Where: US 74 from NC 41 south of Lumberton, Robeson County to US 76 west of Whiteville, Columbus CountyLength: 22.7 MilesNeeded: Upgrade to Interstate StandardsCurrent Highway signed as:Interstate Upgrade Work to Start: After 2033 |
I-74 east of Lumberton is to use the existing US 74 highway southeast to the US 76 interchange east of Whiteville. Currently, US 74 from NC 41 south to US 76 is a four-lane divided highway. A project to widen the road was completed in 1999 but did not include removing most of the existing highway intersections.1 For I-74 to be signed on this road the current highway would need to be upgraded to Interstate standards by replacing the remaining intersections with bridges and/or interchanges. In September 2019, NCDOT added such a project to its FY 2020-2029 STIP, however, the project became unfunded in the 2024-2033 STIP released in June 2023, see details below.
NCDOT started upgrades to this segment as part of the 2005 Federal transportation legislation through which they received moneys to upgrade the intersection between NC 242 and US 74/NC 130 (shown below) to a grade-separated interchange.
Looking at the intersection of US 74/NC 130 and NC 242 as it existed prior to the new interchange being constructed, in July 2006.
NCDOT first held a workshop on July 11, 2006 to provide local citizens with information about the work and a companion project to upgrade the US 74/76 intersection with NC 211 near Bolton.5 Another meeting occurred on May 27, 2008. Right of way acquisition took place during 2009 with construction, delayed since 2006, starting in July 2010.6 NCDOT, as part of its 2006 press release, said it planned to upgrade US 74 to a 'fully controlled access route' aka freeway, between these two projects. This would imply that, for this segment, the upgrading of about 7 miles of US 74 between the end of the US 74/76 Whiteville Bypass and NC 242. The cost listed for the entire project, $6.8 million, and the project length (.83 miles), however would seem to be too low to include upgrading the rest of US 74 along with building the new interchange.7 There already is an interchange built to the east as part of the previous US 74 upgrade at the intersection with NC 410/US 74 Business/East NC 130 that could potentially serve as an interchange for I-74, cutting down on the project cost.
The project was let in July 2010 and construction started on August 30, 2010. The interchange opened in September 2012, though the project was not officially completed until December 31, 2012.2 Though originally without one, in the summer of 2013 an exit number, 228, based on I-74 mileage, was added to the exit signage.3 Here's a photo of the numbered exit signage from May 2014, thanks to Chris Curley:
Photo of the then newly numbered exit sign for new interchange with NC 242, May 2014.
In December 2008 NCDOT began a project (W-4704) to replace the US 74/Old Kingsdale Road (SR 2210) intersection, about 3 miles to the east of NC 41, with an interchange. Work was completed in the summer of 2010, see photos below. While this project was officially not related to I-74, only referred to as a 'Hazard Elimination', it added and additional five miles of the limited access freeway east of NC 41 with a speed limit upgrade to 70 MPH. This was the start of a seemingly piecemeal approach strategy by NCDOT of making US 74 interstate compatible by replacing the remaining 7 intersections between NC 41 and US 76 with interchanges (or closing some of them) gradually over the years as funds become available.8 Actions by NCDOT since then have corroborated this idea. NCDOT conducted a Feasibility Study about the costs of upgrading this segment (and part of the next, from NC 41 to the Union Cross Road exit on the US 74/76 Whiteville Bypass) to interstate standards, whose recommendations were published in May 2014.9 The study recommended building a 4-lane interstate standard freeway by eliminating the 6 remaining at-grade intersections replacing them either by grade separations or interchanges. The 24-mile study zone was separated into 9 Sections, A to I, with 4 of the sections having two alternate designs. The sections, alternative descriptions and anticipated costs from the report are below:
