NC 74 (Future
I-74) West.
Looking toward the recently
paved off-ramp from NC 74 (Future I-74) East. Notice the extensive
noise wall along the westbound lanes.
Looking back towards the
roundabout north of the Beltway.
Stanleyville Drive
Looking east from Stanleyville
Drive bridge looking toward NC 8.
Looking west from Stanleyville
Drive bridge looking toward NC 66, showing new support for future
advance sign for NC 8 exit at left.
NC 66/University Parkway
down future off-ramp from I-74 West from NC 66 northbound lanes.
south on NC 66, traffic signals have been installed at the future
westbound ramps.
west from the NC 66 bridge toward the US 52 interchange, somewhat easy
to tell where the US 52 contract, delayed by 8 months, starts.
at traffic signals installed at future on-ramp to I-74 East from NC 66
northbound lanes.
Installed South NC
66 trailblazer at future I-74 East ramp.
US 52 interchange
Heading north
along US 52 North entering Beltway interchange construction zone,
future ramp to I-74 East being constructed.
to the east toward future Beltway and ramps to and from US 52 North
(I-74 West).
I-74 West lanes merging onto US 52 North at site of previous NC 66
exit, note ramp bridge from old US 52 South lanes still intact across
the highway.
Only part of the former ramp
carrying traffic from US 52 South to NC 66 still remains over the
northbound lanes.
Heading south on new lanes:
new US 52 South bridge approaching future Beltway interchange.
from US 52 North of overhead signage for US 52 South in place at
future I-74 East Beltway ramp.
future I-74 East ramp heading onto the Beltway (and the future start
of I-285 South to the left).
US 52
South after the future I-74 East/Beltway off-ramp split. Note room for
additional third lane.
New US
52 South lanes heading toward future Beltway on-ramp.
east along future Beltway lanes from US 52 South bridge. New US 52
North bridge under construction.
future US 52 North bridge under construction as seen from the
southbound lanes.
The 1
mile advance sign for Hanes Mill Road with US 52 exit number.
New US
52 southbound lanes at the future Beltway on-ramp.
A blue
services sign for Hanes Mill Road prior to new bridge over railroad
tracks along US 52 South.
backwards along US 52 South showing progress in building future
northbound bridge.
New US 52 South lanes about to
meet original alignment at end of I-74/Beltway construction zone prior
to Hanes Mill Road exit.
Photos taken by site contributor J. Austin Carter in late November 2021:
Around the future University Parkway/NC 66 exit:
View looking from University
Drive (NC 66) eastward along future Beltway toward the Stanleyville
Drive bridge.
looking at new University Drive (NC 66) bridge from location of former
roadway. Notice paving has started and a support for an advance sign
for the NC 8/Germanton Road exit has been installed.
looking south along the University Drive (NC 66) bridge.
looking toward the University Avenue (NC 66) bridge in the vicinity of
one of the future off-ramps from I-74.
From the vicinity of Stanleyville Drive:
View looking northwest from
beyond the Stanleyville Drive bridge towards the future interchange at
NC 66 / University Avenue.
Closer view looking at
construction equipment along the future I-74 West roadway headed
towards the future interchange at NC 66 / University Avenue.
Now looking southeast along the
paved future Beltway towards the future interchange at NC 8 /
Germanton Road.
A closer look towards the
future interchange at NC 8 / Germanton Road shows an installed post
for a future overhead sign, probably for the NC 66 exit.
At the future NC 8 / Germanton Road interchange
Looking south across the new
Germanton Road bridge over the future Beltway, traffic using the new
roundabout south of the bridge prior to the NC 66 intersection.
north towards the new roundabout south of the Germanton Road bridge,
being built as part of the Beltway construction.
Looking north/west from NC 8 /
Germanton Road back towards Stanleyville Drive.
Looking south/east from NC 8 /
Germanton Road back towards Old Hollow Road.
From the vicinity of Merrydale Drive and Old Hollow Road
Looking west along Future I-74
from Merrydale Drive toward new bridge for Merry Valley Lane and that
for Germanton Road in distance.
east now toward new bridge for Old Hollow Road over the Future I-74
a little closer at the Future I-74 roadbed headed toward Old Hollow
looking east from new Old Hollow Road bridge over the Future I-74
Images from Google Maps Street View taken in September 2021
The new US 52 South lanes bridge at the Future Beltway interchange, opened in November 2021:
View from existing US 52 South
of near completion of bridge to carry future US 52 South as part of
I-74/Beltway interchange project. Lanes opened in November.