The Kingsdale reference for Section A is the building of an interchange for the already grade separate road. The remaining alternatives differ as to whether a grade separation or interchange should be built. Since 2014 it appears NCDOT has narrowed the list to include interchanges for most of the sections with alternatives. A project to replace the intersection of US 74 and old US 74 (SR 1574) at the southern part of this segment was started in March 2016. When this was completed in October 2017, US 74 became a limited access highway between the Whiteville Bypass at Exit 235 and NC 242 at Exit 228 with the speed limit of 70 MPH from US 76 extended 6 more miles north from Mile 231 to just prior to the Old Boardman Road intersection (see photo below), which is depicted in the map above. In the 2020-2029 State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) document released in August 2019 there were three projects listed related to upgrading US 74 to freeway standards listed in the above table. A project that will upgrade the intersection at Old Boardman Road to an interchange was to start in 2025, but was later moved up and was let on April 20, 2021, work began on May 25 and as of September 7, 2024 was listed as over 4/5 complete at 84.8%, however all the ramps, as well as the bridge, over the future interstate were opened a year earlier at the end of September 2023 (see photos below). With the interchange completed, US 74 is now a freeway throughout Columbus County.10
In Robeson County, a project to replace the intersection between US 74 and Broadridge Road and create a Directional Crossover intersection further east, where only right-turns are allowed on the intersecting roadway with left lane only lanes added 1/4 mile in each direction for U-turns, with Creek Road (C204013) was awarded in November 2017 (accelerated from 2019). Work started on November 27, 2017 and was completed in November 2019, extending the freeway south from Lumberton an additional 2 miles (see photos below).11 The press release for the project also included text that said this project was part of a continuing process to upgrade US 74 to interstate standards, confirming the piecemeal approach, the intersection with Creek Road is to be replaced by a bridge as part of the interstate upgrade project currently to start after 2029.12 Plans released when this project was advertised for bids showed the I-74 exit number would be 219 and that a 70 mph speed limit will start westbound 1 mile before the exit (see below).13 Another project, which started on April 12, 2023, will replace the intersections of US 74 with NC 72 and NC 130, currently two intersections, into a combined single exit.14 As of December 7, 2024 the project was over 3/5 complete at 60.0%, with work scheduled to finish a year later in December 2026.15 Here is the sign plan for the future exit, shown to be Exit 223, and the overall sign plan for the interchange which will include new roundabouts on either side of US 74:
It was hoped that once this project was completed, all would be left to upgrade to a freeway would be about a 2 mile stretch south of the interchange with two intersections just north of the town of Boardman (Woodrow Road and VC Britt Road, SR 2245), plus possible reconstruction of at least one of the bridges over the Lumber River and others in the same area, to make the entire highway a freeway that could be then upgraded fairly easily to Interstate Standards. However, the NC 72/130 project is not closing the intersection to the north (west) with Creek Road as part of this project, that project is now not to start until 2027,14 leaving a 4 mile section still as expressway grade with a speed limit of 60 MPH between Mile 220 and Mile 224. In the summer of 2012, NCDOT replaced the US 74 mileposts along this stretch from mile 214 (and continuing on the US-74/76 Whiteville Bypass and east of Delco, mile 271) with I-74 mile markers so as to negate any need to change exit numbers when I-74 is signed in the future.16
In the fall of 2019, future funding on the conversion of US 74 to Interstate Standards from NC 41 to US 76 (Project I-6011), see below, and the NC 72/NC 150 upgrade to interchange projects were suspended, along with I-74 related projects in Columbus County, due to NCDOT budget problems brought on, according to NCDOT by the success of a lawsuit against the agency for not paying for property along future highway alignments which could cost them hundreds of millions of dollars and fixing damages from many recent hurricanes. The legislature has said it plans to work with NCDOT to fix some of the money problems but it is not known if this will restore all the funding for the currently suspended projects.17 Moneys were found to restart the engineering work for the interchange projects in 2020, despite new resource problems caused by the loss of gas tax revenue due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Travel through the construction zones for the Boardman and NC 130/72 interchanges (about 90 minutes in) on this Video by Driving Around NC, driving from Southport to Lumberton mostly on US 74/76 West, posted on March 30, 2024. (NEW)
"Drive" I-74 East from just beyond Lumberton to Whiteville, with this video from Tarheel Travels, made on June 27, 2022 (includes part of Segment 18).