Images from Google Maps Street View taken in July and August 2021
The US 311/New Walkertown Road interchange:
ramp to I-74 West blocked by traffic barrels with trailblazer for NC
74 East ramp opened in December 2020 on US 311 South.
311 bridge over partly opened Future I-74 Winston-Salem Northern
NC 74 and South US 311trailblazers at opened ramp to Future I-74
Winston-Salem Northern Beltway. This will also be the future end of US
311 South.
From Old Walkertown Road:
of nearly completed Future Northern Beltway/ I-74 bridge over Old
Walkertown Road looking north.
slightly closer look at the Old Walkertown Road bridge looking north,
showing it also serves as a railroad bridge.
between the spans of the Old Walkertown Road/Railroad bridge, Future
I-74 West to the left and East to the right.
a view of nearly completed bridge looking south.
Closer look at the landscaping
near the bridge at the Old Walkertown Road/Dippen Road intersection.
closer look to the east of Old Walkertown Road showing landscaping
still underway for the bridge.
Along NC 66/Old Hollow Road:
NC 66 near the new bridge over the future I-74/Northern Beltway. It
appears they forgot to move a speed limit sign.
From the Stanleyville Drive Bridge:
Looking west along the Future
I-74/Northern Beltway toward the NC 66/University Parkway interchange.
The roadbed has been paved.
Looking east along the Future
I-74/Northern Beltway toward the NC 8/Germanton Road interchange. The
roadbed has been graded.
A zoomed in look east toward
the NC 8 interchange.
A zoomed in looking back west
toward the NC 66 interchange.
Looking across the completed
Stanleyville Drive bridge.
Taken from the NCDOT Traffic Camera at the US 158 exit in September 2021:
Closeup of overhead signage at
ramp to NC 74 Beltway East from US 158 West.
Taken by Val Melvin in July 2021 along US 52:
from US 52 North of start of Winston-Salem Beltway interchange
construction zone prior to NC 65 exit.
barrels mark construction along US 52 North of start of Winston-Salem
Beltway interchange prior to NC 65 exit, the blue Gas services sign
for that exit remains in place.
is the NC 65 exit sign prior to the new NC 65 bridge.
current traffic setup with the NC 65 exit starting prior to the
bridge, but the actual ramp on the other side.
new noise wall has been completed north of the future Winston-Salem
Beltway interchange along the ramp that will carry I-74 West to US 52
of US 52 North heading toward future merge with ramp carrying I-74
West from the Winston Salem Northern Beltway.
1 Mile advance sign for the Westinghouse Road exit sits near the end
of the future I-74 West ramp from the Winston Salem Northern Beltway
to US 52 North.
further along US 52 towards the end of Beltway construction at the
Westinghouse Road exit.
close up look at the yet to be landscaped siding along US 52
approaching the Westinghouse Road at exit.
closer look at what will be a temporary placed exit sign for
Westinghouse Road at the end of Winston Salem Northern Beltway
Concrete and construction
barrels separate US 52 traffic from Winston Salem Northern Beltway
construction approaching the NC 65 exit.
View of Winston Salem Northern
Beltway construction at the NC 65 exit. The future I-74 ramp is being
built to the right of US 52 South.
Closeup of the NC 65 bridge
completed as the first stage of Beltway interchange construction.
Workers on future Beltway ramp
as seen from US 52 North after NC 65 bridge.
Closeup of the Beltway ramp
Work proceeding on one of the
Beltway interchange bridges south of NC 65.
Closeup of the other end of the
interchange ramp bridge as seen from US 52 South.
NCDOT Traffic camera image shows the new signs on the US 421/Salem Parkway for the NC 74/Winston-Salem Beltway exit, now with a US 311 shield instead of US 158:
And an earlier image showing the change in shields on the exit sign of NC 74 West at the US 421 interchange:
From the newly opened section between US 158 and US 311 taken by Andrew B. Futrell:
Signage at US 158 exit with new exit sign for US
311 now uncovered after section opening.
View of newly opened section looking west
from under US 158 bridge.
1-Mile advance sign for US 311 exit and VMS sign
in the distance.
Now 2-lane roadway heading for new US 311 exit
and current end to the Beltway.
Signage at US 311 exit where all traffic must
From NCDOT traffic cameras now operating between US 158 and the soon to be opened US 311 interchange:
From December 12, 2020:
US 158 camera looking west, image showing near completion of concrete
roadway near US 158 bridge.
From December 4, 2020:
Looking west from US 311 bridge
showing lane markings and sign installation needed prior to road
opening by end of year.
camera image showing roadway near completion still needing signage and
lane markings.
Photos taken from segment still under construction north/west of US 311 in December 2020 by Andrew B. Futrell:
showing roadway bridge near completion over future I-74/Northern
section of future Beltway lanes and another nearly completed bridge.
Taken along newly opened segment between US 421/Salem Parkway and US 158 by David Johnson, September 11, 2020:
Uncovered 2 Miles
advance sign for NC 74 West (Future I-74 West) on US 421 North Salem
Parkway (apparently Exit 227 is 2 miles from 224).
The newly uncovered
1-Mile advance overhead for the opened NC 74 West/Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway exit.
The uncovered overhead
exit sign along US 421 North/Salem Parkway with room to the left for a
future I-74 East sign.
Driving along the
two-lane ramp from US 421 toward the newly opened Beltway.
Noise walls parallel
the right shoulder of the ramp from US 421 North as it merges with the
completed Beltway lanes.
Lanes from both North
and South US 421 about to merge onto Northern Beltway future I-74 West
After merging onto NC
74 West. The extreme left lane apparently will not open until more of
the Beltway is completed.
First overhead sign
gantry heading west, this has a 1 3/4 Miles advance sign for US 158.
View along new section
of Beltway includes mountains in the distance along with much closer
temporary mile marker.
The only current West
NC 74 reassurance marker along the opened section of the Beltway.
View heading further
northwest toward the US 158 exit.
The 1/2 mile advance
overhead sign for the US 158 exit with the All Traffic Exit banner.
Overhead signage at the
current western end of the Northern Beltway, the covered over US 311
exit sign already has its own All Traffic Exit banner, for the end of
the year.
Taking the ramp to US
158 at the current end of the Beltway. Another temporary mile marker
has been put up, for Mile 51, apparently NCDOT is not rounding up the
number for this exit.
Overhead signage at the
end of the ramp to US 158, only one arrow for North US 158.
Overhead signage at the
NC 74 West ramp on US 158 West, a bigger sign will replace the NC 74
sign when I-74 is routed on the Beltway.
US 421 to US 158
Latest Photos taken by David Johnson, September 3, 2020:
Along the soon to be opened section between US 421/Salem Parkway and US 158:
Looking west from
Walkertown Guthrie Road bridge toward soon to open temporary end of NC
74 Winston-Salem Beltway at US 158.
Looking east from the bridge along NC 74 and
first overhead sign for US 421.
A zoomed image of the
overhead signage at the current western end of the Beltway at US 158,
notice the covered sign also includes an All Traffic Exit banner for
the next segment of roadway.
Looking west to nearly
complete C/D ramps along NC 74 East for the US 421/Salem Parkway
Looking northwest from
current stub at eastern end of the current Beltway toward the soon to
open interchange between NC 74 and US 421.
Closer view of overhead
signage at beginning of NC 74 West at exit to US 421 North. The pull
through is West NC 74 to East US 158.
Noise walls border soon
to open ramp from NC 74 East to US 421 South Salem Parkway.
A panoramic shot of the soon open interchange
between NC 74 and US 421.
Along US 158 West:
Traffic restricted to one
lane approaching soon to open interchange.
A Junction NC 74
trailblazer approaching the interchange which will probably stay in
place for the next 5 years.
New traffic signals on flash mode awaiting the
opening of the Beltway/US 158 interchange.
Overhead signage at the
future ramp to NC 74 East. There is room for a much large ramp sign
when I-74 is completed.
across US 158 East at ready to open ramp from NC 74 West.
northwest beyond US 158 bridge showing section still under
construction headed towards US 311.
From US 421/Salem Parkway:
Overhead signage in place, though covered over,
on US 421 South awaiting opening of ramp to NC 74 West.
Noise wall along future
ramp to NC 74 West from US 421 South Salem Parkway.
Overhead signs on US 421
South approaching the Beltway bridge and soon to be opened ramp to NC
74 East. Why is exit tab for Kernersville Road covered up?
Now on US 421/Salem
Parkway heading north/west, the covered up overhead and gore signs at
the soon to be opened ramp to NC 74 West.
Between US 158 and US 311, taken by David Johnson, September 11, 2020:
shot looking at the Future I-74 Beltway being constructed west of US
158 from Williston Court.
Looking west toward US 311 interchange along
Future I-74 Beltway from Williston Road bridge.
A closer look at the US 311 interchange from the
Williston Road bridge.
Another view
from Williston Road Bridge, a new VMS being put up heading east on
Future I-74.
Another view looking west toward US 311
interchange along Future I-74 Beltway from the middle of the Williston
Road bridge.
Between US 311 and Baux Mountain Road:
Looking east
from near the completed US 311 bridge back toward Williston Road
Now looking
west from US 311 bridge toward bridge being built for Dippen Road.
Now looking
back east from US 311 bridge along the Future I-74 roadway.
Now looking
west along Dippen Road following the Future I-74 roadway.
Further west
along Dippen Road following the Future I-74 roadbed being graded.
Closer look
along Dippen Road at the Future I-74 roadbed being graded.
View along Phelps Drive at site of Future I-74
View along Phelps Drive looking east at site of
Future I-74 roadway.
Now on Phelps Drive looking west at grading work
continuing on site of Future I-74 Beltway.
Baux Mountain Parkway to NC 8/Germanton Road:
Now on NC 66/Old Hollow Road looking future
bridge over Future I-74 Beltway.