Taken by David Gallo in December 2024:
Approaching the future exit for NC 72/NC 130 on US 74 East.
The future NC 72/NC 130 exit ramps being paved.
Signs still up for the now close NC 72 intersection on US 74 East.
Approaching the future NC 72/NC 130 exit bridge on US 74 East.
A detour sign for NC 72 traffic at the reduced conflict intersection beyond new interchange work zone.
Screen Grabs from Google Maps Street View in November 2024:
Approaching the future exit ramp to NC 72/130 on US 74 East.
Grading has started along the future exit ramp to NC 72/130. The signs indicate the former NC 72 intersection is now closed.
Construction barrels block of the still painted left turn lane at the former NC 72 intersection on US 74 East.
View of the bridge being built for the NC 72/130 exit from US 74 East.
Approaching the future exit on-ramp prior to the existing NC 130 intersection.
Approaching the current NC 130 intersection on US 74 East. They have widened the road to include the future exit on-ramp.
The lanes of US 74 East narrow approaching the Tar River bridges after the NC 130 intersection heading towards Boardman.
Approaching the NC 130 West intersection, traffic narrowed down to one lane on US 74 West.
View of the traffic layout at the current NC 130 intersection, with left lane only lane still in place.
Approaching the future exit ramp to NC 72/130 on US 74 West.
The future exit ramp has received some grading in this direction as well. Traffic for NC 130 West will travel over the bridge in the distance.
Approaching the future NC 72/130 exit bridge, notice there is still a JCT NC 72 and destination signs approaching the now closed intersection.
Approaching the NC 72/130 exit bridge still under construction from US 74 West. The No U Turn signs are for the break in the median that still exists at the former NC 72 intersection.
A closeup of the future NC 72/130 exit bridge.
At the closed NC 72 intersection, remember no left turns allowed. The future on-ramp to US 74 West in the distance.
Approaching the future exit ramp from NC 72/130 on US 74 West. The Detour US 74 East signs were put up when the NC 72 intersection was still open.
Approaching the end of the future on-ramp from NC 72/130 to US 74 West.
Photos taken along US 74 East at NC 72/NC 130 interchange construction area, July 31, 2024:
Graded ramps have now been constructed for the future NC 72/NC 130 West interchange. Despite the NC 72 interchange being closed, there is still a left turn advisory sign in the median.
Approaching the future NC 72/NC 130 West interchange bridge now constructed over US 74 (Future I-74) with work continuing.
Screen shots from Driving Around NC video taken along US 74 West through the NC 130/72 interchange construction area in late March 2024:
Approaching the NC 130 West intersection at the start of the interchange construction work zone.
Now at the NC 130 West intersection with the work zone marked by construction barrels.
Approaching the future NC 130/72 West interchange off-ramp prior to the NC 72 intersection.
Approaching the future bridge to carry traffic to NC 130 West from US 74 (Future I-74) West.
A closure view of the NC 130 West bridge with center support and bridge abutments being constructed.
Now at the NC 72 West intersection which is currently closed off in both directions. There still was a Junction NC 72 trailblazer before the bridge.
Approaching the end of the interchange work zone on US 74 West.
There is a Detour To NC 72 trailblazer a mile down the road at the Creek Road intersection.
Photos taken by David Gallo on US 74 East at the NC 130/72 interchange construction area in January 2024:
Heading west on US 74 towards current NC 72 West intersection showing progress in landscaping along the right lane for future bridge abutment.
Closer look on US 74 West prior to current NC 72 West intersection showing landscaping progress.
Now looking behind the right hand landscaping towards what is being done along NC 72.
The West NC 72 trailblazer along US 74 West with grass growing behind and construction equipment in the distance.
A look at the barriers along the median. Traffic is only allowed to turn left from US 74 East at the 72 West intersection.
Photos taken by David Gallo on US 74 East at the NC 130/72 interchange construction area in October 2023:
Approaching now reopened West NC 72 intersection in interchange work zone.
Median grading and other activities near the reopened NC 72 intersection.
Clearing work being done at site of future NC 130/73 interchange.
A closer look at the grading and dirt piles along US 74 West near the NC 72 intersection, and the completed paving of the lanes in the area.
The West NC 72 trailblazer on US 74 West just beyond newly repaved lanes.
Photos taken by David Gallo on US 74 East at the NC 130/72 interchange construction area in September 2023:
Signs warning of upcoming left lane closure approaching current site of NC 72 West intersection, closed now to eastbound traffic.
Construction barrels marking beginning of left lane closure approaching the NC 72 West intersection.
Arrow marks beginning of closed left lane at former turn lane for NC 72 West.
The start of grading along the median besides the closed left lane after the NC 72 West intersection, with paving taking place along US 74 West.
A closer look at the clearing and grading of the median along the closed left lane of US 74 West approaching NC 130.
Photos taken by David Gallo on US 74 West between Boardman and the NC 130/72 interchange construction area in September 2023:
Signs still warn of lane closures entering the Boardman exit construction zone.
Approaching Boardman exit construction area with left lane closed and new exit sign seen in the distance.
A closer look at the new Boardman exit sign, Exit 225, for Boardman.
Close view of Boardman exit gore sign and ramp to Old Boardman Road.
Signage up at the new exit indicating reduced 60 MPH speed due to the upcoming end of the freeway (though the current speed limit is 55 MPH).
Approaching the Old Boardman Road bridge with contractors performing final median work.
Pair of new reassurance markers after the Boardman exit approaching the Lumber River bridges and the start of the next construction area for the NC 130/72 interchange.
Now in Robeson County and approaching the NC 130 West intersection and more left lane closures.
Construction barrels block the left lane at the NC 130 West intersection.
Left lane paving has begun after the NC 130 West intersection.
Dirt piles seen along roadway at the NC 72 West intersection and mile marker 223, the number for the future exit.
Construction taking place at the NC 72 West intersection.
More paving in the left lane after the NC 72 West intersection.
Both grading in the media and paving activities after the NC 72 West intersection towards the end of the construction zone.
Photos taken by David Gallo on US 74 East between the NC 130/72 interchange construction site and Boardman in July 2023:
Sign on US 74 East warning of potential smoke from tree debris being burned at site of future NC 130/72 interchange ahead.
East US 74 East reassurance marker by land cleared for future NC 130/72 interchange.
A portable messages sign along US 74 East after the NC 130 intersection warns drivers of the closure of Macedonia Church Road.
Approaching the future Boardman interchange.
The interstate standard roadway heading east after the open Boardman interchange and heading towards the still under construction bridge.
Photos taken by Adam Prince at the NC 130/72 interchange construction site on July 26, 2023:
Approaching Creek Road on US 74 East, this intersection is just prior, you can see the first work zone sign in the distance, to the NC 72/NC 130 interchange construction zone and its removal is not part of the project.
Approaching the NC 72 West intersection on US 74 East, construction activity causing dust clouds in the distance.
A closer look along US 74 East at the NC 72 intersection of the dust clouds created as part of the interchange project.
Closer view of construction activity after the NC 72 West intersection.
Little construction seen approaching the NC 130 intersection with US 74 East.
Photos taken by Adam Prince at the Boardman interchange construction site on July 26, 2023:
Approaching the opened ramp to Old Boardman Road on US 74/NC 130 East.
A closer look at the opened ramp to Old Boardman Road.
A new merging traffic sign approaching the opened on-ramp from Old Boardman Road on US 74/NC 130 East.
Detour sign for Old Boardman Road no longer needed with exit ramps now open on US 74/NC 130 East approaching the temporary u-turn lane.