NC 8/Germanton Road to NC 66 University Parkway:
View looking west from NC 66/Old Hollow Road at
clearing and grading for Future I-74 ramp and roadway. Pilot Mountain
can be seen in the distance.
Another look west from NC 66/Old Hollow Road at
construction equipment clearing and grading for Future I-74 ramp and
Photos taken on February 7, 2020 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
Starting in the area of the future US 311 interchange and heading east (south):
I-74 roadbed being graded in vicinity of US 311.
Looking along
Future I-74 / Winston-Salem Beltway roadbed heading (north)west from
US 311.
US 311 bridge being constructed over Future I-74 lanes.
down future ramp from US 311 to I-74 East which appears to have been
recently paved.
US 311
in vicinity of its future interchange with the I-74 Beltway.
End of
future off-ramp to US 311 from I-74 East.
View looking south/east from US 311 along the
Future I-74 Beltway toward US 158.
View from US 311 looking along Future I-74 West.
Now looking northwest
toward Future US 311 interchange with the I-74 Beltway showing future
westbound lanes paved.
Dillon Farm Road bridge being built over the Future I-74 Beltway.
Future on-ramp from US
158 to I-74 East with concrete plant currently in the middle of the
on-ramp from US 158 to East I-74 now paved.
Looking across to off-ramp to US 158 from Future
I-74 West showing the installation of overhead guide signs at the end
of the ramp.
Looking north across Future I-74 Beltway lanes
towards US 158 showing overhead gantry ready for signage.
Closer look at new overhead signage at end of
future ramp from I-74 West to US 158. Looks like the sign on the right
is missing an arrow.
View looking west beyond US 158 along future
route the I-74 Beltway from Old Belews Creek Road.
Looking along Future
I-74 East from Old Belews Creek Road bridge showing newly placed
overhead sign for US 421 exit (and back of sign for US 158 exit
Looking west from Old Belews Creek Road bridge
toward newly placed overhead sign for US 158 exit and tab for all
traffic exit above.
Looking south toward US
421/Salem Parkway interchange with overhead exit and ramp signs
The first advance sign for the US 158 exit on
Future I-74 West will be at the 1 3/4 miles, seen from the vicinity of
West Mountain Street.
The next advance sign for US 158 is for 1 1/4
miles. The empty bracket to the right I assume is for a right lane
ends advisory sign.
Earlier photos taken on July 1, 2019 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
Traffic on US 52
North heading under bridge carrying ramp from US 52 South to NC 66,
the construction signs in the distance for project upgrading US 52
for future I-74/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway interchange.
US 52 North at exit
ramp to NC 65 work on Future Winston-Salem Beltway interchange in
distance that includes new NC 65 bridge being constructed behind old
one across both lanes of traffic.
Work for future ramps
for the I-74/Winston-Salem Northern Beltway interchange along US 52
North beyond the NC 65 exit.
Future ramps from the
Winston-Salem Northern beltway intersecting US 52 North around the
1-Mile advance sign for the Westinghouse Road exit.
Now heading south on
US 52 (Future I-74 East) looking toward the Northern Beltway
interchange work zone after the NC 65 exit.
Closer view of the
start of the construction area which involves moving the NC 65 exit
ramp for US 52 South.
Looking towards the
new lane for moved NC 65 exit and newly installed guardrail behind
orange construction barrels.
While the new ramp to
NC 65 is open, landscaping work continues along the roadway.
Former NC 65 exit
ramp blocked off by temporary barriers prior to new NC 65 bridge
over US 52.
A 1/4 mile advance
sign for the left NC 66 exit sits before new longer and wider NC 65
bridge nearing completion over US 52/Future I-74. (The NC 66 ramp is
the approximate location the future Beltway will cross US 52).
Earlier Photos taken on April 21, 2019 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
US 158 traffic using
new bridge over Future I-74/Winston-Salem Beltway.
Looking south from US
158 bridge along future I-74/Beltway concrete roadbed. Work has
started on landscaping along the sides of the roadway.
Further along the US
158 bridge looking east showing progress in completing Future I-74
Now looking directly east/south from US 158
bridge towards Walkertown Guthrie Road with Business 40/US 421
interchange beyond.
Looking at under
construction roadbed north of US 158 bridge, this section still not
A look north/west
toward the future US 158 interchange and beyond from Walkertown
Guthrie Road bridge.
Looking south/east
along future Beltway lanes from Walkertown Guthrie Road bridge.
Looking west/north from Walkertown Guthrie Road
bridge along future I-74 roadway back to US 158.
Going further east,
looking north/west back toward Walkertown Guthrie Road bridge.
Now looking south
toward the future Business 40/US 421 interchange showing the built
up ground for future Beltway lanes.
Looking north/west
along built up graded roadbed for future I-74 lanes leading up hill
from Business 40/US 421.