Photos taken by David Gallo at the NC 130/72 and Boardman interchange projects in June 2023:
Brush being cleared and burned in the area of the future interchange with NC 72/130 along US 74 East.
Approaching the current intersection with NC 72 on US 74 West.
Looking across at the extent of brush needed to be cleared for the future interchange.
View of the completed roadway along US 74 (Future I-74) West heading under new bridge at Old Boardman Road.
Google Maps Street View images of the Boardman interchange project area from April and May 2023:
Approaching completed exit ramp to Old Boardman Road on US 74 / NC 130 East.
Driving onto new exit ramp to Old Boardman Road.
Approaching the half open roundabout at end of the future Boardman exit ramp (I'm assuming the Stop signs are only temporary.
Traffic barrels blocking access to the nearly completed Old Boardman Road bridge over US 74 / NC 130 East. Notice no reference to the latter route on at the signed and open eastbound on-ramp.
A closer look at the nearly completed Old Boardman Road bridge over US 74 / NC 130 East.
Driving down the completed Old Boardman Road ramp to US 74 / NC 130 East behind a contractor vehicle.
Looking back along US 74 / NC 130 East towards the nearly completed Old Boardman Road bridge.
The nearly completed Boardman exit ramp on US 74 / NC 130 West. Assuming this will open after the on-ramp is completed.
Grading work still continuing in median just west of the future Old Boardman Road bridge over US 74 / NC 130 East. Oncoming traffic in the right lane is accessing the Old Boardman Road intersection.
The existing Old Boardman Road intersection with US 74 / NC 130 now surrounded by dirt piles related to constructing the future on-ramp.
Grading has started on the future Old Boardman Road on-ramp to US 74 / NC 130 West in front of the gas station.
Completed part of future Boardman exit on-ramp merging with US 74 / NC 130 West.
Meanwhile, no sign of construction in Robeson County at the future interchange with NC 130 West/NC 72:
No sign of construction yet approaching the NC 130 West intersection on US 74 East.
Same story viewing the NC 130 West intersection in the other direction.
Nor any sign of construction yet approaching the NC 72 intersection on US 74 West.
Earlier Photos
Photos heading east from the NC 41 interchange from April 2022:
An unusual 2 Miles advance sign for a non-interstate exit on US 74 West approaching Lumberton.
The NC 41 exit sign approaching the start of I-74 West in Lumberton. Note the start of the interstate standard shoulder.
The NC 41 gore sign on US 74 West.
Though I-74 officially ends at NC 41, there's still a East I-74 trailblazer matching one for I-74/ US 74 West heading north. The End I-74 sign that was previously up at the end of the on-ramp is missing from the images from April 2022.
Photos from south of NC 41, taken also in April 2022:
Heading under the Kingsdale Road bridge, notice the interstate standard shoulders on both sides.
Photos of the completed Broadridge Road interchange from April 2022:
A 1 Mile advance sign for the Broadridge Road exit.
The Broadridge Road exit sign on US 74 East.
The gore sign for the Broadridge Road exit on US 74 West.
An East US 74 trailblazer approaching the on-ramp on Broadridge Road.
Trailblazers approaching the US 74 westbound ramps to and from Broadridge Road.
View from the Broadridge Road bridge shows the interstate standard highway between the exit ramps.
Photos from south of Broadridge Road, April 2022:
View of I-74 mileage Mile 220 marker on US 74 south of Broadridge Road and the return of narrow shoulders.
Reduced Speed Limit 60 Ahead advisory signs mark the end of the US 74 freeway near Mile 221 on US 74 East.
Approaching the intersection with Creek Road on US 74 East. Originally this was to be closed as part of the construction of the NC 72/NC 130 interchange project (see map below), however this work was not included when the plans were released in January 2023.
West NC 72 trailblazer approaching intersection on US 74 East.
NC 130 trailblazers approaching next intersection on US 74 East, both will be combined into 1 interchange. Work to start by the spring of 2023.
The West NC 130 trailblazer approaching the intersection on US 74 West.