Looking from top of
hill south and east back over future Business 40/US 421 interchange.
Another view looking
down at the future Beltway interchange showing future flyover ramps
to current Business 40 East, Future US 421/Salem Parkway South.
Earlier photos taken on December 13, 2018 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
Business 40 to US 158 Segment:
Taken after a December snowstorm, the view from
Business 40 East (Future US 421 Salem Parkway) of flyover ramp for
I-74/Beltway interchange with bridges to carry I-74 over the highway
in the distance.
Looking north at
roadway under construction to connect to flyover ramp over Business
40 East.
Now looking south at
ramp under construction to connect flyover bridge to Future I-74
Closer look at ramp
bridge over Business 40 East. Appears to be still significant work
to do, one of the reasons the opening has been pushed back to the
end of next year instead of April 2019.
Close view of I-74
bridges over Business 40 East, as with the flyover ramp, there's
still a lot of work to do here also to complete the bridges.
Looking across the
Business 40/US 421 West lanes toward the future I-74/Beltway still
under construction. A noise wall is going up along the future ramp
to I-74 West.
Another look at the
interchange construction area from across Business 40.
A noise wall is being
constructed along the future ramp from I-74 to East Business 40.
Moving north to the
vicinity of E. Mountain Street, the roadbed for I-74 is being built
up to meet the existing bridge.
Looking east at the
built up roadbed in the vicinity of E. Mountain Street.
Looking further east
back toward the Business 40/US 421 interchange area.
Now further north,
looking west from Walkertown-Guthrie Road bridge towards the future
US 158 interchange.
Now looking east from
the same spot back toward Business 40/US 421.
Looking back west
toward US 158 at another angle showing completed US 158 bridge and
work started on the next section to US 311 beyond.
Looking at another
angle to the east, a noise wall under construction can be seen after
the curve in the distance.
Looking to the east
from the completed US 158 bridge back toward Walkertown-Guthrie
Sign on US 158 bridge
heading east indicating dedicated to Officer Stephen Levi Amos II.
US 158 to US 311 Section:
Looking west from Williston Road near site of
future bridge over the Beltway, looking towards US 311.
Looking east from
current Williston Road over future bridge under construction over
I-74/Beltway lanes.
Another view west
from site of new Williston Road bridge under construction. Road in
distance is US 311.
Looking east again,
over the frame of the future Williston Road bridge to the
I-74/Beltway lanes under construction.
Previous Photos taken on April 1, 2018 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
Looking south toward
the future interchange with Business 40/US 421 showing little
progress in grading the roadway but construction proceeding on a
flyover ramp for the Beltway exit.
A closer view of the
new flyover ramp at the future Business 40/US 421 interchange beyond
the US 421 roadway.
Looking north or west
along the future Beltway alignment toward West Mountain Street
showing lack or progress in grading this part of the roadway.
View of the Beltway
bridge over West Mountain Street, which appears to be mostly
complete, except for final grading.
View of concrete
Beltway roadbed from completed Walkertown Guthrie Road bridge.
Looking south or east
along the Beltway from the Walkertown Guthrie Road Bridge showing
progress in grading along the roadbed completed the year before.
Looking north/west
toward the future US 158 interchange from Walkertown Guthrie Bridge
showing progress in extending the concrete roadbed toward the exit,
some landscaping and on US 158 itself the construction of bridges to
take the final alignment of the highway over I-74.
Previous Photos taken on October 11, 2017 by Site Contributor, J. Austin Carter:
northwest toward US 158 from completed Walkertown-Guthrie Road
bridge over Future I-74. There has been significant progress with
placement of the concrete road bed.
A closer look at the
new concrete roadbed for Future I-74 from Walkertown Guthrie Road
looking towards the future US 158 interchange.
Looking now southeast
from the completed Walkertown Guthrie bridge along I-74 roadway
headed toward Business 40 showing progress in completing road
Traveling south to
near Business 40, view looking northwest toward bridge under
construction over Mountain View Rd.
Closer look at
progress grading Future I-74 Roadbed heading northwest toward bridge
over Mountain View Road.
Looking south toward
Business 40/US 421 showing grading underway for Future I-74/Beltway
Earlier Photos taken on April 13, 2017 by J. Austin Carter:
View of paved Future
I-74/Beltway lanes just south of US 158.
Looking north toward US 158 across the future
interchange construction zone, including the temporary concrete
plant between the original and current US 158 alignment.
View southeast from completed Walkertown
Guthrie Bridge over now paved Future I-74 East lanes.
looking north along graded Future I-74 lanes toward the nearly
completed West Mountain Street and Railroad Bridge (photos of bridge
View looking south toward Future I-74/Business
40 (US 421 Salem Parkway) and progress in constructing the
interchange (photos from Business 40 below).
Recent Photos taken on March 30, 2017:
Looking west Business
40/US 421/NC 150 entering the Winston-Salem Beltway construction
Approaching site of
future I-74/Beltway interchange with Business 40 showing clearing
and early structure construction.
Still continuing west and
approaching the grading to support future I-74/Beltway Bridges over
Bus. 40/US 421/NC 150.
A closer look at
construction going on to the south of the Eastbound lanes on Bus.
40/US 421/NC 150.
Looking north from Bus.
40/US 421/NC 150 along Future I-74/Beltway alignment showing
construction of support structures for future bridges.
A closer look at the
buildup of soil for the future crossing of I-74 West then I-74 East
lanes over Business 40/US 421 and NC 150.
Heading now east on Bus.
40/US 421/NC 150 approaching the I-74/Beltway construction zone.
Looking northwest over
Bus. 40/US 421/NC 150 at construction crane at site of future I-74
Now further north,
heading east on West Mountain Street approaching bridges being built
to carry I-74/Beltway traffic over the roadway and railroad tracks.
Now on the east side of
the bridge looking back from church parking lot on the old alignment
of West Mountain Street, showing support structures for bridges
largely in place.
Looking across both old
and new alignments of West Mountain Street showing construction to
complete grading of the I-74 lanes going on south of the bridges.
Looking west down
railroad tracks showing bridge crossing both the tracks and the new
alignment of West Mountain Street.
A closer look at the
northern end of the bridge above what was the old alignment of West
Mountain Street and showing further fill is needed before lanes can
be paved to meet the bridge structure.
Now at the northern end
of the project, looking west along US 158 approaching the
interchange construction area. US 158 traffic has been realigned to
the south through the work zone.
Further west on US 158 in
construction area showing work has largely been completed in
creating elevated areas for Future I-74 bridges.
Looking north of US 158
in the construction zone showing future ramp concrete structures
covered over by tarps.
Now heading back east on
US 158 looking down the hill to the Beltway interchange construction
area showing how US 158 has been re-routed around the work zone.
Looking from south of US
158 at temporary concrete plant built in the future interchange work
Looking south from US 158
over the alignment of I-74/Winston-Salem Beltway showing grading
being completed.
Another view of the
temporary concrete plant just east of the future I-74/Beltway lanes
being graded south of US 158.
Here are a few photos of construction progress on the first segment of the Beltway taken by J. Austin Carter on August 27, 2016:
One of the many road closed barriers placed along residential streets along the corridor of the Northern Beltway due to the road's construction.
Future Beltway section
being graded between Business 40 and US 158.
Part of newly
constructed part of Beltway showing built-up roadway.
From West Mountain
Street portion of new bridge being constructed for Beltway near
temporary cement plant.
Looking at massive
clearing and earth moving being done at site of future interchange
between the Beltway and US 158, seen in the distance.
Future bridge being
constructed along path of Northern Beltway.
View from bridge under
construction shows the amount of earth moving being done along the
I-74/Beltway corridor south of US 158.
Closer look at same
bridge showing deck under construction over future Northern
Beltway/I-74 near US 158.
Another scene of
grading for future Beltway lanes east of Winston-Salem, here the
future eastbound lanes are further along than the west.
Beltway construction
being threaded between houses, seen in the middle and right.
A closer view of
construction at the northern end of the project for the future
interchange with US 158.
Here are a few more photos of construction progress on the first segment of the Beltway taken by J. Austin Carter on April 19, 2016:
Looking along West
Business 40 showing clearing progress for future Beltway
at construction crews working just north of Business 40 on Future
Northern Beltway interchange.
Looking across
Business 40 to view clearing for the interchange going on to the
Work is seen
progressing in building future bridge supports and concrete pipes
are ready for placing for site drainage.
Looking further north
showing cleared corridor for I-74/Northern Beltway's path toward US
Here's some previous photos taken by J. Austin Carter on December 14, 2015:
1. US 52 South from Westinghouse Road to NC 74 East
2. US
52 South through the project work zone from Westinghouse Road to
Hanes Mill Road
3. US 52 North through the project work zone from Hanes Mill Road
4. NC 74 Beltway from US 421 to US 52 North
Construction along and between I-40 and I-74
Traveling NC 74 West, including new section between NC 66 and US 52
NCDOT plans to build the Eastern Half of the Northern Beltway in 7 segments. The latest segment to have plans released is for the section from I-40 to the I-74 'US 311' Freeway, a contract let in October 2022. The plans indicated new exit numbers for US 52 (though not to be signed as I-74 quite yet), see I-74 Segment 3, and also for the exit off of I-77, see I-74 Segment 1. They also posted previous sign plans for the Beltway itself and for new exit numbers for the Future NC 192 freeway, now part of I-74 Segment 5. Here are a few examples of plans showing the changing of NC 74 to I-74 when the project is completed in 2026:
The current NC 74 related signage at ramps, such as this on US 158 West, will have East (or West) I-74 signs installed.
of signage for US 52 North for Beltway exit prior to the signing of
I-74 on it.