The other remaining intersection in Robeson County is this one with V.C. Britt Road just prior to the Lumber River.
An East I-74 trailblazer westbound, this new U-turn was provided to provide traffic access to Macedonia Church Road back across the bridge in Boardman, which is not accessible in this direction due to interchange construction.
The first of the three bridges over the Lumber River prior to entering Columbus County. Though perhaps not interstate standard, they may be able to receive a waiver to become I-74.
The third of the bridges over the Lumber River, with near interstate standard right shoulder.
The first of the bridges over the Lumber River headed west, with newly constructed interstate width right shoulder ending just prior.
Pair of Speed Limit 70 signs mark the resumption of the US 74 freeway in Columbus County.
The 3/4 Mile advance sign for the NC 242 exit on US 74 East.
The leaning gore sign for the NC 242 exit on US 74 East.
The destinations approaching the eastbound US 74 ramp on NC 242 South.
The destination sign for the ramp to US 74 (Future I-74) West.
The bridge view looking east along US 74 showing upgraded highway in vicinity of NC 242.
The Future I-74 Corridor sign on US 74 East after the NC 242 exit.
View westbound of the bridge carrying Business US 74. Completion of this bridge allowed the 70 mph speed limit to continue from US 76 to just before Boardman.
The 1 Mile advance sign for the NC 410/Business 74/East NC 130 exit on US 74 East.
The exit sign for the NC 410/Business 74/East NC 130 exit on US 74 East.
The gore sign for the NC 410/Business 74/East NC 130 exit, and the resumption of interstate standard shoulders.
The East US 74 trailblazer approaching the ramp carrying NC 130 East and the beginning of Business 74.
Approaching the merge of US 74 East with US 76 East near Whiteville.
Creating the Boardman interchange,
Taken by David Gallo, December 23, 2022 on US 74 East:
Approaching the interchange construction zone showing completion of girders for bridge across US 74.
Getting closet to the interchange, the eastbound lanes have been recently paved.
The open off-ramp to Old Boardman Road in this direction, landscape being graded by the still to open bridge.
Approaching the bridge over the US 74 lanes.
Closeup of the construction crane used to complete work on the bridge across US 74.
Approaching the bridge showing most of the structure completed with deck work proceeding.
Taken by Tracy Hamm in October 2022:
Future off-ramp from US 74 East to Old Boardman Road now paved.
The girders for the bridge section over US 74 East have been placed.
Taken by David Gallo in September 2022:
Approaching the construction zone in September 2022 headed east.
Bridge construction continues along the westbound lanes.
A closer look at the future Boardman interchange bridge.
The construction along US 74/NC 130 East.
Previous photos taken in March and April 2022 by David Gallo and Tracy Hamm:
Approaching the Boardman interchange construction zone on US 74/NC 130 West in April 2022.
Construction seen on new Boardman interchange bridge along US 74 East.
A closer look at the construction equipment placing soil at site of future bridge over US 74/NC 130 (Future I-74).
Support structures being placed for future US 74 bridge along the east side of the roadway, behind port-a-potty placed in median.
Support for future bridge still stands alone in the median of US 74 / NC 130 in April 2022.
A closer look westbound at the support for future bridge approaching the Old Boardman Road intersection.
US 74/NC 130 East traffic approaching Old Boardman Road interchange construction site in March 2022.
A temporary work zone speed limit sign approaching the bridge over the Lumber River and Columbus County line.
US 74 East traffic approaching future Boardman interchange, sign directing traffic to Macedonia Church Road which currently intersects on the right.
Approaching the future Boardman exit ramp.
A closer view of the future ramp from US 74 (Future I-74) East.
US 74 East traffic approaching site of future Old Boardman Road bridge.
A closer look at the embankment being built for the future Old Boardman Road bridge over US 74 (Future I-74).
US 74 West traffic approaching Old Boardman Road at site of future Old Boardman Road bridge.
Portable Work Speed Limit sign on US 74 West approaching the Boardman interchange work zone.