Signs to be placed along US 52 North at the Beltway interchange prior to I-74 being signed along it in 2026. Note the exit number on US 52, 117, the next exit NC 65 is Exit 118.
and replacement signage along US 421 South for when the Beltway is
At the current other end of the Beltway current and future signage along US 421 South, Salem Parkway East.
Future signage along US 421
North, Salem Parkway west.
Signage at the future ramp to I-74 East along US 421 North.
on I-40 West approaching future I-74/Beltway interchange.
Future signage in I-40 West at the Linville Road exit (notice the error in the exit tab, going west it should say Exit 227 B-A).
Here are earlier plans released for the US 421/Salem Parkway to I-40 contract let on December 21, 2021. The sign plans here include some of the signs to be featured in the last segment from I-40 to what the existing I-74 (Former US 311) freeway. Here's a sample of the exit signs, headed west to east:
The 1/4 Mile advance sign for the US 421/Salem Parkway exit. There will be auxiliary signs for the parkway itself.
The 1/2 mile advance for the next exit headed east, Kernersville Road.
The 1/2 mile advance for the I-40 exit headed east. There will be a C/D ramp for the eastbound exits, but not for traffic headed west.
Overhead sign plans for separate exit ramps for I-40 on the Beltway headed west.
The sign plans also included an exit for the last segment of the Eastern Beltway to be constructed:
The 1/4 Mile Advance sign for NC 192 East which will be the new route number for the current I-74 west of the future Beltway interchange.
This sign placement plan shows how close the I-40 exit will be to the end of the Beltway at current I-74.
Based on ramp sign and mile marker plans, it appears I-74 will be signed along the Beltway when it is completed to I-40:
Plan for overhead ramp signs along Kernersville Road have I-74 shields, not reference to NC 74. Notice also that the control city for I-74 West in Wytheville VA, not Mount Airy, currently the control city along US 52 North in Winston-Salem.
Plans for 1 and 1/2 mile markers show inclusion of I-74 shields.
Posted plans also included those along I-40 which also refer to I-74, not NC 74:
The plans for the overhead signs at the C/D ramp for the future I-74 Beltway exit on I-40 East. Notice the exit number discrepancy, 2 miles between Exits 201 and 198, not the biggest one, see below.
The sign plans on I-40 West feature a 1 mile gap between Exits 201 and 198.
Here's a plan of the signage at the split of ramps from I-40 to the I-74 Beltway (similar signage with an I-40 shield is on the C/D ramp from the Beltway headed east.
Here's what the current I-74 East signage on I-40 West will look like once the Beltway is completed:
Plan for the 2 Miles advance sign on I-40 West. The plans for I-40 East were not included, perhaps it will say "To I-74 East" unless they would prefer traffic to use the Beltway ramps.
Based on a public relations request, AARoads Forum member Roadsguy obtained copies of the plans from NC 66 to US 311 and was kind to forward them to me. The plans featured updated signage for Exits 49 and 50 on I-74 East for when the Beltway opened west of US 311:
NEW-11/15/24 As can be seen on the US 311 sign, a future overlay with North is provided, indicating NCDOT was planning to further shorten the route's length, this time eliminating the route between the Beltway and US 52 in Winston-Salem. NCDOT received approval to do this at the Fall 2024 AASHTO meeting. There is no word yet on when the truncation will happen.
The plans for the exits between Baux Mountain Road and NC 66 match those of the signs seen in the photos above.
The plans for the NC 66 exit also show what the future I-74/US 52 interchange signage will look like when the ramp to US 52 South opens, and later when the western section of the Beltway is completed:
Note the To NC 65 included with the US 52 South exit. There will be no direct connection from I-74 to NC 65.
Plan for future ramp signage once I-74 is signed along the Beltway:
Plans for the second segment, from US 158 to US 311 were put on NCDOT's website on August 22, 2017, with a letting in October. The second segment will run almost 2 miles. Here's plans showing the new exit number for the US 311 exit:
Sign plan for US 311
interchange westbound at US 158 exit (already existing from previous
contract, see plans below) showing it will be designated Exit 49.
Plan for new arrow-per-lane
sign to be placed at US 158 exit when I-74 is completed east to US
311. Notice the lack of reference to Business 40 (seen on the
earlier plan below) on the US 421 sign. In the spring of 2017, NCDOT
announced that the official name for the Business 40 route in the
future will be the US 421 Salem Parkway, implying that the Business
40 designation will be dropped.