Further along US 74 West approaching the work zone, smoke from fire in construction area is limiting visibility on the road.
Crane seen in the distance beyond the Old Boardman Road intersection.
Crane behind supports being constructed in US 74 median for future Boardman interchange bridge.
Closeup of future bridge being constructed in US 74 median.
View of crane constructing bridge supports from Old Boardman Road approaching US 74 West.
Current entrance to US 74 West from Old Boardman Road.
View of current intersection ramp to Old Boardman Road from US 74 West.
Courtesy of timmer63 in November 2018:
Newly paved future exit ramp to Broadridge Road from US 74 East.
A closer view of the newly paved exit ramp to Broadridge Road.
View from US 74 East of construction zone around new interchange for Broadridge Road earlier in the month prior to paving of exit ramp.
Closer look at mound being built for bridge construction alongside US 74 West for Broadridge Road interchange.
Prior to paving future ramp to Broadridge Road blocked off from US 74 traffic.
Portable VMS tells drivers the current intersection with Broadridge Road is closed.
Another view of construction progress for the new interchange from US 74 East. The center bridge support awaits the steel support structure.
In January 2019, NCDOT finally posted a funded project for upgrading US 74 between NC 41 and US 76 to an interstate. The Project, I-6011, appeared in the 2020-2029 Draft STIP document among those for Division 8. In the final STIP released in September 2019, Right-of-Way purchasing along the corridor was to start in 2027 (was 2025 in the Draft), however construction, partly financed by bonds, was now not planned to start until after 2029. Given that most of the intersection upgrades will have happened by then, the total cost for this project is fairly low, $64.5 million, and thus should not take a long time to complete.19 This proved to be too optimistic. In the Final 2024-2033 STIP released in June 2023 the project was no labeled as 'Unfunded' meaning any work to upgrade this segment to interstate standards would not take place now until after 2033. A possible reason for this change, the new STIP estimates the cost of the upgrade now as $170 million or about $740,000 per mile.20 In the preliminary Quantitative Score spreadsheet for potential 2026-2035 STIP projects released in May 2024, I-6011 was now estimated to cost $100 million more, $270 million. Its State Mobility score was given as 70.90, probably not high enough to start any earlier than before, and possibly to be put off to beyond, 2035.21
I-74/US 74 East from NC 41: At On-Ramp from NC 41 North (June 2018)
US 74/NC 130 West at NC 242: Using On-Ramp from NC 242 North (January 2019)
US 74 West from US 76: Prior to US 76 West Off-Ramp (May 2019)
Here's a photo of the construction progress at Old Kingsdale Road in February 2009 taken from US 74 East. (2/7/09)
Here's the view looking west from a closed Old Kingsdale road going west toward US 74. (2/8/09)
Here's what the construction area looked like in May 2009. Photos courtesy of James Mast:
Looking at the grading for the bridge along US 74 West going the opposite direction. (May 2009)
Here's the same construction seen from West US 74, the first I-74 exit sign can be seen when driving through this project (May 2009). Construction was to be complete in November 2009, but the contract was not completed until April 2010.
This is what the bridge, nearly completed over US 74 looked like in November 2009. There were still orange barrels, barriers and construction equipment indicating the bridge work was not completed yet. This was confirmed by the Construction Progress Report which indicated it was 84% complete at the time of this photo. (11/15/09)
The view from US 74 West shows that some more paving, at least, needs to be done on the bridge, though guardrails have been installed. (11/15/09)
Here is the path of US 74 for this segment, the circles on the map represent projects to close cross-street intersections and/or interchanges to be built:
Map from NCDOT, courtesy of Nick Zachetti, showing completed and planned construction along US 74 between Lumberton and Whiteville. (New 12/15/22) Note at that time it was thought the Creek Road bridge would be built at the same time as the NC 72/130 interchange.
Tour I-74's future and current route along US 74 in Columbus and Robeson Counties on This Video courtesy of J. Austin Carter, from January 2013.