Plans for construction of the first segment of the Beltway were put on NCDOT's website on August 19, 2014 as advertising for the project letting on October 21. The first segment will run 3 miles between Business 40/US 421 and US 158, Reidsville Road it will also include the building of approximately 1 mile of the Loop further eastward toward I-40 that will be completed in the future. The signing plans indicate the route will be temporarily signed as NC 74, until the route is connected to at least I-40. The NC 74 signs can be seen in this plan for the initial signage at the Business 40 exit:
for signage on Business 40 East, showing temporary NC 74
designation, to be changed to I-74 when Loop is, at least, partially
completed east to I-40.
and future signs for I-74 East at the Business 40/US 421 Exit. Since
these plans were published, NCDOT has announced it will remove the
Business 40 designation from what will be called the US 421 Salem
Parkway around 2020.
Signage plans for the US 158 exit ramp
signage to I-74 East.
Signage planned for I-74 West at the US
421 interchange.
for signage approaching I-74 along US 421 North at South Main St in
Kernersville, the exit number is now 227.
shields to be featured on this segment of the Beltway. Though the
signs for the Business 40 exit do not included NC 150, which is
routed on the highway along with US 421, the ground signage still
indicates its presence. Again, the plan is for the Business 40
designation to be removed from US 421 in 2020.
The plans indicate that the exit numbers along this segment will be 53 A&B for US 42 and 50 for US 158. The sign plan for the next segment to be constructed, from US 158 to US 311, indicates that US 311 will be Exit 49.
News for Eastern Section Construction in recent years
The remaining segments of the Beltway were unfunded, and their construction dates uncertain, until December 2014. That month NCDOT released their latest draft State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document, formally approved in June 2015, which listed all funded projects in the state from 2016 to 2025. In the 2018-2027 STIP released in August 2017, among Forsyth County projects to be funded, included all of the remaining six Beltway segments. Next in line was (Segment C) the 1.4 mile US 158 to US 311/Walkertown Road segment which was awarded on December 6, 2017 at a cost of $68 million, work started in January 2018 with a planned completion by November 2021.12 The two segments (AA and AB) to connect these completed Beltway segments to I-74/US 311, from Business 40/US 421 to I-40 and from I-40 to I-74/US 311, will together cost $273 million and will start in 2020 and 2021. Contracts for the other 3 segments, unfunded in the previous TIP, D, US 311 to Baux Mountain Road, E, Baux Mountain Road to NC 8, and F, NC 8 to US 52, all Design-Build projects, were put out to bid in March 24, 2018, delayed 5 months in October 2017, funded due to reforms to the 2015-17 state budget that added over $700 million in new moneys for transportation over the next two years, work is to be completed in 2021.14 A contract which will build the Beltway interchange with US 52 was let in August 2018, work then start in November 2018 with the project originally set to be completed in September 2022, now in the fall of 2023.4
The project has been further accelerated since, with work starting on the 2 mile section from US 158 to US 311 on January 20, 2018 with completion in December 2020.6 The letting of the remaining projects from US 311 to US 52, design-build contracts covering 6.9 miles from US 311 to just east of US 52 was delayed until March 2018, work started in April 2018 and the road opened to NC 66 in November 2022.
For the latest official information on the Beltway, go to NCDOT's Winston-Salem Northern Beltway project page.
*In November 2004, NCDOT released, as part of its Strategic Highway Corridors initiative, a map of existing and proposed Triad area highways showing an I-285 extending from I-85 in Lexington to I-40 in Winston-Salem with a note saying it would be extended to I-74 if US 52 was upgraded to interstate standards.18 Finally, in 2019, I-285 from I-85 to I-40 was signed, after all projects to upgrade the highway to interstate standards were completed. In May 2019, NCDOT got permission from AASHTO to designate US 52 from I-40 to the future Northern Beltway interchange as Future I-285. It is unknown at this time when projects to upgrade this part of the highway will be funded. For more information, visit my Future I-285 page.
**On the same SHC Triad map19 the western half of the Beltway, from US 52 (I-74) to I-40, is signed as:
(information on I-274 is on the Winston-Salem
Northern Beltway main page.)
***There seems to have been some confusion over the years as to the actual Eastern Beltway mileage. The 2004-2010 STIP listed the distance for the Beltway from US 52 to I-40 as 12.6 miles and the extension to US 311 as 1.6 miles (for a total of 14.2 miles). Then the subsequent STIP listed the entire length as 12.6 miles (used in the map below). The Strategic Corridors list says the total mileage is 16.2. A 2006 newspaper article listed the distance as 17.4 miles. The 2009-2015 STIP listed the project distance from US 52 to I-40 as 14.3 miles. The Draft STIP released in December 2014 and all subsequent STIPs, lists the combined mileage for projects U-2579 and U-2579A as 17.1 miles, so this is the mileage number I am using.
If anyone else has photos of the current roads in the vicinity of this segment, feel free to E-mail me.
A detailed map from 1999 showing part of the proposed I-74 route between Bus. 40 and US 311 in more detail: